Household electric cooking appliances - Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills - Methods for measuring performance

IEC 60350-1:2016 specifies methods for measuring the performance of electric cooking ranges, ovens, steam ovens, and grills for household use. The ovens covered by this standard may be with or without microwave function. Manufacturers should define the primary cooking function of the appliance microwave function or thermal heat. The primary cooking function should be measured with an existing method according to energy consumption. If the primary cooking function is declared in the instruction manual as a microwave function, IEC 60705 is applied for energy consumption measurement. If the primary cooking function is declared as a thermal heat, then IEC 60350-1 is applied for energy consumption measurement. If the primary function is not declared by the manufacturer, the performance of the microwave function and thermal heat should be measured as far as it is possible. This standard defines the main performance characteristics of these appliances which are of interest to the user and specifies methods for measuring these characteristics. This standard does not specify a classification or ranking for performance. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- new definitions for "set to off mode" and "set to standby mode" are included in Clause 3;
- reference to ISO 80000 regarding rounding;
- more exact determination of the mass of the appliances (6.2);
- update of the existing 7.3 in order to improve the clarity of procedure;
- additional temperature requirement in 7.4.3 to ensure an adequate temperature setting during the energy measurement process;
- editorial changes in,, and;
- revision of Clause 8 in order to increase the repeatability for the measurements for steam ovens;
- Clause 12 "Standby power" is renamed to "Consumption measurement of low power modes" and the content is adapted for IEC 62301:2011;
- replacing the supplier for the colouring measurement device in Clause C.6, because the previous device is no longer available;
- adaptation of Annex A to the new supplier of colouring measurement devices;
- adaptation of Annex E;
- measurement method for measuring the consumption of the cooling down period is added in the informative, new Annex G;
- measurement method to check applied microwave energy during the measurement according to 7.4 is added in the informative Annex H;
- new Annex I for marking the temperature setting for checking the oven temperature.
The contents of the Interpretation Sheet 1 of March 2021 have been included in this copy.

Appareils de cuisson électrodomestiques - Partie 1: Cuisinières, fours, fours à vapeur et grils - Méthodes de mesure de l'aptitude à la fonction

L'IEC 60350-1:2016 définit des méthodes de mesure de l'aptitude à la fonction des cuisinières, des fours, des fours à vapeur et des grils électriques à usage domestique. Les fours couverts par la présente Norme peuvent disposer ou non d'une fonction micro-ondes. Il convient que les fabricants définissent la fonction de cuisson principale de l'appareil, micro-ondes ou chaleur thermique. Il convient de mesurer la fonction de cuisson principale au moyen d une méthode existante en fonction de la consommation d'énergie. Lorsque la fonction de cuisson principale est déclarée dans le manuel d'instruction comme étant la fonction micro-ondes, l'IEC 60705 s'applique pour le mesurage de la consommation d'énergie. Lorsque la fonction de cuisson principale est déclarée comme étant la chaleur thermique, l'IEC 60350-1 s'applique pour le mesurage de la consommation d'énergie. Lorsque la fonction principale n'est pas déclarée par le fabricant, il convient de mesurer autant que possible l'aptitude à la fonction micro-ondes et à la fonction chaleur thermique. Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition parue en 2011. Cette édition constitue une révision technique. Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente:
- inclusion à l'Article 3 de nouvelles définitions des termes "mise en mode arrêt" et "mise en mode veille";
- référence à l'ISO 80000 pour l'arrondi;
- détermination plus exacte de la masse des appareils (6.2);
- mise à jour du paragraphe 7.3 existant afin de clarifier la procédure;
- exigence supplémentaire de température en 7.4.3 pour garantir un réglage adéquat de la température pendant le processus de mesure de l'énergie;
- modifications rédactionnelles en,, et;
- révision de l'Article 8 afin d'augmenter la répétabilité pour les mesurages des fours à vapeur;
- l'Article 12 "Consommation en veille" est renommé "Mesurage de la consommation des modes faible puissance" et le contenu est adapté à l'IEC 62301:2011;
- remplacement du fournisseur pour le colorimètre à l'Annexe C.6, car le dispositif précédemment indiqué n'est plus disponible;
- adaptation de l'Annexe A au nouveau fournisseur de colorimètres;
- adaptation de l'Annexe E;
- ajout, dans la nouvelle Annexe G informative, d'une méthode de mesure pour la consommation de la période de refroidissement;
- ajout, dans la nouvelle Annexe H informative, d'une méthode de mesure pour vérifier l'énergie à micro-ondes appliquée au cours des mesurages selon 7.4;
- nouvelle Annexe I pour le marquage du réglage de température afin de vérifier la température du four.
Le contenu de la feuille d’interprétation 1 de mars 2021 a été pris en considération dans cet exemplaire.

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iec60350-1{ed2.0.RLV}en - IEC 60350-1:2016 RLV - Household electric cooking appliances - Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills - Methods for measuring performance Released:4/29/2016 Isbn:9782832233870
English language
227 pages
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iec60350-1{ed2.1}b - IEC 60350-1:2016+AMD1:2021 CSV - Household electric cooking appliances - Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills - Methods for measuring performance Released:5/17/2021
English and French language
307 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC 60350-1 ®
Edition 2.0 2016-04
Household electric cooking appliances –
Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills – Methods for measuring
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form

or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from

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IEC 60350-1 ®
Edition 2.0 2016-04
Household electric cooking appliances –

Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills – Methods for measuring

ICS 97.040.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-3387-0

© IEC 2021

IEC 60350-1
Edition 2.0  2016-04

Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills –
Methods for measuring performance

This interpretation sheet has been prepared by subcommittee 59K: Performance of household
and similar electrical cooking appliances, of IEC technical committee 59: Performance of
household and similar electrical appliances.
The text of this interpretation sheet is based on the following documents:
DISH Report on voting
59K/322/DISH 59K/325/RVDISH
Full information on the voting for the approval of this interpretation sheet can be found in the
report on voting indicated in the above table.

SC 59K interpretation sheet on: Volume measurement in IEC 60350-1:2016

When measuring the oven volume in accordance with IEC 60350-1:2016, 6.2, the wording in
the standard leaves room for interpretation as to how to proceed with side grids in the oven.
In many regions, the volume is used to calculate an energy efficiency index, which always
raises the question as to what extent the measurement with and without side grids leads to
different statements on energy efficiency.
This document clarifies how to interpret 6.2 of IEC 60350-1:2016 in order to achieve a clearer
ICS 97.040.20
– 2 – IEC 60350-1:2016/ISH1:2021

© IEC 2021
According to IEC 60350-1:2016, 6.2, removable items, e.g. the side grids, shall be removed to

measure the volume if this is indicated in the user manual. The question that arises is to

ascertain when this condition is met, and when the measurement is performed without side

The usable width of the oven is measured in accordance with 6.2.3 from the left side wall of

the cavity to the right side wall of the cavity. In accordance with 6.2.1, parts, such as side

grids, shall be removed before the measurement if they are removable and if they are not
necessary for any intended operation, in accordance with the user manual.
As a result, side grids shall be removed if:
1) the user manual describes the removal of side grids (the extent of the description and
the assignment to a chapter is not defined);
2) the user manual describes any application for which the removable parts are not
required (= intended operation). This is the case when an application on the bottom of
the cavity without the use of side grids is given as an example. The number of
applications as well as the type of application (heating type, temperature, minor
relevance, preheated operation) are not specified in 6.2.1 and are, therefore,
– 2 – IEC 60350-1:2016 RLV © IEC 2016


1 Scope . 9

2 Normative references. 9

3 Terms and definitions . 10

4 List of measurements . 12

4.1 Dimensions and mass . 12

4.2 Oven and combi steam oven . 12
4.3 Steam oven and combi steam oven . 12
4.4 Grill . 13
4.5 Warming compartments . 13
4.6 Cleaning . 13
5 General conditions for the measurement . 13
5.1 Test room . 13
5.2 Electricity supply . 14
5.3 Instrumentation . 14
5.4 Positioning the appliance. 15
5.5 Preheating . 15
5.6 Setting of controls . 15
5.7 Rounding . 16
6 Dimensions and mass . 16
6.1 Overall dimensions . 16
6.2 Usable internal dimensions and calculated volume . 18
6.2.1 General . 18
6.2.2 Usable height . 20
6.2.3 Usable width . 20
6.2.4 Usable depth . 20
6.2.5 Calculated volume . 20
6.3 Overall internal dimensions and overall volume of ovens . 20
6.3.1 General . 20
6.3.2 Overall height (H) . 21
6.3.3 Overall width (W) . 21
6.3.4 Overall depth (D) . 21

6.3.5 Overall volume of rectangular cavities . 21
6.3.6 Overall volume of non-rectangular cavities . 21
6.4 Dimensions of shelves and steaming accessories . 21
6.5 Dimensions of grill grids . 21
6.6 Dimensions of warming compartments . 21
6.7 Level of shelf . 22
6.8 Mass of the appliance . 22
7 Ovens and combi steam ovens . 22
7.1 General . 22
7.2 Preheating the empty oven . 23
7.3 Accuracy of the control . 23
7.4 Energy consumption and time for heating a load . 24
7.4.1 General Purpose . 24
7.4.2 Test load . 25

7.4.3 Measurement . 26

7.4.4 Evaluation and calculation . 30

7.4.5 Reporting of test results . 31

7.5 Heat distribution . 31

7.5.1 General . 31

7.5.2 Shortbread . 31

7.5.3 Small cakes . 34

7.6 Ability to supply heat . 40

7.6.1 Fatless sponge cake . 40

7.6.2 Apple pie . 41

8 Steam ovens and combi steam ovens. 43
8.1 Distribution of steam .
8.1.1 General .
8.1.2 Ingredients .
8.1.3 Quantity .
8.1.4 Procedure .
8.1.5 Assessment .
8.2 Ability to supply steam .
8.2.1 General .
8.2.2 Ingredients .
8.2.3 Procedure .

IEC 60350-1 ®
Edition 2.1 2021-05
Household electric cooking appliances –
Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills – Methods for measuring
Appareils de cuisson electrodomestiques –
Partie 1: Cuisinières, fours, fours à vapeur et grils – Méthodes de mesure de
l'aptitude à la fonction
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or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from

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IEC 60350-1 ®
Edition 2.1 2021-05
Household electric cooking appliances –

Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills – Methods for measuring

Appareils de cuisson electrodomestiques –

Partie 1: Cuisinières, fours, fours à vapeur et grils – Méthodes de mesure de

l'aptitude à la fonction
ICS 97.040.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-9824-4

IEC 60350-1 ®
Edition 2.1 2021-05
Household electric cooking appliances –
Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills – Methods for measuring
Appareils de cuisson electrodomestiques –
Partie 1: Cuisinières, fours, fours à vapeur et grils – Méthodes de mesure de
l'aptitude à la fonction
© IEC 2021

IEC 60350-1
Edition 2.0  2016-04

Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills –
Methods for measuring performance

This interpretation sheet has been prepared by subcommittee 59K: Performance of household
and similar electrical cooking appliances, of IEC technical committee 59: Performance of
household and similar electrical appliances.
The text of this interpretation sheet is based on the following documents:
DISH Report on voting
59K/322/DISH 59K/325/RVDISH
Full information on the voting for the approval of this interpretation sheet can be found in the
report on voting indicated in the above table.

SC 59K interpretation sheet on: Volume measurement in IEC 60350-1:2016

When measuring the oven volume in accordance with IEC 60350-1:2016, 6.2, the wording in
the standard leaves room for interpretation as to how to proceed with side grids in the oven.
In many regions, the volume is used to calculate an energy efficiency index, which always
raises the question as to what extent the measurement with and without side grids leads to
different statements on energy efficiency.
This document clarifies how to interpret 6.2 of IEC 60350-1:2016 in order to achieve a clearer
ICS 97.040.20
– 2 – IEC 60350-1:2016/ISH1:2021

© IEC 2021
According to IEC 60350-1:2016, 6.2, removable items, e.g. the side grids, shall be removed to

measure the volume if this is indicated in the user manual. The question that arises is to

ascertain when this condition is met, and when the measurement is performed without side

The usable width of the oven is measured in accordance with 6.2.3 from the left side wall of

the cavity to the right side wall of the cavity. In accordance with 6.2.1, parts, such as side

grids, shall be removed before the measurement if they are removable and if they are not
necessary for any intended operation, in accordance with the user manual.
As a result, side grids shall be removed if:
1) the user manual describes the removal of side grids (the extent of the description and
the assignment to a chapter is not defined);
2) the user manual describes any application for which the removable parts are not
required (= intended operation). This is the case when an application on the bottom of
the cavity without the use of side grids is given as an example. The number of
applications as well as the type of application (heating type, temperature, minor
relevance, preheated operation) are not specified in 6.2.1 and are, therefore,
– 2 – IEC 60350-1:2016+AMD1:2021 CSV

© IEC 2021

1 Scope . 9

2 Normative references . 10

3 Terms and definitions . 10

4 List of measurements . 12

4.1 Dimensions and mass . 12

4.2 Oven and combi steam oven . 12
4.3 Steam oven and combi steam oven . 12
4.4 Grill . 12
4.5 Warming compartments . 13
4.6 Cleaning . 13
5 General conditions for the measurement. 13
5.1 Test room . 13
5.2 Electricity supply . 13
5.3 Instrumentation . 14
5.4 Positioning the appliance . 14
5.5 Preheating . 15
5.6 Setting of controls . 15
5.7 Rounding . 15
6 Dimensions and mass . 15
6.1 Overall dimensions . 15
6.2 Usable internal dimensions and calculated volume . 17
6.2.1 General . 17
6.2.2 Usable height . 19
6.2.3 Usable width . 19
6.2.4 Usable depth . 19
6.2.5 Calculated volume . 19
6.3 Overall internal dimensions and overall volume . 19
6.3.1 General . 19
6.3.2 Overall height (H) . 20
6.3.3 Overall width (W) . 20
6.3.4 Overall depth (D) . 20

6.3.5 Overall volume of rectangular cavities . 20
6.3.6 Overall volume of non-rectangular cavities . 20
6.4 Dimensions of shelves and steaming accessories . 20
6.5 Dimensions of grill grids . 20
6.5.1 Entire area . 20
6.5.2 Usable area . 21
6.6 Dimensions of warming compartments . 21
6.7 Level of shelf . 21
6.8 Mass of the appliance . 22
7 Ovens and combi steam ovens .

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