Information technology — Security techniques — Refining software vulnerability analysis under ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045

ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015 refines the AVA_VAN assurance family activities defined in ISO/IEC 18045 and provides more specific guidance on the identification, selection and assessment of relevant potential vulnerabilities in order to conduct an ISO/IEC 15408 evaluation of a software target of evaluation. This Technical Report leverages publicly available information security resources to support the method of scoping and implementing ISO/IEC 18045 vulnerability analysis activities. The Technical Report currently uses the common weakness enumeration (CWE) and the common attack pattern enumeration and classification (CAPEC), but does not preclude the use of any other appropriate resources. Furthermore, this Technical Report is not meant to address all possible vulnerability analysis methods, including those that fall outside the scope of the activities outlined in ISO/IEC 18045. ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015 does not define evaluator actions for certain high assurance ISO/IEC 15408 components, where there is as yet no generally agreed guidance.

Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Redéfinition de l'analyse de vulnérabilité de logiciel selon l'ISO/CEI 15408 et l'ISO/CEI 18045

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ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015 - Information technology -- Security techniques -- Refining software vulnerability analysis under ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045
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REPORT 20004
Second edition
Information technology — Security
techniques — Refining software
vulnerability analysis under ISO/IEC
15408 and ISO/IEC 18045
Technologies de l’information — Techniques de sécurité —
Redéfinition de l’analyse de vulnérabilité de logiciel selon l’ISO/CEI
15408 et l’ISO/CEI 18045
Reference number
ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015(E)
ISO/IEC 2015

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ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015(E)

© ISO/IEC 2015, Published in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
3 Abbreviated terms . 3
4 Background context . 4
5 Vulnerability assessment activities . 8
5.1 Determine relevant potential vulnerabilities . 9
5.1.1 Identify relevant weaknesses and attack patterns from existing structured
assurance case .11
5.1.2 Identify relevant weaknesses and attack patterns from public sources .11
5.2 Assess TOE susceptibility to attack .14
5.2.1 Design and specify security/penetration testing .14
5.2.2 Execute and document security/penetration testing .15
5.3 Report on exploitable vulnerabilities .15
Bibliography .17
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ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for
the different types of document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject
of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee
SC 27, IT Security techniques.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC/TR 20004:2012), which has been
technically revised.
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ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015(E)

This Technical Report is intended to provide added refinement, detail and guidance to the vulnerability
analysis activities outlined in ISO/IEC 18045:2008 for the software elements of a TOE. Specifically, it is
intended to add refinement and clarification of the “Potential vulnerability identification from public
sources” (AVA_VAN.1.2E/2.2E/3.2E/4.2E) and “Penetration testing” (AVA_VAN.1.3E/2.4E/3.4E/4.4E)
evaluator actions, which are currently imprecise in regards to searching for, identifying and testing
relevant potential vulnerabilities. This Technical Report provides guidance on an approach to
objectively search for, identify, filter and test potential vulnerabilities utilizing international ad
hoc standard resources for software weaknesses and attack patterns. The set of relevant software
weaknesses and attack patterns identified through this guidance represent a minimal set for analysis
under the AVA_VAN assurance family in an ISO/IEC 15408 evaluation. Additional weaknesses and attack
patterns may be determined relevant by specific national schemes, technical communities, associated
protection profiles or other sources. In utilizing these standard structured resources, the approach
defined here has the added benefit of being equally applicable to the TOE development process as it
does to the TOE security evaluation process. This means that relevant weaknesses and attack patterns
identified and tested for during development, whether defined ad hoc or as part of a structured
assurance case, can provide a head start template for a TOE-specific set of relevant weaknesses and
attack patterns for use in the security evaluation.
This Technical Report is intended to be used in conjunction with and, as an addendum to, ISO/IEC 18045.
This Technical Report does not address all possible vulnerability analysis methods, in particular those
that fall outside the scope of the activities outlined in ISO/IEC 18045. It uses the common weakness
enumeration (CWE) and the common attack pattern enumeration and classification (CAPEC) to identify
possible attacks. It does not preclude the use of other appropriate identification resources by evaluators.
The target audience for this Technical Report is evaluators applying ISO/IEC 15408 and certifiers
confirming evaluator actions, developers, PP/ST authors (to include Technical Communities), evaluator
sponsors and other parties interested in IT security.
This Technical Report recognizes that not all questions concerning IT security evaluation will be
answered herein and that further interpretations will be needed. Individual schemes will determine
how to handle such interpretations and other guidance, although these can be subject to mutual
recognition agreements.
© ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved v

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Information technology — Security techniques — Refining
software vulnerability analysis under ISO/IEC 15408 and
ISO/IEC 18045
1 Scope
This Technical Report refines the AVA_VAN assurance family activities defined in ISO/IEC 18045 and
provides more specific guidance on the identification, selection and assessment of relevant potential
vulnerabilities in order to conduct an ISO/IEC 15408 evaluation of a software target of evaluation. This
Technical Report leverages publicly available information security resources to support the method
of scoping and implementing ISO/IEC 18045 vulnerability analysis activities. The Technical Report
currently uses the common weakness enumeration (CWE) and the common attack pattern enumeration
and classification (CAPEC), but does not preclude the use of any other appropriate resources.
Furthermore, this Technical Report is not meant to address all possible vulnerability analysis methods,
including those that fall outside the scope of the activities outlined in ISO/IEC 18045.
This Technical Report does not define evaluator actions for certain high assurance ISO/IEC 15408
components, where there is as yet no generally agreed guidance.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
assurance case
structured set of claims, arguments and a corresponding body of evidence to demonstrate that a system
satisfies specific claims with respect to its security properties
attack pattern
abstracted approach utilized to attack software
attack potential
measure of the effort to be expended in attacking a TOE, expressed in terms of an attacker’s expertise,
resources and motivation
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.5]
declare that something has been reviewed in detail with an independent determination of sufficiency
Note 1 to entry: The level of rigour required depends on the nature of the subject matter. This term is only applied
to evaluator actions.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.14]
CVE vulnerability
vulnerability listed in CVE
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ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015(E)

affirm a particular conclusion based on independent analysis with the objective of reaching a
particular conclusion
Note 1 to entry: The usage of this term implies a truly independent analysis, usually in the absence of any previous
analysis having been performed. Compare with the terms “confirm” or “verify” which imply that an analysis has
already been performed which needs to be reviewed.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.22]
encountered potential vulnerabilities
potential weakness in the TOE identified by the evaluator while performing evaluation activities that
could be used to violate the SFRs
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.5.2]
assessment of a PP, an ST or a TOE, against defined criteria
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.26]
exploitable vulnerability
weakness in the TOE that can be used to violate the SFRs in the operational environment for the TOE
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.5.3]
potential vulnerability
suspected, but not confirmed, weakness
Note 1 to entry: Suspicion is by virtue of a postulated attack path to violate the SFRs.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.5.5]
Protection Profile
implementation-independent statement of security needs for a TOE type
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.52]
residual vulnerability
weakness that cannot be exploited in the operational environment for the TOE, but that could be used
to violate the SFRs by an attacker with greater attack potential than is anticipated in the operational
environment for the TOE
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.5.6]
Security Target
implementation-dependent statement of security needs for a specific identified TOE
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.63]
specification of one or more items from a list
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.64]
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target of evaluation
set of software, firmware and/or hardware possibly accompanied by guidance
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.70]
threat agent
entity that can adversely act on assets
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.71]
TOE evaluation
assessment of a TOE against defined criteria
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.72]
TOE-relevant CVE vulnerabilities
CVE vulnerabilities from all versions of the TOE product family or CVE vulnerabilities associated with
products of the same technology type
rigorously review in detail with an independent determination of sufficiency
Note 1 to entry: Also see confirm (2.4). The term verify has more rigorous connotations. It is used in the context of
evaluator actions where an independent effort is required of the evaluator.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.1.84]
weakness in the TOE that can be used to violate the SFRs in some environment
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, 3.5.7]
characteristic or property of a TOE that, in proper conditions, could contribute to the introduction of
vulnerabilities within that TOE
3 Abbreviated terms
The following abbreviations are used in one or more parts of ISO/IEC 20004.
CAPEC™ Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification
CVE® Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
CWE™ Common Weakness Enumeration
ETR Evaluation Technical Report
PP Protection Profile
SAR Security Assurance Requirement
SFR Security Functional Requirement
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ST Security Target
TOE Target of Evaluation
TSF TOE Security Functionality
TSFI TSF Interface
CAPEC, CVE and CWE are examples of suitable products available commercially. This infor-
mation is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement
by ISO of these products.
4 Background context
ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008, 15.1 defines “development vulnerabilities” as vulnerabilities which take
advantage of some properties of the TOE which were introduced during its development. In the same
sub-clause, ISO/IEC 15408-3 states that an assessment of development vulnerabilities is covered by the
assurance family called “vulnerability analysis” (AVA_VAN). ISO/IEC 15408-3 expects this assessment
to determine whether potential vulnerabilities identified could allow attackers to violate the SFRs
and to deal with the threat that an attacker will be able to discover flaws [as the identified potential
vulnerabilities] (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008, 15.2.1).
The levels in the AVA_VAN assurance family are ordered as follows:
— AVA_VAN.1 “vulnerability survey” (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008, 15.2.3);
— AVA_VAN.2 “vulnerability analysis” (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008, 15.2.4);
— AVA_VAN.3 “focused vulnerability analysis” (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008, 15.2.5);
— AVA_VAN.4 “methodical vulnerability analysis” (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008, 15.2.6);
— AVA_VAN.5 “advanced methodical vulnerability analysis” (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008, 15.2.7).
AVA_VAN.1 is the lowest level and AVA_VAN.5 is the highest level in the AVA_VAN assurance family.
ISO/IEC 15408-3 states the following two evaluator actions for each of the AVA_VAN levels.
— “Potential vulnerability identification from public sources” action
The evaluator shall perform a search of public domain sources to identify potential
vulnerabilities in the TOE.
— AVA_VAN.1.2E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,;
— AVA_VAN.2.2E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,;
— AVA_VAN.3.2E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,;
— AVA_VAN.4.2E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,;
— AVA_VAN.5.2E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,
— “Penetration testing” action
The evaluator shall conduct penetration testing, based on the identified potential vulnerabilities,
to determine that the TOE is resistant to attacks performed by an attacker possessing.
— Basic attack potential” in AVA_VAN.1.3E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,;
— Basic attack potential” in AVA_VAN.2.4E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,;
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— Enhanced-Basic attack potential” in AVA_VAN.3.4E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,;
— Moderate attack potential” in AVA_VAN.4.4E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,;
— High attack potential” in AVA_VAN.5.4E (ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008,
ISO/IEC 18045 further specifies certain work units associated with the “Potential vulnerability
identification from public sources” action (in ISO/IEC 18045:2008,,, and as follows.
— AVA_VAN.1-3, AVA_VAN.2-3, AVA_VAN.3-3, AVA_VAN.4-3
The evaluator shall examine sources of information publicly available to identify potential
vulnerabilities in the TOE.
The availability of information, that may be readily available to an attacker that helps to identify and
facilitate attacks, effectively operates to substantially enhance the attack potential of a given attacker.
The accessibility of vulnerability information and sophisticated attack tools on the Internet makes it
more likely that this information will be used in attempts to identify potential vulnerabilities in the
TOE and exploit them. Modern search tools make such information easily available to the evaluator, and
the determination of resistance to published potential vulnerabilities and well known generic attacks
can be achieved in a cost-effective manner.
The search of the information publicly available should be focused on those sources that refer specifically
to the product from which the TOE is derived. The extensiveness of this search should consider the
following factors: TOE type, evaluator experience in this TOE type, expected attack potential and the
level of ADV evidence available.
— AVA_VAN.1-4, AVA_VAN.2-5, AVA_VAN.3-5, AVA_VAN.4-5
The evaluator shall record in the ETR the identified potential vulnerabilities that are candidates for
testing and applicable to the TOE in its operational environment.
It may be identified that no further consideration of the potential vulnerability is required if, for
example, the evaluator identifies that measures in the operational environment, either IT or non-IT,
prevent exploitation of the potential vulnerability in that operational environment.
The evaluator records any reasons for exclusion of potential vulnerabilities from further consideration
if the evaluator determines that the potential vulnerability is not applicable in the operational
environment. Otherwise, the evaluator records the potential vulnerability for further consideration.
A list of potential vulnerabilities applicable to the TOE in its operational environment, which can be
used as an input into penetration testing activities, shall be reported in the ETR by the evaluators.
NOTE As stated in ISO/IEC 18045:2008, 14.2.5, ISO/IEC 18045 does not specify any work units at the
AVA_VAN.5 level.
The content of the “Potential vulnerability identification from public sources” evaluator action is
summarized in the following diagram.
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AVA_VAN.1.2E/2.2E/3.2E/4.2 E: perform a search of public domain sources to identify potential vulnerabilities in
the TOE
AVA_VAN.1-3/2-3/3-3/4-3: examine public information to identify
potential vulnerabilities
AVA_VAN.1-4/2-5/3-5/4-5: record the identiied potential
vulnerabilities as candidates for testing
Figure 1 — “Potential vulnerability identification from public sources” evaluator action summary
ISO/IEC 18045 further specifies certain work units associated with the “Penetration testing” action (in
ISO/IEC 18045:2008,,, and as follows.
— AVA_VAN.1-5, AVA_VAN.2-6, AVA_VAN.3-6, AVA_VAN.4-6
The evaluator shall devise penetration tests, based on the independent search for potential
The evaluator prepares for penetration testing as necessary to determine the susceptibility of the
TOE, in its operational environment, to the potential vulnerabilities identified during the search of
the sources of information publicly available. Any current information provided to the evaluator
by a third party (e.g. evaluation authority) regarding known potential vulnerabilities will be
considered by the evaluator.
The evaluator is not expected to test for potential vulnerabilities (including those in the public
domain) beyond those which required the following:
— a Basic attack potential (in the case of AVA_VAN.1-5);
— a Basic attack potential (in the case of AVA_VAN.2-6);
— a Enhanced-Basic attack potential (in the case of AVA_VAN.3-6);
— a Moderate attack potential (in the case of AVA_VAN.4-6).
— AVA_VAN.1-6, AVA_VAN.2-7, AVA_VAN.3-7, AVA_VAN.4-7
The evaluator shall produce penetration test documentation for the tests based on the list of
potential vulnerabilities in sufficient detail to enable the tests to be repeatable.
With an understanding of the potential vulnerability, the evaluator determines the most feasible
way to test for the TOE’s susceptibility. Specifically, the evaluator considers the following:
a) the TSFI or other TOE interface that will be used to stimulate the TSF and observe responses;
b) initial conditions that will need to exist for the test (i.e. any particular objects or subjects that
will need to exist and security attributes they will need to have);
c) special test equipment that will be required to either stimulate a TSFI or make observations of
d) whether theoretical analysis should replace physical testing, particularly relevant where the
results of an initial test can be extrapolated to demonstrate that repeated attempts of an attack
are likely to succeed after a given number of attempts.
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— AVA_VAN.1-7, AVA_VAN.2-8, AVA_VAN.3-8, AVA_VAN.4-8
The evaluator shall conduct penetration testing.
The evaluator uses the penetration test documentation resulting from work unit
— AVA_VAN.1-5 (in the case of AVA_VAN.1-7),
— AVA_VAN.2-6 (in the case of AVA_VAN.2-8),
— AVA_VAN.3-6 (in the case of AVA_VAN.3-8), or
— AVA_VAN.4-6 (in the case of AVA_VAN.4-8)
as a basis for executing penetration tests on the TOE, but this does not preclude the evaluator
from performing additional ad hoc penetration tests.
— AVA_VAN.1-8, AVA_VAN.2-9, AVA_VAN.3-9, AVA_VAN.4-9
The evaluator shall record the actual results of the penetration tests.
— AVA_VAN.1-9, AVA_VAN.2-10, AVA_VAN.3-10, AVA_VAN.4-10
The evaluator shall report in the ETR the evaluator penetration testing effort, outlining the testing
approach, configuration, depth and results.
— AVA_VAN.1-10 and AVA_VAN.2-11
The evaluator shall examine the results of all penetration testing to determine that the TOE, in its
operational environment, is resistant to an attacker possessing a Basic attack potential.
If the results reveal that the TOE, in its operational environment, has vulnerabilities exploitable by an
attacker possessing less than Enhanced-Basic attack potential, then this evaluator action (namely AVA_
VAN.1.3E or AVA_VAN.2.4E) fails.
The guidance in ISO/IEC 18045:2008, B.4 should be used to determine the attack potential required to
exploit a particular vulnerability and whether it can therefore be exploited in the intended environment.
— AVA_VA.3-11
The evaluator shall examine the results of all penetration testing to determine that the TOE, in its
operational environment, is resistant to an attacker possessing an Enhanced-Basic attack potential.
If the results reveal that the TOE, in its operational environment, has vulnerabilities exploitable by
an attacker possessing less than Moderate attack potential, then this evaluator action (namely AVA_
VAN.3.4E) fails.
The guidance in ISO/IEC 18045:2008, B.4 should be used to determine the attack potential required to
exploit a particular vulnerability and whether it can therefore be exploited in the intended environment.
— AVA_VAN.4-11
The evaluator shall examine the results of all penetration testing to determine that the TOE, in its
operational environment, is resistant to an attacker possessing a Moderate attack potential.
If the results reveal that the TOE, in its operational environment, has vulnerabilities exploitable
by an attacker possessing less than a High attack potential, then this evaluator action (namely
AVA_VAN.4.4E) fails.
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The guidance in ISO/IEC 18045:2008, B.4 should be used to determine the attack potential required to
exploit a particular vulnerability and whether it can therefore be exploited in the intended environment.
— AVA_VAN.1-11, AVA_VAN.2-12, AVA_VAN.3-12, AVA_VAN.4-12
The evaluator shall report in the ETR all exploitable vulnerabilities and residual vulnerabilities,
detailing for each of the following:
a) its source (e.g. ISO/IEC 18045 evaluation methodology activity being undertaken when it was
conceived, known to the evaluator, read in a publication);
b) the SFR(s) not met;
c) a description;
d) whether it is exploitable in its operational environment or not (i.e. exploitable or residual);
e) the amount of time, level of expertise, level of knowledge of the TOE, level of opportunity and
the equipment required to perform the identified vulnerabilities, and the corresponding values
using the ISO/IEC 18045:2008, Annex B.4, Tables B.2 and B.3
NOTE As stated in ISO/IEC 18045:2008, 14.2.5, ISO/IEC 18045 does not specify any work units at the
AVA_VAN.5 level.
The content of the “Penetration testing” evaluator action is summarized in the following diagram.
AVA_VAN.1.2E/2.2E/3.2E/4.2 E: perform a search of public domain sources to identify potential vulnerabilities in
the TOE
AVA_VAN.1-3/2-3/3-3/4-3: examine public information to identify
potential vulnerabilities
AVA_VAN.1-4/2-5/3-5/4-5: record the identiied potential
vulnerabilities as candidates for testing
Figure 2 — “Penetration testing” evaluator action summary
5 Vulnerability assessment activities
ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045 support an assurance case based framework for the specification
and evaluation of the security of IT products in the following way. Under ISO/IEC 15026-2, the elements
of these assurance cases can be captured and conveyed in a consistent and structured fashion. Within
an ISO/IEC 15026-2 structured assurance case context, the vulnerability assessment activities defined
under ISO/IEC 18045 can be characterized as identifying specific assurance claims (through the
determination of relevant potential vulnerabilities and patterns of attack for which the TOE is tested),
identifying relevant and acceptable argumentation for those claims [through the determination
of relevant and acceptable techniques for evaluation (by default this is penetration planning and
execution)], and capturing relevant and acceptable evidence for that argumentation (through the
structured reporting of evaluation activities and results). In aggregate, the results of following the
guidance outlined in 5.1 and 5.2 can be related and conveyed in the form of a ISO/IEC 15026 compliant
structured assurance case potentially yielding improved consistency of evaluation as well as the
potentially improved coordination between development and evaluation.
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ISO/IEC TR 20004:2015(E)

5.1 Determine relevant potential vulnerabilities
ISO/IEC 18045 defines the work units for determining relevant potential vulnerabilities in the
following subclauses:
— Work unit AVA_VAN.1-3;
— Work unit AVA_VAN.2-3;
— Work unit AVA_VAN.3-3;
— Work unit AVA_VAN.4-3.
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE®, ITU-T x.1520) is a dictionary of common names (i.e., CVE
Identifiers) for publicly known information security vulnerabilities, while its Common Configuration
Enumeration (CCE™) provides identifiers for security configuration issues and exposures. CVE’s
common identifiers make it easier

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