FprEN IEC 61496-1:2020
(Main)IEC 61486-1:2020 specifies general requirements for the design, construction and testing of non-contact electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons or part of a person as part of a safety-related system. Special attention is directed to functional and design requirements that ensure an appropriate safety-related performance is achieved. An ESPE can include optional safety-related functions, the requirements for which are given in Annex A. This document is intended to be used with a subsequent part of IEC 61496 that provides particular requirements based on the sensing technology. Where a part covering the sensing technology does not exist, IEC TS 62998-1 is used. Where the IEC 61496 series does not contain all necessary provisions, IEC TS 62998-1 is used. It is an additional possibility to combine those aspects covered by the IEC 61496 series in addition to IEC TS 62998-1. This document does not specify the dimensions or configuration of the detection zone and its disposition in relation to hazards in any particular application, nor what constitutes a hazardous state of any machine. It is restricted to the functioning of the ESPE and how it interfaces with the machine. While a data interface can be used to control optional safety-related ESPE functions (Annex A), this document does not provide specific requirements. Requirements for these safety-related functions can be determined by consulting other standards (for example, IEC 61508 (all parts), IEC TS 62046, IEC 62061, and ISO 13849-1). This document can be relevant to applications other than those for the protection of persons, for example for the protection of machinery or products from mechanical damage. In those applications, different requirements can be appropriate, for example when the materials that have to be recognized by the sensing function have different properties from those of persons. This document does not deal with requirements for ESPE functions not related to the protection of persons (e.g. using sensing unit data for navigation). This document does not deal with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) emission requirements. IEC 61486-1:2020 cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) It has been clarified that some requirements for ESPEs that are dependent on sensing technology are not included in IEC 61496-1. They are provided in a subsequent part of IEC 61496. b) Requirements for protection against environmental influences from subsequent parts of IEC 61496 that are common to all ESPEs have been consolidated into IEC 61496-1. c) Some test procedures in IEC 61496-1 were incomplete. They have been expanded with more detail and step by step procedures. d) Some requirements and procedures in IEC 61496-1 are now covered by new generic machine safety standards. The requirements in IEC 61496-1 have been harmonized with references to the new generic standards.
Sicherheit von Maschinen - Berührungslos wirkende Schutzeinrichtungen - Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen und Prüfungen
Sécurité des machines - Equipements de protection électrosensibles - Partie 1: Exigences générales et essais
L'IEC 61496-1:2020 définit les exigences générales de conception, de construction et d'essai des équipements de protection électrosensibles (ESPE) sans contact spécifiquement conçus pour détecter des personnes au sein d’un système relatif à la sécurité. Une attention particulière est accordée aux exigences de fonctionnement et de conception assurant la satisfaction aux performances relatives à la sécurité appropriées. Un ESPE peut proposer des fonctions facultatives liées à la sécurité: les exigences relatives à celles-ci sont données à l’Annexe A. L'IEC 61496-1:2020 est destiné à être utilisé avec une partie ultérieure de l’IEC 61496 qui définit des exigences particulières en fonction de la technologie de détection. En l’absence d’une partie couvrant la technologie de détection, l’IEC TS 62998-1 est utilisée. Dans le cas où la série IEC 61496 ne contient pas toutes les dispositions nécessaires, l’IEC TS 62998-1 est utilisée. Il est en outre possible de combiner ces aspects couverts par la série IEC 61496 à l’IEC TS 62998-1. Le présent document ne spécifie ni les dimensions ou la configuration de la zone de détection, ni sa disposition par rapport aux dangers dans toute application particulière, ni ce qui constitue un état dangereux pour toute machine donnée. Il se limite au fonctionnement de l’ESPE et à son interface avec la machine. Bien qu’une interface de données puisse être utilisée pour commander des fonctions de l'ESPE relatives à la sécurité facultatives (Annexe A), le présent document ne fournit pas d’exigences particulières. Les exigences liées à ces fonctions relatives à la sécurité peuvent être déterminées en consultant d'autres normes (par exemple, l'IEC 61508 (toutes les parties), l’IEC 62046, l’IEC 62061, et l'ISO 13849-1). Le présent document peut être pertinent pour des applications autres que la protection des personnes, par exemple la protection des machines ou des produits contre des dommages mécaniques. Dans ces applications, des exigences différentes peuvent être nécessaires, par exemple lorsque les matériaux qui doivent être reconnus par le dispositif de détection ont des caractéristiques différentes de celles des personnes. Le présent document ne traite pas des exigences relatives aux fonctions de l’ESPE non liées à la protection des personnes (en utilisant, par exemple, les données de l’élément de détection en matière de navigation). Le présent document ne traite pas des exigences d’émission relatives à la compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM). L'IEC 61496-1:2020 annule et remplace la troisième édition parue en 2012. Cette édition constitue une révision technique. Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l’édition précédente: a) Il a été défini que certaines exigences relatives aux ESPE dépendant de la technologie de détection n’étaient pas incluses dans l’IEC 61496-1. Ces exigences sont fournies dans une partie ultérieure de l’IEC 61496. b) Les exigences de protection contre les influences environnementales issues des parties ultérieures de l’IEC 61496 et qui sont communes à tous les ESPE ont été consolidées dans l’IEC 61496-1. c) Certaines procédures d’essai de l’IEC 61496-1 étaient incomplètes. Elles ont été enrichies par des procédures plus détaillées et étape par étape. d) Certaines exigences et procédures de l’IEC 61496-1 sont désormais couvertes par de nouvelles normes génériques relatives à la sécurité des machines. Les exigences de l’IEC 61496-1 ont été harmonisées avec des références à ces nouvelles norme
Varnost strojev - Električno občutljiva zaščitna oprema - 1. del: Splošne zahteve in preskusi
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
SIST EN 61496-1:2014/oprA1:2019
Varnost strojev - Električno občutljiva zaščitna oprema - 1. del: Splošne zahteve in
preskusiSafety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 1: General
requirements and tests
Sicherheit von Maschinen - Berührungslos wirkende Schutzeinrichtungen - Teil 1:
Allgemeine Anforderungen und Prüfungen
Sécurité des machines - Equipements de protection électro-sensibles - Partie 1:
Exigences générales et essais
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 61496-1:2013/prA1:2019
13.110 Varnost strojev Safety of machinery
31.260 Optoelektronika, laserska Optoelectronics. Laser
oprema equipment
SIST EN 61496-1:2014/oprA1:2019 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST EN 61496-1:2014/oprA1:2019
IEC 61496-1/AMD1 ED3
2019-03-29 2019-06-21
44/832/CD, 44/840A/CC
United Kingdom Mrs Nyomee Hla-Shwe Tun
Other TC/SCs are requested to indicate their interest, if any, in
this CDV to the secretary.
Attention IEC-CENELEC parallel votingThe attention of IEC National Committees, members of
CENELEC, is drawn to the fact that this Committee Draft for
Vote (CDV) is submitted for parallel voting.
The CENELEC members are invited to vote through the
CENELEC online voting system.
This document is still under study and subject to change. It should not be used for reference purposes.
Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.TITLE:
Amendment 1 – Safety of machinery – Electro-sensitive protective equipment – Part 1: General requirements
Copyright © 2019 International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC. All rights reserved. It is permitted to download this
electronic file, to make a copy and to print out the content for the sole purpose of preparing National Committee positions.
You may not copy or "mirror" the file or printed version of the document, or any part of it, for any other purpose without
permission in writing from IEC.---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
SIST EN 61496-1:2014/oprA1:2019
The reasons and objectives for amending IEC 61496
The main purpose for these amendments to IEC 61496-1 and -2 is as follows:
1) To clarify that Part one of this standard defines only general requirements for non-contact electro sensitive
protective equipment. Part one is intended to be used with a subsequent Part that defines particular
requirements based on the sensing technology used for detection.2) It was discovered that some additional requirements for environmental influences were repeated in parts 2,
3, 4-2 and 4-3. It was decided that these requirements were common to all ESPEs and would be appropriate
to include in Part one.3) Since this standard was written, several new generic standards have been developed that focus on specific
environmental influences that can affect functional safety (e.g. EMC, temperature, vibration). Part one has
been updated to harmonize with the requirements of the new generic standards, including adjusting
terminology and format of tables to match the new standards. It is not intended to change the actual
requirements.4) In the original standard, some of the test procedures for environmental influences were unclear or
incomplete. These procedures have been expanded to provide detailed step by step procedures. Where
appropriate, references to procedures described in the generic test standards are provided.
5) There are Type 3 AOPDs on the market today. The requirements for Type 3 AOPDs are now included in Part
two.6) Some of functional safety fault protection requirements were un-realistic and were generally not possible to
comply with. These requirements have been adjusted slightly.7) Some small corrections and improvements were included throughout the document.
8) It is not intended that these amendments result in significant changes to the requirements. It is believed that
most ESPEs that comply with the existing standards will still be compliant with these reorganized
documents.---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
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2 This amendment has been prepared by IEC technical committee 44: Safety of machinery –
3 Electrotechnical aspects.4 The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
6 Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report
7 on voting indicated in the above table.8 The committee has decided that the contents of this amendment and the base publication will
9 remain unchanged until the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under
10 "http://webstore.iec.ch" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the
11 publication will be12 • reconfirmed,
13 • withdrawn,
14 • replaced by a revised edition, or
15 • amended.
16 ___________
17 The National Committees are requested to note that for this publication the maintenance result date is 20xx.
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21 Introduction
22 Delete the last paragraph.
23 Due to the complexity of the technology used to implement ESPEs, there are many issues that
24 are highly dependent on analysis and expertise in specific test and measurement techniques.
25 In order to provide a high level of confidence, independent review by relevant experts is
26 recommended.28 1 Scope
29 Add, after the first paragraph:
30 This Part 1 is intended to be used with a subsequent part that provides particular
31 requirements based on the sensing technology. Where a part covering the sensing technology
32 does not exist, this Part 1 can be used for guidance.33 Example: Part 1 and Part 2 are used for AOPDs, Part 1 and Part 3 are used for AOPDDRs.
34 Add, before the last paragraph:35 This standard does not deal with requirements for ESPE functions not related to the
36 protection of persons (e.g. using sensing unit data for navigation).38 3 Terms and definitions
39 Add, after definition 3.30, the following new definition:
40 3.31
41 type test
42 conformity test made on one or more items representative of the production
43 [SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 2 (14.5 MOD)]
44 4.1.3 Types of ESPE
45 Replace the last sentence of the first paragraph with the following text:
46 It is the responsibility of the machine supplier and/or the user to prescribe which type is
47 required for a particular application.48 General
49 Replace the last paragraph with the following text:
50 At power on, the OSSD(s) shall not be signalled to the ON-state until it has been verified that
51 there are no safety critical faults.52 Particular requirements for a type 2 ESPE
53 Delete the paragraph following Note 2:
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54 If the periodic test is automatically initiated, the correct functioning of the periodic test shall be
monitored. In the event of a fault, the OSSD(s) shall be signalled to go to the OFF-state. If
56 one or more OSSDs does not go to the OFF-state, a lock-out condition shall be initiated.
57 Particular requirements for a type 3 ESPE58 Replace entire clause with the following text:
59 A single fault in the sensing device resulting in a complete loss of the stated ESPE detection
60 capability shall cause the ESPE to go to a lock-out condition within the specified response
61 time.62 A single fault resulting in a deterioration of the stated ESPE detection capability shall cause
63 the ESPE to go to a lock-out condition within a time period of 5 s following the occurrence of
64 that fault.65 A single fault resulting in an increase in response time beyond the specified value or
66 preventing at least one OSSD going to the OFF-state shall cause the ESPE to go to a lock-out
67 condition immediately, i.e. within the response time, or immediately upon any of the following
68 demand events where fault detection requires a change in state:69 - on actuation of the sensing function;
70 - on switch off/on;
71 - on reset of the start interlock or the restart interlock, if available (see A.5 and A.6);
72 - on the application of an external test signal, if available.73 In cases where a single fault which in itself does not cause a failure to danger is not detected,
74 the occurrence of one additional fault shall not cause a failure to danger. For verification of
75 this requirement, see Protection against electric shock
77 Replace the paragraph with the following text:
78 Protection against electric shock shall be provided in accordance with 6 of IEC 60204-1:2016.
79 Wiring80 Add, after clause the following new clause:
81 Fire and flame protection
82 Fire and flame protection shall be provided in accordance with relevant standards.
83 Note IEC 60204-1, IEC 60947-1 and IEC 61010-1 are examples of relevant standards that can provide guidance.
84 General85 Replace the second paragraph, the NOTE and the third paragraph with the following 2
86 paragraphs: the following last paragraph:87 The OSSD should be so rated that their loads can be switched without the use of arc
88 suppression devices fitted across the loads.44-845-CDV.doc
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89 The output circuit of the OSSDs should be adequately protected to prevent failure to danger,
90 for example welded contacts under overcurrent conditions (see 7.2.9 of IEC 60204-1:2016).
91 Solid state OSSDs92 column of the data table, the value of Output On-state from “6 mA” to “2
Change, in the 5
93 mA”.
94 Replace NOTE 3 with the following:
95 NOTE 3 The values above meet the requirements of IEC 61131-2:2017 (see 3.13 of IEC 61131-2:2017), for a
96 nominal rated supply voltage of 24 V d.c. When other supply voltages are used, this standard may be used as a
97 guide. IEC 61131-2:2017 may be referred to for additional information.98 Replace NOTE 4 with the following:
99 NOTE 4 It is possible that a leakage current greater than 2 mA can lead to a failure to danger.
100101 4.2.5 Indicator lights and displays
102 Replace the first paragraph with the following text:
103 Devices shall be provided by the ESPE supplier to:
104 4.2.9 Common cause failures
105 Replace the last paragraph with the following text and new NOTE 3:
106 Where a common semi-conductor substrate is used for more than one channel of a multi-
107 channel system, the "Special architecture requirements for on-chip redundancy" of IEC
108 61508-2 shall apply.109 NOTE 3 For the IEC61508-2:2010 edition, this is Annex E.
110 Requirements
111 After clause, add two new clauses 4.2.12 and 4.2.13 as follows:
112 4.2.12 Integrity of the ESPE detection capability
113 The design of the ESPE shall ensure that the detection capability is not decreased below the
114 limits specified by the supplier and in the relevant part of this standard.115 4.2.13 Test piece or device
116 A test piece or device shall be defined as part of the ESPE design for use in verifying the
117 detection capability. The test piece will be defined based on the sensing technology and test
118 requirements as defined in clause 5 of the relevant part of this standard.119 4.3.1 Ambient air temperature range and humidity
120 Add, after the first paragraph the following new paragraph:
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121 When the supplier states that the ESPE can be used in an environment where condensing is
122 possible, the ESPE shall not fail to danger when subjected to a rapid change of temperature
123 and humidity leading to condensation on the optical window. This requirement is verified by
124 the condensing test of External supply voltage interruptions
126 Replace clause Heading, text, notes and tables with the following:
127 External supply voltage dips and interruptions
128 For a.c. powered devices, the requirements of Table 3 apply for supply voltage dips and
129 interruptions in accordance with IEC 61000-4-11:2004+AMD1:2017.130 For d.c. powered devices, the requirements of Table 4 apply for supply voltage dips and
131 interruptions in accordance with IEC 61000-4-29:2000.132 When a d.c. powered ESPE is designed to be supplied from a specific type of power supply(s)
133 (for example, supplied direct from a safety-related communication interface), the supply
134 voltage dips and interruptions in this clause may be applied to the primary input of the
135 specified power supply instead of direct to the ESPE.136 Table 3 – Supply voltage dips and interruptions for AC power ports
test number U residual voltage Cycles
1 0 1
2 70 25/30
3 40 10/12
138 Note 1 U is the rated voltage for the equipment.
139 Note 2 “10/12 cycles” means “10 cycles for 50 Hz test” and “12 cycles for 60 Hz test” (and similarly for 25/30
140 cycles).141 Table 4 – Supply voltage dips and interruptions for DC power ports
test number U residual voltage Dip time
(%) (ms)
1 40 10
2 70 10
3 0 20
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142 Fast transient/burst
143 Replace the heading of clause as follows:
144 Burst
145 General requirements
146 Replace the text and table of this clause with the following:
147 The ESPE shall continue in normal operation when subjected to burst in accordance with
148 IEC 61000-4-4:2012:Ports for power lines for d.c. or less than 50 V a.c. Voltage: ± 1 kV
Ports for signal lines, etc. with a length Frequency: 5 kHz
exceeding 3 m
Ports for power lines for 50 V a.c. and above Voltage: ± 2 kV
Frequency: 5 kHz
150 Additional requirements
151 Replace the text and table of this clause with the following:
152 A type 3 or a type 4 ESPE shall not fail to danger when subjected to burst in accordance with
153 IEC 61000-4-4:2012:Ports for power lines for d.c. and for less than 50 V a.c. Voltage: ± 2 kV
Ports for signal lines, etc. with a length exceeding 3 m Frequency: 5 kHz
Ports for power lines for 50 V a.c. and above Voltage: ± 4 kV
Frequency: 5 kHz
155 Fast transient/surge
156 Replace the heading of clause as follows:
157 Surge
158 General requirements
159 Replace the text and table of this clause with the following:
160 The ESPE shall continue in normal operation when subjected to surge in accordance with
161 IEC 61000-4-5: 2014+AMD1:2017:Ports for signal lines with a length exceeding 30 m or the ± 1 kV, common mode
line is applied outside the building
Power ports for d.c. and for less than 50 V a.c.
Ports for power lines for 50 V a.c. and above ± 2 kV, common mode
± 1 kV, differential mode
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163 Additional requirements
164 Replace the text and table of this clause with the following:
165 A type 3 or a type 4 ESPE shall not fail to danger when subjected to surge in accordance with
166 IEC 61000-4-5: 2014+AMD1:2017:Ports for signal lines with a length exceeding 30 m or the ± 2 kV, common mode
line is applied outside the building
Power ports for d.c. and for less than 50 V a.c.
Power ports for 50 V a.c. and above ± 4 kV, common mode
± 2 kV, differential mode
168 General requirements
169 Replace the text and table of this clause with the following:
170 The ESPE shall continue in normal operation when subjected to an electromagnetic field in
171 accordance with IEC 61000-4-3:2006+AMD1:2007+AMD2:2010:Enclosure Port 80 MHz – 1000 MHz, 10 V/m
1,4 GHz – 6,0 GHz, 3 V/m
173 Additional requirements
174 Replace the text and table of this clause with the following:
175 A type 3 or a type 4 ESPE shall not fail to danger when subjected to an electromagnetic field
176 in accordance with IEC 61000-4-3: 2006+AMD1:2007+AMD2:2010:Enclosure Port 80 MHz – 1000 MHz, 30 V/m
1,4 GHz – 6,0 GHz, 10 V/m
178 The test of 1,4 to 6,0 GHz is required only at the frequencies or frequency ranges defined in IEC
179 61000-6-7:2014, Table 7 – “General frequency ranges for mobile transmitters and ISM for radiated
180 tests”.181 General requirements
182 Replace the text and tables of this clause with the following:
183 The ESPE shall continue in normal operation when subjected to conducted radio-frequency
184 disturbances in accordance with IEC 61000-4-6:2013:44-845-CDV.doc
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Ports for signal lines with a length exceeding 3 m Test level: 10 V
Power ports. Earth ports Frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz
186 Additional requirements
187 Replace the text and tables of this clause with the following:
188 A type 3 or a type 4 ESPE shall not fail to danger when subjected to conducted radio-
189 frequency disturbances in accordance with IEC 61000-4-6:2013:Ports for signal lines with a length exceeding 3 m Test level: 30 V
Power ports. Frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz
Earth ports
191 General requirements
192 Replace the text and tables of this clause with the following:
193 The ESPE shall continue in normal operation when subjected to an electrostatic discharge in
194 accordance with IEC 61000-4-2:2008:Enclosure Port air discharge, ± 8 kV
contact discharge, ± 6 kV
196 Additional requirements
197 Replace the text and tables of this clause with the following:
198 A type 3 or a type 4 ESPE shall not fail to danger when subjected to an electrostatic
199 discharge in accordance with IEC 61000-4-2:2008:Enclosure Port air discharge, ± 15 kV
contact discharge, ± 8 kV
201 4.3.3 Mechanical environment
202 Replace clauses and with the following three clauses:
203 General
204 The manufacturer shall specify the possible application(s) of the ESPE by selecting at least
205 one of the following:206 a) If the supplier specifies the ESPE for use in stationary applications, the supplier shall
207 choose an appropriate 3M class according to IEC 60721-3-3.44-845-CDV.doc
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208 b) If the supplier specifies the ESPE for use on ground vehicles, the supplier shall choose an
209 appropriate 5M class according to IEC 60721-3-5.210 Note 1 Different parts of an ESPE, e. g. sensing device and control device may be assigned to different classes
211 depending on the manufacturer’s specification of their application.212 Note 2 - Specification of a 5M class does not mean that the impact from foreign bodies, stones have to
213 be tested in accordance with IEC 60068-2-75 in general. Other parts of the IEC 61496 series can
214 specify such test215 Vibration
216 The ESPE shall pass the vibration tests of
217 Shock
218 The ESPE shall pass the shock tests of
219 4.3.4 Enclosures
220 Clause 4.3.5 is moved here from IEC 61496-2. Insert, after clause 4.3.4, the new clause 4.3.5
221 as follows:222 4.3.5 Light interference
223 When an ESPE uses technology that can be influenced by ambient light conditions, that ESPE
224 shall meet the requirements of this clause.225 Where other parts of the IEC 61496 series refer to “Light interference”, then the requirements
226 and tests of that part will apply.227 The ESPE shall continue in normal operation when subjected to
228 − incandescent light;
229 − fluorescent light operated with high-frequency electronic power supply.
230 The ESPE shall not fail to danger when subjected to
231 − incandescent light (simulated daylight using a quartz lamp);
232 − flashing beacons;
233 − fluorescent light operated with high-frequency electronic power supply;
234 − for a type 3 and type 4 ESPE, radiation from an emitting assembly (or element) of
235 identical design. Combinations of technical measures and configuration procedures in
236 accordance with the information for use provided by the supplier shall be tested
237 Note 1 Radiation from an emitting assembly of identical design is considered to be a worse case example of
238 interference from a LED lamp.239 Note 2 For type 2 ESPEs the risk of failure to danger from an emitting element of identical design can be reduced
240 by installation measures provided by the supplier.241 These requirements shall be met when the ESPE conforms to the tests in 5.4.6.
242 No requirements are given for immunity to other extraneous light sources which may cause
243 abnormal operation or failure to danger. A requirement for the supplier to inform the user of
244 potential problems is given in 7 (ff).245
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246 Operating condition
247 Add, at the end of clause, the following text:
248 As a result of the analysis of the design and the integrity of the detection capability of the
249 ESPE a test plan shall be established considering the test conditions and parameters outlined
250 in this document. In the following tests, it shall be verified that when the OSSDs go to the
251 OFF-state, they remain in the OFF-state while the test piece is present in the detection zone.
252 The minimum test conditions shall be as specified in this standard or by the supplier,
253 whichever is more stringent.254 Tests can be omitted if an analysis can demonstrate that
255 − limited intended use in application justifies omission of test (e.g. only for top mounting, for
256 use only in non-condensing environment), or257 − a less stringent test is replaced by a more stringent test (e.g. test of equal detection
258 capability at minimum working range versus maximum working range), or259 − detection capability is not affected by the environmental condition (e.g. condensation).
260 The analysis shall be documented in the test plan.261 Measurement accuracy
262 Add, at the end of the bullet list, the following two new items (these two items are moved here
263 from IEC 61496-2):264 – for angular measurement: ± 0,1°;
265 – for light intensity measurement: ± 10 %.
267 5.1.3 Test results
268 Correct typo in the second sentence as follows:
269 The test results shall be arranged in a form . . . . .
271 Limited functional test B (B test)
272 Replace, in the first sentence of the second paragraph, the word “brought” with “inserted”.
273 Replace the last paragraph with the following text:274 It can be necessary to repeat the above tests continuously depending on test requirements.
275 Limited functional test C (C test)276 Delete the NOTE at the end of the clause. Replace the second paragraph with the following
277 text:44-845-CDV.doc
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278 If the ESPE cannot resume normal operation due to a permanent component failure, it is
279 acceptable if it is verified that the OSSD(s) remain in the OFF-state.280 5.3.3 Type 2 ESPE
281 Delete the last paragraph of clause 5.3.3, as follows:
282 Where automatic initiation of the periodic test is provided, it shall be verified that faults that lead to the
283 loss of the monitoring function are detected and cause at least one OSSD to go to the OFF-state. If
284 one or more OSSDs does not go to the OFF-state, a lock-out condition shall be initiated.
285 5.3.5 Type 4 ESPE286 Replace the third and fourth paragraphs with the following new paragraph:
287 Testing for the accumulation of more than two faults need not be carried out.
288 5.4.2 Ambient temperature variation and humidity289 Insert, before the first paragraph, the following new heading:
290 General
291 Insert, before the second paragraph, the following new heading:
292 Temperature variation and humidity test sequence
293 Add, after the new clause, a new clause with the following heading and text:
294 Condensing test procedure295 The ESPE shall be subjected to the following condensing test:
296 a) the ESPE shall be supplied with its rated voltage and stored in a test chamber at an
297 ambient temperature of 5 °C for 1 h;298 b) the ambient temperature and the humidity shall be changed within a time period of up to
299 2 min to a temperature of (25 ± 5) °C and a relative humidity of (70 ± 5) %;300 c) a C-test shall be performed with a duration of 10 min using a test piece;
301 d) if a restart interlock is available it shall not be operational during the C-test;
302303 Supply voltage interruptions
304 Replace entire clauses through with the following:
306 Supply voltage dips and interruptions
307 Each applicable test specified in shall be performed at least 10 times in the ON state
308 of the ESPE and 10 times in the OFF state. The OFF state shall be achieved by inserting a
309 test piece into the detection zone.44-845-CDV.doc
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310 During tests 1 and 2, the ESPE shall remain in normal operation.
311 During test 3, it is permissible that the OSSDs go to the OFF state when applying the
312 interruption. If a lock-out condition occurs, the ESPE shall be recovered from the lock-out
313 condition before continuing the test.314 Where the same lock-out condition occurs for 3 times, the test is deemed as passed and no
315 further interruptions are required in this state.316 Burst
317 General requirements
318 For coupling of d.c. or less than 50 V a.c. power ports and signal ports, a capacitive coupling clamp
319 according IEC 61000-4-4:2012 shall be used. For other a.c. power ports, a coupling device network
320 (CDN) according IEC 61000-4-4:2012 shall be used.321 The ESPE shall be subjected to bursts as specified in A B-Test shall be performed in
322 accordance to following test sequence:323 1. The OSSD(s) shall be in the ON-state in absence of a Test piece in the detection zone.
324 2. The test piece shall be placed in the detection zone. The OSSD(s) shall respond by going
325 from the ON-state to the OFF-state.326 3. The disturbances in accordance to clause shall be applied with a duration of at least
327 1 min per exposure. During the application, it shall be observed that the OSSD(s) remain(s) in
328 the OFF-state with the test piece being present in the detection zone.329 4. The test piece shall be removed from the detection zone. The OSSD(s) shall respond by going
330 from the OFF-state to the ON-state.331 5. The disturbance according clause shall be applied again with a duration of at least 1
332 minute per exposure. During the exposure, it shall be observed that the OSSD(s) remain(s) in
333 the ON-state.334 6. The test piece shall be placed in the detection zone. The OSSD(s) shall respond by going
335 from the ON-state to the OFF-state.336 The test specified in consists of several exposures (different coupling methods,
337 voltages, polarities). It is acceptable to run through the specified test sequence only once with
338 all exposures applied sequentially in step 3 and again in step 5, or the test sequence may be
339 run through several times with only one or a selection of exposures applied in each run.
340 Additional tests341 A type 3 or a type 4 ESPE shall also be subjected to burst as specified in A C-Test
342 shall be performed as follows:343 1. The OSSD(s) shall be in the ON-state in absence of a Test piece in the detection zone.
344 2. The test piece shall be placed in the detection zone. The OSSD(s) shall respond by going
345 from the ON-state to the OF...
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