ISO 3134-3:1985
(Main)Light metals and their alloys — Terms and definitions — Part 3: Wrought products
Light metals and their alloys — Terms and definitions — Part 3: Wrought products
This part of ISO 3134 defines terms relating to wrought products (rod/bar, wire, tube, profile, sheet, strip, forging), produced by hot and/or cold plastic deformation processes (such as extruding, forging, hot rolling, cold rolling or drawing). An annex gives explaining notes to some definitions.
Métaux légers et leurs alliages — Termes et définitions — Partie 3: Produits corroyés
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Light metals and their alloys - Terms and.definitions -
Part 3: Wrought products
First editisn - 1985-06-45
Corrected and reprinted - 1989-04-15
Metaux I6gers et leurs alliages - Termes et dbfinitions -
Partie 3: Produits corroyhs
Premiere Edition - 1985-06-15
Corrig6e et reimprim6e - 1989-04-15
flerme MeTannbl M MX CnnaBbr - TepnwHbl M onpe~enetwwi -
%CTb 3: ~eC#lOpMMpOBaHHble k13~eJlMFI
llepeoe wplaHue - 1985-06-15
McnpasneHHoe M nepeneqaTaHHoe - 1989-04-15
UDC/CDU/YJJK 669.71/.72-14 : 001.4 Ref. No./Ref. no : ISO 3134/3-1985 (E/F/R)
CcunKa No: MC0 3134/3-1985 (AIWP)
Descriptors : metals, light alloys, wrought products, vocabulary. / Descripteurs : metal, alliage leger, produit corroye, vocabulaire. /
MeTaJlJlbl, CnJ-la6bl JlWKuie, l43JJeJlMfI ,IJeC@OpMVlpOBaHHble, CJlOBapb.
Price based on 10 pages/Prix base sur 10 pages/uei-ra paccciMTaHa Ha 10 CTp.
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is nor-
mally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject
for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that
committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member
bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. They
are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member
bodies voting .
Committee ISO/TC 79, Light
International Standard ISO 313413 was prepared by Technical
metals and their alloys.
lt cancels and replaces ISO Technical Report ISO/TR 3134/3-1977, of which it constitutes a
technical revision.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes internatio-
nales est confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une
etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique cr66 a cet effet. Les organisations internatio-
nales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO, participent egalement
aux travaux.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi-
tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par Ie
Conseil de I’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees conformement aux procedures de
I’ISO qui requierent I’approbation de 75 % au moins des comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale ISO 3134/3 a etc elaboree par Ie comite technique ISO/TC 79,
lkgers et leurs alliages.
Elle annule et remplace Ie Rapport technique ISO/TR 3134/3-1977, dont elle constitue une revi-
sion technique.
HC0 (MeXflytiapoRHafr Oprar-tMsauMfi no CTaHflaprUsauM@ RBnfiercfl 6ceMupHoW @eAepaqueM
Ha4MOHanbHblX OpraHkl3aqltlti n0 CTaH~apTM3a~MM (KOMMTeTOB-WeHOB MCO). AeRTenbHOCTb fl0
,lJbllil KOMMTeT-WleH, 3aMHTepeCOBaHHbilil B JJeFlTenbHOCTM, AnfI KOTOpOti 6bifl CO3flaH TeXHMqeCKMti
KOMMTeT, VlMeeT tlpaB0 6blTb Ilpe~CTaBneHHblM 6 3TOM KOMMTeTe. Me>Kp(yHapO&Hbie IlpaWTenb-
CTBeHHble M HenpaBltlTenbCTBeHHble OpraHM3a~MM, PlMeiO~Ple CBF13vI C MCO, TaKxe llpMHMMalOT
ylracme 6 pa6oTax.
flpOeKTbl MeIKJJyHapOfiHblX CTaHflapTOB, npMHRTble TeXHMqeCKMMM KOMMTeTaMM, paCCblnaIOTCf’i
KOMMTeTaM-qneHaM Ha OAO6peHue nepefl vIx yTBepxqeHMeM COBeTOM MC0 6 KaqeCTBe MexgyHa-
OCr(O6peHm IlO MeHblUeti Mepe 75 % KOMMTeTOB-WIeHOB, flpMHMMa!O~MX yqaCT@le B TOnOCOBaHMM.
MemRyHapOAHblti CTaHAapT tdco 313413 6bln
JetKue Memannbr u ux cnnasbr.
OH atiriynMpyer M 3aMerifieT COo6qeHue MCOITC 313413-1977 u fwmeTcfl er0
TeXHMqeCKOfi peBkl3Itlelk
0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1985
0 Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1985
@ MemqyHapoAwafl OpraHwaqw no CtaHflapTwaqwq 1985
Printed in Switzerland/lmprime en Suisse/MsnaHo B l.UeetiuapMM
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ISO 3134/3-1985 (E/F/R)
MC0 3134/3-1985 (A/@/P)
Jleiywe MeTannbi H
Metaux Egers et leurs
Light metals and
- TepMHHbl
MX CflnaB bl
alliages - Termes
their alloys - Terms
IA OnpeAeneHwi -
et definitions -
and definitions -
L/aCTb 3:
Partie 3: Produits
Part 3: Wrought
0 BBeAeHkle
0 Introduction
0 lntrcmdwtion
Terms and definitions listed in this part Les termes et definitions cites dans Ia TepMIAHbl M OnpeJjefleHVlFI, npr/rBepleHHble
of ISO 3134 have been approved in presente Partie de I’ISO 3134 ont etc B HaCTOflweti claCTL’l McO3134, llpMH4M-
principle by the Customs Co-Operation approuves dans leur Principe par Ie nl4an bH0 OAO6peI-I bi COBeTOM TaMO>KeH-
Council (CCC) to form the basis of the Conseil de cooperation douaniere HOrO COTpyAHWdeCTBa (ccc), M o6pa3ytoT
Harmonized Commodity Description (CCD) pour former Ia base du Systeme oc~osy CornacoeaHiioro 0nMcaHHfr npo-
harmonise de designation et de codi- AyKTOB M CMCTeMbl KO~MpOBaHMfI (COrfla-
and Coding System (Harmonized Sys-
tem) for the revision of chapters 76 and fication des marchandises (Systeme coBaHHafl cwTeMa) gqnfr nepechno-rpa rnas
“Aluminium” and “Magnesium” harmonise) en vue de Ia revision des 76 M 77 HOMeHKnaTypbl ccc, COOTBeT-
chapitres 76 et 77, «Aluminium)) et
respectively, of the CCC-Nomenclature. CTBeHHO ,,kltOMMHVlI;i“ M ,,fViarHmA“.
(( Magnesium )) respectivement, de Ia
Nomenclature du CCD.
1 Objet et domaine i 06’beKT H 06naCTb
1 Scope and field of
d’application npmvleHeHwl
La presente Partie de I’ISO 3134 donne B !iacToFiujeti claCTM MC0 3134 llpVlBOflfiT-
This part of ISO 3134 gives terms for
cfl TepMMHbl M 0npeAeneHm ~ec#IopMklpo-
and definitions of wrought products of les termes et les definitions des produits
corroyes en metaux Iegers et leurs BaHHblx t43Aenuti 143 nerKux Merannoe 1/1
light metals and their alloys.
MX cnnasos.
2 Termes et dkfinitions 2 TepMHHbl H Onpe~enetiWI
2 Terms and definitions
2.1 produit corroye : Terme general 2.1 ~ec@opn+wpobatwoe uqqeme: 06uyW
2.1 wrought product : A general
term for products obtained by hot employe pour les produits obtenus par TepMtiri Anfl i43flenMw, nonyqekrkibix ropfi-
and/or cold plastic deformation pro- des procedes de deformation plastique qerii m/MnM xonoArioW nnacrMqecKoti Ae-
a chaud et/ou a froid tels que filage,
cesses such as extruding, forging, hot @ophnauMeR, TaKOii KaK npeccosaHMe,
forgeage, laminage a chaud, laminage KoBKa, ropfwafi npoKaTKa, xonoflHaf4 npo-
rolling, cold rolling or drawing, either
ou etirage a froid, soit exclusivement KaTKa VlnM BOnOqeHMe, B OTflen bHOCTM l4nM
exclusively or in combination.
par I’un de ces procedes, soit par une B KOM6kIHa~WI.
combinaison de ceux-ci.
Des exemples de produits corroyes sont blpVlMepaMl4 QeCjDOpMMpOBaHHblX l43~enWil
Examples for wrought products are
les barres, fils, tubes, profiles, toles, FlBnFllOTCFI npyTOK, MenKklti COpT, llpOBO-
rod/bar, wire, tube, Profile, sheet,
noKa, TpyGa, npO@wmb, nMCT, nonoca,
bandes, pieces forgees.
Strip, forging.
Pour ie Principe de Ia classification IlPMMEYAHVlE - &IR npmqmnos maccm#uKa-
For classification principles of NOTE -
des produits corroyes, voir I’annexe. 4MM ~e@OPMMPOBaHHblX bl3CrjWlblti CM. nplNlO-
wrought products, see the annex.
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ISO 3134/3-1985 (E/F/R)
MC0 3134/3-1985 (A/@/P)
2.2 rod/bar: A solid wrought product 2.2 barre: Produit plein corroye de 2.2 npyTor< ; mdenKb4H copT : Cnnourr-roe fle-
of uniform Cross-section along its whole section transversale constante sur toute @OpMklpOBaHHOe Vl3AenVle llOCTORHHOr0
length, supplied in straight lengths. sa longueur, livre en longueurs droites. nonepeqt4oro ceqekrr4fr no eceti AnMr-re,
nOCTaBnfleMOe B BVlJJe np8MblX OTpe3KOB.
The Cross-sections are in the shape of
Les sections transversales peuvent se IloneperHble CeqeHMfl MMelOT @OpMy
circles, Ovals, squares, rectangles, equi-
presenter sous forme de cercle, d’ovale,
Kpyra, oBana, KBaapaTa, npgMoyronbHuKa,
lateral triangles or regular polygons (sec
de carre, de rectangle, de triangle equi- paBHOCTOpOHHer0 TpeyrOnbHklKa MnM llpa-
figure 1). Products with a Square, rec-
lateral ou de polygone regulier (voir
BMnbHOrO MHOrOyrOnbHMKa (CM. pMC. 1).
tangular, triangular or polygonal cross- figure 1). Les produits de section trans-
Msiqenkw c noneperHblM ceqeHi4eM B Btiqe
section may have corners rounded
versale carree, rectangulaire, triangu- KBa&paTa, npFiMoyronbHuKa, Tpeyronb-
along their whole length. laire ou polygonale peuvent presenter
HMKa M MHOrOyrOnbHlAKa, MOryT PlMeTb
des angles arrondis sur toute leur lon- cKpyrneHHble yrnbl no Bcei7 AnuHe.
NOTE - En ce qui concerne les barres rec-
NOTE - For rectangular bars: IlPM MEL1AHME - Y MenKOrO CopTa npf4MO-
tangulaires : yron bHOr0 ceYeHm
- -
the thickness exceeds one-tenth of - I’epaisseur est superieu re au TOJl~tiHa npesbiuraeT OAHY 4ecRTyto
de Ia largeur ; UJM pMHbl ;
the width ;
- -
- Ie terme (( barre rectangulaire)) com-
the term “rectangular bar” includes TepMMH ,,MeflKMti COpT npRMOyrOflbHOr0
“flattened circles” and “modified rec- prend les (( sections circulaires aplaties )) CeLleHMfi“ BKfliOrlaeT ,,CflflKXHyTblti Kpyr“ M
tangles”, of which two opposite sides et les (( sections meplates a chants arron- ,,Bl/liqOkl3MeHeHHblti flpF1MOyrOflbHVlK“, y KOTO-
are convex arcs, the other two sides dis)) dont deux cot& opposes sont en pOr0 flBe npOTVlBOnOnO>i
being straight, of equal length and forme d’arc de cercle convexe, les deux JlfItOTCfl BblllyKflblMM fiyraMl4, a ABe JjpyrVle
parallel. autres etant rectilignes, egaux et paral- CTOpOHbl npFlMOnMHe6lHble, paBHOW AJWlHbl
leles. M napannenbHble.
2.3 wire: A solid wrought product of 2.3 fil: Produit plein corroye de sec- 2.3 npoeonoKa : Cnnotur-roe Ae@opMMpo-
uniform Cross-section along its whole tion transversale constante sur toute sa BaHHOe l43flenMe C HeM3MeHHblM CeYeHMeM
length, supplied in coiled form. longueur, livre enroule. no Bcefi flnuHe, nocTaBnReMoe B pynoHax.
The Cross-sections are in the shape ‘of
Les sections transversales peuvent se IlonepeqHoe ceqeHue MMeeT @ophny
circles, Ovals, squares, rectangles, equi- presenter sous forme de cercle, d’ovale, Kpyra, osana, KBaApaTa, npfiMoyronbHuKa,
lateral triangles or regular polygons (sec
de carre, de rectangle, de triangle equi- paBHOCTOpOHHer0 TpeyrOnbHPlKa Mnl4 opa-
figure 1). Products with a Square, rec- lateral ou de polygone regulier (voir BMnbHOrO MHOrOyrOnbHklKa (CM. pL4C. 1).
figure 1). Les produits de section trans- M3JJenVlfl KBaflpaTHOrO, npFlMOyrOn bHOr0,
tangular, triangular, or polygonal cross-
section may have corners rounded versale carree, rectangulaire, triangu- TpeyronbHoro unl/t MHoroyronbHoro none-
peqHor0 ceqeHwi MoryT MMeTb cKpyrneH-
along their whole length. laire ou polygonale peuvent presenter
des angles arrondis sur toute leur lon- Hble yrnbl no BceR cqnMHe.
NOTE - En ce qui concerne les fils rectan- nPMMEYAHl4 E- Y npOBOnOKl4 npflMoyronb-
NOTE - For rectangular wires :
Horo ceqeHm
gulaires :
- -
superieu re au dixieme TOfliqPl npesbluae-r JJecflTyto
the thickness exceeds one-tenth of I’epaisseu r est
de Ia largeur ; UWlpMH bl ;
the width ;
- -
the term “rectangular wire” includes - Ie terme (( fil rectangulaire)) com- TepMMH ,,npoBonoKa npflMoyronbHor0
“flattened circles” and “modified rec- prend les (( sections circulaires aplaties 1) ceqeHm“ BKnloqaeT ,,CnfllOCHyTblfi Kpyr“ M
tangles”, of which two opposite sides et les (( sections meplates a chants arron- ,,BMJJOM3MeHeHHblti llpflMOyrOflbHMK“, y KOTO-
pOr0 #Be npOTVlBO~OJlOXHble CTOpOHbl FiB-
are convex arcs, the other two sides dis» dont deux cot& opposes sont en
forme d’arc de cercle convexe, les deux JlFltOTCR BblrlyKnblMM flyraMVl, a 4Be JjpyrlAe
being straight, of equal length and
autres etant rectilignes, egaux et paral- CTOpOHbl npPlMOJl&lHefiHble, paBHO6l ~nMHbl
leles. M napannenbHble.
2.4 3aroToma C\IM Bonor(ewm; KaTaHKa:
2.4 drawing stock; wire rod : An 2.4 fil machine: Produit plein cor-
intermediate solid wrought product of roye intermediaire de section transver- flpOMeNtyTOL1HOe cnnowHoe ~ec#IopMMpo-
sale constante sur toute sa longueur, BaHtioe MsAenkre nocroflt4Horo nonepeq-
uniform Cross-section along its whole
rioro cerleHufl no BceM flnuHe, nocTaBnf+
length supplied in coils. livre en couronnes.
eMOe B 6yHTaX.
IlonepeqHoe cerleHi4e npu6nu3uTenbHo
The Cross-sections are approximately Les sections transversales sont approxi-
round, triangular or regular polygonal mativement circulaires, triangulaires ou Kpyrnoe, TpeyronbHoe ww npaBMnbHoe
polygonales regulieres et leurs dimen- MHOrOyrOnbHOe C MaKCVlManbHblM pa3Me-
with dimensions usually exceeding
Pol nonepeqHor0 ceqeHt4q 06blilHo npe-
7 mm (sec figure 2). sions transversales maximales sont
habituellement superieures a 7 mm (voir BbllUalOQUlM 7 MM (CM. pMC. 2).
figure 2).
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ISO 3134/3-1985 (E/F/R)
MC0 3134/3=1985(A/@/P)
2.5 tube: A hollow wrought product 2.5 tube: Produit creux corroye de
2.5 Tpy6a : flonoe flecpopMMposaHHoe
of uniform Cross-section with only one
section transversale constante, com-
t43Aeme nocrofiHHor0 nonepeqHor0 ceqe-
enclosed void along its whole length, portant un seul trou sur toute sa
HMR C TOflbKO OflHOti 3aKpblTOti HeCnJlOtU-
and with a uniform wall thickness, sup- longueur, et dont les parois ont une
HOCTbtO n0 BCeii jJJll4He M C nOCTOflHHOti
plied in straight lengths or in coiled epaisseur constante, livre en longueurs
TOflq14~0Lil cTeHKM, nocTaBmeMoe B Bkuqe
form. droites ou enroule. npflMblX OTpe3KOB MJlM B p)UlOHaX.
The Cross-sections are in the shape of
Les sections transversales peuvent se floneperkrbie CeqeHMFI MMetOT C@OpMy
circles, Ovals, squares, rectangles, equi-
presenter sous forme de cercle, d’ovale, Kpyra, oBana, Ksaflpara, npfiMoyronbI-
lateral triangles or regular polygons (sec de carre, de rectangle, de triangle equi- HMKa, paBHOCTOpOHHer0 TpeyrOJlbHVlKa
Hollow products with a
figure 3). lateral ou de polygone regulier (voir MJlM npaBWlbHOr0 MHOrOyrOJlbHVlKa (CM.
Square, rectangular, equilateral triangu- figure 3). On considere egalement pMC. 3). nOny@a6pMKaTbl KBajJpaTHOrO,
lar or regular polygonal Cross-sections, comme tubes les produits creux de sec-
npflMOyrOTlbHOr0, paBHOCTOpOHHer0 Tpe-
which may have corners rounded along tion transversale carree, rectangulaire, yronbkioro MnM npasun brioro MHoroyron b-
their whole length, are also to be con- triangulaire equilaterale ou polygonale tioro nonepeqHor0 ceqeHMfl co cKpyrneti-
sidered as tubes, provided the inner and reguliere, qui peuvent presenter des HblMM yrnaMM no scer;i flnkrtie gonmHbl
angles arrondis sur toute leur longueur,
outer Cross-sections are concentric and TaKme paCCMaTpMBaTbCfl KaK Tpy6bl, flpPl
have the same form and orientation. pour autant que les sections transversa- YCflOBlWl, rlT0 MX BHyTpeHHee M BHelUHee
les interieure et exterieure soient con- CeqeHvFi f!BJlFIlOTCfl KOHueHTpWeCKMMM
centriques et aient Ia meme forme et Ia
M MMelOT O&VlHaKOBytO @OpMy M OpVleH-
meme orientation. Tauwo.
be formed by piercing
1 Tubes tan also 1 Les tubes peuvent egalement etre obte- ’ 1 TpyGbi MoryT 6blTb M3roTOBnetibl TaKxe npo-
and by forming and joining sheet or Strip. nus par des methodes telles que pertage, ou u~13Kol;i, Cp0p~013K0W uni4 csapKorl K~~MOK nMcTa
formage et soudure de toles ou de bandes. I/lflM JleHTbl.
2 Bent, threaded, drilled, waisted, ex-
2 Sont classes en tant que tubes, les pro- 2 u30THYTble, C peJbl6OM, npOCt3epneHHble, C
panded and cone-shaped hollow products in
duits creux cintres, filetes, taraudes, per&,
CyW?HMeM, C paCUlI4peHt4eM M KOHYC006pa3Hble
this general form when derived from tubes retreints ou coniques, derives dans leur nonbie us~enwi 6 3~0ti o6qeM @ophne nocne
as defined above are classified as tubes. forme generale des tubes decrits ci-dessus. nonyirewfl i43 Tpy6, KaK onpefleneH0 Bbwe,
KnaCW@r/ru,MpytoTCFI KaK Tpy6bl.
2.6 flpOC#Nlflb: jje@OpMVlpOBaHHOe L43de-
2.6 profile: Produit corroye de sec-
2.6 Profile: A wrought product of
me nocTofiHHor0 nonepeWor0 ceqeHMR
tion transversale constante sur toute sa
uniform Cross-section along its whole
no sceti AnkrHe c nonepeqHbiM ceqeHMeM,
length, with a Cross-section other than longueur, de section differente de celle
OTnMIIaloqMMCFI OT npyTKa, MenKoro cop-ra,
des barres, fils, tubes, toles ou bandes,
rod/bar, wire, tube, sheet or Strip, sup-
npOBOJlOKl4, Tpy6bl, JlMCTa MJlM JleHTbl,
livre en longueurs droites ou enroule.
plied in straight lengths or in coiled
TlOCTaBJlfIeMOe B BMae npfIMOJll4HetiHblX
CornacHo IMe nonepeworo ce~ewfi
of its cross- Conformement a Ia forme de sa section
According to the form @OP
npo@wn b Ha3bl
transversale, il est appele :
section, it is called
a) Profile creux llon blM npoc#xmem
a) Hollow Profile
llonepewoe ceqeme BKnwaeT
La section transversale comprend
The Cross-section includes
soit un seul trou, pour autant que OflHy 3aKpblT)UO HeCllJlOUlHOCTb
either one enclosed void, pro-
npu ycnow4, 11~0 nonepewoe ce-
Ia section transversale soit diffe-
vided that the Cross-section is
rente de celle d’un tube, LleHue He OTBeLlaeT TpyGe,
other than tube, or
soit plusieurs trous. 6onee, OJ)Hy 3aKpblTylO He-
more than one enclosed void.
(npl4Mepbl nonepew blx cereHW npw
(Des exem ples de sections transver-
(Examples of Cross-sections are
sont donnes a Ia figu re 4.1 Be&eH bl Ha pvlc. 4.)
given in figure 4.)
b) Profile plein CnJlOUlHblM npoc@meM
b) Solid Profile
ilonepewoe celr etiue He BKntoqaeT
not include La section transversale ne comprend
The Cross-section does *
aucun trou. 3aKpblTOM Hecnno UlHOCTl4.
enclosed void.
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ISO 3134/3-1985 (E/F/R)
MC0 3134/3-1985 (A/@/P)
2.7 t6le: Produit lamine plat de sec-
2.7 sheet: A flat rolled product of 2.7 JIHCT: nnOCKOe npoKaTaHHoe MsAe-
tion transversale rectangulaire ayant
nvie npFiMoyronbHor0 nonepeuHor0 ceqe-
rectangular Cross-section with uniform
une epaisseur constante superieure a HMFl IlOCTOFlHHOti TOn4MHbl 6onee 0,20 MM,
thickness over 0,20 mm, supplied in
0,20 mm, livre en longueurs droites nocTaBnfleMoe B BlqJe npFlMOnVlHetiHblX
straight lengths (i.e. flat) usually with
(c’est-a-dire planes), avec des rives
(T. e. N’IOCKMX) OTpe3KOB, 06blclHO C o6pe-
sheared or sawn edges. The thickness
habituellement cisaillees ou sciees. 3aHHblMM Ha HOxHMqaX MnM IlPlnaX KpOM-
does not exceed one-tenth of the width.
L’epaisseur ne depasse pas Ie dixieme KaMM. TOnqMHa He npeBbwaeT 04Hoti
de Ia largeur. ~eCFlTOfi WlpMHbl.
1 Sont classes en tant que toles, les pro- 1 rOC#IIpMpOBaHHble TeCHeHHble (C llpOC@NleM,
1 Corrugated, embossed (with Patterns,
for example grooves, ribs, checkers, tears, duits ondules ou gaufies avec motifs du type HallpMMep, KaHaBOK, peoep, UJaXMaTHOlh aOCKl4,
cannelures, stries, gaufrages de formes ron- ,,cnes“, pOM6OB), nOKpblTble, C 3aW~eHHblMM
buttons, lozenges), coated, edge con-
des ou ovales, produits revetus, ayant subi KpOMKaMH M llepC#IOplApOBaHHble l43flenVlf4 B 3TOti
ditioned and perforated products in this
une finition des rives ou petfores, pour o61qefi @opMe npM nonyqeHw4 ~3 ni4cTa, KaK
general form when de
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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