This part of EN ISO 19014 specifies general principles for software design, test and signal transmission requirements of safety‐related parts of machine‐control systems (MCS) in earth‐moving machinery and its equipment, as defined in EN ISO 6165.

Erdbaumaschinen - Sicherheit - Teil 4: Gestaltung und Beurteilung von Software und Datenübertragung für sicherheitsrelevante Steuerungssysteme (ISO/DIS 19014-4:2020)

Dieser Teil von ISO 19014 legt allgemeine Grundsätze für Anforderungen an Software-Entwicklung und Signalübertragung von sicherheitsbezogenen Teilen von Maschinensteuerungssystemen (MCS, en: Machine-control Systems) in Erdbaumaschinen und deren Ausrüstung, wie in ISO 6165 definiert, fest.
Cybersicherheit liegt außerhalb des Anwendungsbereichs dieses Dokuments.

Engins de terrassement - Sécurité - Partie 4: Conception et évaluation du logiciel et de la transmission des données pour les parties relatives à la sécurité du système de commande (ISO/DIS 19014-4:2020)

Le présent document spécifie les principes généraux applicables aux exigences en matière de développement de logiciel et de transmission des signaux des parties relatives à la sécurité des systèmes de commande de la machine (MCS) dans les engins de terrassement et leur équipement tels que définis dans l'ISO 6165. De plus, le présent document traite des phénomènes dangereux significatifs tels que définis dans l'ISO 12100 en rapport avec les logiciels intégrés dans le système de commande de la machine. Les phénomènes dangereux significatifs traités sont les réponses incorrectes du système de commande de la machine aux entrées du système de commande de la machine.
La cybersécurité n'est pas couverte par le présent document.
NOTE Voir une norme appropriée relative à la sécurité pour des recommandations à propos de la cybersécurité.
Le présent document n'est pas applicable aux engins de terrassement fabriqués avant la date de sa publication.

Stroji za zemeljska dela - Funkcijska varnost - 4. del: Načrtovanje in ocenjevanje programske opreme in prenosa podatkov za varnostne dele nadzornega sistema (ISO/DIS 19014-4:2020)

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oSIST prEN ISO 19014-4:2019

Stroji za zemeljska dela - Funkcijska varnost - 4. del: Načrtovanje in ocenjevanje

programske opreme in prenosa podatkov za varnostne dele nadzornega sistema
(ISO/DIS 19014-4:2019)

Earth-moving machinery - Functional safety - Part 4: Design and evaluation of software

and data transmission for safety-related parts of the control system (ISO/DIS 19014-


Erdbaumaschinen - Sicherheit - Teil 4: Gestaltung und Beurteilung von Software und

Datenübertragung für sicherheitsrelevante Steuerungssysteme

Engins de terrassement - Sécurité - Partie 4: Conception et évaluation du logiciel et de

la transmission des données pour les parties relatives à la sécurité du système de

commande (ISO/DIS 19014-4:2019)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO 19014-4
35.080 Programska oprema Software
53.100 Stroji za zemeljska dela Earth-moving machinery
oSIST prEN ISO 19014-4:2019 en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN ISO 19014-4:2019
ISO/DIS 19014-4
ISO/TC 127/SC 2 Secretariat: ANSI
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2019-05-10 2019-08-02
Earth-moving machinery — Functional safety —
Part 4:
Design and evaluation of software and data transmission
for safety-related parts of the control system
ICS: 53.100
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 19014-4:2019(E)
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ISO/DIS 19014-4:2019(E)
© ISO 2019

All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may

be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting

on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address

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Published in Switzerland
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Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and d efinitions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

4 Software development .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

4.1 Planning ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

4.2 Artifacts ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

4.3 Software safety requirements specification .................................................................................................................. 7

4.4 Software architecture design ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

4.5 Software module design and coding .................................................................................................................................... 8

4.6 Language, library, and tool selection.................................................................................................................................... 9

4.7 Software module testing ..............................................................................................................................................................10

4.8 Software module integration and testing .....................................................................................................................11

4.9 Software validation ..........................................................................................................................................................................12

5 Software-based parameterization ..................................................................................................................................................13

5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................13

5.2 Data integrity .........................................................................................................................................................................................13

5.3 Software-based parameterization verification ........................................................................................................13

6 Transmission protection of safety-related messages on bus systems .......................................................13

7 Independence by software partitioning ....................................................................................................................................15

7.1 Several partitions within a single microcontroller ...............................................................................................15

7.2 Several partitions within the scope of an ECU network ...................................................................................16

Annex A (informative) Description of software methods/measures ...............................................................................17

Annex B (normative) Software validation test environments ................................................................................................30

Annex C (informative) Data integrity assurance ...................................................................................................................................33

Annex D (informative) Methods and measures for transmission protection .........................................................34

Annex E (informative) Methods and measures for data protection internal to microcontroller .......36

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ISO/DIS 19014-4:2019(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out

through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical

committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International

organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of

electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are

described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the

different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the

editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2: www .iso .org/directives

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of

patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of

any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or

on the ISO list of patent declarations received: www .iso .org/patents

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not

constitute an endorsement.

For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity

assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical

Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information

The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 127.
ISO 19014 consists of the following parts:

— Earth-moving machinery – Functional Safety – Part 1: Risk assessment methodology to determine

control system performance requirements

— Earth-moving machinery – Functional Safety – Part 2: Design and Evaluation of Safety-Related

Machine Control Systems

— Earth-moving machinery – Functional Safety – Part 3: Environmental Testing Requirements

— Earth-moving machinery – Functional Safety – Part 4: Design and evaluation of software and data

transmission for safety-related parts of the control system

— Earth-moving machinery – Functional Safety – Part 5: Table of Performance Levels

ISO 19014 series replaces ISO 15998
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This International Standard addresses systems comprising any combination of electrical, electronic,

and programmable electronic components [electrical / electronic / programmable electronic systems

(E/E/PES)] used for functional safety in earth-moving machinery.
The structure of safety standards in the field of machinery is as follows.

Type-A standards (basis standards) give basic concepts, principles for design and general aspects that

can be applied to machinery.

Type-B standards (generic safety standards) deal with one or more safety aspect(s), or one or more

type(s) of safeguards that can be used across a wide range of machinery:

— type-B1 standards on particular safety aspects (e.g. safety distances, surface temperature, noise);

— type-B2 standards on safeguards (e.g. two-hands controls, interlocking devices, pressure sensitive

devices, guards).

Type-C standards (machinery safety standards) deal with detailed safety requirements for a particular

machine or group of machines.
This part of ISO 19014 is a type C standard as stated in ISO 12100.
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Earth-moving machinery — Functional safety —
Part 4:
Design and evaluation of software and data transmission
for safety-related parts of the control system
1 Scope

This part of ISO 19014 specifies general principles for software development and signal transmission

requirements of safety-related parts of machine-control systems (MCS) in earth-moving machinery

and its equipment, as defined in ISO 6165.
Cyber security is out of the scope of this document.
2 Normative references
For normative references refer to ISO 19014-1.
3 Terms a nd d efinit ions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in ISO 19014-1 and ISO 13849-1 along

with the following apply.
3.1 Bus system

Subsystem used in an electronic control system for the transmission of safety-related messages; the bus

system consists of the system unit (sources and sinks of information), a transmission path/transmission

medium (e.g. electrical lines, fiber-optical lines, RF transmission) and the interface between message

source/sink and bus electronics (e.g. protocol ASICs, transceivers).
3.2 Encapsulated bus system

Bus system comprising a fixed number or a predetermined maximum number of bus participants

connected to each other through a transmission medium with well-defined and fixed performance/

3.3 Failure of peer communication
communication peer is not available
3.4 Unintended message repetition
same message is unintentionally sent again
3.5 Incorrect sequence

order in which data has been sent changed during transmission, i.e. the data is not received in the same

order as in which it was sent
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3.6 Message repetition
same message is unintentionally sent again
3.7 Message

Electronic transmission including user data, an address and data to ensure transmission integrity.

3.8 Maximum extension size

Maximum permissible number of senders and receivers that are engaged in the message exchange as

defined for the system.
3.9 Reaction time

Time from the detection of a safety-related event until the initiation of a safety reaction.

3.10 Message repetition

Error due to a fault of a bus participant, whereby old, non-up-to-date messages are repeated at an

incorrect point in time.

Note 1 to entry : This activity can cause a hazardous disturbance of the receiver (e.g. signaling “access door

closed” when it is already open).
3.11 Message loss
Unintended deletion of a message due to a fault of a bus participant.
3.12 Insertion of messages
Unintended insertion of a message due to a fault of a bus participant.
3.13 Incorrect sequence

Unintended modification of the sequence of messages due to a fault of a bus participant.

Note 1 to entry Bus systems can contain elements with stored messages (FIFOs, etc.) that can modify the correct

3.14 Message falsification

Unintended modification of messages due to an error of a bus participant or due to errors on the

transmission channel.
3.15 Message Retardation

Unintended delay or prevention of the safety function, caused by an overload of the transmission path

by normal data exchange or by sending incorrect messages.
3.16 Alive counter

Accounting component initialised with “0” when the object to be monitored is created or restored.

Note 1 to entry : The counter increases from time t–1 to time t as long as the object is alive. Finally, the alive

counter shows the period of time for which the object has been alive within a network.

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3.17 Black-box test

Test of an object that does not require knowledge of its internal structure or its concrete implementation.

3.18 Partition

Resource entity allocating a portion of memory, I/O devices and CPU usage to one or more tasks.

Note 1 to entry The partitions can be assigned to one or more subsystems within the microcontroller network.

3.19 Software partitioning

Software fault containment method consisting of assigning resources to specific software components

with the intention of avoiding the propagation of a software fault to multiple partitions.

3.20 Absolute addressing
Explicit identification of a memory location or of a peripheral device.
(cf. 3.17 relative addressing)
3.21 Relative addressing

Identification of a memory location or a peripheral device as an offset from another address.

(cf. 3.16 absolute addressing)
3.22 Software component
One or more software modules.
[MOD ISO 26262-1: 2011, 3.123]
3.23 Software module

Independent piece of software that can be independently tested and traced to a specification

Note 1 to entry The software module is an indivisible software component.
3.24 Software partitions
Runtime environment with separate system resources assigned.
3.25 Task

Runtime entities that are executed within the resource budget of partitions and with different priorities.

3.26 Independence of software

Exclusion of unintended interactions between software components, as well as freedom from impact on

the correct operation of a software component resulting from errors of another software component.

3.27 Operational history

Operating data about a component or a software module during its time in service.

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3.28 Demand profile

Usage scope of components or software modules that characterizes their behavior during the operating

3.29 Maximum cycle time
Static time to access a communication bus between nodes at a bus or node level.

Note 1 to entry The application of a Time-Triggered Protocol ensures this cycle time is not exceeded.

3.30 Maximum response time

Fixed time assigned to a system activity to exchange globally-synchronised messages on a bus in a

Time-Triggered Architecture.
3.31 Software fault

An incorrect step, process, or data definition in software which causes the system to produce

unexpected results.
3.32 Impact Analysis

Documentation that records the understanding and implications of a proposed change.

3.33 Configuration Mana gement Process

The task of tracking and controlling changes to the artifacts in the development process.

4 Software development

This clause gives recommendations for the design of software and the subsequent related testing. The

avoidance of software faults shall be considered during the entire software development process.

4.1 Planning

The main objective of the following requirements is to achieve software reliability by means of readable,

understandable, testable, and maintainable software.

A plan shall be developed to define the relationship between the individual phases of the software

development and the related artifacts.

Appropriate methods and measures shall be selected for software development according to the MPLr.

The MPLr of the system may be achieved by adding, in parallel, two systems of a lower performance level.

When adding in parallel, the software can be developed in each system to the lower MPLr requirements.

This is only allowable when there are no common cause failures between the two systems.

The suitability of the selected methods or measures to the application area shall be justified and shall be

made at the beginning of each planned development phase. For a particular application, the appropriate

combination of methods or measures shall be stated during development planning. Methods or

measures not listed in Table 1 through Table 7 may be used.
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Figure 1 — Software development V-model

The first number in this and the other toned boxes signifies the part of ISO 19014, while the second

number, separated from the first by a slash, signifies the clause number of that part, (e.g. “4/4.4” signifies

ISO 19014-4, Sub-Clause 4.4)

NOTE This figure is a representation of one possible design method (V-Model). Any organized, proven

development process that meets the requirements of ISO 19014 can be used for the software development

When selecting methods and measures, in addition to manual coding, model-based development can be

applied where the source code is automatically generated from models.

With each method or measure in the tables, there is a different level of recommendation for each

performance level. These recommendations are as follows:
+ The method or measure shall be used for this MPLr.

In case this method or measure is not used, the related rationale shall be documented during the

safety planning phase.
o The method or measure may be used for this MPLr.
- The method or measure is not suitable to meet this MPLr.

Methods and measures corresponding to the respective MPLr shall be selected. Alternative or

equivalent methods and measures are identified by letters after the number. At least one of the

alternatives or equivalent methods and measures marked with a “+” shall be selected, in which case,

providing a rationale is not required.
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Method/measure MPLr = a MPLr = b, c MPLr = d MPLr = e
1.a Measure 1 + + - -
1.b Measure 2 + + + +
1.c Measure 3 + + + +
In this case,

— one measure from Measure 1, Measure2 or Measure 3 shall be fulfilled for MPLr= a, b, c;

— one measure from Measure2 or Measure 3 shall be fulfilled for MPLr= d, e;

— otherwise, a rationale shall be provided about the unspecified alternative method/measure to

satisfy the requirement of the standard for the specific MPLr.

If a method or measure is not listed in the tables, it may be used; however rationale or justification is


If a software component has any impact on different safety functions with a different MPLr, then the

requirements related to the highest MPLr shall apply.

If the software contains components with different MPLa, or safety-related and non-safety-related

components, then the overall embedded software MPLa shall be limited to the software component

with the lowest MPLa, unless adequate independence between the software components can be

demonstrated in accordance with clause 7.

Where an existing software component has been developed to a previous standard and demonstrated

through application usage and validation to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable, there

shall be no requirement to update the software lifecycle documentation at module level. When the

previously utilized software component is modified, an impact analysis shall be performed. An action

plan shall be developed and implemented for the overall software lifecycle, based on the result of the

impact analysis, to ensure that the safety goals are met.
4.2 Artifacts

Taking into account the extent and complexity of the project, all artifacts in the individual phases

shown in Figure 1 may be modified. Once the individual phases of software development plan have

been determined, the artifacts shall be defined for each phase to be carried out. Other phases and

related artifacts can be added by distributing the activities and tasks.

NOTE It is common to combine individual phases if the method/measure used makes it difficult to clearly

distinguish between the phases. For example, the design of the software architecture and the software

implementation can be generated successively with the same computer-aided development tool, as is done in the

model-based development process.
As part of the software development process, the artifacts shall be:
a) documented according to the outcomes expected from the planned phases;

b) modified as a consequence of an impact analysis, and only the impacted software shall be

regression tested;
c) subject to a configuration management process.

The first artifact applicable to the process is the software development plan. The subsequent artifacts,

defined by the plan, shall include:

— design specification and related verification report, for each SW design phase (descending branch

of the V-model in Figure 1);

— test specification and related test report, for each SW testing phase (rising branch of the V-model in

Figure 1);
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— executable software.
4.3 S oftware safety requirements specificatio n

The software safety requirements specification shall describe software safety requirements for the

following, if relevant:
— functions that enable the system to achieve or maintain a safe state;

— functions related to the detection, indication, and handling of faults by the SRP/CS;

— functions related to the detection, indication, and handling of faults in the software;

— functions related to the online and offline tests of the safety functions;

Note 1 An online test is performed while the system being tested is in use. An offline test is performed

while the system being tested is not in use.

Note 2 An example of an online test would be checking for faults in the steering system while driving the

machine. An example of an offline test would be checking for faults in the steering system prior to allowing

machine movement.
— functions that allow modifications of the software to be carried out safely;
— interfaces with functions that are not safety-related;
— performance and response time;

— interfaces between the software and the hardware of the electronic control unit.

Appropriate method or measures shall be selected from Table 1 to meet the specified MPLr.

Table 1 — S of t w a r e s a f e t y r e qu i r ement s s p e c i f ic at ion
Method/measure Reference MPLr MPLr = MPLr MPLr
= a b, c = d = e
1. Requirements specification in natural language A.1 + + + +
2. Computer aided specification tools A.2 o o o +
3.a Informal methods A.3 + + + -
3.b Semi-formal methods A.4 + + + +
3.c Formal methods A.5 + + + +
4. Forward traceability between the system safety require- o o o +
ments and the software safety requirements
5. Backward traceability between the software safety o o o +
requirements and the system safety requirements
6.a Walk-through of software safety requirements A.7 + + + -
6.b Inspection of software safety requirements A.8 + + + +
NOTE The detailed description of these methods/measures is in the Annex A.
4.4 Software architecture design

Software architecture that describes the hierarchical structure of all the safety-related software

components of each SCS shall be developed based on the software safety requirements. Appropriate

methods or measures shall be selected from Table 2 to meet the specified MPLr.
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Table 2 — Software architecture design
Method/measure Reference MPLr MPLr = MPLr MPLr
= a b, c = d = e
1.a Informal methods A.3 + + - -
1.b Semi-formal methods A.4 + + + +
1.c Formal methods A.5 + + + +
2. Computer-aided design tools A.9 o o o +
3.a Cyclic behaviour, with guaranteed maximum o o + +
cycle time
3.b Time-triggered architecture A.10 o o + +
3.c Event-driven, with guaranteed maximum re- o o + +
sponse time
4. Forward traceability between the software safety o o o +
requirements specification and the software ar-
5. Backward traceability between the software o o o +
architecture and the software safety requirements
6.a Walk-through of software architecture A.7 + + + -
6.b Inspection of software architecture A.8 + + + +
NOTE The detailed description of these methods/measure is in the Annex A.
4.5 Software module design and coding
The objectives of this phase of software development are:

— specifying, in detail, the behavior of the safety-related software modules that are prescribed by the

software architecture;

— generating readable, testable, and maintainable modules (e.g. manual code, model, etc.);

— verifying that the software architecture has been fully and correctly implemented.

Appropriate methods or measures shall be selected from Table 3 to meet the specified MPLr. There is

no requirement to review auto-generated code;
Table 3 — Software design and coding
Method/measure Reference MPLr MPLr = MPLr MPLr
= a b, c = d = e
1.a Informal methods A.3 + + - -
1.b Semi-formal methods A.4 + + + +
1.c Formal methods A.5 + + + +
2. Computer aided design tool A.9 o o o +
NOTE The detailed description of these methods/measures is in the Annex A.

If any trusted and verified software elements are available, it is highly recommended.

These methods or measures are not always applicable for graphical modelling notations used in model-based

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Table 3 (continued)
Method/measure Reference MPLr MPLr = MPLr MPLr
= a b, c = d = e
3. Use of design and coding standards o + + +
4. No unstructured control flow in progra

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