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ETSI TS 123 066 V16.0.0 (2020-07) - Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Support of Mobile Number Portability (MNP); Technical realization; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.066 version 16.0.0 Release 16)
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ETSI TS 123 066 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM);
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);
Support of Mobile Number Portability (MNP);
Technical realization;
Stage 2
(3GPP TS 23.066 version 16.0.0 Release 16)
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3GPP TS 23.066 version 16.0.0 Release 16 1 ETSI TS 123 066 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
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Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................ 2

Legal Notice ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

Modal verbs terminology .................................................................................................................................... 2

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

2 References ................................................................................................................................................ 6

3 Definitions and abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Definitions .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

3.2 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

4 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 9

4.2 Compatibility .................................................................................................................................................... 10

4.3 Common Functionality of the MNP-SRF ......................................................................................................... 11

5 Common Architecture for call setup ...................................................................................................... 14

6 Functional requirements of network entities .......................................................................................... 16

6.1 Procedure MNP_MT_GMSC_Set_MNP_Parameters ...................................................................................... 16

6.2 Procedure MNP_MT_GMSC_Check_MNP_Indicators .................................................................................. 17

6.3 Procedure MNP_SRF_Check_MNP_Indicator ................................................................................................ 18

Annex A (normative): IN Call-Related Technical Realisation ......................................................... 19

A.1 Architecture ............................................................................................................................................ 19

A.1.1 Network Options .............................................................................................................................................. 19

A.1.2 No NP Query required – Number is not subject for portability ........................................................................ 19

A.1.3 NP Query in Number Range Holder Network .................................................................................................. 20

A.1.3.1 TQoD – Number is not ported .................................................................................................................... 20

A.1.3.2 TQoD – Number is ported .......................................................................................................................... 21

A.1.3.3 QoHR – Number is ported .......................................................................................................................... 22

A.1.4 NP Query in Originating Network ................................................................................................................... 23

A.1.4.1 OQoD – Number is not ported .................................................................................................................... 23

A.1.4.2 OQoD – Number is ported .......................................................................................................................... 24

A.1.4.3 IN-Query for CAMEL pre-paid service ...................................................................................................... 25

A.2 Information flows ................................................................................................................................... 27

A.3 Functional requirements of network entities .......................................................................................... 33

A.3.1 Functional requirement of GMSC .................................................................................................................... 33

A.3.1.1 Procedure MOBILE_NUMBER_PORTABILITY_IN_QoHR .................................................................. 33

A.3.1.2 Procedure MOBILE_NUMBER_PORTABILITY_IN_TQoD ................................................................... 35

A.3.2 Functional requirement of MSC ....................................................................................................................... 36

A.3.2.1 Procedure MOBILE_NUMBER_PORTABILITY_IN_OQoD .................................................................. 36

A.3.3 Functional requirement of NPDB ..................................................................................................................... 38

A.3.3.1 Process IN_QUERY_NPDB ....................................................................................................................... 38

A.4 Contents of messages ............................................................................................................................. 39

A.4.1 Messages on the ISUP interface ....................................................................................................................... 39

A.4.1.1 IAM for ETSI ISUP interface ..................................................................................................................... 39

A.4.1.2 IAM for ANSI ISUP interface .................................................................................................................... 39

A.4.2 Messages on the MSC - NPDB interface ......................................................................................................... 39

A.4.2.1 INITIAL DP................................................................................................................................................ 39

A.4.2.2 INITIAL DP negative response .................................................................................................................. 40

A.4.2.3 CONNECT ................................................................................................................................................. 40

A.4.2.4 CONTINUE ................................................................................................................................................ 40

A.4.2.5 RELEASE CALL ....................................................................................................................................... 40

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A.4.2.6 ProvideInstruction:Start .............................................................................................................................. 40

A.4.2.7 ConnectionControl:Connect ....................................................................................................................... 41

Annex B (normative): Handling of Non-Call Related Signalling .................................................... 42

B.1 Handling of Non-call Related Signalling ............................................................................................... 42

B.1.1 Routeing Conventions ...................................................................................................................................... 42

B.1.2 Network Architecture ....................................................................................................................................... 42

B.2 Signalling Scenarios ............................................................................................................................... 44

B.2.1 Non-call Related Signalling Message for a Non-ported Number – Indirect Routeing ..................................... 44

B.2.2 Non-call Related Signalling Message for a Ported or Non-ported Number – Direct Routeing ........................ 45

B.2.3 Non-call Related Signalling Message for a Ported Number - Indirect Routeing .............................................. 46

B.3 Functional Requirements of Network Entities ....................................................................................... 46

B.3.1 Procedure MNP_SRF_Non_Call_Related ....................................................................................................... 46

B.4 Signalling Scenarios (informative) ......................................................................................................... 49

B.4.1 Delivery of SMS to a Non-ported Number – Direct Routeing – MNP-SRF acts as SCCP Relay .................... 49

B.4.2 Delivery of SMS to a Non-ported Number - Direct Routeing – MNP-SRF acts as Higher-level Relay .......... 50

B.4.3 Delivery of SMS to a Ported Number – Indirect Routeing ............................................................................... 51

B.4.4 Delivery of SMS to a Ported Number – Direct Routeing ................................................................................. 51

B.4.5 International SOR for a Non-ported Number ................................................................................................... 53

B.4.6 SOR for a Ported Number – Indirect Routeing ................................................................................................ 54

B.4.7 Any Time Interrogation for a Ported Number – Indirect Routeing .................................................................. 55

B.4.8 Any Time Interrogation for a Ported Number – Direct Routeing ..................................................................... 56

B.4.9 CCBS where the Busy Subscriber is a Ported Subscriber - Direct Routeing ................................................... 57

B.4.10 Calling Name Presentation Flows – MNP-SRF acts as SCCP Relay ............................................................... 58

Annex C (normative): MNP Signalling Relay Function - Call Related Signalling ......................... 59

C.1 Handling of Call Related Signalling....................................................................................................... 59

C.2 Functional Requirements of Network Entities ....................................................................................... 60

C.2.1 Procedure MNP_SRF_MATF_Call_Related ................................................................................................... 60

C.2.2 Process SRI_NPLR .......................................................................................................................................... 60

C.2.3 Procedure MNP_SRF_MATF_Info_Request ................................................................................................... 61

C.2.4 Process ATI_NPLR .......................................................................................................................................... 61

C.3 Call Scenarios ......................................................................................................................................... 66

C.3.1 Call to a Non-Ported Number or Number Ported into the Network ................................................................. 67

C.3.2 Call to a Ported Number – Originating Network = Subscription Network – Direct Routeing ......................... 68

C.3.3 Mobile Originated Call to a Ported or not known to be Ported Number – Originating Network

≠Subscription Network– Direct Routeing ........................................................................................................ 69

C.3.4 Call to a Ported Number – Indirect Routeing ................................................................................................... 70

C.3.5 Call to a Ported Number – Indirect Routeing with Reference to Subscription Network .................................. 71

C.3.6 MNP Info Query - Direct Routeing .................................................................................................................. 72

C.3.7 MNP Info Query - Indirect Routeing ............................................................................................................... 73

C.4 Information Flows .................................................................................................................................. 74

C.5 Contents of the messages ....................................................................................................................... 79

C.5.1 Send Routeing Info ........................................................................................................................................... 80

C.5.2 Send Routeing Info ack .................................................................................................................................... 80

C.6 Handling of MAP to ISUP mapping (informative) ................................................................................ 80

C.6.1 ETSI Mapping direction: ISUP to MAP ........................................................................................................... 80

C.6.2 ETSI Mapping direction: MAP to ISUP ........................................................................................................... 80

C.6.3 ANSI Mapping direction: ISUP to MAP .......................................................................................................... 81

C.6.4 ANSI Mapping direction: MAP to ISUP .......................................................................................................... 81

Annex D: Void ........................................................................................................................................ 83

Annex E (informative): Change history ............................................................................................... 84

History .............................................................................................................................................................. 85

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This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by the 3 Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal

TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an

identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
x the first digit:
1 presented to TSG for information;
2 presented to TSG for approval;
3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.

y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,

updates, etc.

z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.

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1 Scope

The present document describes several alternatives for the realisation of Mobile Number Portability.

The present document includes information applicable to network operators, service providers, switch and database

manufacturers and national regulators.

It is left to operator and implementation decisions which option, or combination of options, is used, taking into account

the regulatory and architectural constraints that may prevail. The possible implications of these options on internal node

functions and on signalling performance are not covered in the present document.

Normative Annex A of the present document describes the technical realisation of the handling of calls to ported UMTS

or GSM mobile subscribers using IN technology.

Normative Annex C of the present document describes the technical realisation of the handling of calls to ported UMTS

or GSM mobile subscribers using Signalling Relay technology.

Normative Annex A and Normative Annex C describe alternative solutions. The network operator may choose the

solution to be used in his network.

Normative Annex B of the present document describes the technical realisation of the handling of non-call related

SCCP signalling for ported UMTS or GSM mobile subscribers using Signalling Relay technology.

The present document does not specify the porting process.
2 References

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present


- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or

- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including

a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same

Release as the present document.
[1] 3GPP TS 21.905: "3G Vocabulary".

[2] 3GPP TS 22.066: "Support of Mobile Number Portability (MNP); Service description. Stage 1".

[3] 3GPP TS 23.018: "Basic call handling; Technical realisation".

[4] ETSI ETS 300 009 (1991): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); CCITT Signalling

System No. 7 – Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP) [connectionless services] to support

international interconnection".

[5] ETSI ETS 300 374-1: "Intelligent Network (IN); Intelligent Network Capability Set 1 (CS1); Core

Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP); Part 1: protocol specification".

[6] ITU-T Recommendation Q.769.1; ISDN User Part (ISUP); Enhancements for the support of

Number Portability".

[7] ETSI EN 300 356-2 V4.1: "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Signalling System No.7;

ISDN User Part (ISUP) version 4 for the international interface; Part 2: ISDN supplementary

services [ITU-T Recommendation Q.730 modified]".
[8} CTIA report on Wireless Number Portability, Version 2.0.0.

[9] ANSI T1.660 – 1998, American National Standards for Telecommunications – Signaling System

Number 7 – NumberPortability Call Completion to a Portable Number.
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[10] ANSI T1.111-1996, American National Standards for Telecommunication – Signalling System

No. 7 (SS7) Message Transfer Part (MTP).

[11] ANSI T1.112-1996, American National Standards for Telecommunication – Signalling System

No. 7 (SS7) Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP).

Note: Translation Types 10 and 14 will be published in the next revision of ANSI T1.112.

[12] American National Standard for Telecommunications – Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) -

ISDN User Part (ISUP) - ANSI T1.113-1995.

[13] American National Standard for Telecommunications - Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) –

Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) - ANSI T1.114-1996.

[14] ETSI EN 302 097 V1.2: "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Signalling System No.7;

ISDN User Part (ISUP); Enhancements for support of Number Portability (NP)".

[15] TI - Technical Requirements No. 3, April 1999, Number Portability Database and Global Title


[16] 3GPP TS 23.096: "Mobile Name Identification Supplementary Service – Stage 2".

[17] North American Numbering Council (NANC) Functional Requirement Specification, Number

Portability Administration Center- Service Management System (NPAC-SMS), Version 1.0, May

25, 1995; Version 2.0, June 2, 1997.

[18] 3GPP TS 23.078: "Customised Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) Phase

4 – Stage 2".
3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply.

donor network: subscription network from which a number is ported in the porting process. This may or may not be

the number range holder network

interrogating network entity: entity that submits a non-call related signalling message to interrogate the HLR

interrogating network: network in which the interrogating network entity resides

mobile number portability: ability for a mobile subscriber to change mobile network subscription within the same

country whilst retaining his/her original MSISDN(s). Additional regulatory constraints apply in North America.

mobile number portability information: an information set relevant to Mobile Number Portability for a mobile

subscriber. It may contain one or more of Routeing Number, generic IMSI MSISDN,and Number Portability Status.

network operator: GSM PLMN operator

non-call related signalling message: all signalling messages where the MSISDN is used to route the message on SCCP

level except MAP SRI without OR parameter set (i.e. SRI_SMS, SRI for SOR, Send_IMSI, CCBS_Request etc)

North American GSM Number portability: the ability for a subscriber to change subscription between North

American GSM networks and other subscription networks within a regulated geographical area within North America.

number portability database: operational database (used in real time at call set-up) which provides portability


number portability location register: internal MAP application terminating function (MATF) in the MNP-SRF

network entity with an (unspecified) interface with a NPDB
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number portability status: information indicating the status of number portability for a mobile subscriber. It may be

one of: own number ported out, own number not ported out, foreign number ported in, foreign number ported to a

foreign network, foreign number not known to be ported

number range holder network: network to which the number range containing the ported number has been allocated

originating network: network where the calling party is located

portability domain: set of GSM PLMNs in a country between which MSISDNs may be ported or a set of North

American GSM Mobile networks and other subscription networks within a regulated geographical area within North

portability network: a PLMN or ,in North America, a PSTN or an ISDN network
portable number: E.164 number that can be ported between networks in one nation
ported number: portable number that has undergone the porting process
ported subscriber: subscriber of a ported number

porting process: description of the transfer of a number between network operators

recipient network: network that receives the number in the porting process. This network becomes the subscription

network when the porting process is complete

routeing number: routeing number is the data stored against the ported number or the non-ported number in the

Number Portability Database. The routeing number points to Subscription Network or Recipient Network

service key: service Key can identify to the entity holding the Number Portability Database that the service logic for

Mobile Number Portability should apply. The Service Key value for Mobile Number Portability is administered in the

MSC, and is passed transparently to the entity holding the Number Portability Database

service provider: entity that offers service subscriptions to individual subscribers and contracts with a network operator

to implement services for a specific MSISDN. A service provider may contract with more than one network operator

service provider portability: transfer of numbers between two unique Service Providers

subscription network: network with which the customer's Service Provider has a contract to implement t


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