
Radijska oprema in sistemi (RES) – Prizemni letalski telefonski sistem (TFTS) – 1. del: Govorne storitve, zmogljivosti in zahteve

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ETS 300 326-1 E1:2003
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SIST ETS 300 326-1 E1:2003

Radijska oprema in sistemi (RES) – Prizemni letalski telefonski sistem (TFTS) – 1.

del: Govorne storitve, zmogljivosti in zahteve
Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System
(TFTS); Part 1: Speech services, facilities and requirements
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ETS 300 326-1 Edition 1
33.060.01 Radijske komunikacije na Radiocommunications in
splošno general
49.090 2SUHPDLQLQVWUXPHQWLY On-board equipment and
SIST ETS 300 326-1 E1:2003 en

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ETS 300 326-1 E1:2003
EUROPEAN ETS 300 326-1
Source: ETSI TC-RES Reference: DE/RES-5-01/11
ICS: 33.060.50
TFTS,facilities and requirements
Key words:
Radio Equipment and Systems (RES);
Terrestrial Flight Telephone System (TFTS);
Part 1 : Speech services, facilities and requirements
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETSI Secretariat
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Copyright Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the

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© European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1996. All rights reserved.
New presentation - see History box
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Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content,

typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to

"ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept." at the address shown on the title page.

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Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................5

1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................7

2 Normative references..........................................................................................................................7

3 Definitions and abbreviations ..............................................................................................................8

3.1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................8

3.2 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................8

4 General description of the TFTS.........................................................................................................9

4.1 Purpose of the TFTS ...........................................................................................................9

4.2 Service coverage .................................................................................................................9

4.3 TFTS architecture..............................................................................................................10

4.3.1 Aircraft Station (AS).......................................................................................11

4.3.2 Ground Station (GS)......................................................................................11

4.3.3 Ground Switching Centre (GSC)...................................................................11

4.3.4 Radio interface ..............................................................................................12

4.3.5 Fixed network interface .................................................................................12

4.3.6 Interfaces with other systems........................................................................12

5 TFTS telecommunication services....................................................................................................12

5.1 TFTS bearer services ........................................................................................................12

5.1.1 Speech bearer service ..................................................................................12

5.1.2 Paging ...........................................................................................................13

5.2 TFTS teleservices..............................................................................................................13

5.3 TFTS supplementary services...........................................................................................13

5.4 TFTS services to be defined in later phases .....................................................................14

5.4.1 Bearer services .............................................................................................14

5.4.2 Teleservices ..................................................................................................14

6 TFTS requirements ...........................................................................................................................14

6.1 Safety.................................................................................................................................15

6.1.1 Aviation requirements....................................................................................15

6.1.2 Suspension of service by crew......................................................................15

6.1.3 Suspension of service from ground...............................................................15

6.1.4 Ground equipment.........................................................................................15

6.1.5 User safety ....................................................................................................15

6.2 Service coverage ...............................................................................................................15

6.2.1 Basic requirements........................................................................................15

6.2.2 Implementation of intermediate and airport cells ..........................................15

6.2.3 Radio network and cell planning ...................................................................15

6.3 Capacity and frequency utilisation .....................................................................................15

6.3.1 Use of frequency spectrum ...........................................................................15

6.3.2 Specified frequency spectrum.......................................................................16

6.3.3 Capacity aspects ...........................................................................................16

6.4 Mobility Management (MM) ...............................................................................................16

6.4.1 Roaming and location registration.................................................................16

6.4.2 GS selection ..................................................................................................16

6.5 Handover ...........................................................................................................................16

6.5.1 Handover facilities .........................................................................................16

6.5.2 Inter GSC handover ......................................................................................16

6.6 Network interworking .........................................................................................................16

6.6.1 Fixed network interface .................................................................................16

6.6.2 Transmission and signalling requirements....................................................16

6.7 TFTS transmission performance .......................................................................................17

6.7.1 Fixed network connections............................................................................17

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ETS 300 326-1: January 1996 Digital connectivity............................................................... 17 Network devices.................................................................. 17

6.7.2 Aircraft equipment......................................................................................... 17 Aircraft system standards ................................................... 17 Aircraft terminal echo sources ............................................ 17 Handsets............................................................................. 17

6.7.3 TFTS reference models................................................................................ 17

6.7.4 TFTS delay budget ....................................................................................... 18 One way delay budget......................................................... 18 Echo control ........................................................................ 18

6.8 Voice coding...................................................................................................................... 19

6.9 Call queuing ...................................................................................................................... 19

6.10 Transmission of Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) tones. ............................................ 19

6.11 Call progress indications ................................................................................................... 19

6.11.1 Purpose and types of indication.................................................................... 19

6.11.2 Call conditions .............................................................................................. 19 Case 1 of subclause 6.11.1 ................................................ 19 Case 2 of subclause 6.11.1 ................................................ 20 Case 3 of subclause 6.11.1 ................................................ 20

6.11.3 ATE interface................................................................................................ 20

6.12 Identification of separate networks and service providers ................................................ 20

7 Design parameters ........................................................................................................................... 21

7.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 21

7.2 TFTS design parameters .................................................................................................. 21

7.2.1 Call success rate .......................................................................................... 21

7.2.2 Time to connect call...................................................................................... 21

7.2.3 Time to release call....................................................................................... 21

7.2.4 Connection time remaining........................................................................... 21

7.2.5 Duration of interruption due to handover ...................................................... 21

7.2.6 Handover success rate................................................................................. 22

7.2.7 Telephony probability of intelligibility............................................................. 22

8 TFTS data requirements.................................................................................................................. 23

8.1 External data systems....................................................................................................... 23

8.2 TFTS data records ............................................................................................................ 23

8.2.1 Identification data.......................................................................................... 27 Aircraft Station Identity (ASI)............................................... 27 Aircraft Equipment Number (AEN)...................................... 27 Aircraft Termination Equipment Identifier (ATEI)................ 27 Aircraft Equipment Code (AEC).......................................... 27

8.2.2 Identification data Ground Station System (GSS) ........................................ 27 Ground Station Identity Code (GSIC).................................. 27 Ground Equipment Number (GEN)..................................... 28 Latitude and longitude......................................................... 28

8.2.3 Network identifiers for TFTS equipment....................................................... 28 Aircraft Termination ISDN (ATISDN) .................................. 28

History......................................................................................................................................................... 29

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This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) has been produced by the Radio Equipment and

Systems (RES) Technical Committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

The Terrestrial Flight Telecommunication System (TFTS) aircraft station was specified by the European

Airlines Electronic Committee (EAEC) and has subsequently been adopted as Aeronautical Radio

Incorporated (ARINC) Characteristic 752 [2] by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC).

ARINC Characteristic 752 [2] makes reference to this ETS for the specification of certain radio and

telecommunication matters to avoid ambiguity. The TFTS aircraft station is one of a set of facilities within

an overall architecture being defined for aircraft on-board telecommunications by the AEEC.

This ETS has been split into three parts as follows:
Part 1: "Speech services, facilities and requirements";
Part 2: "Speech services, radio interface";
Part 3: "Speech services, network aspects".

An ETSI Technical Report (ETR) is in preparation for those manufacturers and/or system operators who

require a defined interface between the TFTS Ground Station (GS) and TFTS Ground Switching Centre

Proposed transposition dates
Date of adoption of this ETS: 26 May 1995
Date of latest announcement of this ETS (doa): 30 April 1996
Date of latest publication of new National Standard
or endorsement of this ETS (dop/e): 31 October 1996
Date of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (dow): 31 October 1996
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1 Scope

This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) specifies the minimum technical requirements of the

services, facilities and functions that the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunication System (TFTS) supports to

provide a pan-European terrestrial aeronautical public correspondence service.

This ETS contains the specification of equipment for the provision of a terrestrial aeronautical public

correspondence service working in the frequency spectrum bands allocated at WARC 92 (1 670 to 1 675

MHz and 1 800 to 1 805 MHz).

This ETS fully specifies aspects of the radio interface and Terrestrial Flight Telecommunication System

(TFTS) ground network required to maintain inter-operability of equipment. ERC Decision

ERC/DEC/(92)01 [1] is applicable to the TFTS frequency spectrum within Europe.

This ETS includes a general description of the TFTS which is intended to be an informative reference for

readers of the ETS.

The specification for data application and facsimile will be the subject of a further I-ETS.

The commercial aspects of service definition are outside the scope of this ETS except where it is

necessary for this information to be considered due to its impact on technical specification matters.

The scope of this part of the ETS has been confined to the set of services to be provided by the phase 1

standard. An informative subclause 5.4 has been included describing the service definitions that may

subsequently be specified for facsimile, data services and low rate speech services.

2 Normative references

This ETS incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These

normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications listed hereafter.

For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this

ETS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of

the publication referred to applies.
[1] ERC Decision ERC/DEC/(92)01 (1991): "Definition of frequency bands for the
Pan European terrestrial flight telecommunication system (TFTS)".

[2] ARINC Characteristic 752 (1993): "Terrestrial Flight Telecommunication System

(TFTS) Airborne Radio Subsystem".
[3] ARINC Characteristic 746: "Cabin Communications System".
[4] ETS 300 085 (1990): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - 3,1 kHz
telephony teleservice Attachment requirements for handset terminals".
[5] ETS 300 326-2: "Radio Equipment and Systems (RES) - Terrestrial Flight
Telecommunication System (TFTS) Part 2: Speech services, radio interface".
[6] ETS 300 326-3: "Radio Equipment and Systems (RES) - Terrestrial Flight
Telecommunication System (TFTS) Part 3: Speech services, network aspects".
[7] CCITT Recommendation G.165 (1988): "Echo cancellers".
[8] CCITT Recommendation E.164 (1988, 1991): "Numbering plan for the ISDN
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[9] Inmarsat Aeronautical Satellite System Definition Manual Module 5 (March
1993): "Circuit mode service voice codec algorithm and terminal interface

function specification for facsimile and data services, Version 3 and corrigenda".

[10] ARINC Characteristic 741: "Aviation satellite Communication System, Parts 1 to

3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this ETS, the following definitions apply:

bearer service: A type of telecommunication service that provides the capability for the transmission of

signals between user - network interfaces.

teleservice: A type of telecommunication service that provides the complete capability, including terminal

equipment functions, for communication between users according to protocols established by agreement

between administrations and/or Recognised Private Operating Agencies (RPOAs).
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this ETS, the following abbreviations apply:
AEC Aircraft Equipment Code
AEEC Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee
AEN Aircraft Equipment Number
ARINC Aeronautical Radio INCorporated
AS Aircraft Station
ASI Aircraft Station Identity
AT Avionics Termination
ATE Aircraft Telecommunications Equipment
ATEI Aircraft Termination Equipment Identifier
ATISDN Aircraft Termination ISDN
CC Country Code
CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephony
CDS Cabin Distribution System
CS Cabin Systems
CTU Cabin Telecommunications Unit
DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency
EAEC European Airlines Electronics Committee
EC Echo Controller
FAC Final Assembly Code
GCC Ground switching Centre Code
GCT Ground station Cell Type
GEN Ground station Equipment Number
GS Ground Station
GSC Ground Switching Centre
GSIC Ground Station Identity Code
GSLAT Ground Station Latitude
GSLONG Ground Station Longitude
GSN Ground station Serial Number
GSS Ground Station System
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
LSB Least Significant Bit
MM Mobility Management
MSB Most Significant Bit
NDC National Destination Code
NM Network Management
PAD Packet Assembler-Disassembler
PWRCTL PoWeR ConTroL level adjustment
RMIN Receiver MINimum acceptable signal level
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RPOA Recognised Private Operating Agency
SNR Serial NumbeR
TAC Type Approval Code
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TFTS Terrestrial Flight Telecommunication System
TIM network TIMe
UN User Number
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
WARC 92 World Administrative Radio Conference 1992
4 General description of the TFTS

This clause contains an informative description of the TFTS. The basic TFTS architecture is described

together with a brief explanation of the various functional entities of the system. When appropriate,

reference is made to other parts of this ETS where more detailed descriptions of functional entities are

provided. Reference has also been made to possible connections to external systems which are beyond

the scope of this ETS. These references are not intended to imply any technical or commercial

implementation for the service provided by TFTS.
4.1 Purpose of the TFTS

The TFTS provides a radio communication link between aircraft and ground stations which have access to

public fixed telecommunications networks. This enables aircraft passengers or users to access public

telecommunications services from the air. The principal services supported by the TFTS are as follows:

a) telephony;
b) facsimile group 3;
c) paging services;
d) data services.

The services provided by TFTS are primarily aimed at commercial airliners but this does not preclude use

of the system by smaller commercial regional aircraft operators or the general aviation sector.

4.2 Service coverage

The radio system of the TFTS is similar in nature to the cellular systems of the land mobile service. There

are some important differences, especially the cell radii (typically 240 km) and the height coverage (in

excess of 43 000 feet). The mobiles of the service are aircraft in flight or on the ground in the starting or

finishing phases of flight.
Three cell types are specified:
en-route: providing a large area coverage at altitude;

intermediate: providing coverage at lower altitude where required, especially in the vicinity of airports; and

airport stations: for use on or immediately above the ground.
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4.3 TFTS architecture

Figure 1 provides an illustrative overview of the telecommunications services to be provided to aircraft.

Figure 2 provides a schematic block diagram of a terrestrial aeronautical telecommunication system

showing the position of the TFTS elements.
Figure 1: Aeronautical telecommunication services overview
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Figure 2: TFTS block diagram
4.3.1 Aircraft Station (AS)
The AS consists of three main entities:

Avionics Termination (AT): provides the radio, control and telecommunications functions necessary for

the TFTS;

Aircraft Telecommunications Equipment (ATE): provides on board switching and other functions for

the aircraft telecommunication facilities. Many of these on-board facilities would be realised in the Cabin

Telecommunications Unit (CTU) defined in ARINC characteristic 746 [3]. ARINC are also defining the

characteristics of a Cabin Distribution System (CDS); and
Cabin System (CS): provides telecommunication facilities to the passenger.

The ATE and the CS may be realised in several ways with a variety of facilities. The specification of these

entities is outside the scope of this ETS. The ATE and CS may also support satellite and other terrestrial

telecommunication services. Aviation aspects of the AT, ATE and CS have been characterised by the

EAEC and the AEEC. Aspects of the AT are published in ARINC Characteristic 752 [2]. Aspects of the

ATE are published in ARINC Characteristic 746 [3].
4.3.2 Ground Station (GS)

The GS provides the radio communication, line transmission and some limited control functions necessary

for supporting simultaneous radio communication with several aircraft using the TFTS. The different types

of ground station are analogous to the cell types of the TFTS which are described in subclause 4.2.

4.3.3 Ground Switching Centre (GSC)

The GSC provides the switching, control and fixed network access functions for the TFTS. Some

transmission control functions such as echo control may also be provided at a GSC. In addition, the GSC

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may provide interfaces to other external systems required to provide a commercial public aeronautical

correspondence service (e.g. billing system, network management system).

NOTE: A combination of GSs and an associated GSC is referred to as a Ground Station

System (GSS).
4.3.4 Radio interface

The TFTS radio interface is described in ETS 300 326-2 [5]. The access types employed are Time

Division Multiplex (TDM)/Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) providing an aircraft capacity of four voice

channels per radio carrier when using standard rate speech coding. The carrier may also be configured to

provide several data services and a group 3 facsimile service. A lower rate speech service may also be

supported when suitable voice coding devices are available.
4.3.5 Fixed network interface

The TFTS fixed network interface is characterised in terms of the services and facilities that would be

required for the TFTS to fully, and correctly, inter-work with the fixed network. Detailed network

interworking specifications are not provided within this ETS as it is recognised that network and signalling

variations exist in each country's fixed network(s).
4.3.6 Interfaces with other systems

The TFTS may interface to one or more administrative and network management systems. The

realisation of these systems is outside the scope of this ETS and is a matter for the operators and users of

the TFTS. This ETS includes certain items considered essential for the commercial operation of the TFTS

(e.g. elements of call record data, network management data) which will form the basis of the external

system interfaces.
5 TFTS telecommunication services

The telecommunication services supported by TFTS are described in the general framework of bearer

services, teleservices and supplementary services. These descriptions are characterised by attributes

defining particular aspects of the service to be provided.
5.1 TFTS bearer services

Bearer services are characterised by attributes including information transfer mode, information transfer

rate, information transfer capability and structure.

The TFTS provides a bearer capability between the ATE side of the AT and the termination of the TFTS at

the fixed network interface.

The TFTS shall support both circuit switched and packet switched bearer services.

5.1.1 Speech bearer service

The TFTS shall support a Speech 9,6 kbits/s bearer service and the attributes shall be as specified in

table 1.
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Table 1: Speech 9,6 kbits/s bearer service
‡ Information transfer ‡ Circuit mode ‡
‡ Information transfer rate ‡ Not applicable ‡
‡ Information transfer capability ‡ Speech ‡
‡ Structure ‡ Unstructured ‡
‡ Establishment ‡ On demand ‡
‡ Configuration ‡ Point-to-point ‡
‡ Symmetry ‡ Bi-directional ‡
‡ ‡ symmetric ‡
5.1.2 Paging

The TFTS shall support a paging bearer service and the attributes shall be as defined in table 2.

Table 2: Paging bearer service
‡ Information transfer ‡ Unrestricted digital‡
‡ Information transfer rate ‡ Not applicable ‡
‡ Information transfer capability‡ Digital ‡
‡ Structure ‡ Unstructured ‡
‡ Establishment ‡ On demand ‡
‡ Configuration ‡ Point-to-point ‡
‡ ‡ or broadcast ‡
‡ Symmetry ‡ Uni or bidirectional‡
5.2 TFTS teleservices

Teleservices are characterised by attributes including bearer, higher layer and other general service


The TFTS provides some of the capabilities for the provision of teleservices. It should be recognised

however that the full provision of a teleservice is dependent on the provision of terminal and other

functionality in systems external to the TFTS.

The TFTS shall support speech teleservices and the attributes shall be as specified in table 3.

Table 3: Speech teleservice attributes
‡ Hig

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