This technical specification identifies the relevant aspects of the IEC 62443 series related to security threats and vulnerabilities that are considered for the design and implementation of safety-related control systems (SCS) which can lead to the loss of the ability to maintain safe operation of a machine. Typical security aspects related to the machine with potential relation to SCS are: – vulnerabilities of the SCS either directly or indirectly through the other parts of the machine which can be exploited by security threats that can result in security attacks (security breach); – influence on the safety characteristics and ability of the SCS to properly perform its function(s); – typical use case definition and application of a corresponding threat model. Non-safety-related aspects of security threats and vulnerabilities are not considered in this document. The focus of this document is on intentional malicious actions. However, intentional hardware manipulation (e.g. wiring, exchange of components) or foreseeable misuse by physical manipulation of SCS (e.g. physical bypass) is not considered in this document. This document does not cover security requirements for information technology (IT) products and for the design of devices used in the SCS (e.g., product specific standards can be available, such as IEC TS 63208).

  • Technical specification
    33 pages
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This Technical Report is applicable, where a risk assessment according to ISO 12100 has been conducted for a machine or process plant and where a safety related control function has been selected for implementation as a protective measure against specified hazards. For the given case, this Technical Report describes the basic logical rationale, which is followed to assign a safety integrity requirement to the selected function. This Technical Report is applicable to safety related control functions in all modes of application: continuous mode, high demand mode and low demand mode of application

  • Technical report
    49 pages
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In the context of the safety of machinery, the sector standard IEC 62061 as well as ISO 13849 1 provide requirements to manufacturers of machines for the design, development and integration of safety-related control systems (SCS) or safety-related parts of control systems (SRP/CS), depending on technology used (mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical technologies) to perform safety function(s). This document does not replace ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061. This document gives additional guidance to the application of IEC 62061 or ISO 13849-1. This document:  gives guidelines and specifies additional requirements for specific safety functions based on the methodology of ISO 12100, which are relevant in machinery and respecting typical boundary conditions of machinery;  considers safety functions which are designed for high demand mode of operation yet are rarely operated, called rarely activated safety functions; NOTE 1 IEC 62061:2021 completely covers high demand. However, other safety functions related to the protection of the machine itself and indirectly of persons are considered more in detail in this document.  gives additional information for the calculation of failure rates using other (non-electronic) technologies based e.g. on Weibull distribution, because all the formula defined in IEC 62061 and ISO 13849-1 are based on exponential distribution. Therefore, the basis for these guidelines and additional requirements is  a typical classification of safety functions;  a consideration of typical architectures used for designing safety functions;  a consideration of modes of operation of safety functions;  the derivation and evaluation of PFH formulas for subsystems considering the used technology. NOTE 2 These guidelines can also be used for application of ISO 13849-1 for the design process of SRP/CS. This document does not address low demand mode of operation according to IEC 61508. This document does not take into account either layer of protection analysis (LOPA) or basic process control system (BPCS), according to IEC 61511 as a risk reduction measure. This document considers all lifecycle phases of the machine regarding functional safety, and SCS or SRP/CS. NOTE 3 The user of the machine needs information from the machine manufacturer for the safe operation of the machine, e.g. useful lifetime of components, maintenance information, testing of safety functions if necessary.

  • Technical specification
    145 pages
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This part of IEC 61496 specifies additional requirements for the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons or parts of persons as part of a safety-related system, employing active optoelectronic protective devices responsive to diffuse reflection (AOPDDRs) for the sensing function. Special attention is directed to requirements which ensure that an appropriate safety-related performance is achieved. An ESPEcan include optional safety-related functions, the requirements for which are given both in Annex A of this document and in Annex A of IEC 61496-1:2012. This document does not specify the dimensions or configurations of the detection zone and its disposition in relation to hazardous parts for any particular application, nor what constitutes a hazardous state of any machine. It is restricted to the functioning of the ESPE and how it interfaces with the machine. AOPDDRs are devices that have either - one or more detection zone(s) specified in two dimensions (AOPDDR-2D), or - one or more detection zone(s) specified in three dimensions (AOPDDR-3D) wherein radiation in the near infrared range is emitted by an emitting element(s). When the emitted radiation impinges on an object (for example, a person or part of a person), a portion of the emitted radiation is reflected to a receiving element(s) by diffuse reflection. This reflection is used to determine the position of the object. Opto-electronic devices that perform only a single one-dimensional spot-like distance measurement, for example, optical proximity switches, are not covered by this document. This document does not address those aspects required for complex classification or differentiation of the object detected. This document does not address requirements and tests for outdoor application. Excluded from this document are AOPDDRs employing radiation with the peak of wavelength outside the range 820 nm to 950 nm, and those employing radiation other than that generated by the AOPDDR itself. For sensing devices that employ radiation of wavelengths outside this range, this document can be used as a guide. This document is relevant for AOPDDRs having a minimum detectable object size in the range from 30 mm to 200 mm. This document can be relevant to applications other than those for the protection of persons, for example, for the protection of machinery or products from mechanical damage. In those applications, different requirements can be appropriate, for example when the materials that have to be recognized by the sensing function have different properties from those of persons and their clothing. This document does not deal with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) emission requirements.

  • Standard
    93 pages
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NEW!IEC 60204-11:2018 is available as IEC 60204-11:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60204-11:2018 applies to electrical and electronic equipment and systems to machines, including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner, which operate at nominal voltages above 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC and not exceeding 36 kV AC or DC with nominal frequencies not exceeding 60 Hz. IEC 60204-11:2018 cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2000. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition contains significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition regarding the following: – aspects of risk assessment, which are mirrored from ISO 12100; – equipotential bonding and earthing; – EMC and power quality; – HV switchgear and controlgear; – creepage distances for conductors and slip-ring assemblies; – a list of machinery using HV equipment, in Annex A. IEC 60204-11:2018 has been updated and improved to reflect the experience gained with the first edition and the evolution of high-voltage equipment reflected in the relevant standards. Regarding formal requirements, IEC 60204-11 has been aligned with – IEC 60204-1:2016, – IEC 61936-1:2010 and IEC 61936-1:2010/AMD1:2014, – IEC 62271 (all parts). This document is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 60204-1.

  • Standard
    64 pages
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IEC 60204-1:2016 is available as IEC 60204-1:2016 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Red line version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 60204-1:2016 applies to electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipment and systems to machines not portable by hand while working, including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner. The equipment covered by this part of IEC 60204 commences at the point of connection of the supply to the electrical equipment of the machine. This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2005. It constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - added requirements to address applications involving power drive systems (PDS); - revised electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements; - clarified overcurrent protection requirements; - requirements for determination of the short circuit current rating of the electrical equipment; - revised protective bonding requirements and terminology; - reorganization and revision to Clause 9, including requirements pertaining to safe torque off of PDS, emergency stop, and control circuit protection; - revised symbols for actuators of control devices; - revised technical documentation requirements; - general updating to current special national conditions, normative standards, and bibliographical references.

  • Standard
    150 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    150 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    150 pages
    Slovenian language
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This International Standard specifies requirements and makes recommendations for the design, integration and validation of safety-related control systems (SCS) for machines. It is applicable to control systems used, either singly or in combination, to carry out safety functions on machines that are not portable by hand while working, including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner. This document is a machinery sector specific standard within the framework of IEC 61508 (all parts). The design of complex programmable electronic subsystems or subsystem elements is not within the scope of this document. This is in the scope of IEC 61508 or standards linked to it; see Figure 1. NOTE 1 Elements such as systems on chip or microcontroller boards are considered complex programmable electronic subsystems. The main body of this sector standard specifies general requirements for the design, and verification of a safety-related control system intended to be used in high/continuous demand mode. This document: - is concerned only with functional safety requirements intended to reduce the risk of hazardous situations; - is restricted to risks arising directly from the hazards of the machine itself or from a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner; NOTE 2 Requirements to mitigate risks arising from other hazards are provided in relevant sector standards. For example, where a machine(s) is part of a process activity, additional information is available in IEC 61511. This document does not cover - electrical hazards arising from the electrical control equipment itself (e.g. electric shock - see IEC 60204-1); - other safety requirements necessary at the machine level such as safeguarding; - specific measures for security aspects - see IEC TR 63074. This document is not intended to limit or inhibit technological advancement. Figure 1 illustrates the scope of this document. [Figure 1]

  • Standard
    148 pages
    English language
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IEC 62046:2018 specifies requirements for the selection, positioning, configuration and commissioning of protective equipment to detect the momentary or continued presence of persons in order to protect those persons from dangerous part(s) of machinery in industrial applications. This standard covers the application of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) specified in IEC 61496 (all parts) and pressure sensitive mats and floors specified in ISO 13856-1. It takes into account the characteristics of the machinery, the protective equipment, the environment and human interaction by persons of 14 years and older. This document includes informative annexes to provide guidance on the application of protective equipment to detect the presence of persons. These annexes contain examples to illustrate the principles of this standard. These examples are not intended to be the only solutions to a given application and are not intended to restrict innovation or advancement of technology. The examples are provided only as representative solutions to illustrate some of the concepts of integration of protective equipment, and have been simplified for clarity, so they may be incomplete. This first edition cancels and replaces IEC TS 62046, published in 2008. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC TS 62046:2008: a) additional annexes relating to muting and vision systems, b) muting requirements have been updated, c) blanking requirements have been updated, d) addition of IEC 61496 series Types and capping the Safety Integrity level according to IEC 62061 and performance levels according to ISO 13849-1, e) alignment to changes in IEC 61496 series

  • Standard
    94 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    94 pages
    English language
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IEC 61486-1:2020 specifies general requirements for the design, construction and testing of non-contact electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons or part of a person as part of a safety-related system. Special attention is directed to functional and design requirements that ensure an appropriate safety-related performance is achieved. An ESPE can include optional safety-related functions, the requirements for which are given in Annex A. This document is intended to be used with a subsequent part of IEC 61496 that provides particular requirements based on the sensing technology. Where a part covering the sensing technology does not exist, IEC TS 62998-1 is used. Where the IEC 61496 series does not contain all necessary provisions, IEC TS 62998-1 is used. It is an additional possibility to combine those aspects covered by the IEC 61496 series in addition to IEC TS 62998-1. This document does not specify the dimensions or configuration of the detection zone and its disposition in relation to hazards in any particular application, nor what constitutes a hazardous state of any machine. It is restricted to the functioning of the ESPE and how it interfaces with the machine. While a data interface can be used to control optional safety-related ESPE functions (Annex A), this document does not provide specific requirements. Requirements for these safety-related functions can be determined by consulting other standards (for example, IEC 61508 (all parts), IEC TS 62046, IEC 62061, and ISO 13849-1). This document can be relevant to applications other than those for the protection of persons, for example for the protection of machinery or products from mechanical damage. In those applications, different requirements can be appropriate, for example when the materials that have to be recognized by the sensing function have different properties from those of persons. This document does not deal with requirements for ESPE functions not related to the protection of persons (e.g. using sensing unit data for navigation). This document does not deal with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) emission requirements. IEC 61486-1:2020 cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) It has been clarified that some requirements for ESPEs that are dependent on sensing technology are not included in IEC 61496-1. They are provided in a subsequent part of IEC 61496. b) Requirements for protection against environmental influences from subsequent parts of IEC 61496 that are common to all ESPEs have been consolidated into IEC 61496-1. c) Some test procedures in IEC 61496-1 were incomplete. They have been expanded with more detail and step by step procedures. d) Some requirements and procedures in IEC 61496-1 are now covered by new generic machine safety standards. The requirements in IEC 61496-1 have been harmonized with references to the new generic standards.

  • Standard
    63 pages
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IEC 61496-2:2020 specifies requirements for the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons as part of a safety-related system, employing active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs) for the sensing function. Special attention is directed to features which ensure that an appropriate safety-related performance is achieved. An ESPE can include optional safety-related functions, the requirements for which are given in Annex A of IEC 61496-1:2020 and of this document. This document does not specify the dimensions or configurations of the detection zone and its disposition in relation to hazardous parts for any particular application, nor what constitutes a hazardous state of any machine. It is restricted to the functioning of the ESPE and how it interfaces with the machine. Excluded from this document are AOPDs employing radiation at wavelengths outside the range 400 nm to 1 500 nm. This document can be relevant to applications other than those for the protection of persons, for example, the protection of machinery or products from mechanical damage. In those applications, additional requirements can be necessary, for example, when the materials that are to be recognized by the sensing function have different properties from those of persons. This document does not deal with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) emission requirements. IEC 61496-2:2020 cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Requirements and test procedures in Part 2 that were found to be common to all ESPEs have been moved to Part 1. Test procedures that are dependent on the sensing technology remain in Part 2.

  • Standard
    50 pages
    English language
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IEC 62745:2017(E) specifies requirements for the functionality and interfacing of cableless (for example, radio, infra-red) control systems that provide communication between operator control station(s) and the control system of a machine. Specific requirements are included for such operator control stations that are portable by the operator.

  • Amendment
    5 pages
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IEC 62745:2017(E) specifies requirements for the functionality and interfacing of cableless (for example, radio, infra-red) control systems that provide communication between operator control station(s) and the control system of a machine. Specific requirements are included for such operator control stations that are portable by the operator.

  • Standard
    30 pages
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IEC 60204-31:2013 applies to electrical and electronic equipment, sewing machines, units and systems, designed specifically for professional use in the sewing industry. It is applicable to the electrical equipment or parts of the electrical equipment which operate with nominal supply voltages not exceeding 1 000 V for alternating current and not exceeding 1 500 V for direct current, and with nominal frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition, published in 2001 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following changes: - Alignment of the normative references; - Alignment of titles and subtitles to the IEC 60204-1; - Revision of Annex AA to align this annex with the relevant IEC standards.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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IEC 60204-33:2009 applies to electrical and electronic equipment associated with semiconductor fabrication equipment for the manufacture, measurement, assembly, and test of semiconductors. It is applicable to the electrical equipment or parts of the electrical equipment that operate with nominal supply voltages not exceeding 1 000 V for alternating current (a.c.) and not exceeding 1 500 V for direct current (d.c.), and with nominal supply frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz. For higher voltages or frequencies, special requirements IEC 60204 applies to electrical and electronic equipment associated with semiconductor fabrication equipment for the manufacture, measurement, assembly, and test of semiconductors.

  • Standard
    129 pages
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IEC 60204-32 applies to the application of electrical and electronic equipment and systems to hoisting machines and related equipment. The equipment covered by this standard commences at the point of connection of the supply to the electrical equipment of the hoisting machine (crane-supply-switch) including systems for power supply and control feeders situated outside of the hoisting machine, for example, flexible cables or conductor wires or conductor bars. This standard is applicable to equipment or parts of equipment not exceeding 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. between lines and with nominal frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz. For the purposes of this standard, hoisting machines include cranes of all types, winches of all types, and storage and retrieval machines. It includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - deletion of Clause 11 of the previous edition; - modification of the structure of equipotential bonding (Clause 8); - separation of control functions (Clause 9) and devices (Clause 10); - structure of technical documentation (Clause 17); - verification of protection by automatic disconnection of supply (18.2); - Subclause 9.2.7 on cableless controls has been modified.

  • Standard
    136 pages
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Specifies requirements for visual, acoustic and tactile methods of indicating safety-related information, at the human-machine interface and to exposed persons. It specifies a system of colours, safety signs, markings and other warnings, intended for use in the indication of hazardous situations and health hazards and for meeting certain emergencies. It also specifies ways of coding visual, acoustic and tactile signals for indicators and actuators to facilitate the safe use and monitoring of the machinery. It includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: Adapted to the basic standards IEC 60073, IEC 60417, ISO 3864-1, ISO 7000 and ISO 7010

  • Standard
    26 pages
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Specifies safety-related requirements for actuators, operated by the hand or by other parts of the human body, at the human-machine interface. It gives general requirements for the standard direction of movement for actuators; the arrangement of an actuator in relation to other actuators; the correlation between an action and its final effects. It includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: Table 1, Table 2 and Table A.1 have been revised editorially.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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It gives general rules on marking for identification of machinery, for safe use related to mechanical and electrical hazards, and for the avoidance of hazards arising from incorrect connections. Includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: Annex A: additional safety signs included and updated.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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This part of IEC 60204 applies to electrical, electronic, programmable electronic equipment and systems to hoisting machines and related equipment, including a group of hoisting machines working together in a co-ordinated manner NOTE 1 In this part of IEC 60204, the term "electrical" includes both electrical and electronic matters (i.e. "electrical equipment" means both the electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipment). NOTE 2 In the context of this part of IEC 60204, the term “person” refers to any individual and includes those persons who are assigned and instructed by the user or user’s agent(s) in the use and care of the hoisting machine in question. The equipment covered by this part of IEC 60204 commences at the point of connection of the supply to the electrical equipment of the hoisting machine (crane-supply-switch) and includes systems for power supply and control feeders situated outside of the hoisting machine, for example, flexible cables or conductor wires or conductor bars (see Figure 3). NOTE 3 The requirements for the electrical supply installation of electrical equipment of a hoisting machine are given in IEC 60364. This standard is applicable to equipment or parts of equipment not exceeding 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC between lines and with nominal frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz. NOTE 4 Special requirements for electrical equipment of hoisting machines intended to be operated at higher voltages, see IEC 60204-11 (Annex D) This part of IEC60204 does not cover all the requirements (for example guarding, interlocking, or control) that are needed or required by other standards or regulations in order to protect persons from hazards other than electrical hazards. Each type of hoisting machine has unique requirements to be accommodated to provide adequate safety. This part of 60204 doesn´t cover noise risks and vibration risks. Additional and special requirements can apply to the electrical equipment of hoisting machines including those that - handle or transport potentially explosive material (e.g. paint or sawdust); - are intended for use in potentially explosive and/or flammable atmospheres; - have special risks when transporting or moving certain materials - are intended for use in mines. For the purposes of this standard, hoisting machines include cranes of all types, winches of all types and storage and retrieval machines. The following product groups are included: - overhead travelling cranes; - mobile cranes; - tower cranes; - slewing luffing cranes; - gantry cranes; - offshore cranes; - floating cranes; - winches of all types; - hoists and accessories; - loader cranes; - cable cranes; - load holding devices; - storage and retrieval machines; - monorail hoists; - straddle carriers; - rubber tyred gantry cranes (RTGs). NOTE 5 Definition of the different crane types see ISO 4306-1 This standard does not cover individual items of electrical equipment other than their selection for use and their erection.

  • Draft
    141 pages
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IEC 61496-2:2013 specifies requirements for the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons as part of a safety-related system, employing active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs) for the sensing function. Special attention is directed to features which ensure that an appropriate safety-related performance is achieved. An ESPE may include optional safety-related functions, the requirements for which are given in Annex A of IEC 61946-1:2012 and of this part. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2006. It constitutes a technical revision and includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - Requirements have been corrected and made easier to understand. - Test procedures have been revised to make them easier to perform and to improve repeatability. - Guidance is provided for the evaluation and verification of AOPDs using design techniques for which the test procedures of this part are not sufficient.

  • Standard
    55 pages
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2012-11-19: Publication editing allocated to

  • Amendment
    12 pages
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IEC 61496-1:2012 specifies general requirements for the design, construction and testing of non-contact electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons as part of a safety related system. Special attention is directed to functional and design requirements that ensure an appropriate safety-related performance is achieved. An ESPE may include optional safety-related functions, the requirements for which are given in Annex A. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2004 and its amendment 1 (2007). The main changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows: The design, test and verification requirements have been updated to make them consistent with the latest standards for functional safety and EMC.

  • Standard
    55 pages
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20190222 JF: through decision 1/2018 taken on 2018-05-15, the TC decided to remove the standard from the OJEU

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
    English and French language
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This part of IEC 60204 applies to the application of electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipment and systems to machines not portable by hand while working, including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner. The equipment covered by this part of IEC 60204 commences at the point of connection of the supply to the electrical equipment of the machine (see 5.1). This part of IEC 60204 is applicable to the electrical equipment or parts of the electrical equipment that operate with nominal supply voltages not exceeding 1 000 V for alternating current (a.c.) and not exceeding 1 500 V for direct current (d.c.), and with nominal supply frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz. This part of IEC 60204 does not cover all the requirements (for example guarding, interlocking, or control) that are needed or required by other standards or regulations in order to protect persons from hazards other than electrical hazards. Each type of machine has unique requirements to be accommodated to provide adequate safety. This part specifically includes, but is not limited to, the electrical equipment of machines as defined in 3.35.

  • Addendum – translation
    6 pages
    Slovenian language
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  • Amendment
    6 pages
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IEC/TR 62061-1:2010 is intended to explain the application of IEC 62061 and ISO 13849-1 in the design of safety-related control systems for machinery.

  • Technical report
    21 pages
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specifies requirements and makes recommendations for the design, integration and validation of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems (SRECS) for machines (see Notes 1 and 2). It is applicable to control systems used, either singly or in combination, to carry out safety-related control functions on machines that are not portable by hand while working, including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner.

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
    English language
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applies to the application of electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipment and systems to machines not portable by hand while working, including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner

  • Standard
    134 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    123 pages
    Slovenian language
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Specifies additional requirements for the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) for the safeguarding of machinery, employing active opto-electronic protective devices responsive to diffuse reflection (AOPDDRs) for the sensing function.

  • Technical specification
    72 pages
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It specifies requirements for the selection, positioning, configuration and commissioning of protective equipment to detect the presence of persons in order to protect those persons from dangerous part(s) of machinery in industrial applications. This technical specification covers the application of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) specified in IEC 61496 (all parts) and pressure sensitive mats and floors specified in ISO 13856-1. It takes into account the characteristics of the machinery, the protective equipment, the environment and human interaction by persons of 14 years and older. It constitutes a general technical revision of the first edition, and includes further examples of interfacing and muting techniques.

  • Technical specification
    105 pages
    English language
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    1 day

specifies requirements and makes recommendations for the design, integration and validation of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems (SRECS) for machines (see Notes 1 and 2). It is applicable to control systems used, either singly or in combination, to carry out safety-related control functions on machines that are not portable by hand while working, including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner.

  • Standard
    107 pages
    English language
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specifies requirements for the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons as part of a safety-related system, employing active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs) for the sensing function. Special attention is directed to features which ensure that an appropriate safety-related performance is achieved. An ESPE may include optional safety-related functions, the requirements for which are given in Annex A of IEC 61946-1 and of this part

  • Technical specification
    48 pages
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provides information related to the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) that employs vision-based protective devices (VBPDs) for the sensing function for the safeguarding of machinery.

  • Technical specification
    36 pages
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specifies requirements for the selection, positioning, configuration and commissioning, of protective equipment to detect the presence of persons in order to protect those persons from dangerous part(s) of machinery in industrial applications. This specification covers the application of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) specified in EN 61496 (all parts) and pressure sensitive mats and floors specified in ISO 13856-1.

  • Technical specification
    57 pages
    English language
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    1 day

defines a real-time optical serial interface between the control unit and its associate drives which is utilized to transmit periodic and non-periodic data. This interface is intended to apply to industrial machines, such as machine tools, with multiple drives and which can be operated in torque, velocity, or position interface operation modes.

  • Standard
    57 pages
    English language
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    1 day

Specifies additional requirements for the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) for the safeguarding of machinery, employing active opto-electronic protective devices responsive to diffuse reflection (AOPDDRs) for the sensing function.

  • Standard
    59 pages
    English language
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    1 day

Specifies additional requirements for the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) for the safeguarding of machinery, employing active opto-electronic protective devices responsive to diffuse reflection (AOPDDRs) for the sensing function.

  • Technical specification
    59 pages
    English language
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Specifies requirements for the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) for the safeguarding of machinery, employing active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs) for the sensing function. Special attention is directed to features that ensure an appropriate safety-related performance is achieved. Is restricted to the functioning of the ESPE and how it interfaces with the machine.

  • Technical specification
    34 pages
    English language
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Applies to the electrical and electronic equipment and systems of machines, including a group of machines working together in a coordinated manner, but excluding higher level system aspects (i.e. communications between systems).

  • Standard
    62 pages
    English language
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Applies to the use of electrical and electronic equipment to sewing machines, units and systems, designed specifically for professional use in the sewing industry. Needs to be used in conjunction with EN 60204-1.

  • Standard
    19 pages
    English language
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Specifies safety-related requirements for actuators, operated by the hand or by other parts of the human body, at the man-machine interface. Gives general requirements for: - the standard direction of movement for actuators; - the arrangement of an actuator in relation to other actuators; - the correlation between an action and its final effects. Based on EN 60447, but is also applicable to non-electrotechnical technologies. Covers single actuators as well as groups of actuators forming part of an assembly.

  • Standard
    16 pages
    English language
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Applicable to equipment or parts of equipment not exceeding 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. between lines, and with nominal frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz. Additional and special requirements can apply to the electrical equipment of hoisting machines that are used in potentially explosive and/or flammable atmospheres. Does not cover individual items of electrical equipment other than their selection for use and their erection.

  • Standard
    114 pages
    English language
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Applies to the electrical and electronic equipment of industrial machines. Promotes the safety of persons who come into contact with industrial machines, not only from hazards associated with electricity (such as electrical shock and fire), but also resulting from the malfunction of the electrical equipment itself. Addresses hazards associated with the machine and its environment.

  • Standard
    97 pages
    English language
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Superseded by CLC/TR 50404:2003

  • Standardization document
    69 pages
    English language
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Specifies general requirements for the design, construction and testing of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) for the safeguarding of machinery. Special attention is directed to functional and design requirements that ensure an appropriate safety related performance is achieved. Restricted to the functioning of the ESPE and how it interfaces with the machine.

  • Standard
    54 pages
    English language
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    1 day
  • Standard
    54 pages
    English language
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    1 day