27.120.99 - Other standards related to nuclear energy
Other standards related to nuclear energy
Weitere Aspekte der Kerntechnik
Autres normes relatives a l'énergie nucléaire
Drugi standardi v zvezi z jedrsko energijo
General Information
This standard specifies the determination of mass gain, the surface inspection of products of zirconium and its alloys when corrosion tested in water at 360 °C or in steam at or above 400 °C and that the tests in steam shall be performed at 10, 3 MPa (1500 psi).
- Standard16 pagesEnglish language
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ISO 16797:2004 describes the Soxhlet-mode parameter test to assess the chemical durability of materials by measuring the initial dissolution rate in pure water. The measurement is performed at the boiling point of water, at which the dissolution rate is considerably higher than at room temperature. In most cases, the alteration phenomena are therefore significantly accelerated. The test is applicable to vitrified matrixes for high-level redioactive waste. The test described in ISO 16797:2004 is ...view more
- Standard10 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard10 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft22 pagesEnglish language
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