ISO/DIS 22031
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ISO/DIS 22031
ISO/TC 142 Secretariat: UNI
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2019-04-05 2019-06-28
Sampling and test method for cleanable filter media taken
from filters of systems in operation
ICS: 91.140.30
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 22031:2019(E)
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ISO/DIS 22031:2019(E)
© ISO 2019
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ISO/DIS 22031:2019(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Sampling of representative filter element ................................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Selection of sampling block in the system....................................................................................................................... 3
4.2.1 Sampling block .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.2.2 Number of filter elements to be sampled ................................................................................................... 5
4.2.3 Sampling time and interval ..................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Procedure of sampling ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3.2 Preparation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3.3 Sampling of filter element........................................................................................................................................ 5
4.3.4 Installation of new fabric filters ......................................................................................................................... 6
4.3.5 Transportation of sampled filter elements to test lab ..................................................................... 6
5 Test method of the sampled fabric filter ..................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Appearance inspection..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Photography .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.4 Cut out of the test specimen ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.5 Testing ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.5.1 Tensile strength ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.5.2 Elongation ratio ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.5.3 Air permeability ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.5.4 Observation with microscope ............................................................................................................................... 8
5.5.5 Optional measurement items................................................................................................................................ 8
5.6 Handling of the sampled fabric filter after the end of test ................................................................................ 9
6 Cautions for handling ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
7 Test report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................10
Annex A (informative) Example of test report .........................................................................................................................................12
Annex B (informative) Example of test results........................................................................................................................................14
Annex C (informative) Analysing filter media damage through FTA ................................................................................17
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
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ISO/DIS 22031:2019(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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URL: www .iso .org/iso/foreword .html.This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 142, Cleaning equipment for air and
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complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/members .html.iv © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 22031:2019(E)
The main purpose of using dust collector systems is to separate dust particles from dirty gases. The
dry type filtering dust collector, bag filters are one of the most widely used industrial dust collectors
such as municipal garbage incinerators, coal fired boilers, iron makings, cement factories, power plants,
etc. Their important characteristics such as collection performance and residual pressure drop change
with the operation period, because the filter media in them exposed under various gases, dust and
temperature circumstances.Changes in physical and chemical properties of filter media are caused by many factors, such as
heat, particle accumulation, reaction with corrosive gases and deposited particles, and mechanical
reasons like clogging weave openings and increasing size of weave openings, the combination of those
factors and so on. Clogging weave openings reduces the permeability of the filter media, increasing
size of weave openings also lessens its collection performance. The reaction with corrosive gases and
deposited particles changes properties of filter fibre material itself, and decreases tensile strength,
tenacity, flexibility of filter media and so on. These changes are mostly adverse effects to filter media.
This can result in the breakage of filter media and leakage of dust to the atmosphere.
Therefore, since it is important to evaluate property change of filter media for predicting the timing
of replacement and/or service life time, ISO 16891:2016, test methods for evaluating degradation of
tensile stress of cleanable filter media has been published. However, test method for other evaluation
terms such as permeability, collection efficiency, fibre diameter of used filter media, mass and size
distribution of deposited particles, has not been specified.Industrial bag filter systems, in general, handle large amount of dirty gas so that dirty gas is introduced
to the system with large number of filter elements to separate dust. Accordingly, degree of degradation
of filter properties also depends on the location of filter in the system. Furthermore, sampling and
storage method of used filter, preparation method of test specimen should be also determined. By the
standardization of these test method, it is possible to accurately assess the deterioration of filter media
which is performed individually.This standard provides the standard sampling method of filter elements from a dust collector system in
operation and test method to monitor sampled filter element and the system through measurement of
basic filter properties.© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved v
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Sampling and test method for cleanable filter media taken
from filters of systems in operation
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the sampling method of fabric filter media from filter system in
operation and test method thereof to evaluate the degradation of filter media for dry type filtering
dust collector (hereafter referred to as “bag filters”) used in thermal power plants, municipal waste
incineration facility, etc.Bag filters are one of the most widely used dust collectors in industries such as municipal garbage
incinerators, coal fired boilers, iron makings, cement factories, power plants, etc. Since filter media are
used under various gas and dust circumstances for a long time, its physical and chemical properties
[1]-[9]change (deteriorate) with operation time due to various causes . Especially, in the municipal
[10],[11]garbage incinerator, bag filter has been used very popularly to overcome dioxin emission . Since
users of bag filter system usually evaluated the necessary items for the change in the filter properties
with each method by themselves, obtained results were not compatible with each other. For this
reason, the establishment of the standard operation management and maintenance of filter system is
an important issue to predict the timing of replacement and/or service life time of filter media.
It is usually desirable to remove dust from the filter element before sampling. However, it may be
sampled with dust when it is difficult. In any case, special care shall be paid not to scatter too much
dust accompanying sampling work and not to bring out extra dust outside the factory.
Since measured physical and chemical properties of the filter media may differ depending on whether
or not dust adheres to the media, it is recommended to measure with and without attached dust on the
filter media. When dust removal from the filter media is necessary, it shall be carried out using a brush
and a vacuum being careful not to damage the filter media.Sampled filter media may be contaminated with potential hazardous substances so it shall be handled
with special care.2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 16891:2016, Test methods for evaluating degradation of characteristics of cleanable filter media
ISO 29464:2017, Cleaning of air and other gases — Terminology3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https: //www .iso .org/obp— IEC Electropedia: available at http: //www .electropedia .org/
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO/DIS 22031:2019(E)
air permeability
gas volume flow rate per unit filtration area at pressure drop of 124,5 Pa
[SOURCE: ISO 16891:2016 3.2]
chemical degradation
degradation of chemical properties of filter media by the interaction with test gases
[SOURCE: ISO 16891:2016 3.5]3.3
cleanable filter
filter designed to enable the removal of collected dust by appropriate technique
[SOURCE: ISO 29464:2017 3.2.73]
change in physical and chemical performances of filter media by the interaction with corrosive gases
[SOURCE: ISO 16891:2016 3.9]3.5
incremental change in length of test specimen by tensile test
[SOURCE: ISO 16891:2016 3.10]
nonwoven fabric
filter media using fabric made from long fibres, bonded together with each other by chemical,
mechanical, heat or solvent treatment[SOURCE: ISO 16891:2016 3.21]
tensile strength
value of the maximum load divided by the width of test specimen
[SOURCE: ISO 16891:2016 3.27]
woven fabric
filter media using a fabric formed by weaving
[SOURCE: ISO 16891:2016 3.31]
pulse cleaning
to remove collected particulate from filtration element by injecting compressed air in short time from
clean side of filter element3.10
snap ring
a metallic ring-shaped spring mounted at an opening end of fabric filter
address of filter elements in the bag house
allocated place of a filter element in the bag house
2 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 22031:2019(E)
dirty side
upstream the filter element
clean side
downstream the filter element
a supporting device fixing the fabric filter to perform dust collection, which may be referred to as a cage
4 Sampling of representative filter element4.1 General
To evaluate or monitor the service life time of filter elements, it is essential to sample the representative
filter element, since degree of degradation of filter properties depends not only on causes but also on
the location of filter in the system. Hence, even for a given cause, it is practically difficult to select a
representative filter because of the size and structure of the system, arrangement of filter elements,
gas flow distribution in the system and so on, are different to the individual system. Even in the same
system, the degree of the degradation is different by the element location. Hence it is extremely difficult
to point out the exact location in the system. Hence from the safety point of view, it is preferable to
sample a filter element as the representative element from the area the filter element is assumed to be
most deteriorated in the system.4.2 Selection of sampling block in the system
4.2.1 Sampling block
Most serious deterioration is expected to appear where dirty gas concentrates. Appearing area depends
on whether the bag filter system has a baffle plate at the dirty gas inlet. When dirty gas flows into
the system without a baffle plate, gas will flow to the opposite side of the system and change the flow
direction as shown in Figure 1 a) so that filter element is recommended to be sampled from a block at
either central or outside in the opposite side of the dirty gas inlet, for instance, block F, C, D. When the
system has a baffle plate, dirty gas flow is divided by the baffle plate and will gather again downstream
as shown in Figure 1 b). Therefore, the filter element is recommended to be sampled from a block at
the block where gas flow concentrates after it is divided by the baffle plate, for instance, block E or F.
The filter element can be sampled from the block identified by the flow analysis, etc. where dirty gas
concentrates, for instance, block E, I, F for left-hand side and G, I, H for right-hand side as shown in
Figure 1 c) and d).© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved 3
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a) Bag filter system without baffle plate b) Bag filter system with baffle plate
c) Area where dirty gas flow concentrates d) Area where dirty gas flow concentrates
is already identified by flow analysis etc. is already identified by flow analysis etc.
case 1 case 2Key
1 dirty gas 3 filter element
2 bag house 4 baffle plate
Figure 1 — Examples of sampling block
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4.2.2 Number of filter elements to be sampled
Number of filter elements to be sampled shall be determined in accordance with the number of
compartments in the bag filter system.a) Bag filter of one compartment: At least one sample.
b) Bag filter with multi-compartments: At least one filter element per compartment shall be sampled.
4.2.3 Sampling time and intervalThe first filter element shall be sampled around one year after its operation. Thereafter, it is preferable
to sample in about one-year intervals.Unused fabric filter shall be stored as reference to create the baseline for comparison.
Though plants installing a bag filter system usually operate continuously, the facility must be shut-
down when sampling the filter media. Therefore, it is preferable to sample filter element during the
shut-down period of the facility, such as periodic inspection and repair period.4.3 Procedure of sampling
4.3.1 General
Sampling of filter element is carried out by replacing old and new filter elements in the following
sequence.4.3.2 Preparation
a) Stop the dust laden gas flow to the bag filter system and operate the system for more than 10
minutes with clean air alone and repeat pulse cleaning several times to remove dust on the filter
element as much as possible.b) The flow rate and pressure drop of the designated filter element to sample shall be measured.
c) Stop the clean air supply.d) Then open the lid of the dirty side of the system and take a picture of the arrangement state of the
bag filter from the bottom of the system.4.3.3 Sampling of filter element
a) Open the lid of clean side of the system.
b) Remove the retainer holding the filter element. Then remove the filter element by loosening snap
rings for fixing the element.c) Pull down the sampled filter element to dust bin with a rope. It had better be taken out to the clean
side of the upper part of the system, if possible.NOTE When filter element can be dropped down softly to the dust bin without rope, it does not need
to use the rope. Particularly, pay attention to prevent penetrate of dust inside the filter media and the re-
entrainment of dust from the filter media.d) Measure the mass of filter element, if necessary, and record in a gram (g) unit for reference.
e) Put the sampled filter element into a polyethylene bag, etc. and seal the bag tightly.
NOTE This is to prevent absorption of moisture and re-entrainment of dust. Hence, it is desirable to put
the sampled filter element into a double layer polyethylene bag. Furthermore, in order to prevent changes of
the properties of the filter, it shall be kept in a vacuum state or filled with an inert gas, if possible.
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f) Record the address of sampled filter element on the polyethylene bag. An example address of the
filter elements in the system is shown in Figure 2. (address of hatched filter element: 1-2-X)
NOTE When the arrangement plan of fabric elements is provided, the address of sampled filter element shall
be written on the arrangement plan.Key
1 compart number
2 row number
Figure 2 — Arrangement plan of fabric elements in the bag
4.3.4 Installation of new fabric filters
Install new filter elements at the corresponding addresses of the sampled filter elements.
4.3.5 Transportation of sampled filter elements to test labThe sampled filter elements shall be transported by the following process.
a) The sampled filter elements shall be put in a card board box not to contact with each other and
sealed tightly to prevent re-entrainment of attached dust, etc. In the case of handling, care shall be
taken that the dust does not re-entrain.b) The sampled filter elements shall be sent by appropriate mean of transport to arrive at the test
laboratory within 2 days after sampling.NOTE The sampled filter element is treated as a sample and is not pertinent to an industrial waste.
5 Test method of the sampled fabric filter5.1 General
The sampled filter elements shall be selectively tested from the items shown below by the negotiation
between stakeholders. In the negotiation, it may be considered whether or not there is damage and
damage degree.5.2 Appearance inspection
Stretch wholly the fabric filter on a flat plate and examine visually the damaged site, measure the
outline size. Then, the measured value should be recorded.6 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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5.3 Photography
Indicate the head and tail of fabric filter with the filter wholly stretched, and then the pictures of the
fabric filter should be taken for both front and back sides. In addition, if a whole photograph of the fabric
filter is considered unnecessary because of restrictions of space due to circumstances of photograph
site, and presence and absence of damage of the fabric filter, etc., partial photograph may be allowed.
5.4 Cut out of the test specimenClean up the fabric filter carefully in an appropriate manner for the measurement item, such as
vacuum cleaner, jet air, brush or scraper. The dust removed from the fabric filter shall be captured and
preserved. Cut out from the fabric filter a test specimen required for the following.
The cut out of the test sample is fundamentally performed at three sites of “upper”, “medium” and
“lower”.In addition, if it is judged that the three sites are unnecessary in consideration of presence or absence of
damage on the fabric filter, the sample may be cut out at two sites such as a combination of “upper” and
“lower”.The sampling shall be performed at the site in contact with the retainer.
The test specimen cut out longitudinally from the fabric filter shall include the part in contact with the
row of retainer in the centre. An example of sampling site is shown in Figure 3.5.5 Testing
Measurement of each part of test specimen shown in Figure 3 shall be as follows.
5.5.1 Tensile strength
The test shall be performed as follows according to the type of fabric filter. In addition, the test should
be performed with dust attached on the filter.a) Glass fibre
The test shall be performed in accordance with the method specified in 6.2 of ISO 16891.
Cut out three test specimens (30 mm x 250 mm) in lengthwise and lateral directions, respectively, from
the sample, pull each of them at a constant rate (200 mm/min) with width of 25 mm and clamp distance
of 150 mm, calculate the ultimate load (N) and obtain an average value of them.b) Felt fibre
The test shall be performed in accordance with the cut strip method in the method specified in 6.2 of
ISO 16891.Cut out three test specimens (50 mm x 300 mm) in lengthwise and lateral directions, respectively, from
the sample, pull each of them at a constant rate (100 mm/min or 200 mm/min) with width of 50 mm
and clamp distance of 200 mm. calculate the ultimate load (N) and obtain an average value of them.
5.5.2 Elongation ratioThe test shall be performed as follows according to the type of the fabric filter. In addition, the test
should be performed with dust attached on the filter.a) Glass fibre
The measured data shall be recorded together with the test method.
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b) Felt fibre
The test shall be performed in accordance with the cut strip method in the method A specified in 7.4 of
ISO 16891.Cut out three test specimens (50 mm x 300 mm) in lengthwise and lateral directions, respectively, from
the sample, pull each of them at a constant rate (100 mm/min or 200 mm/min) with width of 50 mm
and clamp distance of 200 mm, calculate the elongation ratio (%) and obtain an average value of them.
5.5.3 Air permeabilityThe test shall be performed as follows according to the type of the fabric filter. The measurement should
be performed both with the dust attached on the filter and with the dust removed away brushed away
using a brush, cleaner, etc. at a degree not to damage the fabric filter.a) Glass fibre
The test shall be performed according to Frazier type method specified in 6.2.3 of ISO 16891 or a similar
method. Sample three test specimens from the sample and obtain their average value.
3 2 3 2The unit is expressed in (cm /s)/cm or cm /cm /s.
b) Felt fibre
The test shall be performed according to Frazier type method in the method A specified in 6.2.3
of ISO16891 or a similar method. Sample three test specimens from the sample and obtain their
average value.3 2 3 2
The unit is expressed in (cm /s)/cm or cm /cm /s.
5.5.4 Observation with microscope
The observati
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