Standard Specification for Rope-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors Having Concentric-Stranded Members, for Electrical Conductors

This specification covers bare rope-lay-stranded conductors having concentric-stranded members made from round copper wires, either uncoated or coated with tin, lead, or lead-alloy for use as electrical conductors. Coated wires shall include only those wires with finished diameters and densities substantially equal to the respective diameters and densities of uncoated wires. The rope-lay-stranded copper conductors under this specification are classified either as Class G or Class H. Requirements for joint construction (by soldering, brazing, or welding), lay length, and strand construction are detailed. Tests for the electrical properties of wires composing conductors made from soft or annealed copper wire, bare or coated, shall be made before stranding, while tests for the physical properties (such as elongation) may be made upon the wires before stranding or upon wires removed from the completed stranded conductors, but need not be made upon both. Elongation tests to determine compliance shall not be made on the conductor as a unit. If a tinning, lead-coating, or lead-alloy-coating test is required, it shall be made on the wires prior to stranding. The method of calculating mass, cross-sections and electrical resistance, and the prescribed density of copper to be taken for calculations are given.
1.1 This specification covers bare rope-lay-stranded conductors having concentric-stranded members made from round copper wires, either uncoated or coated with tin, lead, or lead-alloy for use as electrical conductors (Explanatory Note 1 and Note 2).
1.2 Coated wires shall include only those wires with finished diameters and densities substantially equal to the respective diameters and densities of uncoated wires.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification. For conductor sizes designated by AWG or kcmil, the requirements in SI units have been numerically converted from corresponding values, stated or derived, in inch-pound units. For conductor sizes designated by SI units only, the requirements are stated or derived in SI units.
1.3.1 For density, resistivity, and temperature, the values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.

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ASTM B173-01a(2007)e1 - Standard Specification for Rope-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors Having Concentric-Stranded Members, for Electrical Conductors
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
Designation: B173 – 01a (Reapproved 2007)
Standard Specification for
Rope-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors Having Concentric-
Stranded Members, for Electrical Conductors
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B173; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
´ NOTE—Table 1 was editorially corrected in March 2007.
1. Scope for Electrical Purposes
B172 Specification for Rope-Lay-Stranded Copper Con-
1.1 This specification covers bare rope-lay-stranded con-
ductors Having Bunch-Stranded Members, for Electrical
ductors having concentric-stranded members made from round
copper wires, either uncoated or coated with tin, lead, or
B189 Specification for Lead-Coated and Lead-Alloy-
lead-alloy for use as electrical conductors (Explanatory Note 1
Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes
and Note 2).
B263 Test Method for Determination of Cross-Sectional
1.2 Coated wires shall include only those wires with fin-
Area of Stranded Conductors
ished diameters and densities substantially equal to the respec-
B354 Terminology Relating to Uninsulated Metallic Elec-
tive diameters and densities of uncoated wires.
trical Conductors
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound or SI units are to be
2.3 American National Standard:
regarded separately as standard. Each system shall be used
ANSI C42.35 Definitions of Electrical Terms
independently of the other. Combining values from the two
systems may result in nonconformance with the specification.
3. Classification
For conductor sizes designated byAWG or kcmil, the require-
3.1 For the purpose of this specification rope-lay-stranded
ments in SI units have been numerically converted from
conductors having concentric-stranded members are classified
corresponding values, stated or derived, in inch-pound units.
as follows:
For conductor sizes designated by SI units only, the require-
3.1.1 Class G—Conductors consisting of 7 to 61 rope-lay-
ments are stated or derived in SI units.
stranded members, each of which consists of 7 to 19
1.3.1 For density, resistivity, and temperature, the values
concentric-stranded wires, with total conductor sizes ranging
stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
2 2
from No. 14AWG (2.08 mm ) to 5 000 000 cmil (2534 mm ).
2. Referenced Documents (Typical use is for rubber-sheathed conductor, apparatus con-
ductor, portable conductor, and similar applications.)
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect at the
3.1.2 Class H—Conductors consisting of 19 to 91 rope-lay-
time of reference form a part of this specification to the extent
stranded members, each of which consists of 7 to 19
referenced herein:
2 concentric-stranded wires, with total conductor sizes ranging
2.2 ASTM Standards:
2 2
from No. 9 AWG (6.63 mm ) to 5 000 000 cmil (2534 mm ).
B3 Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire
Class K construction produces a conductor with greater flex-
B8 Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Con-
ibility than class G. (Typical use is for rubber-sheathed cord
ductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft
and applications where flexibility is required such as on
B33 Specification forTinned Soft orAnnealed CopperWire
take-up reels over sheaves and extra-flexible apparatus con-
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01 on
4. Ordering Information
Electrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.04 on
4.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include
Conductors of Copper and Copper Alloys.
Current edition approved March 15, 2007. Published April 2007. Originally
the following information:
approvedin1942toreplaceportionsofB158 – 41 T.Lastpreviouseditionapproved
4.1.1 Quantity of each size and class;
in 2001 as B173 – 01a. DOI: 10.1520/B0173-01AR07E01.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available fromAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
the ASTM website. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
B173 – 01a (2007)
4.1.2 Conductor size: circular-mil area orAWG (Section 7); 4.1.8 Lagging, if required (see 14.2); and
4.1.9 Place of inspection (Section 13).
4.1.3 Class (Section 3 and Table 1);
4.1.4 Whether coated or uncoated; if coated, designate type
5. Joints
of coating (see 11.1);
4.1.5 Details of special-purpose lays, if required (see 6.2
5.1 Necessary joints in wires or in groups of wires shall be
and 6.3) and (Explanatory Note 3);
made in accordance with accepted commerical practice, taking
4.1.6 Package size (see 14.1);
into account the size of the wire or group of wires as related to
4.1.7 Special package marking, if required (Section 15); the size of the entire conductor.
TABLE 1 Construction Requirements of Rope-Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Having Concentric-Stranded Members
Class G Class H
Area of Cross Completed Conductor Completed Conductor
Number Number
Diameter of Diameter of
Number of Nominal Nominal of Nominal Nominal
Wires Wires
of Wires Diameter Mass Wires Diameter Mass
of Wires
Wires in Each in Each
lb/ lb/
Member Member
cmil mm † in. mm in. mm kg/km in. mm in. mm kg/km
1000 ft 1000 ft
5 000 000 2534 . . . 1159 0.0657 1.67 19 2.957 75.1 16 052 23 888 1729 0.0538 1.37 19 2.959 75.2 16 057 23 896
4 500 000 2280 . . . 1159 0.0623 1.58 19 2.804 71.2 14 433 21 479 1729 0.0510 1.30 19 2.805 71.2 14 429 21 473
4 000 000 2027 . . . 1159 0.0587 1.49 19 2.642 67.1 12 814 19 069 1729 0.0481 1.22 19 2.646 67.2 12 835 19 101
3 500 000 1773 . . . 1159 0.0550 1.40 19 2.475 62.9 11 249 16 741 1729 0.0450 1.14 19 2.475 62.9 11 234 16 718
3 000 000 1520 . . . 1159 0.0509 1.29 19 2.291 58.2 9635 14 338 1729 0.0417 1.06 19 2.294 58.3 9647 14 356
2 500 000 1267 . . . 703 0.0596 1.51 19 2.086 53.0 8012 11 924 1159 0.0464 1.18 19 2.088 53.0 8006 11 915
2 000 000 1013 . . . 703 0.0533 1.35 19 1.866 47.4 6408 9536 1159 0.0415 1.05 19 1.868 47.4 6405 9531
1 900 000 963 . . . 703 0.0520 1.32 19 1.820 46.2 6099 9077 1159 0.0405 1.03 19 1.823 46.3 6100 9077
1 800 000 912 . . . 703 0.0506 1.29 19 1.771 45.0 5775 8594 1159 0.0394 1.00 19 1.773 45.0 5773 8591
1 750 000 887 . . . 703 0.0499 1.27 19 1.747 44.4 5617 8358 1159 0.0389 0.99 19 1.751 44.5 5627 8374
1 700 000 861 . . . 703 0.0492 1.25 19 1.722 43.7 5460 8125 1159 0.0383 0.97 19 1.724 43.8 5455 8118
1 600 000 811 . . . 703 0.0477 1.21 19 1.670 42.4 5132 7638 1159 0.0372 0.94 19 1.674 42.5 5146 7658
1 500 000 760 . . . 427 0.0593 1.51 7 1.601 40.7 4772 7102 703 0.0462 1.17 19 1.617 41.1 4815 7165
1 400 000 709 . . . 427 0.0573 1.46 7 1.547 39.3 4456 6631 703 0.0446 1.13 19 1.561 39.6 4487 6677
1 300 000 659 . . . 427 0.0552 1.40 7 1.490 37.8 4135 6154 703 0.0430 1.09 19 1.505 38.2 4171 6207
1 250 000 633 . . . 427 0.0541 1.37 7 1.461 37.1 3972 5911 703 0.0422 1.07 19 1.477 37.5 4017 5978
1 200 000 608 . . . 427 0.0530 1.35 7 1.431 36.3 3812 5673 703 0.0413 1.05 19 1.446 36.7 3847 5726
1 100 000 557 . . . 427 0.0508 1.29 7 1.372 34.8 3502 5212 703 0.0396 1.01 19 1.386 35.2 3537 5264
1 000 000 507 . . . 427 0.0484 1.23 7 1.307 33.2 3179 4731 703 0.0377 0.96 19 1.320 33.5 3206 4771
900 000 456 . . . 427 0.0459 1.17 7 1.239 31.5 2859 4255 703 0.0358 0.91 19 1.253 31.8 2891 4302
800 000 405 . . . 427 0.0433 1.10 7 1.169 29.7 2544 3787 703 0.0337 0.86 19 1.180 30.0 2562 3812
750 000 380 . . . 427 0.0419 1.06 7 1.131 28.7 2383 3546 703 0.0327 0.83 19 1.145 29.1 2412 3589
700 000 355 . . . 427 0.0405 1.03 7 1.094 27.8 2226 3313 703 0.0316 0.80 19 1.106 28.1 2252 3352
650 000 329 . . . 427 0.0390 0.99 7 1.053 26.7 2064 3072 703 0.0304 0.77 19 1.064 27.0 2085 3102
600 000 304 . . . 427 0.0375 0.95 7 1.013 25.7 1908 2840 703 0.0292 0.74 19 1.022 26.0 1923 2862
550 000 279 . . . 427 0.0359 0.91 7 0.969 24.6 1749 2603 703 0.0280 0.71 19 0.980 24.9 1768 2632
500 000 253 . . . 259 0.0439 1.12 7 0.922 23.4 1579 2350 427 0.0342 0.87 7 0.923 23.4 1587 2362
450 000 228 . . . 259 0.0417 1.06 7 0.876 22.3 1425 2120 427 0.0325 0.83 7 0.878 22.3 1433 2133
400 000 203 . . . 259 0.0393 1.00 7 0.825 21.0 1265 1883 427 0.0306 0.78 7 0.826 21.0 1271 1891
350 000 177 . . . 259 0.0368 0.93 7 0.773 19.6 1109 1651 427 0.0286 0.73 7 0.772 19.6 1110 1652
300 000 152 . . . 259 0.0340 0.86 7 0.714 18.1 947 1409 427 0.0265 0.67 7 0.716 18.2 953 1418
250 000 127 . . . 259 0.0311 0.79 7 0.653 16.6 792 1179 427 0.0242 0.61 7 0.653 16.6 795 1183
211 600 107 0000 133 0.0399 1.01 7 0.599 15.2 667 992 259 0.0286 0.73 7 0.601 15.3 670 997
167 800 85.0 000 133 0.0355 0.90 7 0.533 13.5 528 785 259 0.0255 0.65 7 0.536 13.6 533 793
133 100 67.4 00 133 0.0316 0.80 7 0.474 12.0 418 622 259 0.0227 0.58 7 0.477 12.1 422 628
105 600 53.5 0 133 0.0282 0.72 7 0.423 10.7 333 495 259 0.0202 0.51 7 0.424 10.8 334 497
83 690 42.4 1 133 0.0251 0.64 7 0.377 9.58 264 393 259 0.0180 0.46 7 0.378 9.60 265 395
66 360 33.6 2 49 0.0368 0.93 7 0.331 8.41 207 308 259 0.0160 0.41 7 0.335 8.51 210 312
52 620 26.7 3 49 0.0328 0.83 7 0.295 7.49 164 245 133 0.0199 0.51 7 0.299 7.59 166 247
41 740 21.1 4 49 0.0292 0.74 7 0.263 6.68 130 194 133 0.0177 0.45 7 0.266 6.76 131 195
33 090 16.8 5 49 0.0260 0.66 7 0.234 5.94 103 154 133 0.0158 0.40 7 0.237 6.02 105 156
26 240 13.3 6 49 0.0231 0.59 7 0.208 5.28 81.5 121 133 0.0140 0.36 7 0.210 5.33 82.1 122
20 820 10.5 7 49 0.0206 0.52 7 0.185 4.70 64.8 96.5 133 0.0125 0.32 7 0.188 4.78 65.4 97.4
16 510 8.37 8 49 0.0184 0.47 7 0.166 4.22 51.7 77.0 133 0.0111 0.28 7 0.167 4.24 51.6 76.8
13 090 6.63 9 49 0.0163 0.41 7 0.148 3.76 40.6 60.4 133 0.0099 0.25 7 0.149 3.78 41.0 61.1
10 380 5.26 10 49 0.0146 0.37 7 0.131 3.33 32.6 48.5
6530 3.31 12 49 0.0115 0.29 7 0.104 2.64 20.2 30.1
4110 2.08 14 49 0.0092 0.23 7 0.083 2.11 12.9 19.2
†Editorially corrected.
The constructions shown in this table are typical of those used in the industry. It is not intended that this table preclude other constructions that may be desirable for
specific applications. The constructions shown provide for a finished, non-covered, stranded conductor approximately of the area indicated. When specified by the
purchaser, the number or size of wires may be increased to provide additional area to compensate for draw-down during subsequent processing.
Values for the nominal diameter and mass of the completed conductor are approximate. The mass values are based upon the standard stranding increments listed
in Explanatory Note 6.
B173 – 01a (2007)
5.2 Concentric-stranded members forming the completed 8.4.2 Results Obtained on Individual Wires—The percent
conductor may be joined as a unit by soldering, brazing, or minimum elongation may be reduced by the value of 15 %
welding. from the values required for unstranded wires as specified by
5.3 Joints shall be so constructed and so disposed through- Specifications B3, B33,or B189, as applicable. For example,
out the conductor that the diameter or configuration of the where the unstranded wire specification requires minimum
completed conductor is not substantially affected, and so that elongation of 30 %, wire of that material removed from
the flexibility of the completed conductor is not adversely Specification B173 stranded conductor shall meet a minimum
affected. elongation value of 15 %. If the reduction results in minimum
elongation of less than 5 %, a minimum of 5 % shall apply.
6. Lay (Explanatory Note 3)
8.5 In the event that the requirements prescribed in 8.4.2 are
6.1 Conductors of the same size and description furnished met, but those prescribed in 8.4.1 are not met, a retest shall be
on one order shall have the same lay.
6.2 The length of lay of the outer layer of the rope-lay or 100 wires selected at random throughout a conductor of
stranded conductor shall be not less than 8 nor more than 16
more than 100 wires shall be tested for the purpose of final
times the outside diameter of the completed conductor. The
determination for conformance to 8.4.
length of lay of the other layers shall be at the option of the 8.6 Elongation tests to determine compliance shall not be
manufacturer unless specifically agreed upon. The direction of
made on the conductor as a unit.
lay of the outer layer shall be left-hand, unless the direction of 8.7 If a tinning, lead-coating, or lead-alloy-coating test is
lay is specified otherwise by the purchaser.The direction of lay
required, it shall be made on the wires prior to stranding.
9. Density
otherwise agreed upon between the manufacturer and the
9.1 For the purpose of calculating mass, cross sections, etc.,
6.3 The length of lay of the individual wires composing the
the density of copper shall be taken as 8.89 g/cm (0.32117
stranded members shall be not less than 8 nor more than 16
lb/in. ) at 20°C (Explanatory Note 5).
times the outside diameter of that layer. Unless otherwise
10. Mass and Resistance
specified, the direction of lay of the outer layer of wires shall
be at the option of the manufacturer. The direction of lay shall
10.1 The mass and electrical resistance of a unit length of
be reversed in successive layers, unless otherwise agreed upon
stranded conductor are a function of the length of lay. The
between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
approximate mass and electrical resistance may be determined
using the standard increments shown in Explanatory Note 6.
7. Construction
When greater accuracy is desired, the increment based on the
7.1 The area of cross section and the number and diameter
specific lay of the conductor may be calculated (Explanatory
of wires for a variety of strand constructions in general use are
Note 7).
shown in Table 1.
11. Requirements for Wires
8. Physical and Electrical Tests
11.1 The purchaser shall designate the type of wire and type
8.1 Tests for the electrical properties of wires composing
of coating, if any, to be used in the conductor.
conductors made from soft or annealed copper wire, bare or
11.1.1 Before stranding, uncoated wire shall meet the re-
coated, shall be made before stranding.
quirements of Specification B3.
8.2 Tests for the physical properties of sof

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