Food safety management systems -- Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management systems

This Technical Specification
⎯defines the rules applicable for the audit and certification of a food safety management system (FSMS) complying with the requirements given in ISO 22000 (or other sets of specified FSMS requirements), and
⎯provides the necessary information and confidence to customers about the way certification of their suppliers has been granted.
Certification of FSMSs (named “certification” in this Technical Specification) is a third-party conformity assessment activity (see ISO/IEC 17000:2004, 5.5). Bodies performing this activity are therefore third-party conformity assessment bodies (named “certification body/bodies” in this Technical Specification).
NOTE 1 Certification of an FSMS is sometimes also called “registration”, and certification bodies are sometimes called “registrars”.
NOTE 2 A certification body can be non-governmental or governmental (with or without regulatory authority).
NOTE 3 This Technical Specification is primarily intended to be used as a criteria document for the accreditation or peer assessment of certification bodies which seek to be recognized as being competent to certify that an FSMS complies with ISO 22000. It is also intended to be used as a criteria document by regulatory authorities and industry consortia which engage in direct recognition of certification bodies to certify that an FSMS complies with ISO 22000. Some of its
requirements could also be found useful by any other parties involved in the conformity assessment of such certification bodies, and in the conformity assessment of any bodies that undertake to certify the compliance of FSMSs with criteria additional to or other than those in ISO 22000.
FSMS certification does not attest to the safety or fitness of the products of an organization within the food chain. However, ISO 22000 requires an organization to meet all applicable food-safety-related statutory and regulatory requirements through its management system.
It is important to note that certification of an FSMS according to ISO 22000 is a management system certification and not a product certification.
Other FSMS users can use the concepts and requirements of this Technical Specification provided that the requirements are adapted as necessary.

Systèmes de management de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires -- Exigences pour les organismes procédant à l'audit et à la certification de systèmes de management de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires

L'ISO/TS 22003:2007 définit les règles applicables à l'audit et à la certification d'un système de management de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires (SMSDA) conforme aux exigences de l'ISO 22000:2005 (ou à d'autres ensembles d'exigences spécifiées en la matière) et fournit aux clients les informations nécessaires sur la manière de procéder à la certification de leurs fournisseurs et leur donne ainsi confiance dans cette certification.
La certification d'un SMSDA n'atteste pas la sécurité ou l'aptitude à l'emploi des produits d'une organisation appartenant à la chaîne alimentaire. Cependant, l'ISO 22000:2005 exige qu'une organisation satisfasse à l'ensemble des exigences législatives et réglementaires en vigueur liées à la sécurité des denrées alimentaires par son système de management.

Sistemi vodenja varnosti živil - Zahteve za organe, ki izvajajo presoje in certificiranje sistemov vodenja varnosti živil

Ta tehnična specifikacija:
⎯ določa pravila, ki veljajo za presojo in certificiranje sistemov vodenja živil (FSMS), ki so v skladu z zahtevami, podanimi v ISO 22000 (ali drugih sklopih določenih zahtev FSMS), in
⎯ zagotavlja potrebne informacije in zaupanje strankam o tem, kako je bila certifikacija njihovih dobaviteljev podeljena.
Certifikacija FSMS (v tej tehnični specifikaciji imenovana »certifikacija«) je dejavnost ugotavljanja skladnosti, ki jo izvaja tretja oseba (glej ISO/IEC 17000:2004, točko 5.5). Organi, ki izvajajo to dejavnost, so potemtakem organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti tretje osebe (v tej tehnični specifikaciji imenovani »certifikacijski organi«).
OPOMBA 1: Certifikacija FSMS se včasih imenuje tudi »registracija«, certifikacijski organi pa se včasih imenujejo »registratorji«.
OPOMBA 2: Certifikacijski organ je lahko nevladni ali vladni (z regulativnim organom ali brez njega).
OPOMBA 3: Ta tehnična specifikacija je predvsem namenjena uporabi kot dokument s kriteriji za akreditacijo ali ovrednotenje certifikacijskih organov, ki si želijo biti prepoznani kot pristojni za certificikacijo, da je FSMS v skladu z ISO 22000. Prav tako je namenjen uporabi kot dokument s kriteriji regulativnih organov in industrijskih konzorcijev, ki neposredno priznavajo certifikacijskim organom certificiranje, da je FSMS v skladu z ISO 22000. Nekatere zahteve tehnične specifikacije so lahko uporabne tudi za druge stranke, udeležene pri ugotavljanju skladnosti takih certifikacijskih organov ter pri ugotavljanju skladnosti vseh organov, ki opravljajo certifikacijo skladnosti FSMS z dodatnimi kriteriji ali kriteriji, drugačnimi od tistih v ISO 22000.
Certifikacija FSMS ne potrjuje varnosti ali primernosti proizvodov organizacije v prehranski verigi. Vendar ISO 22000 zahteva, da organizacija izpolnjuje vse veljavne zakone, povezane z varnostjo hrane, in predpise z njenim nadzornim sistemom.
Pomembno je upoštevati, da je certifikacija FSMS, v skladu z ISO 22000, nadzorni certifikacijski sistem in ne specifikacija proizvoda.
Drugi uporabniki FSMS lahko uporabljajo koncepte in zahteve te tehnične specifikacije, če so zahteve po potrebi prilagojene.

General Information

Public Enquiry End Date
Publication Date
Withdrawal Date
Current Stage
9900 - Withdrawal (Adopted Project)
Start Date
Due Date
Completion Date


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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST-TS ISO/TS 22003:2011
Sistemi vodenja varnosti živil - Zahteve za organe, ki izvajajo presoje in
certificiranje sistemov vodenja varnosti živil
Food safety management systems -- Requirements for bodies providing audit and
certification of food safety management systems
Systèmes de management de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires -- Exigences pour les
organismes procédant à l'audit et à la certification de systèmes de management de la
sécurité des denrées alimentaires
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/TS 22003:2007
03.120.20 Certificiranje proizvodov in Product and company
podjetij. Ugotavljanje certification. Conformity
skladnosti assessment
67.020 Procesi v živilski industriji Processes in the food
SIST-TS ISO/TS 22003:2011 en,fr
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST-TS ISO/TS 22003:2011

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SIST-TS ISO/TS 22003:2011

First edition

Food safety management systems —
Requirements for bodies providing audit
and certification of food safety
management systems
Systèmes de management de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires —
Exigences pour les organismes procédant à l'audit et à la certification
de systèmes de management de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires

Reference number
ISO/TS 22003:2007(E)
ISO 2007

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SIST-TS ISO/TS 22003:2011
ISO/TS 22003:2007(E)
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 22003:2011
ISO/TS 22003:2007(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Principles. 2
5 General requirements. 2
5.1 General. 2
5.2 Management of impartiality . 2
6 Structural requirements . 3
7 Resource requirements. 3
7.1 Competence of management and personnel

First edition

Food safety management systems —
Requirements for bodies providing audit
and certification of food safety
management systems
Systèmes de management de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires —
Exigences pour les organismes procédant à l'audit et à la certification
de systèmes de management de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires

Reference number
ISO/TS 22003:2007(E)
ISO 2007

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ISO/TS 22003:2007(E)
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Published in Switzerland

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ISO/TS 22003:2007(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Principles. 2
5 General requirements. 2
5.1 General. 2
5.2 Management of impartiality . 2
6 Structural requirements . 3
7 Resource requirements. 3
7.1 Competence of management and personnel. 3
7.2 Personnel involved in the certification activities .3
7.3 Use of individual external auditors and external technical experts . 8
7.4 Personnel records . 8
7.5 Outsourcing. 8
8 Information requirements . 8
9 Process requirements . 9
9.1 General requirements. 9
9.2 Initial audit and certification .

Première édition

Systèmes de management de la sécurité
des denrées alimentaires — Exigences
pour les organismes procédant à l'audit
et à la certification de systèmes de
management de la sécurité des denrées
Food safety management systems — Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of food safety management systems

Numéro de référence
ISO/TS 22003:2007(F)
ISO 2007

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ISO/TS 22003:2007(F)
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Publié en Suisse

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ISO/TS 22003:2007(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos. iv
Introduction . v
1 Domaine d'application. 1
2 Références normatives . 2
3 Termes et définitions. 2
4 Principes. 2
5 Exigences générales . 3
5.1 Généralités . 3
5.2 Gestion de l'impartialité . 3
6 Exigences structurelles . 3
7 Exigences relatives aux ressources. 3
7.1 Compétence de la direction et du personnel. 3
7.2 Personnel intervenant dans les activités de certification . 3
7.3 Intervention d'auditeurs et d'experts techniques externes individuels. 9
7.4 Enregistrements relatifs au personnel . 9
7.5 Externalisation . 9
8 Exigences relatives aux informations . 9
9 Exigences relatives aux processus .

Первое издание

Системы менеджмента безопасности
пищевых продуктов. Требования к
органам, проводящим аудит и
сертификацию систем менеджмента
безопасности пищевых продуктов
Food safety management systems — Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of food safety management systems

Ответственность за подготовку русской версии несёт GOST R
(Российская Федерация) в соответствии со статьёй 18.1 Устава ISO
Ссылочный номер
SO/TS 22003:2007(R)
ISO 2007

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ISO/TS 22003:2007(R)
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ISO/TS 22003:2007(R)
Содержание страница
Предисловие .iv
Введение .v
1 Область применения .1
2 Нормативные ссылки .2
3 Термины и определения .2
4 Принципы.2
5 Общие требования .3
5.1 Общие вопросы .3
5.2 Контроль беспристрастности .3
6 Структурные требования.3
7 Требования к ресурсам .3
7.1 Компетентность руководства и персонала.3
7.2 Персонал, участвующий в деятельности по сертификации .3
7.3 Использование индивидуальных внешних аудиторов и внешних технических
экспертов .9
7.4 Записи персонала.9
7.5 Аутсорсинг .9
8 Информационные требования .

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