Road vehicles — Objective rating metric for non-ambiguous signals

ISO/TS 18571:2014 provides validation metrics and rating procedures to be used to calculate the level of correlation between two non-ambiguous signals obtained from a physical test and a computational model, and is aimed at vehicle safety applications. The objective comparison of time-history signals of model and test is validated against various loading cases under different types of physical loads such as forces, moments, and accelerations. However, other applications might be possible too, but are not within the scope of ISO/TS 18571:2014.

Véhicules routiers — Mesures pour l'évaluation objective de signaux non ambigus

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9599 - Withdrawal of International Standard
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ISO/TS 18571:2014 - Road vehicles -- Objective rating metric for non-ambiguous signals
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62 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
Road vehicles — Objective rating
metric for non-ambiguous signals
Véhicules routiers — Mesures pour l’évaluation objective de signaux
non ambigus
Reference number
ISO/TS 18571:2014(E)
ISO 2014

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ISO/TS 18571:2014(E)

© ISO 2014
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ISO/TS 18571:2014(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 1
5 General data requirements . 4
6 ISO metric . 4
6.1 Calculation of the overall ISO rating . 5
6.2 Corridor score . 5
6.3 Phase, magnitude, and slope scores . 7
7 Meaning of the overall ISO rating .13
8 Pre-processing of the data .13
8.1 Synchronization of the signals .13
8.2 Sampling rate.14
8.3 Filtering .14
8.4 Interval of evaluation .14
9 Limitations .15
9.1 Type of signals .

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