This document specifies basic guidelines for the implementation and maintenance of country codes.
This code is intended for use in any application requiring the expression of current country names in coded form.

Codes für die Namen von Ländern und deren Untereinheiten - Teil 1: Codes für Ländernamen (ISO/FDIS 3166-1:2020)

Codes pour la représentation des noms de pays et de leurs subdivisions - Partie 1: Codes de pays (ISO/FDIS 3166-1:2020)

Le présent document spécifie les principes directeurs pour la mise en application et la mise à jour des codes pays.
Ces codes sont destinés à toute application nécessitant l'expression des noms de pays actuels sous une forme codée.

Kode za predstavljanje imen držav in njihovih podrejenih enot - 1. del: Kode držav (ISO/FDIS 3166-1:2020)

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Kode za predstavljanje imen držav in njihovih podrejenih enot - 1. del: Kode držav

(ISO/DIS 3166-1:2019)

Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1:

Country code (ISO/DIS 3166-1:2019)
Codes für die Namen von Ländern und deren Untereinheiten - Teil 1: Codes für
Ländernamen (ISO/DIS 3166-1:2019)

Codes pour la représentation des noms de pays et de leurs subdivisions - Partie 1:

Codes de pays (ISO/DIS 3166-1:2019)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO 3166-1
01.140.20 Informacijske vede Information sciences
01.140.30 Dokumenti v upravi, trgovini Documents in administration,
in industriji. commerce and industry
oSIST prEN ISO 3166-1:2019 en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN ISO 3166-1:2019
ISO/DIS 3166-1
ISO/TC 46 Secretariat: AFNOR
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2019-08-09 2019-11-01
Codes for the representation of names of countries and
their subdivisions —
Part 1:
Country code
Codes pour la représentation des noms de pays et de leurs subdivisions —
Partie 1: Codes de pays
ICS: 01.140.30
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 3166-1:2019(E)
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© ISO 2019

All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may

be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting

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Contents Page

Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v


1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

4 Principles for inclusion in the list of country names ...................................................................................................... 4

4.1 List ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

4.2 Source of names ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

4.3 Overlaps ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

4.4 Current status of names .................................................................................................................................................................. 4

4.5 Independent countries ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5

5 Principles for allocation of code elements ................................................................................................................................ 5

5.1 Relationship with names ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

5.2 Construction of the alpha-2 code ............................................................................................................................................ 5

5.3 Construction of the alpha-3 code ............................................................................................................................................ 5

5.4 Construction of the numeric-3 code ..................................................................................................................................... 5

6 List of country names and their code elements ................................................................................................................... 6

6.1 Specification for use ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6

6.2 Content of the list .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

6.3 Choice of language, romanization, character set ....................................................................................................... 6

7 Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

7.1 Maint enance agency (ISO 3166/MA) .................................................................................................................................. 7

7.2 Addition to the list of country names .................................................................................................................................. 7

7.3 Deletion from the list of country names ........................................................................................................................... 8

7.4 Alterations to country name or code element ............................................................................................................. 8

7.5 Reservation of country code elements ............................................................................................................................... 8

7.5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

7.5.2 Period of non-allocation ............................................................................................................................................ 8

7.5.3 Period of non-use ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

7.5.4 Exceptional reserved code elements .............................................................................................................. 8

7.5.5 List of reserved code elements ............................................................................................................................ 8

8 Guidelines for users .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

8.1 Special Provisions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

8.1.1 Aggregations ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9

8.1.2 User assigned code element ................................................................................................................................... 9

8.2 Advice regarding use of country code elements ........................................................................................................ 9

Annex A (informative) Numerical representation of ISO 3166 alpha-2 code elements ...............................10

Annex B (informative) Conversion matrix for the numerical representation of ISO 3166

alpha-2 code elements .................................................................................................................................................................................11

Annex C (informative) List of ISO 639 language codes, alpha-2 and alpha-3, used in

the ISO 3166 standard of country codes ...................................................................................................................................13

Annex D (normative) Alphabetical index of names from the list of country codes appearing

in the remarks, corresponding to "territory names", or forming the second

significant part of composite country names ......................................................................................................................17

Annex E (informative) Principles for minor modification to the short form of country name

received from UNTERM, allowing for display in alphabetic order ................................................................22

Annex F (informative) Source of names. Procedures concerning official full country names

at UNTERM, confirmed on 2019-03-07 ......................................................................................................................................23

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Annex G (normative) OBP Labels ..........................................................................................................................................................................24

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................26

iv © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 3166-1:2019(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out

through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical

committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International

organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of

electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are

described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the

different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the

editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/directives).

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of

patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of

any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or

on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/patents).

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not

constitute an endorsement.

For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and

expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the

World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following

URL: www .iso .org/iso/foreword .html.

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation,

WG 02, Coding of country names and related entities

This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 3166-1:2013), which has been the last

one published as paper standard, with the normative text and the codes together. In the end of 2013, the

ISO 3166 codes have been moved to the database format (de facto merging three parts together).

This fourth edition is a minor revision to the last published ISO 3166-1:2013 standard, principles and

lists together. It takes into account the stricter database rules imposed on the code itself, as opposed to

paper documents.
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:

— The components of the codes are defined by descriptors, not by column or line numbers

— The status of alpha-2 code element is explicit, as it is the main resource managed by ISO 3166/MA,

necessary for traceability over time

— All characters in the database, specifically those with diacritical marks, have been checked with

Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set, ISO/IEC 10646, and are used consistently

— The database encoding is UTF-8, and the same is used in many applications

— The three parts - three codes - belong to the same database, updates are done only once for all parts

— The ISO 3166 standard as database permits to update any application using it in a quick and

effective manner
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ISO 3166 provides universally applicable coded representations of names of countries (current and

non-current), dependencies, and other areas of particular geopolitical interest and their subdivisions.

ISO 3166-1, establishes codes that represent the current names of countries, dependencies, and other

areas of particular geopolitical interest, on the basis of country names obtained from the United


ISO 3166-2 establishes a code that represents the names of the principal administrative divisions, or

similar areas, of the countries and entities included in this part of ISO 3166.

ISO 3166-3 establishes a code that represents non-current country names, i.e. the country names

deleted from ISO 3166 since its first publication in 1974.

The three parts of ISO 3166 do not express any opinion whatsoever concerning the legal status of any

country, dependency, or other area named herein, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries.

A list of all parts in the ISO 3166-series can be found on the ISO website.
vi © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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Codes for the representation of names of countries and
their subdivisions —
Part 1:
Country code
1 Scope

The ISO 3166 standard establishes codes for the representation of the names of countries, dependencies,

and other areas of particular geopolitical interest, on the basis of lists of country names obtained from

the United Nations. This part of ISO 3166 is intended for use in any application requiring the expression

of current country names in coded form; it also includes basic guidelines for its implementation and

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 639-1, Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 1: Alpha-2 code

ISO 639-2, Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 2: Alpha-3 code

ISO 639-3, Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 3: Alpha-3 code for comprehensive

coverage of languages
ISO/IEC 10646, Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

— IEC Electropedia: available at http: //www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https: //www .iso .org/obp

set of data transformed or represented in different forms according to a pre-established set of rules

[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2017,]
Note 1 to entry: Former ISO 5127:2001, 1.1.4 -07
code element
the result of applying a code to an element of a coded set
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, 2121555]
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from the term code value ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999, 04.02.04.
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Note 2 to entry: In the country code part, a code element represents a country name.

country code
list of country names with their representations by code elements
Note 1 to entry: alpha-2, alpha-3 and numeric-3 are the country code types.
country name
name of a country, dependency, or other area of particular geopolitical interest
language of ISO 3166 standard
language in which the terminology has been defined

Note 1 to entry: based on the ISO standards “Information and documentation vocabulary” and “Information

technology vocabulary"
Note 2 to entry: English and French are languages of the ISO 3166 standard
Note 3 to entry: the terminology shall be maintained current
administrative language of the country
written language used by the administration of the country at the national level
status of the alpha-2 country code
assigned, unassigned, reserved: transitionally, exceptionally, indefinitely
Note 1 to entry: since the first publication of the ISO 3166 standard in 1974
alpha-2 country code
an alphabetic 2 character (alpha-2) code
Note 1 to entry: which is generally recommended to represent country name
alpha-3 country code
an alphabetic 3 character (alpha-3) code

Note 1 to entry: based on the alpha-2 country code when possible, for use in cases where a specific need has been

numeric-3 country code
a three-digit numeric (numeric-3) code
Note 1 to entry: for use in cases where language independence is needed
short country NAME, in capital letters
short form of the country name, distinctive word first
Note 1 to entry: in language of the ISO 3166 standard

Note 2 to entry: this item might be inverted, allowing the distinctive word to appear first, so that items can be

easily found in an alphabetical list
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short country name

short form of the country name, distinctive word first, based on official short form in UNTERM

Note 1 to entry: in language of the ISO 3166 standard

Note 2 to entry: this item might be inverted, listed with its articles if any, allowing an alphabetical order on the

distinctive word
full country name

full name, if different from the short form of the country name, as recorded in UNTERM

Note 1 to entry: in language of the ISO 3166 standard
Note 2 to entry: also called "formal name" in some UNTERM files
territory names
names of geographically separated territories covered by the main entry
Note 1 to entry: in language of the ISO 3166 standard
remarks part 1
remarks related to the country name, such as other widely-used country names
Note 1 to entry: in language of the ISO 3166 standard

Note 2 to entry: sometimes "Variants" noted as remark, are identical to 3.22 local short country name in an

administrative language
independent or not
an indication, yes or no, of whether the country is independent
Note 1 to entry: in language of the ISO 3166 standard
alpha-2 language code

alpha-2 ISO 639 language code element of each administrative language of the country

Note 1 to entry: with a hyphen-minus when the code element is missing
alpha-3 language code

alpha-3 (terminological version) ISO 639 language code element of each administrative language of

the country
Note 1 to entry: with a hyphen-minus when the code element is missing
local short country name
local short form of the country name
Note 1 to entry: in administrative language of the country

Note 2 to entry: might be in language of the ISO 3166 standard as remark, see 3.18

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romanization system used

conversion of writing system from a different writing system to the Roman (Latin) script

Note 1 to entry: if the administrative language so requires
Note 2 to entry: in language of the ISO 3166 standard
4 Principles for inclusion in the list of country names
4.1 List

The list of country names in this part of ISO 3166 includes those required to satisfy the broadest possible

range of applications. It is based on the list in the “Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use”

established by the United Nations Statistics Division (see Bibliography).
4.2 Source of names

Until September 2000, the names of independent countries were given, in English and French, in

“Terminology Bulletin-Country Names”, issued by the United Nations Department of Conference

Services, entitled “States Members of the United Nations, Members of the Specialized Agencies or Parties

to the Statute of the International Court of Justice”, as well as those published in the “Standard Country

or Area Codes for Statistical Use”, issued by the United Nations Statistics Division (see Bibliography).

Today the authority for country names used officially in the United Nations is the UN Terminology

Section, which maintains the United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database (or UNTERM),

available at http: //unterm .un .org. This database contains records for each country that list, among

other things, the short and formal country names in the six official languages of the UN.

The information presented in this ISO 3166 document has been extracted from the UNTERM database.

The full name is the formal title as notified by the permanent mission of the country concerned to the

Protocol and Liaison Service of the United Nations, and adjusted grammatically by UNTERM linguists.

The short form may have some minor modifications. The part 1 of ISO 3166 provides both forms, full

and short, when they are different.

The short form is provided in two presentations, the additional one being in capital letters, both

allowing for display in an alphabetical order of country names based on the distinctive word. For ease

of use, the name in capitals is sometimes inverted.

Other widely used forms of country names may also be provided in local short country name, see

content of the list in 6.2.
4.3 Overlaps

Some country names included in the part 1 of ISO 3166 cover areas that have also been coded separately

where an interchange requirement justifies a separate code element; the entries are therefore not

mutually exclusive.
EXAMPLE France FR, 250, FRA
Martinique MQ, 474, MTQ
4.4 Current status of names

Country names listed in the part 1 of ISO 3166 are intended to reflect the current situation, at the time

of issue of the latest update of this part of ISO 3166.
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4.5 Independent countries

Independent countries are indicated in a specific item in the lists of the part 1 of ISO 3166. For the

purpose of the part 1 of ISO 3166, the member states of United Nations and the Holy See are regarded

as independent.
5 Principles for allocation of code elements
5.1 Relationship with names

The principle behind the alphabetic codes in the part 1 of ISO 3166 is a visual association between the

country names (in English or French, or sometimes in another language) and their corresponding code

elements. In applying this principle, the code elements have generally been assigned on the basis of the

short names of the countries, thus avoiding, wherever possible, any reflection of their political status.

The distinguishing signs for road vehicles reported by the contracting parties to the Conventions on

Road Traffic (1949 and 1968; see Bibliography) provided the major source for code elements for the

part 1 of ISO 3166.
5.2 Construction of the alpha-2 code

The ISO 3166 establishes, in part 1, an alphabetic 2-character (alpha-2) code, which is generally

recommended to represent country names and which is the basis for the codes laid down in part 2 and

in part 3 and for other international standards and recommendations (see Bibliography).

The alpha-2 code uses combinations, in upper case, of two letters of the 26-character Latin alphabet,

allowing for 26*26=676 combinations. The ISO 3166 standard uses combinations in the range AB to QL,

RA to WZ, and YA to ZY.

Part of alpha-2 code elements was reserved for users, so their own pre-existing systems could be

reconciled with the new ISO 3166 standard created in 1974.

The status of alpha-2 code elements is explicit, as it is the main resource managed by ISO 3166/MA,

necessary for traceability over time.

In addition exactly 42 alpha-2 code elements are not used in the ISO 3166, AA, QM to QZ, XA to XZ, ZZ.

This rule may change in the future. See 8.1.2 below.
5.3 Construction of the alpha-3 code

The ISO 3166 also provides an alphabetic 3-character (alpha-3) code, based on the alpha-2 code, when

possible, and using combinations, in upper case, of three letters of the 26-character Latin alphabet in

the range ABA to QLZ, RAA to WZZ, and YAA to ZYZ for use in cases where a specific need has been


Code elements AAA to AAZ, QMA to QZZ, XAA to XZZ, and ZZA to ZZZ are not used in the part 1 of

ISO 3166. See 8.1.2 below.
5.4 Construction of the numeric-3 code

Recognizing that a numeric code for country names is of advantage (e.g. to provide language

independence), a three-digit numeric (numeric-3) code from the range 000 to 899 is also provided in

the part 1 of ISO 3166.

This numeric code is given by the standard country or area code for statistical use from the United

Nations Statistical Division, and has been published in ISO 3166 since its second edition (1981).

A table showing the correspondence between the alpha-2 code elements and the numeric-3 code

elements is given in Annex B.
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6 List of country names and their code elements
6.1 Specification for use

The list of country names and their code elements is available online at the ISO Online Browsing

Platform at https: //www .iso .org/obp. It is maintained current irrespective of the issue status of this

Part of ISO 3166.

When applying this part of ISO 3166, users should clearly state which of the three codes they are using.

If a code element from this part of ISO 3166 is used in combination with other characters for special

purposes, it is strongly recommended that the choice and function of any such additional characters be

6.2 Content of the list

A single entry in this list is shared with all three parts of this standard. For this part the following

items apply:
— item 3.10: status of alpha-2 country code
— item 3.11: alpha-2 country code
— item 3.12: alpha-3 country code
— item 3.13: numeric-3 country code
— item 3.14: short country NAME, in capital letters
— item 3.15: short country name
— item 3.16: full country name
— item 3.17: territory names
— item 3.18: remarks part 1
— i

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