Technologies de l'information -- Techniques automatiques d'identification et de capture de données -- Ligne directrice de qualité du marquage direct sur pièce (DPM)
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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Secretariat: ANSI
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2020-01-22 2020-04-15
Information technology — Automatic identification and
data capture techniques — Direct Part Mark (DPM) Quality
Technologies de l'information — Techniques automatiques d'identification et de capture de données —
Ligne directrice de qualité du marquage direct sur pièce (DPM)ICS: 35.040.50
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/IEC DIS 29158:2020(E)
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ISO/IEC DIS 29158:2020(E)
© ISO/IEC 2020
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ISO/IEC DIS 29158:2020(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols (and abbreviated terms) ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Overview of methodology ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 Process differences from ISO/IEC 15415......................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 Lighting .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.3 Tilted coaxial lighting and camera position (TCL). .................................................................................................. 3
6 Obtaining the image .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 Camera position and Symbol orientation ........................................................................................................................ 4
6.1.1 Symbol placement .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1.2 Camera position in a 90 degree camera angle set up ....................................................................... 4
6.1.3 TCL setup ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Lighting environments ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2.1 Perpendicular coaxial (90) ...................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2.2 Diffuse off-axis (D) ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2.3 Four direction (angle Q) ............................................................................................................................................ 5
6.2.4 Two direction (angle T) ............................................................................................................................................. 5
6.2.5 One direction (angle S) ............................................................................................................................................... 6
6.2.6 TCL Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.3 Image focus ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.4 Depth of field ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.5 System response adjustment and reflectance calibration ................................................................................. 6
7 Verifying a symbol ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Initial image reflectance.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
7.1.1 Initialize aperture size ................................................................................................................................................ 7
7.1.2 Create initial histogram.............................................................................................................................................. 7
7.1.3 Compute mean ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.1.4 Optimize image ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
7.2 Obtaining the test image ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
7.2.1 Binarize image ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.3 Apply Reference Decode Algorithm ...................................................................................................................................... 7
7.3.1 Repeat if necessary ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
7.3.2 Continue until end .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.4 Final image adjustment ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.4.1 Determine grid-point reflectance with two apertures .................................................................... 8
7.4.2 Create a grid-point histogram .............................................................................................................................. 8
7.4.3 Measure MeanLight ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.4.4 Record parameters ........................................................................................................................................... .............. 8
7.4.5 Create binarized images for the Symbology Reference Decode .............................................. 8
7.4.6 Decode ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
8 Determine contrast parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
8.1 Calculate Cell Contrast (CC) ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Calculate Cell Module Modulation (CMOD) .................................................................................................................... 9
8.3 Calculate Minimum Reflectance (Rtarget) ...................................................................................................................... 9
9 Grading ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
9.1 Cell Contrast (CC) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
9.2 Minimum Reflectance (Rtarget) ............................................................................................................................................10
9.3 Cell Modulation (CM)......................................................................................................................................................................10
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9.4 Fixed pattern damage ....................................................................................................................................................................11
9.5 Final grade ...............................................................................................................................................................................................11
10 Communicating grade requirements and results ...........................................................................................................11
10.1 Communication of Application requirements...........................................................................................................11
10.2 Communicating from Verifier to Application ............................................................................................................12
10.3 Communicating the use of a proprietary decode ...................................................................................................12
Annex A (normative) Threshold determination method .............................................................................................................13
Annex B (informative) Evaluation of image at virtual 90° camera position from real tilted
camera position ..................................................................................................................................................................................................17
Annex C (normative) Continuous Grading for ISO/IEC15415 Parameters ................................................................21
Annex D (normative) Dot connecting algorithm ...................................................................................................................................26
Annex E (informative) Communicating the grade ...............................................................................................................................28
Annex F (informative) Cross reference to ISO/IEC 15415 ...........................................................................................................31
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................32
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ISO/IEC DIS 29158:2020(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 29158 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC JTC 1, Information Technology,
Subcommittee SC 31, Automatic identification and data capture techniques.© ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved v
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ISO/IEC DIS 29158:2020(E)
Direct Part Marking (DPM) is a technology whereby, generally, an item is physically altered to produce
two different surface conditions. This alteration can be accomplished by various means including, but
not limited to, dot peen, laser mark, ink jetting, and electro-chemical etch. The area of the alteration
is called "the mark." The area that includes the mark and background as a whole, when containing a
pattern defined by a bar code symbology specification, is called "a symbol."When light illuminates a symbol, it reflects differently depending on whether it impinges on the
background of the part or on the physical alteration. In most non-DPM bar code scanning environments,
light is reflected off a smooth surface that has been coloured to produce two different diffuse reflected
states. The DPM environment generally does not fit this model because the two different reflected
states depend on at least one of the states having material oriented to the lighting such that the angle
of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Sometimes the material so oriented produces a specular
(mirror like) reflectance that results in a signal that is orders of magnitude greater than the signal from
diffuse reflectance.In addition, from the scanner point-of-view, some marking and printing methods generate dots and are
not capable of producing smooth lines. This is important for symbologies such as Data Matrix which is
specified to contain smooth continuous lines but is sometimes marked with disconnected dots in a DPM
applications.Current specifications for matrix symbologies and two-dimensional print quality are not exactly suited
to reading situations that have either specular reflection or unconnected dots or both. Additionally
symbologies specified to consist of smooth continuous lines may appear with unconnected dots. This
is intended to act as a bridge between the existing specifications and the DPM environment in order
to provide a standardized image based measurement method for DPM that is predictive of scanner
performance.As with all symbology and quality standards, it is the responsibility of the application to define the
appropriate parameters of this guideline for use in conjunction with a particular application.
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Information technology — Automatic identification and
data capture techniques — Direct Part Mark (DPM) Quality
1 Scope
This standard is an engineering document intended for verifier manufacturers and application
specification developers.This standard describes modifications which are to be considered in conjunction with the symbol
quality methodology defined in ISO/IEC 15415 and a symbology specification. It defines alternative
illumination conditions, some new terms and parameters, modifications to the measurement and
subsequent grading of certain parameters and the reporting of the grading results.
This standard was developed to assess the symbol quality of direct marked parts, where the mark is
applied directly to the surface of the item and the reading device is a two-dimensional imager.
When application specifications allow, this method may also be applied to symbols produced by other
methods. This is appropriate when direct part marked (DPM) symbols and non-DPM symbols are being
scanned in the same scanning environment. The symbol grade is reported as a DPM grade rather than
as an ISO/IEC 15415 grade.2 Normative references
ISO/IEC 15415, Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Bar
code symbol print quality test specification — Two-dimensional symbolsISO/IEC 19762, Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques —
Harmonized vocabulary3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 19762, ISO/IEC 15416 and ISO/IEC 15415 apply, together
with the following:3.1 MLcal
Mean of the light lobe from a histogram of the calibrated standard.
3.2 MLtarget
Mean of the light lobe from the final grid-point histogram of the symbol under test.
3.3 Reference SymbolHigh-contrast printed calibration card for which results are traceable back to national or international
standards and for which the supplier supplies a calibration certificate.3.4 Rcal
Reported reflectance value, Rmax, from a calibration standard.
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ISO/IEC DIS 29158:2020(E)
3.5 Rtarget
Measured percent reflectance of the light elements of the symbol under test relative to the calibrated
standard. Rtarget is graded and reported as the parameter named “Minimum Reflectance”.
3.6 SRcalSystem Response parameters (such as exposure and/or gain) used to create an image of the calibration
standard.3.7 SRtarget
System Response parameters (such as exposure and/or gain) used to create an image of the symbol
under test.3.8 Stick
Line segment comprised of image pixels that is used to connect areas of the same colour that are near
to each other.3.9 T1
Threshold created using a histogram of the defined grey-scale pixel values in a circular area 20 times
the aperture size in diameter, centred on the image centre using the algorithm defined in Annex A.
3.10 T2Threshold created using the histogram of the reference grey-scale image pixel values at each
intersection point of the grid using the method defined in Annex A.4 Symbols (and abbreviated terms)
CM Cell Modulation
CC ell Contrast
FPD Fixed pattern damage
LED Light emitting diode
MD MeanDark
TCL Tilted coaxial lighting and camera position
5 Overview of methodology
5.1 Process differences from ISO/IEC 15415
All parameters in the symbology and print quality specifications apply except for:
— A different method for setting the image contrast.— A different method for creating the binary image.
— A new method for choosing the aperture size.
— An image pre-process methodology for joining disconnected modules in a symbol (where applicable).
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ISO/IEC DIS 29158:2020(E)
— A different process for determining the Modulation and Reflectance Margin parameter renamed
Cell Modulation.— A different process for determining the Symbol Contrast parameter which has been renamed Cell
Contrast.— A different process for computing Fixed Pattern Damage
— A new parameter called Minimum Reflectance (Rtarget).
Axial Nonuniformity, Grid Nonuniformity and Unused Error Correction are applied with their
continuous grading grades as defined in Annex C, so long as 15415 does not provide information on
continuous grading for these parameters. If/when 15415 does provide continuous grading on these
parameters, that information will be used. This standard explains how to both specify and report
quality grades in a manner complementary to, yet distinct from, the method in ISO/IEC 15415.
5.2 LightingLighting environments shall be reported according to chapter 6.2 and 10.2. The chosen lighting
environment shall be selected under recognizing the properties of the mark and the scanning equipment
/ environment.5.3 Tilted coaxial lighting and camera position (TCL).
DPM applications that uses a geometrical mark which is peened, drilled or carved into a surface.
Reading camera and unidirectional illumination are located at a coaxial position with a known fixed tilt
angle and object rotation angle and position.To read dot-peened codes, there are multiple reading setups possible. This standard defines several
camera and lighting setups in order to address various dot peen geometries.This specific TCL environment is focussing on the system response of the mark (e.g., the image a camera
[1]sees). SAE Standard AS9132 takes a different approach to specify the mark geometry.
Figure 1 illustrates the setup. The essential parameter is the camera reading angle. Typical camera
reading angles include 30°, 45° or 60° in relation to the plane of the mark.Note The camera angle is defined in a compatible way to the lighting angle of ISO/IEC15415 (Figure 3).
Note Within the dot peen industry, it is common to specify the stylus angle which is twice the camera angle
given in Figure 1.Note In practice, the condition "coaxial lighting" may be implemented by an approximate setup like a high
distance ring. The light angle tolerance of +/- 3 degrees should be respected.© ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved 3
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Figure 1 — Tilted coaxial lighting and camera setup
This setup is referenced by the abbreviation "TCL" in the following text.
It is not feasible to grade this setup with a camera angle of 90°. The result will not be significant for this
application, as other features of the marked object are measured.Note that a general purpose verifier device may not cover this application, as it requires a special
construction.6 Obtaining the image
Image capture technology and methods are described in this chapter.
6.1 Camera position and Symbol orientation
6.1.1 Symbol placement
Camera to object position is described in this chapter. By default, the horizontal and vertical axis of
the symbol are parallel to a line formed by the edge of the image sensor within +/- 3 degrees (i.e. no
rotation). This symbol orientation should be maintained unless an application specification requires
or allows a different orientation. An application specification may specify a different symbol rotation.
Since the symbol rotation is determined after decoding, the actual rotation angle should be reported
so that the setup can be reproduced easily. In applications in which the rotation angle is specified, the
rotation angle shall be reported to confirm conformance to specified requirements.
The part is placed such that the symbol is in the centre of the field of view.6.1.2 Camera position in a 90 degree camera angle set up
The camera is positioned such that the plane of the image sensor is parallel to the plane of the symbol
area. This is identical to a 90° camera angle.4 © ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved
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6.1.3 TCL setup
Within the TCL setup, camera and symbol position differs in the following points:
• The camera is positioned in the camera angle defined by the application• The raw image is geometrically transformed to correspond to a test image with a virtual camera
position with 90° camera angle, as described in Annex B.• The symbol rotation angle needs to be specified by the application and shall be respected by +/-5°.
6.2 Lighting environmentsThe lighting environment is specified by the application. This shall include a direction specifier or an
angle or both. The format is an extension of the angle specifier used in ISO/IEC 15415. Several examples
are given in the following subsections.6.2.1 Perpendicular coaxial (90)
The symbol is illuminated with diffuse light such that the specular reflection from the entire field of
view is uniform.6.2.2 Diffuse off-axis (D)
A diffusely reflecting dome is illuminated from below so that the reflected light falls non-directionally
on the part and does not cast defined shadows. This is commonly used for reading curved parts. The
angle specifier shall be D.This lighting is also called dome lighting.
6.2.3 Four direction (angle Q)
Light is aimed at the part at the given angle +/- 3 degrees from the plane of the surface of the symbol
from four sides such that the lines describing the centre of the beams from opposing pairs of lights
are co-planar and the planes at right angles to each other. One lighting plane is aligned to be parallel
to the line formed by a horizontal edge of the image sensor to within +/- 5 degrees. The lighting shall
illuminate the entire symbol area with uniform energy. The angle specifier shall be angle Q.
Examples are: 45Q ( angle equal 45°) or 30Q (angle equal 30°).6.2.4 Two direction (angle T)
Light is aimed at the part at the given angle +/- 3 degrees from two sides. The light may be incident from
either of the two possible orientations with respect to the symbol. The lighting plane is aligned to be
parallel to the line formed by one edge of the image sensor to within +/- 5 degrees. The lighting shall
illuminate the entire symbol area with uniform energy. The angle specifier shall be "angle T".
Examples are: 45T (angle equal 45°) or 30T (angle equal 30°).Since there are two possible orientations in this setup (above and below, and left and right) the
particular orientation actually used should be reported. The reporting method may be to indicate the
location of the lights with respect to the symbol such as “north-south” when the light is incident from
above and below the natural “top” and “bottom” of a symbol. The orientation of a symbol is known after
decoding and related to the normal orientation of a symbol as specified in its Symbology Specification
(e.g. a Data Matrix symbol’s natural orientation has the solid borders on left and bottom, and for QR
code the normal orientation has Finder Patterns in the upper left, lower left and upper right corners but
not lower right corner.)© ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved 5
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6.2.5 One direction (angle S)
Light is aimed at the part at the given angle +/- 3 degrees from one side. The light may be incident from
any of the four possible orientations with respect to the symbol. The plane perpendicular to the symbol
surface containing the centre of the beam is aligned to be parallel to the line formed by one edge of
the image sensor to within +/- 5 degrees. The lighting shall illuminate the entire symbol area with
uniform energy. The angle specifier shall be angle S. Since there are four possible orientations in this
setup the particular orientation of the...
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