(Main)Hydrométrie -- Étalonnage des moulinets en bassins découverts rectilignes
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ISO/DIS 3455
ISO/TC 113/SC 5 Secretariat: ANSI
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2020-02-05 2020-04-29
Hydrometry — Calibration of current-meters in straight
open tanks
Hydrométrie — Étalonnage des moulinets en bassins découverts rectilignes
ICS: 17.120.20
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 3455:2020(E)
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ISO/DIS 3455:2020(E)
© ISO 2020
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ISO/DIS 3455:2020(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Principle of calibration .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
4.1 Statement of the principle ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
4.2 Accuracy of the method ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2.1 Overall uncertainty on the velocity measurement ............................................................................. 2
4.2.2 Requirements for accurate measurements ............................................................................................... 2
5 Infrastructure .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 Dimensions of the towing tank ................................................................................................................................................. 2
5.1.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1.2 Length........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.1.3 Depth and width ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 Towing cart ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
5.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2.2 Cart track system ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
5.2.3 Types of towing carts ................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2.4 Cart operation .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2.5 Cart control ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3 Measuring equipment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3.2 Distance measurement ............................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3.3 Time measurement ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.3.4 Current-meter signal measurement .................. .............................................................................................. 4
5.3.5 Sources of error related to infrastructure .................................................................................................. 5
5.4 Data acquisition ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.5 Data processing ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.6 Other requirements ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6 Calculation of uncertainty .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7 Calibration procedure ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.1 Calibration of rotating element current-meters ........................................................................................................ 6
7.1.1 Suspension of the current-meter ....................................................................................................................... 6
7.1.2 Performance of calibration ..................................................................................................................................... 7
7.1.3 Data analysis ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
7.1.4 Presentation of results ................................................................................................................................................ 8
7.2 Calibration of electromagnetic current-meters .......................................................................................................... 9
7.2.1 Instructions for calibration ..................................................................................................................................... 9
7.2.2 Mounting the electromagnetic current-meter ....................................................................................... 9
7.2.3 Number of calibration points .............................................................................................................................10
7.2.4 Performance of calibration ..................................................................................................................................10
7.2.5 Data analysis .....................................................................................................................................................................10
7.2.6 Presentation of results .............................................................................................................................................10
7.3 Calibration of acoustic current-meters for point velocity measurement ..........................................11
7.3.1 Instructions for calibration ..................................................................................................................................11
7.3.2 Mounting the acoustic current-meter ........................................................................................................11
7.3.3 Performance of calibration ..................................................................................................................................11
7.3.4 Data analysis .....................................................................................................................................................................11
7.3.5 Presentation of results .............................................................................................................................................12
© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved iii---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
ISO/DIS 3455:2020(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 113, Hydrometry, Subcommittee SC 5,
Instruments, equipment and data management.This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 3455:2007), which has been technically
revised.iv © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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Hydrometry — Calibration of current-meters in straight
open tanks
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a calibration method for mechanical type, electromagnetic
current-meters and acoustic type hydrometric current-meters used for point velocity measurement
of flowing water. The method requires towing the instrument through still water in a straight open
tank. It deals in particular with the measuring apparatus, the calibration procedure, the method of
presenting the results and the uncertainties associated with the method.2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 748, Hydrometry — Measurement of liquid flow in open channels using current-meters or floats
ISO 2537, Hydrometry — Rotating-element current-metersJCGM 100:2008, Evaluation of measurement data — Guide to the expression of uncertainty in
measurement (GUM)3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 772 apply. Units of measure
are based on the International System of Units (SI). ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for
use in standardization at the following addresses:— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http:// www .iso .org/ obp
4 Principle of calibration
4.1 Statement of the principle
Calibration of a current-meter means experimental determination of the relationship between water
velocity and either the rate of revolution of the rotating element or the velocity directly indicated by
the current-meter. For this purpose, the current-meter is mounted on a towing cart and drawn through
still water contained in a straight tank with a uniform cross section at a number of steady speeds of the
towing cart. Simultaneous measurements of the speed of the towing cart and the rate of revolution of
the rotating element or the velocity indicated by the current-meter are made. In the case of rotating-
element current-meters, the two parameters are related by one or more equations, the limits of validity
of which are stated. In the case of stationary-sensor type current-meters, containing no rotating
elements, the velocity indicated by its display unit is compared with the corresponding cart speed to
know the error in measurement.© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO/DIS 3455:2020(E)
4.2 Accuracy of the method
4.2.1 Overall uncertainty on the velocity measurement
The towing method gives an absolute measurement of water speed which in principle only requires
positions and time measurements. Provided that the precautions listed in 4.2.2 are taken, this method
may be considered as very accurate.4.2.2 Requirements for accurate measurements
The towing method gives an accurate measurement of water speed provided that:
a) the position, the timing and means for starting and stopping it achieve the necessary accuracy;
b) residual currents in the water are small.5 Infrastructure
5.1 Dimensions of the towing tank
5.1.1 General
The dimensions of the tank and the number and relative position of current-meters in the tank cross
section shall be chosen so that their effects on the test result are minimized.5.1.2 Length
The length of a rating tank can be considered as comprising accelerating, stabilizing, measuring and
braking sections.The length of the accelerating and braking sections depends on the design of the cart, the maximum
acceleration and deceleration achievable at maximum payload and the maximum speed at which the
payload is to be towed along the tank. Safety requirements of the cart need to be taken into account
while working out the length of the braking section. The length of the measuring section shall be such
that the calibration error, which is composed of inaccuracies in the measurement of time, distance
covered and rate of revolution, does not exceed the desired tolerance at any velocity. The required
length will, therefore, depend on the type of current-meter being calibrated, type of cart and the way
the signals are produced and transmitted.5.1.3 Depth and width
The depth of the tank can have an influence on the test results which cannot be regarded as negligible,
more particularly when the towing speed coincides with the velocity of propagation of the surface
wave. The dependence of this critical velocity, v , on tank depth is given by the Equation (1):
vg= d (1)where
g is the acceleration due to gravity;
d is the depth of water.
Depending on the size of the current meter(s) and the cross section of the suspension equipment relative
to the cross-sectional area of the tank, the wave crest produced by the current-meter and its means of
suspension may cause an error in calibration within a narrow band in the velocity range from 0,5 v to
1,5 v . It is a systematic and not a random error.2 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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The depth and width of the tank shall therefore be chosen to suit the size and the maximum velocity
limits of the current-meters to be calibrated. Care shall be taken to ensure that either the calibration
velocities in higher range are attained before the interference or that they exceed it sufficiently for the
critical zone to be bridged without extrapolation.5.2 Towing cart
5.2.1 General
During calibration, the current-meter is suspended below the cart and immersed in the water at
specified depth and the cart travels along the length of the tank at known and accurate speeds in the
measuring section.5.2.2 Cart track system
The cart may run on two parallel rails which must be accurately aligned with both the length of the
tank and the surface of the water in the tank. It is essential that the rails are straight and that the rails
and the wheels of the cart are free of irregularities in order to avoid irregular motions of the cart. The
material and hardness of the rails and the driving wheels should be chosen so that there shall not be
undue wear and tear of the wheels. In the case of rubber tire wheels, provision shall be made to lift the
wheels above the rail surface when not in use for a long time.5.2.3 Types of towing carts
The following types of towing carts are in common usage.
a) The towed cart which is moved along the track by a cable driven from a constant speed motor
standing apart from the moving cart. The towed cart may be lighter in construction with the
consequent advantage of high acceleration and quick braking, but the elasticity of the towing cable
can cause irregularities in the running of the cart thereby affecting the accuracy of current-meter
calibration.b) The self-propelled cart which is moved along the track by internally mounted electric motor(s).
The power to the cart may be fed by a trailing wire track system or by an overhead conductor
system or other systems specially designed for the purpose. The self-propelled cart will be heavier
in construction as it has to carry the driving motors. This results in greater inertia of the cart and
assists in smoothing out the running irregularities of the cart.5.2.4 Cart operation
The cart shall travel smoothly and at constant speed in the measuring section of the towing tank
ensuring that oscillatory motion is not transmitted to the current-meters under calibration.
The cart shall have smooth operational capability. Vibration of the tow cart should be avoided.
The cart shall remain stable during acceleration, deceleration and braking. There shall not be any
forward/backward or sideways rocking, or slippage during peak acceleration/deceleration and during
normal operation at any speed in specified range.During calibration, the measuring equipment, sensors and other instruments shall not be affected
by noise and spurious signals induced by the mains power supply or cart drive and control system or
otherwise by electrical equipment installed in the rating tank building and vicinity.
In addition to normal braking, an alternate brake system shall also be provided on the cart which would
automatically activate during an emergency.© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 3
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5.2.5 Cart control
The cart may be manned or unmanned. In the case of a manned cart, an operator on-board controls
various functions of the cart.The unmanned cart is operated remotely without any operator on board.
5.3 Measuring equipment
5.3.1 General
The calibration of a current-meter calls for the simultaneous measurement of the following three
parameters:a) distance covered by the cart;
b) time; and
c) signal (pulses) delivered by the current-meter.
The towing speed is calculated from the simultaneous measurement of distance and time. In case of
rotating-element current-meter, the rate of current-meter revolutions (rotations) is obtained by the
simultaneous measurement of the number of signals (pulses) and the time.5.3.2 Distance measurement
Different methods are available for measurement of distance to the specified measurement uncertainty
(see 5.3.5). Two of the most common methods are as follows:a) the establishment of light barriers (markers) at regular intervals along the length of the tank which
actuate mechanical or optical pulse transmitters fitted to the cart;b) the use of measuring wheels with mechanical or photoelectric pulse transmitters/optical encoders
which are drawn along the track by the cart.In the case of use of a measuring wheel, it shall be ensured that there is no slippage during travel. An
additional method of precise speed measurement shall also be provided to check the accuracy of the
measuring wheel on a regular basis.5.3.3 Time measurement
The time of travel of the cart is normally measured by an electronic counter with an in-built accurate
time reference, for example a quartz crystal. A period can thus be read to 1 ms or better. This equipment
should be checked periodically against a reference device traceable to a national time standard.
5.3.4 Current-meter signal measurementThe cart shall be provided with a suitable recording device for the measurement of current-meter
signals.In the case of rotating-element current-meters, the sensor of the current-meter shall generate a clear
and positive signal corresponding to the rotor revolutions. Normally, as per the design of the system,
the signals are generated once per revolution, twice per revolution or in some cases once for five
revolutions or even once for ten revolutions. The signals received from the current-meter(s) may be
counted using the counting device of the current-meter. In measuring the number of current-meter
revolutions in a given time, it is important to measure between identical points on the current-meter
signal. It shall be ensured that none of the signals are missed.In the case of an electromagnetic current-meter, the electrical signals from its sensor are processed by
its control unit.4 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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5.3.5 Sources of error related to infrastructure
Sources of error (sources of uncertainty) shall be treated according to GUM (Guide to the expression of
uncertainty in measurement, JCGM 100:2008). Only the principal sources of systematic and random
errors are considered below. Error due to the distance measurement
The following influence factors can contribute to the measurement uncertainty of the distance
measurement method:• Systematic uncertainty of the reference distance measuring method
• Thermal expansion on measuring wheels
• Repeatability of the distance measurement method
• Detection/counting of impulses from pulse transmitter or encoders Error due to timing measurement
The following influence factors can contribute to the measurement uncertainty of the timing
measurement method:• Systematic uncertainty of the reference timing measuring method
• Drift of the time reference Error due to residual currents in the water
The water in the tank is never completely still and residual currents from various origins are always
present. The following influence factors can contribute to the upper limit on residual currents
• Standing waves (surface gravity waves) linked to the dimensions of the tank and due to previous
measurements or disturbances in the water• Thermal convection currents due to temperature gradients Error due to environmental conditions
The ambient temperature fluctuation should be as low as possible and direct sunlight should be avoided
to minimize the influence on the tank's measurement system and to reduce the creation of thermal
convection currents.Electromagnetic interference generated by drive units and drive unit controls such as frequency
converters and power rails, especially if these are located directly on the tow carts, may have an
influence on the device under test and sensitive electronic devices.Magnetic inductive flow meters may be affected by ferro magnetic structures like steel beams or
reinforced concrete in the near surrounding. Random errors
The repeatability with which the cart speed can be determined depends on the repeatability of the
distance measurement method and on the timing accuracy. For any installation, this may be determined
experimentally by setting the cart speed to a fixed value and perform a series of runs to provide a series
of estimations of the cart speed.This is repeated for several different cart speeds and from the standard deviation of each series of
measurements, the 95% confidence limits may be evaluated.© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 5
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The repeatability of the rate of revolution of the rotating element or the velocity indicated by the
current-meter for different cart speeds can be determined in a similar way.5.4 Data acquisition
In order to facilitate automation and greater accuracy in measurement, a computerized data acquisition
system may be provided.The data acquisition software shall accept any relevant information related to calibration.
5.5 Data processingThe data processing software shall be customized to process the calibration curves, calibration
equations and calibration tables as described in 7.1.4.Generic functions/tools like least square estimation, statistical functions, and tabulation for rating
tables shall be provided in the processing software.5.6 Other requirements
In addition provision of the following ancillary equipment at the towing tank facility is desirable:
a) artificial beaches, stilling devices or other similar devices to reduce the reflection of disturbance in
the water by the end walls of the tank;b) means for checking the orientation of the stationary-sensor type current-meters.
c) a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water in the tank.d) Conductivity measurement device if magnetic inductive instruments are calibrated.
6 Calculation of uncertaintyThe uncertainty associated with a measurement is obtained by combining the uncertainties arising
from the sources described in 5.3.5 in accordance to GUM.7 Calibration procedure
7.1 Calibration of rotating element current-meters
7.1.1 Suspension of the current-meter
Attention shall be paid to the following points:
• Before the current-meter is immersed in water, it shall be checked for cleanliness, lubrication and
for its mechanical and electrical functioning. It shall also be ensured that oil as recommended by
the manufacturer or used by the customer in the field is used for the current-meters with oil-filled
contact systems and bearings during their servicing prior to calibration.• The suspension of the current-meter shall be as specified by the manufacturer/user of the current-
meter. This shall usually be the same as that used during field measurement. If during the field
measurements, the current-meter is attached near the lower end of the rod, it shall be mounted in
the same position on the cart during calibration. Should this not be the case, the current-meter shall
be mounted far enough from the end of the rod to ensure that any influence from this part of the
rod is eliminated. Material stiffness of the rod should be chosen so vibrations...
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