(Main)Standard Details
Information technology -- Office equipment -- Method for measuring digital printing productivity
Technologies de l'information -- Équipements de bureau -- Méthode de mesure de la productivité d'impression numérique
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28 Secretariat: JISC
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2020-05-19 2020-08-11
Information technology — Office equipment — Method for
measuring digital printing productivity
Technologies de l'information — Équipements de bureau — Méthode de mesure de la productivité
d'impression numériqueICS: 37.100.10
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/IEC DIS 24734:2020(E)
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ISO/IEC DIS 24734:2020(E)
© ISO/IEC 2020
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ISO/IEC DIS 24734:2020
Contents Page
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................................................ v
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ vii
1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................ 1
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 1
4 Test parameters and ponditions .......................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Test platform .......................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Test platform test setup procedures ................................................................................................... 5
4.2.1 Initial platform setup ............................................................................................................................. 5
4.2.2 Creation of disk image of test platform (optional) ............................................................................. 6
4.2.3 Initial test state ...................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Printing device system setup ............................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Printing device connection................................................................................................................... 7
4.5 Printing device condition...................................................................................................................... 8
4.6 Sample size ............................................................................................................................................ 8
4.7 Paper ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.8 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 8
4.9 Test files, test suites and software applications ................................................................................ 8
4.10 Environment ........................................................................................................................................... 9
4.11 Voltage .................................................................................................................................................... 9
5 Test method ........................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Test measurement procedure ............................................................................................................ 10
5.2.1 Test setup ............................................................................................................................................. 10
5.2.2 “1 Set” test from ready ....................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.3 “1 Set + 30 Seconds” test from ready ............................................................................................... 11
5.2.4 “1 Set + 4 Minutes” test from ready .................................................................................................. 12
5.3 Test method process .......................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.1 Suggested test method ....................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.2 ±5 % consistency criteria .................................................................................................................... 15
5.3.3 Estimating the set count ..................................................................................................................... 15
5.4 Category tests ...................................................................................................................................... 15
5.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 15
5.4.2 Office test ............................................................................................................................................. 16
5.4.3 Advertising and graphics test ............................................................................................................ 18
5.5 Feature performance test ................................................................................................................... 20
5.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 20
5.5.2 Feature performance test procedure ................................................................................................. 20
5.6 Optional special tests ......................................................................................................................... 21
6 Calculations and treatment of data ................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2 Category tests ...................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.1 “1 Set” test ........................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.2 “1 Set + 30 Seconds” test ................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.3 “1 Set + 4 Minutes” test ...................................................................................................................... 23
6.3 Feature performance test ................................................................................................................... 23
6.3.1 “1 Set” test ........................................................................................................................................... 23
6.3.2 “1 Set + 30 Seconds” test ................................................................................................................... 24
7 Presentation of results ........................................................................................................................ 24
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7.1 Sharing testing and reports ............................................................................................................... 24
7.2 Category tests ..................................................................................................................................... 25
7.2.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 25
7.2.2 Minimum declaration .......................................................................................................................... 25
7.2.3 Summary report .................................................................................................................................. 25
7.2.4 Full report ............................................................................................................................................ 27
7.3 Advertising and graphics tests ......................................................................................................... 29
7.3.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 29
7.3.2 Summary report .................................................................................................................................. 29
7.3.3 Full report ............................................................................................................................................ 30
7.4 Feature performance tests ................................................................................................................. 32
7.4.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 32
7.4.2 Summary report .................................................................................................................................. 32
7.4.3 Full report ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Annex A (informative) Report presentation ................................................................................................... 34
Annex B (informative) An example of full detailed report ............................................................................ 43
Annex C (normative) Test suites .................................................................................................................... 47
Annex D (normative) Procedure to Establish Ready Delay Time ................................................................ 54
Annex E (informative) Test platform parameters .......................................................................................... 57
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 61
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ISO/IEC DIS 24734:2020
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described
in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of
document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the
ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any
patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO
list of patent declarations received (see trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment,
as well as information about ISO's adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary informationISO/IEC 24734 was prepared by joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 28, Office equipment.This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO/IEC 24734:2014), of which it constitutes a
minor revision.This edition includes the following changes with respect the previous edition:
a) Updated document formatting based on ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2016.
b) Added empty “Normative references” based on ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2016.
c) Change the Annex structure to be consistent with other productivity standards.
d) “Terms and definitions” clause has been modified to add new definitions and removed definitions of terms
not used in the text.e) Added a requirement that single copy output shall use the default “Output Order” setting and the alternate
“Order Output” is an optional test.f) Added reporting of the “Output order” setting as part of the summary and detailed reports since it has a
direct impact on the ability for results to be repeatable.g) Added “Ready delay time” requirement to “Test measurement” procedures.
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h) Added [Annex D] for the procedure to determine the “Ready delay time”.
i) Changed paper weight to paper grammage in body and reporting.
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ISO/IEC DIS 24734:2020
Many digital printing devices produce printed pages at a different rate than their nominal speed when running
with different modes (simplex, duplex, print quality modes), different substrate grammage, system
environments, applications and file content, and finishing options. The degree to which a reduction in
productivity is experienced depends significantly on multiple parameters of the job workflow. The most
dominant of the parameters of the job workflow are: system environment, application, and job characteristics
such as the number of pages in a set to be printed, single-sided or double-sided output pages, quality mode,
number of print sets to be produced, substrate grammage/size used, and finishing options, and job content
complexities such as monochrome vs. colour, text/vector vs. raster, page scaling and colour conversion. The
existing International Standard (ISO/IEC 10561) only addresses printing throughput for Class 1 and Class 2
printers and, therefore is not suitable for comparing colour printing devices or high-speed page-oriented
printing devices with many finishing options and connectivity configurations.This document provides a general method for measuring the productivity when the above-mentioned job
workflow parameters for digital printing devices are taken into consideration. This document also includes a
suite of test files, test-platform (hardware and software) setup guidelines, and a procedure to be used for
measuring digital printing productivity. It allows manufacturers and buyers of digital printing devices to
describe the productivity of various digital printing devices with respect to representative office usage patterns.
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ISO/IEC DIS 24734:2020
Information technology — Office equipment — Method for
measuring digital printing productivity — Revision DIS
1 Scope
This document specifies a method for measuring the productivity of digital printing devices with various office
applications and print job characteristics. This document is applicable to digital printing devices, including
single-function and multi-function devices, regardless of print technology (e.g. inkjet, laser). Devices can be
equipped with a range of paper feed and finishing options either directly connected to the computer system or
via a network. It is intended to be used for black and white (B&W) as well as colour digital printing devices. It
allows for the comparison of the productivity of machines operating in various available modes (simplex,
duplex, size of substrates, etc.) and office applications when the test system environment, operating modes,
and job mix for each machine are held identical. This document includes test files, test setup procedure, test
runtime procedure, and the reporting requirements for the digital printing productivity measurements.
This document is not intended to be used for devices which are not able to print on a media size of
A4/8.5”x11” or for devices, which are not able to collate multiple copies of a print.
This document is not intended to replace manufacturer's rated speeds.2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 536, Paper and board -- Determination of grammage3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at— IEC Electropedia: available at
category test
test pertaining to one of two separate categories; Office category and Advertising and Graphics category,
whereby the Office Category test is used to test and report FSOT (3.10), ESAT (3.7) and EFTP (3.6) using
content from typical office applications and the Advertising and Graphics Category test is used to test and
report FSOT, ESAT and EFTP using applications and files representing more complexity, higher coverage
and a higher ratio of image and graphic content such as pictures, gradients and embedded elements
printing device's (3.22) ability to produce multiple hard copies of an electronic document in repeating original
order which may be achieved through either software features or via a hardware finishing device
EXAMPLE Repeating original order 1234, 1234, 1234, etc..© ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO/IEC DIS 24734:2020
default driver
printing device (3.22) driver that is automatically selected as the default per the manufacturers’ installation
dual output order device
printing devices (3.22) that support both original order output (3.18) and reverse order output (3.26)
duplex printing
printing where the printing device (3.22) can make a number of prints with the printing being done to both
sides of the sheetNote 1 to entry: Other equivalent terms are “two-sided printing” or “two-sided perfecting”.
effective throughput
rate at which a device produces pages measured from the initiation of the job through the complete exit of the
last page of the last test set (3.33)Note 1 to entry: EFTP is expressed in images per minute (ipm) (3.13). EFTP can be affected by the digital processing time
of the test set as well as the run time of the test set.3.7
estimated saturated throughput
rate at which a device produces pages measured from the complete exit of the last page of the first test set
(3.33) through the complete exit of the last page of the last test setNote 1 to entry: ESAT is expressed in images per minute (ipm) (3.13).
feature performance ratio
ratio of the printing performance (such as FSOT (3.10) and ESAT (3.7)) with the subject feature ON versus the
printing device (3.22) default baseline performance (without the subject feature ON)
3.9feature performance test
optional test used to evaluate productivity changes with various printing and finishing features enabled
Note 1 to entry: The feature performance test (3.21) suite is run with default printing system settings to establish a base
line, and then with the selected feature (e.g. stapling) ON, for comparison.3.10
first set out time
number of seconds between the initiation of the job to the complete exit of the last page of the first test set
full detailed report
presentation of information including machine setup and full measured test results
Note 1 to entry: An example of a full detailed report is shown in [Annex B].2 © ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved
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full report
presentation of results including the FSOT (3.10), EFTP (3.6) and ESAT (3.7) values for each file tested for a
given category or feature test as well as the calculated averages for the overall FSOT, EFTP and ESAT
images per minute
printing rate, excluding time to first page printed, as measured when producing pages in a continuous print
mode for one minute with a single static document using a nominal grammage substrate
Note 1 to entry: Nominal printing speed is expressed in pages per minute or images per minute.
3.14initial installation state
state of the test platform (3.31) after the installation and configuration of the operating system and applications
but before the installation of unique software, e.g. print driver for the printing device (3.22) under test
data transmission between the host and the printing device (3.22), such as a direct (via parallel, serial, USB,
Firewire, network or wireless) or an indirect (via network router/server) connection
last set out time
number of seconds between the initiation of the job to the complete exit of the last page of the last test set
inclusion of N page images on a single side of a single sheet of paper. N is typically 1, 2 or 4 original images.
EXAMPLE 2-up copy mode scans two originals and creates one sheet of paper with two originals on it.
3.18original order output
printed document output stack is in the same order as the original electronic document
Note 1 to entry: For a device that prints simplex (3.28) imaged media side up, the device would print pages in reverse
order 4321 for the output stack to be in the same order 1234 as the original electronic document when viewed by the user.
Note 2 to entry: For a device that prints simplex imaged media side down, the device would print pages in order 1234 for
the output stack to be in the same order as the original electronic document when viewed by the user.
Note 3 to entry: This is commonly referred to as “In-Order” Output.3.19
output order
the order of printed pages in the output stack relative to the original electronic document
Note 1 to entry: The original document is ordered 1234, the printed output can be either 1234 or 4321.
page description language
commands and data structures that a printing system interprets to produce an intended print page image
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ISO/IEC DIS 24734:2020
performance test
test used to evaluate productivity by providing FSOT (3.10), EFTP (3.6) and ESAT (3.7) without using any
special feature or mode, including both the simplex (3.28) printing mode and duplex (3.5) printing mode if
printing device
device that produces hard copy output, or prints on media such as paper, from digital electronic documents
Note 1 to entry: The function of the device is not limited to printing only, such as is the case with multi-function devices,
which have the ability to print and perform other functions such as copy, scan and/or digital send
raster image processor
component used in a printing system, which produces a bitmap
ready state
state which a device typically enters after the exit of the last page of the last job and the printing engine is in a
stable condition, but fully warmed up and prepared to operateNote 1 to entry: While in the Ready state, systems not directly involved with marking the media are allowed to be in motion.
EXAMPLE Fans may still be spinning and all other motors stopped.3.25
ready delay time
required delay time from the complete exit of the last page of the previous print job to the start of the next job
3.26reverse order output
printed document output stack is in the reverse order as the original electronic document
Note 1 to entry: For a device that prints simplex (3.28) imaged media side up, the device would print pages in order 1234
for the output stack to be in the reverse order 4321 as the original electronic document when viewed by the user.
Note 2 to entry: For a device that prints simplex imaged media side down, the device would print pages in reverse order
4321 for the output stack to be in the reverse order 4321 as the original electronic document when viewed by the user.
3.27set count
the total number of sets printed during a test run (3.32), with set count N, and then N (as in N test sets (3.33))
x M (number of pages in one test file (3.30)) pages will be printedNote 1 to entry: This is often referred to as copy count in the application or print driver setting.
simplex printing
use of a printing device (3.22) when only a single side of a sheet is printed on
Note 1 to entry: Single-sided printing mode is similar to the copying modes often referred to as 1:1 mode, Simplex to
simplex, or single-sided originals to single-sided copies.3.29
summary report
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presentation of results including the average overall FSOT (3.10) and ESAT (3.7) values calculated for a given
category or feature test3.30
test file
individual files used for testing as per the test method
EXAMPLE A single Microsoft Excel file within the Office test is a “test file”.
test platform
set of hardware and software system components configured to perform the collection of digital printing
productivity tests, including, but not limited to a computer installed with an operating system and applicable
application software, installed printing device (3.22) software, hardware and software interfaces (3.15), and
timing devices (stopwatch or automated)3.32
test run
operation of printing one test file (3.30), in a particular system configuration, with a particular set and page
countNote 1 to entry: Print times are recorded for each test run.
test set
all of the pages of a single test file (3.30)
test suite
the combination of test files (3.30) for each category test (3.1)
EXAMPLE 1 The Office Category te
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