ISO/COPOLCO/WG 4 - Product safety
The ISO/COPOLCO ad hoc group on product safety, established by COPOLCO Resolution 12/2002, is to examine how adequately the issue of safety is being addressed within ISO's current system of standardization. As decided by COPOLCO Resolution 10/2004, this group shall report to COPOLCO in May 2005, including investigations into: 1. how IEC and other standards organizations address vertical and horizontal safety issues, 2. the output of the training session on child safety on 18 May 2004, which identified problem areas in a number of countries, 3. areas where the current inventory of normative documents fails to cover safety requirements from a consumer point of view, taking ISO/IEC Guides 50 and 51 as a point of departure, and 4. developing greater consistency and coherence in requirements for safety in standards, particularly in regard to the application of relevant existing and future guides, in line with the overall ISO Strategy. In addition, the COPOLCO ad hoc group on product safety will contribute on safety aspects related to the product recall work of the COPOLCO working group, Consumer protection in the global marketplace, in their fulfilment of COPOLCO Resolution 8/2004 as appearing below : 1. undertake a feasibility study for an International Standard on recall procedures for consumer goods, for use by business, regulatory authorities, and other relevant organizations 2. address the need for criteria for recall within documents relative to conformity assessment, and 3. submit a justification study for consideration by the plenary meeting in 2005.
Sécurité des produits
The ISO/COPOLCO ad hoc group on product safety, established by COPOLCO Resolution 12/2002, is to examine how adequately the issue of safety is being addressed within ISO's current system of standardization. As decided by COPOLCO Resolution 10/2004, this group shall report to COPOLCO in May 2005, including investigations into: 1. how IEC and other standards organizations address vertical and horizontal safety issues, 2. the output of the training session on child safety on 18 May 2004, which identified problem areas in a number of countries, 3. areas where the current inventory of normative documents fails to cover safety requirements from a consumer point of view, taking ISO/IEC Guides 50 and 51 as a point of departure, and 4. developing greater consistency and coherence in requirements for safety in standards, particularly in regard to the application of relevant existing and future guides, in line with the overall ISO Strategy. In addition, the COPOLCO ad hoc group on product safety will contribute on safety aspects related to the product recall work of the COPOLCO working group, Consumer protection in the global marketplace, in their fulfilment of COPOLCO Resolution 8/2004 as appearing below : 1. undertake a feasibility study for an International Standard on recall procedures for consumer goods, for use by business, regulatory authorities, and other relevant organizations 2. address the need for criteria for recall within documents relative to conformity assessment, and 3. submit a justification study for consideration by the plenary meeting in 2005.