Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) architecture - Part 5-103: Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and Class 3 - Remote access smart audio interconnection profile

ISO/IEC 14543-5-103:2023 (E) specifies the application framework, device interaction process, request and response message formats and service description requirements to achieve intelligent grouping, resource sharing and service collaboration among various audio devices and controllers.
This document is applicable to many types of audio devices with network connection capability. Networked audio devices can include a multi-room home audio system, a high-fidelity audio system, a home theatre, a smart radio, background audio, mobile audio and public audio equipment. Services specified by this document enable smart audio interconnection applications to interoperate seamlessly among audio devices and resource servers at home, in an office or in other remote environments. These services can include multi-device synchronization, sound configuration, audio on-demand service and music streaming and rendering.

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ISO/IEC 14543-5-103:2023 - Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) architecture - Part 5-103: Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and Class 3 - Remote access smart audio interconnection profile Released:30. 10. 2023
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ISO/IEC 14543-5-103
Edition 1.0 2023-10
Information technology – Home electronic system (HES) architecture
Part 5-103: Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and
Class 3 – Remote access smart audio interconnection profile

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ISO/IEC 14543-5-103
Edition 1.0 2023-10
Information technology – Home electronic system (HES) architecture

Part 5-103: Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and

Class 3 – Remote access smart audio interconnection profile

ICS 35.240.67 ISBN 978-2-8322-7682-2

– 2 – ISO/IEC 14543-5-103:2023
© ISO/IEC 2023
1 Scope . 9
2 Normative references . 9
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 10
3.1 Terms and definitions . 10
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 10
4 Conformance . 11
5 RA smart audio interconnection profile descriptions . 11
5.1 Overview. 11
5.2 Basic functionalities . 12
5.3 Generic audio device categories . 12
5.3.1 Overview . 12
5.3.2 Home audio . 12
5.3.3 Public audio . 12
5.3.4 Mobile audio . 12
5.4 Interaction model . 13
5.5 Smart audio device types . 13
5.5.1 Smart audio server (AS) . 13
5.5.2 Smart audio renderer (AR) . 13
5.5.3 Smart audio control point (CP) . 14
5.5.4 Smart audio gateway (AG) . 14
5.5.5 IGRS RA service platform (IRSP) . 14
5.5.6 Internet audio content server . 14
5.6 Interface specifications . 14
5.6.1 Overview . 14
5.6.2 AS service module interface . 15
5.6.3 AR service module interface . 15
5.6.4 CP module interface . 15
5.6.5 Smart audio gateway module interface . 16
6 Smart audio device type descriptions . 16
6.1 Smart audio renderer . 16
6.1.1 Overview . 16
6.1.2 Device type description . 16
6.1.3 AR service interfaces . 16
6.1.4 Mandatory invocation interface descriptions . 17
6.2 Smart audio server. 18
6.2.1 Overview . 18
6.2.2 Device type description . 18
6.2.3 AS service interfaces . 18
6.2.4 Mandatory invocation interface description . 19
6.3 Smart audio control point . 20
6.3.1 Overview . 20
6.3.2 Device type description . 20
6.3.3 CP service interfaces . 20
6.3.4 Mandatory invocation interface description . 21

© ISO/IEC 2023
6.4 Smart audio gateway . 22
7 Smart audio service type descriptions . 23
7.1 Reference BCM connection management and transport control process . 23
7.2 Service types . 23
7.3 Group management service . 24
7.3.1 Overview . 24
7.3.2 Group management service type . 24
7.3.3 Group management service interface. 24
8 Interaction flow and invocation process descriptions . 26
8.1 Overview. 26
8.2 Device discovery . 27
8.3 Device grouping . 27
8.4 Audio play and pause. 28
8.5 Audio volume adjustment . 28
8.6 Sound setting auto-adjustment . 28
8.7 Device name change . 28
8.8 Device group setup . 28
8.9 Device group access . 28
8.10 Input mode configuration . 28
Bibliography . 29

Figure 1 – RA smart audio interconnection system architecture . 13
Figure 2 – IGRS RA smart audio interconnection application interaction flow . 27

Table 1 – AR service interfaces . 17
Table 2 – Mandatory invocation interfaces for AR . 17
Table 3 – AS service interfaces . 19
Table 4 – Mandatory invocation interfaces for AS . 19
Table 5 – CP service interfaces . 21
Table 6 – Mandatory invocation interfaces for CP . 21
Table 7 – Service types in IGRS RA smart audio interconnection application . 23
Table 8 – Input or output parameters for GetGroupId . 24
Table 9 – Input or output parameters for SetGroupId . 25
Table 10 – Input or output parameters for GetName . 25
Table 11 – Input or output parameters for SetName . 25
Table 12 – Input or output parameters for GetLineinMode . 26
Table 13 – Input or output parameters for SetLineinMode . 26
Table 14 – Input or output parameters for RebootService . 26

– 4 – ISO/IEC 14543-5-103:2023
© ISO/IEC 2023

Part 5-103: Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and
Class 3 – Remote access smart audio interconnection profile

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