prEN ISO 4499-2
(Main)This document gives guidelines for the measurement of hardmetal grain size by metallographic techniques only using optical or electron microscopy. It is intended for WC/Co hardmetals (also called cemented carbides or cermets) containing primarily tungsten carbide (WC[1]) as the hard phase. It is also intended for measuring the grain size and distribution by the linear-intercept technique.
This document essentially covers four main topics:
— calibration of microscopes, to underpin the accuracy of measurements;
— linear analysis techniques, to acquire sufficient statistically meaningful data;
— analysis methods, to calculate representative average values;
— reporting, to comply with modern quality requirements.
This document is supported by a measurement case study to illustrate the recommended techniques (see Annex A).
This document is not intended for the following:
— measurements of size distribution;
— recommendations on shape measurements. Further research is needed before recommendations for shape measurement can be given.
Measurements of coercivity are sometimes used for grain-size measurement, however, this document is concerned only with a metallographic measurement method. It is also written for hardmetals and not for characterizing powders. However, the method can, in principle, be used for measuring the average size of powders that are suitably mounted and sectioned.
[1] DE: Wolframcarbid, EN: tungsten carbide.
Hartmetalle - Metallographische Bestimmung der Mikrostruktur - Teil 2: Messung der WC Korngröße (ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018)
Métaux-durs - Détermination métallographique de la microstructure - Partie 2: Mesurage de la taille des grains de WC (ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018)
Le présent document donne des lignes directrices relatives au mesurage de la taille des grains de métaux-durs selon des techniques métallographiques utilisant uniquement un microscope optique ou électronique. Il est destiné aux métaux-durs WC/Co (également appelés carbures cémentés ou cermets) contenant principalement du carbure de tungstène (WC[1]) sous la forme d'une phase dure. Il est également destiné au mesurage de la taille des grains et de la distribution au moyen de la technique d'interception linéaire.
Le présent document couvre essentiellement quatre sujets principaux :
— étalonnage de microscopes, pour appuyer la précision des mesures ;
— techniques d'analyses linéaires, pour obtenir suffisamment de données statistiquement significatives ;
— méthodes d'analyse, pour calculer des valeurs moyennes représentatives ;
— rapports, pour répondre aux exigences modernes de qualité.
Le présent document est étayé par une étude de cas de mesurage destinée à illustrer les techniques recommandées (voir Annexe A).
Le présent document ne traite pas les points suivants :
— mesurage de la distribution de la taille ;
— recommandations sur les mesurages de forme. De plus amples recherches sont nécessaires avant de pouvoir établir des recommandations relatives au mesurage de forme.
Des mesurages de coercivité servent parfois au mesurage de la taille des grains, toutefois le présent document ne traite que de la méthode de mesurage métallographique. Il est également rédigé pour les métaux durs et non pour les poudres caractérisantes. Toutefois, la méthode peut, en principe, servir au mesurage de la granulométrie moyenne de poudres convenablement montées et sectionnées.
[1] ALL : Wolframcarbid, AN : tungsten carbide.
Trdine - Metalografsko določevanje mikrostrukture - 2. del: Merjenje velikosti zrn volframovega karbida (WC) (ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018)
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
SLOVENSKI STANDARD oSIST prEN ISO 4499-2:2018 01-september-2018
YROIUDPRYHJDNDUELGD:&,62',6Hardmetals - Metallographic determination of microstructure - Part 2: Measurement of
WC grain size (ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018)Hartmetalle - Metallographische Bestimmung der Mikrostruktur - Teil 2: Messung der WC
Korngröße (ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018)Métaux-durs - Détermination métallographique de la microstructure - Partie 2: Mesurage
de la taille des grains de WC (ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018)Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO 4499-2
77.040.99 Druge metode za Other methods of testing of
preskušanje kovin metals
77.160 Metalurgija prahov Powder metallurgy
oSIST prEN ISO 4499-2:2018 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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oSIST prEN ISO 4499-2:2018
ISO/DIS 4499-2
ISO/TC 119/SC 4 Secretariat: DIN
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2018-06-21 2018-09-13
Hardmetals — Metallographic determination of
microstructure —
Part 2:
Measurement of WC grain size
Métaux-durs — Détermination métallographique de la microstructure —
Partie 2: Mesurage de la taille des grains de WC
ICS: 77.160; 77.040.99
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018(E)
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oSIST prEN ISO 4499-2:2018
ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018(E)
© ISO 2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright office
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
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Published in Switzerland
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oSIST prEN ISO 4499-2:2018
ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations, symbols and units .................................................................................................. 2
3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Terms and definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Symbols, abbreviations and units ........................................................................................................................................... 3
4 General information ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Apparatus ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Calibration .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
7 Grain-size measurement by the linear-intercept method ......................................................................................... 6
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.2 Sampling ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.2.1 Sampling of products ................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.2.2 Sampling of microstructure .................................................................................................................................... 7
7.3 Measurement errors .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.3.1 Systematic and random errors ............................................................................................................................ 7
7.3.2 Large WC grain sizes..................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.3.3 Smallest measurable intercept ............................................................................................................................ 8
8 Reporting ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Annex A (informative) Measurement case study ..................................................................................................................................10
Annex B (informative) Report proforma .......................................................................................................................................................15
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................17
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oSIST prEN ISO 4499-2:2018
ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/patents).Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
URL: www .iso .org/iso/foreword .html.This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 119, Powder metallurgy, Subcommittee
SC 4, Sampling and testing methods for hardmetals.This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 4499-2:2008), which has been technically
revised.The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— Clause 5, 2 paragraph "Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD)" inserted;
— Clause 7.2.1, list revised;
— Clause 7.3.3, Table 1, row "Electron Back Scatter Diffraction" added and in row "Scanning electron
microscope" the value for the "Minimum visible intercept length" corrected from 200 nm into 400 nm.
A list of all parts in the ISO 4499 series can be found on the ISO website.iv © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
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oSIST prEN ISO 4499-2:2018
Hardmetals — Metallographic determination of
microstructure —
Part 2:
Measurement of WC grain size
1 Scope
This document gives guidelines for the measurement of hardmetal grain size by metallographic
techniques only using optical or electron microscopy. It is intended for sintered WC/Co hardmetals
(also called cemented carbides or cermets) containing primarily WC (de: Wolframcarbid, en: tungsten
carbide) as the hard phase. It is also intended for measuring the grain size and distribution by the
linear-intercept technique.This document essentially covers four main topics:
— calibration of microscopes, to underpin the accuracy of measurements;
— linear analysis techniques, to acquire sufficient statistically meaningful data;
— analysis methods, to calculate representative average values;— reporting, to comply with modern quality requirements.
This document is supported by a measurement case study to illustrate the recommended techniques
(see Annex A).This document is not intended for the following.
— Measurements of size distribution.
— Recommendations on shape measurements. Further research is needed before recommendations
for shape measurement can be given.Measurements of coercivity are sometimes used for grain-size measurement, but this current guide is
concerned only with a metallographic measurement method. It is also written for sintered hardmetals
and not for characterising powders. However, the method could, in principle, be used for measuring the
average size of powders that are suitably mounted and sectioned.2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3369, Impermeable sintered metal materials and hardmetals — Determination of density
ISO 3738-1, Hardmetals — Rockwell hardness test (scale A) — Part 1: Test methodISO 3738-2, Hardmetals — Rockwell hardness test (scale A) — Part 2: Preparation and calibration of
standard test blocksISO 3878, Hardmetals — Vickers hardness test
ISO 4489:1978, Sintered hardmetals — Sampling and testing
© ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018(E)
ISO 4499-1, Hardmetals — Metallographic determination of microstructure — Part 1: Photomicrographs
and descriptionISO 4499-4, Hardmetals — Metallographic determination of microstructure — Part 4: Characterisation of
porosity, carbon defects and eta-phase content3 Terms, d efinitions , abbreviations, symbols and units
3.1 General
A very wide range of terms are used to describe powders or sintered hardmetals of different sizes. For
example, the following have been used in a variety of publications and reports.Extra coarse Fine Microfine
Coarse Very fine Micrograin
Coarse/Medium Ultra fine Nanophase
Medium Extra fine Nanograin
Medium/Fine Submicron Super fine
None of these terms have commonly agreed or well-defined size ranges among users and producers of
powders or sintered products.Consequently, following discussion in the hardmetal community, the following terms for the sizes
defined in 3.2 are recommended.The uncertainty associated with the measurement of linear-intercept grain size is about 10 %, if
typically (200 to 300) grains are counted. Thus, measurements on or close to the class boundaries
should be treated carefully. It is recommended that measurements that fall within 10 % of any of the
class boundaries should be classed as follows:EXAMPLE
0,19 µm as Nano/Ultrafine 0,21 µm as Ultrafine/Nano
0,75 µm as Submicron/Fine 0,85 µm as Fine/Submicron
1,29 µm as Fine/Medium 1,31 µm as Medium/Fine
2,4 µm as Medium/Coarse 2,6 µm as Coarse/Medium
3.2 Terms and definiti ons
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:/ /www.e lectropedia .org/— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http: //www .iso. org/obp
with WC grain size < 0,2 µm
Note 1 to entry: Measured by the mean-linear-intercept method described in this document.
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ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018(E)
u lt r a f i ne
with WC grain size 0,2 µm to 0,5 µm
Note 1 to entry: Measured by the mean-linear-intercept method described in this document.
3.2.3s ubm ic r on
with WC grain size 0,5 µm to 0,8 µm
Note 1 to entry: Measured by the mean-linear-intercept method described in this document.
3.2.4f i ne
with WC grain size 0,8 µm to 1,3 µm
Note 1 to entry: Measured by the mean-linear-intercept method described in this document.
with WC grain size 1,3 µm to 2,5 µm
Note 1 to entry: Measured by the mean-linear-intercept method described in this document.
with WC grain size 2,5 µm to 6,0 µm
Note 1 to entry: Measured by the mean-linear-intercept method described in this document.
3.2.7extra coarse
with WC grain size > 6,0 µm
Note 1 to entry: Measured by the mean-linear-intercept method described in document.
3.3 Symbols, abbreviations and unitsFor the purposes of this document, the following symbols, abbreviations and units apply.
is the area, in square millimetres (mm)is the arithmetic mean linear intercept of WC grains, in micrometres (µm)
is the equivalent circle diameter, in millimetres (mm)
is the line length, in millimetres (mm)
LI is the arithmetic mean-linear-intercept distance, in micrometres (µm)
is the measured length of individual intercepts, in micrometres (µm)
is the sum of the measured length of each individual intercept
∑ i
N is the number of grain boundaries traversed
n is the number of WC grains intercepted
m is the magnification
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ISO/DIS 4499-2:2018(E)
is the maximum magnification
is the minimum magnification
is the measured size, in millimetres (mm)
is the actual size, in millimetres (mm)
4 General information
This part of ISO 4499 addresses the issue of good practice for the measurement of a mean value for WC
grain size. It recommends the use of a linear-intercept technique for obtaining data. The measurements
shall be made using good practice for the preparation of suitable microstructures for examination
outlined in ISO 4499-1.The properties and performance of hardmetals are directly dependent on the microstructure developed
during manufacture, which in turn is controlled by the character of the starting powder batch.
Understanding the microstructure is the key to controlling or improving properties, and therefore the
measurement of microstructural features, particularly grain size and size distribution, is of paramount
importance.Methods of metallographic preparation and etching techniques are as important as the grain-size
measurement method (see [1] to [4]), and are included in ISO 4499-1. The principal type of hardmetal
considered is WC with a Co binder. However, the procedure can be used for hardmetals that contain
cubic carbides or which are based on TiC or Ti(C, N).The most direct way to measure the WC grain size is to polish and etch a cross-section of the
microstructure and then to use quantitative metallographic techniques to measure a mean value for
the grain size, either by area counting or by linear-intercept techniques.There are three ways by which the mean size by number of the WC grains can be defined:
— by length (of a line across a 2D section of a grain);— by area (of 2D sections of grains);
— by volume (of individual grains).
A number average is obtained by counting each measurement of the parameter of interest (length, area
or volume) and dividing the total value of the parameter (length, area or volume) by the number of this
parameter counted.The value most used to date has been a length parameter. This can be obtained in several ways, for
[12]example, by parallel lines or circles as described in ASTM E112 :
— by linear intercept, called the Heyn method, from a straight line drawn across the structure;
— by the equivalent circle diameter; this is obtained by measuring grain areas and then taking the
diameter of a circle of equivalent area. It is possible, for equiaxed grains, to convert an equivalent
circle diameter (ECD) grain size to a linear intercept (LI) value using Equation (1).
LI==A π /4ECD (1)Thus ECD = 1,13 LI.
This expression is discussed in References [1] and [5].
4 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
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An additional method is that established by Jefferies, where the number of grains per unit area can be
counted. This can, if required, be converted to an equivalent circle diameter.It shall be noted that
— point/area counting provides no information on distribution, and
— the Jefferies method is not intended for use on multiphase materials such as hardmetals.
The recommended technique for measurement of hardmetal grain size is the linear-intercept method.
5 Apparatus[10]
Grain-size measurements are obtained from images of the microstructure. ISO 4499-1, ASTM B657
[11]and ASTM B665 should be consulted for best practice in the preparation of surfaces for imaging.
Hardmetal structural images are usually generated by either optical microscopy, scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) or Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD). For accurate measurements, it is better
to use scanning electron-microscopic images. Even in coarse-grained materials, the imaged surface
cuts through a substantial number of the corners of grains, giving a proportion of small intercepts that
can only be measured accurately using the scanning electron microscope.Measurements of intercept lengths from the acquired images can be obtained manually or
semiautomatically using image analysis. Automatic image analysis can be used in some circumstances
when the images are fairly coarse and good contrast can be obtained, but for many materials, especially
those with very fine grain sizes, good images are difficult to acquire and are generally not amenable to
automatic analysis.For the ultrafine and nano grades, good images are particularly difficult to acquire using conventional
scanning electron microscopes with tungsten-filament electron sources. For these materials, it is
recommended that a field emission SEM (FESEM) be used. These systems give significantly higher
resolution images, sufficient to measure materials with mean intercept sizes of about 0,1 µm to 0,2 µm.
For materials with ever smaller grain sizes, it may be necessary to use transmission electron microscopy
(TEM). However, the problems of sampling and specimen preparation are particularly severe (see [7]).
Careful specimen preparation for good images is vital for these materials, and often a combination of
etching methods is helpful (see ISO 4499-1).6 Calibration
To give reliable quantitative measurements, images shall be calibrated against a stage micrometer or
scale traceab...
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