35.240.50 - IT applications in industry
IT applications in industry
IT-Anwendungen in der Industrie
Applications des TI dans l'industrie
Uporabniške rešitve IT v industriji
General Information
IEC 62769-100:2020 specifies an FDI profile of IEC 62769 for generic protocols. That means that all interfaces are defined, and a host can add support for more protocols without changing its implementation. Nevertheless, there are some protocol-specific definitions (PSD) that need to be specified per protocol using this profile. Annex C specifies what PSDs need to be defined per protocol so that FDI Device Packages, FDI Communication Packages for Gateways and FDI Communication Servers, FDI Commu...view more
- Standard40 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft33 pagesEnglish language
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TAN - // IEC Corrigendum
- Corrigendum6 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 defines the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) Services. The
Services defined are the collection of abstract Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) that are
implemented by OPC UA Servers and called by OPC UA Clients. All interactions between
OPC UA Clients and Servers occur via these Services. The defined Services are considered
abstract because no particular RPC mechanism for implementation is defined in this
document. IEC 62541‑6 specifies one or more concrete mappings support...view more
- Standard232 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 defines the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) PubSub
communication model. It defines an OPC UA publish subscribe pattern which complements
the client server pattern defined by the Services in IEC 62541-4. IEC TR 62541-1 gives an
overview of the two models and their distinct uses.
PubSub allows the distribution of data and events from an OPC UA information source to
interested observers inside a device network as well as in IT and analytics cloud systems.
This documen...view more
- Standard192 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft165 pagesEnglish language
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This document analyses visualization elements that are key components of the interface between the physical asset and the avatar (digital replica of the physical asset).
- Draft19 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Technical report19 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 defines the Information Model of the OPC Unified Architecture. The
Information Model describes standardized Nodes of a Server’s AddressSpace. These Nodes
are standardized types as well as standardized instances used for diagnostics or as entry
points to server-specific Nodes. Thus, the Information Model defines the AddressSpace of an
empty OPC UA Server. However, it is not expected that all Servers will provide all of these
- Standard187 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62451 defines the information model associated with Programs in the OPC
Unified Architecture. This includes the description of the NodeClasses, standard Properties,
Methods and Events and associated behaviour and information for Programs.
The complete Address Space model including all NodeClasses and Attributes is specified in
IEC 62541‑3. The Services such as those used to invoke the Methods used to manage
Programs are specified in IEC 62541‑4.
- Standard48 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft48 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 defines the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) Profiles. The Profiles
in this document are used to segregate features with regard to testing of OPC UA products
and the nature of the testing (tool based or lab based). This includes the testing performed by
the OPC Foundation provided OPC UA CTT (a self-test tool) and by the OPC Foundation
provided Independent certification test labs. This could equally as well refer to test tools
provided by another organization or a te...view more
- Standard128 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft107 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 is part of the overall OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) standard series
and defines the information model associated with Data Access (DA). It particularly includes
additional VariableTypes and complementary descriptions of the NodeClasses and Attributes
needed for Data Access, additional Properties, and other information and behaviour.
The complete address space model, including all NodeClasses and Attributes is specified in
IEC 62541-3. The services to detect and a...view more
- Standard53 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft47 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 61804 specifies EDD interpretation for EDD applications and EDDs to support
EDD interoperability. This document is intended to ensure that field device developers use the
EDDL constructs consistently and that the EDD applications have the same interpretations of
the EDD. It supplements the EDDL specification to promote EDDL application interoperability
and improve EDD portability between EDDL applications.
- Standard142 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft133 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 is part of the overall OPC Unified Architecture specification series and
defines the information model associated with Aggregates.
- Standard113 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft89 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 specifies the representation of Alarms and Conditions in the OPC
Unified Architecture. Included is the Information Model representation of Alarms and
Conditions in the OPC UA address space. Other aspects of alarm systems such as alarm
philosophy, life cycle, alarm response times, alarm types and many other details are captured
in documents such as IEC 62682 and ISA 18.2. The Alarms and Conditions Information Model
in this specification is designed in accordance with I...view more
- Standard134 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft120 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62714 specifies the integration of logic information as part of an AML model
for the data exchange in a heterogenous engineering tool landscape of production systems.
This document specifies three types of logic information: sequencing, behaviour, and
interlocking information.
This document deals with the six following sequencing and behaviour logic models (covering
the different phases of the engineering process of production systems) and how they are
integrated in AML: G...view more
- Standard113 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft106 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 defines the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) AddressSpace and its
Objects. This document is the OPC UA meta model on which OPC UA information models are
- Standard125 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft109 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 61804 specifies the EDDL builtin library and provides the profiles of the various
- Standard282 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft261 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 specifies how OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) Clients and Servers
interact with DiscoveryServers when used in different scenarios. It specifies the requirements
for the LocalDiscoveryServer, LocalDiscoveryServer-ME and GlobalDiscoveryServer. It also
defines information models for Certificate management, KeyCredential management and
Authorization Services.
- Standard107 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft95 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 specifies the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) mapping between
the security model described in IEC TR 62541‑2, the abstract service definitions specified in
IEC 62541‑4, the data structures defined in IEC 62541‑5 and the physical network protocols
that can be used to implement the OPC UA specification.
- Standard122 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft101 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 62541 is part of the OPC Unified Architecture standard series and defines the
information model associated with Historical Access (HA). It particularly includes additional
and complementary descriptions of the NodeClasses and Attributes needed for Historical
Access, additional standard Properties, and other information and behaviour.
The complete AddressSpace Model including all NodeClasses and Attributes is specified in
IEC 62541-3. The predefined Information Model is defi...view more
- Standard55 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft47 pagesEnglish language
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This part of IEC 61804 specifies the electronic device description language (EDDL)
technology, which enables the integration of real product details using the tools of the
engineering life cycle.
This document specifies EDDL as a generic language for describing the properties of
automation system components. EDDL is capable of describing
• device parameters and their dependencies;
• device functions, for example, simulation mode, calibration;
• graphical representations, for example, menu...view more
- Standard396 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft378 pagesEnglish language
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- Amendment44 pagesEnglish language
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