This test method specifies methods for determining the fire resistance of open-state cavity barriers and is to be used in conjunction with EN 1363-1.
This document is applicable to non-loadbearing vertically or horizontally oriented open-state cavity barriers, which are designed to close and provide fire separation in the event of fire.
Open-state cavity barriers in facades, where the fire exposure comes as a result of a breaking window and allowing a developed fire to come into contact with the façade, can be tested to the optional "flame" criteria.
This document is not applicable to cavity barriers containing penetration seals, which are covered by EN 1366-3.
This document is not applicable to closed cavity barriers, which are covered by EN 1366-4.

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This part of the EN 1366 series specifies a method of test and criteria for the evaluation (including field of direct application rules) of the ability of a penetration seal to maintain the fire resistance of a separating element at the position at which it has been penetrated by a service or services. Penetration seals used to seal gaps around chimneys, air ventilation systems, fire rated ventilation ducts, fire rated service ducts, shafts and smoke extraction ducts as well as combined penetration seals are excluded from this part of the EN 1366 series.
NOTE   EN 15882-5 [6] deals with penetration seals including ducts and dampers.
Supporting constructions are used in this part of the EN 1366 series to represent separating elements such as walls or floors. These simulate the interaction between the test specimen and the separating element into which the sealing system is to be installed in practice.
This part of the EN 1366 series is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1363 1.
The purpose of a test described in this part of the EN 1366 series is to assess the integrity and insulation performance of the penetration seal, of the penetrating service or services and of the separating element in the surrounding area of the penetration seal.
No information can be implied by the test concerning the influence of the inclusion of such penetrations and penetration seals on the loadbearing capacity of the separating element.
It is assumed that in each case the lintel above a penetration seal in the wall is designed in hot and cold state in a way that it does not apply any additional vertical load on the penetration seal.
It is not the intention of this test to provide quantitative information on the rate of leakage of smoke and/or hot gases or on the transmission or generation of fumes. Such phenomena are only noted in the test report in describing the general behaviour of test specimens during the test.
Tests in accordance with this part of the EN 1366 series are not intended to supply any information on the ability of the penetration seal to withstand stress caused by movements or displacements of the penetrating services.
The risk of spread of fire downwards caused by burning material, which drips e.g. through a pipe downwards to floors below, is at present excluded from this document.
Tests in accordance with this part of the EN 1366 series do not address any risks associated with leakage of dangerous liquids or gases caused by failure of pipes in case of fire.
Tests in accordance with this part of the EN 1366 series of pipe penetration seals for pipes of pneumatic dispatch systems, pressurized air systems, etc. simulate a situation where the systems are shut off in case of fire.
Explanatory notes to this test method are given in Annex H.
All values given without tolerances in this document are nominal ones unless otherwise specified.
All pipe diameters are outside diameters unless otherwise specified.

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This document covers single and double leaf, hinged and pivoted, steel based doorsets except steel doorsets with metal framed door leaves covered by EN 15269-5. It prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from fire resistance test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 1634-1.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate test or tests, the extended application may cover all or some of the following examples:
-   integrity (E), integrity and radiation (EW) or integrity and insulation (EI1 or EI2) classification;
-   door leaf;
-   side panels, transom panels, flush overpanels;
-   air transfer grilles (e.g. ventilation grilles/louvres);
-   components (e.g. frame/suspension system) fixed to the supporting construction (e.g. wall/ceiling);
-   glazing within the doorset (e.g. for door leaf, side, transom and flush overpanels);
-   items of building hardware;
-   decorative and protective finishes;
-   intumescent seals, strips and non-intumescent (smoke, draught or acoustic) seals;
-   alternative supporting construction(s).
This document does not cover horizontally installed doorsets (e.g. traps).
The effect on the classification ‘C’ for the doorsets following an extended application process is not addressed in this document.

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This part of EN 1366 specifies a test method for determining the fire resistance of smoke extraction ducts that are used for single compartment applications only. In such applications, the smoke extraction system is only intended to function up to flashover (typically 600 °C).
This method of test is only suitable for ducts constructed from non-combustible materials (class A1 and A2-s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1).
It is applicable only to four sided and circular ducts. One-, two- and three-sided ducts are not covered. This document is applicable only for the standard sizes or smaller as described.
This test method of part 9 is applicable only to smoke extraction ducts that do not pass into other fire compartments. For smoke extraction ducts that pass into other compartments, the method of test described in EN 1366-8 is used.
The smoke extraction duct is part of the smoke extraction system which also includes smoke control dampers and smoke extract fans.

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This document specifies a test method for determining the fire resistance of smoke extraction ducts. It is applicable only to smoke extraction ducts that pass through another fire compartment apart from the compartment from where smoke needs to be extracted in case of fire. It represents fire exposure of a fully developed fire.
This method of test is only applicable to fire resistant ventilation ducts (same construction) with the following classification according to EN 13501-3:
-   fire from inside and outside i ↔ o;
-   applicable to a pressure difference up to 500 Pa in fire conditions;
NOTE 1   It is assumed that the duct A test(s) in accordance with EN 1366-1 has been performed with an under-pressure of minimum 500 Pa.
-   with integrity (E) and insulation (I) criteria equal to or higher than the intended classification for the smoke extraction duct.
For the purposes of the test described in this document, the duct is referred to as duct C.
This test method has been designed to cover both vertical and horizontal smoke extraction ducts. A vertical system need not be evaluated to this method provided that:
-   both horizontal (ho) and vertical (ve) classification according to EN 13501-3 has been obtained for the ventilation duct;
-   it has been tested in a horizontal orientation to this method.
If the ventilation duct in practise is only used for vertical applications in smoke extraction systems, only vertical (ve) classification is obtained in accordance with EN 13501-3 and tested only in a vertical orientation to this test method.
This test method is suitable for ducts constructed from non-combustible materials (class A1 and A2-s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1).
NOTE 2   Reaction with components of the duct can affect the oxygen concentration inside the duct leading to inaccurate calculation of the leakage rate. If it is determined this has happened refer to Annex D.
This document applies to four sided rectangular and circular ducts only (with fire exposure on all sides). Ducts that utilize elements of construction for one, two or three sides are not covered. An alternative test method for one, two and three sided ducts will be developed separately.

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This document specifies test methods for smoke control dampers to assess their performance under elevated temperature or fire conditions, as well as at ambient temperatures.
Smoke control damper tests are used to confirm that the furnace testing requirements of EN 12101-8 are met and EN 12101-8 is for consideration before carrying out these tests.
Smoke control dampers tested to this document are expected to be classified using EN 13501-4 and this document is expected to be considered before carrying out these tests.
NOTE   Some smoke control dampers to be tested might require testing following the information given in EN 1366-2 and this needs consideration before carrying out testing.
This document is expected to be read in conjunction with EN 12101-8, EN 13501-4, EN 1366-2 and EN 1363-1, the latter giving further details for fire resistance testing.
For installation details, the requirements for smoke extraction ducts are for consideration and these are defined in EN 1366-8 and EN 1366-9.

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This document defines terminology relating to fire safety as used in ISO and IEC International Standards.

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This document specifies the procedure for classification of construction products and building elements using data from fire resistance and/or smoke leakage/control tests and/or mechanical tests which are within the direct field of application of the relevant test method. Classification on the basis of extended application of test results is also included in the scope of this document.
This document deals with:
a)   loadbearing elements without a fire separating function:
-   walls;
-   floors;
-   roofs;
-   beams;
-   columns;
-   balconies;
-   walkways;
-   stairs.
b)   loadbearing elements with a fire separating function, with or without glazing, services and fixtures:
-   walls;
-   floors;
-   roofs;
-   raised floors.
c)   products and systems for protecting elements or parts of the works:
-   ceilings with no independent fire resistance;
-   fire protective coatings, claddings and screens;
d)   non-loadbearing elements or parts of works, with or without glazing, services and fixtures:
-   partitions;
-   facades (curtain walls) and external walls;
-   ceilings with independent fire resistance;
-   raised floors;
-   fire resisting doorsets, shutter assemblies and openable windows and their closing devices;
-   smoke control doorsets and shutter assemblies and their closing devices;
-   conveyor systems and their closures;
-   penetration seals;
-   linear joint seals;
-   combined penetration seals;
-   service ducts and shafts;
-   air transfer grilles.
-   chimneys.
e)   wall and ceiling coverings with fire protection ability.
f)   lift landing doors which are tested according to EN 81-58 are excluded from this document. Lift landing doors which are tested in accordance with EN 1634-1 are classified in accordance with 7.5.5.
Relevant test methods which have been prepared for these construction products are listed in Clauses 2 and 7.

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This document gives the procedures for preparing standards and reports following the extended application (EXAP) process using the results of reaction to fire tests, fire resistance tests (including other performance characteristics e.g. smoke leakage/control and/or durability of self-closing), and external fire exposure to roof tests undertaken for fire classification of products and product families in accordance with the various parts of EN 13501. EXAP rules limit the number of tests required by implementing methods to determine the fire classification of a range of products (e.g. range of product, larger dimensions etc.) and EXAP rules form a standardized technical agreement on the parameter changes.
The fundamental concept of EXAP is the development of safe methods that provide extensions to the scope of the tested product while maintaining the required classification for the product. Test reports constitute the basis of an EXAP report.
This document makes reference to ‘extended application standards’ throughout; wherever this term is used it refers to either a standard prepared by CEN/TC 127 ‘Fire safety in buildings’ or the relevant product standard which includes information on extended application.
The European system currently permits extended application rules to be included in technical specifications. CEN Technical Committees and EOTA Working groups producing these rules are asked to seek the guidance of CEN/TC 127 to ensure that their rules comply with standards prepared by CEN/TC 127. In cases where extended application rules in harmonized EN product standards and ETAs do not comply with standards prepared by CEN/TC 127 the CEN BT are informed.
This document does not cover the incorporation of the product into the construction works that is justified by national rules.
Expert judgements (i.e. an opinion that is not considered/covered by an EXAP standard and only based on the experience of one individual) do not form part of this process.

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This document is applicable to single and double leaf, hinged and pivoted doorsets with timber-based leaves or timber framed glazed door leaves, covered by EN 15269-3 and / or EN 15269-20.
This document prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from durability of self-closing test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 1191 and or EN 12605:2000, as appropriate.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate self-closing test(s), the extended application can cover all or some of the following examples:
-   door leaf; pass doors;
-   glazed doorsets including vision panels and framed glazed doorsets;
-   side, transom and/or overpanels;
-   ventilation grilles and/or louvres;
-   wall or ceiling fixed elements (door frame/suspension system);
-   glazing for door leaf, side, transom and flush over panels;
-   items of building hardware;
-   decorative finishes;
-   intumescent, strips, smoke, draught or acoustic seals;
-   alternative supporting construction(s).

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This document specifies a method of test for determining the reaction to fire performance of construction products excluding floorings, and excluding products which are indicated in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/364, when exposed to thermal attack by a single burning item (SBI). The calculation procedures are given in Annex A. Information on the precision of the test method is given in Annex B. The calibration procedures are given in Annexes C and D, of which Annex C is a normative annex.
NOTE   This document has been developed to determine the reaction to fire performance of essentially flat products. The treatment of some families of products, e.g. linear products (pipes, ducts, cables etc.), can need special rules.

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This document covers steel rolling shutters as covered by EN 15269 10 or EN 15269 20.
This document prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from durability self-closing test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 16034.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate self-closing test or tests, the extended application could cover all or some of the following non-exhaustive list:
—   shutter curtain;
—   wall/ceiling fixed elements (frame/suspension system);
—   decorative finishes;
—   intumescent, smoke, draught or acoustic seals;
—   alternative supporting construction(s).

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This document provides the reaction to fire classification procedure for electric cables.
NOTE   For the purpose of this document, the term "electric cables" covers all power, control and communication cables, including optical fibre cables.

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This document is applicable to the following types of steel based doorsets: horizontally sliding single and double leaf doorsets, horizontally sliding single and double leaf telescopic doorsets, vertically sliding single leaf doorsets and vertically sliding single leaf telescopic doorsets as covered by EN 15269-7 or EN 15269-20.
This document prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from durability of self-closing test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 12605:2000 and/or EN 1191.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate durability of self-closing test or tests, the extended application can cover all or some of the following non-exhaustive list:
- door leaf (of the sliding doorset and its pass door);
- integrated pass doors;
- wall or ceiling fixed parts or items of the doorset, e.g. frame or suspension systems;
- ventilation grilles and/or louvres;
- glazing for door leaf;
- items of building hardware;
- decorative finishes;
- intumescent, smoke, draught or acoustic seals;
- alternative supporting construction(s).

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This document covers single and double leaf, hinged and pivoted, steel based doorsets as covered by EN 15269-2 and/or EN 15269-20.
This document prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from durability of self-closing test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 1191 and or EN 12605:2000, as appropriate.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate durability of self-closing test(s), the extended application can cover all or some of the following non-exhaustive list:
- door leaf;
- side, transom and/or overpanels;
- ventilation grilles and/or louvres;
- wall or ceiling fixed parts or items of the doorset, e.g. frame or suspensions systems;
- glazing for door leaf, side, transom and flush over panels;
- items of building hardware;
- decorative finishes;
- intumescent strips, smoke, draught or acoustic seals;
- alternative supporting construction(s).

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This document covers hinged or pivoted doorsets and door assemblies with wood-based door leaves and/or timber framed glazed door leaves and openable timber framed windows. Throughout this document, the term “doorset” will be used to cover doorsets, door assemblies and openable windows. It prescribes the rules for extending the application of test results obtained from fire resistance test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 1634-1.
This document covers only doorsets with wood-based or metal frames. The door leaves are comprised of wood-based perimeter framing and wood-based structural facings.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate test or tests, the extended application can cover all or some of the following examples:
-   integrity (E), integrity & radiation (EW) or integrity & insulation (EI1 or EI2) classifications;
-   glazing within the doorset, e.g. side and over panels, vision panels and framed glazed doorsets;
-   air transfer grilles (e.g. ventilation grilles/louvres);
-   side, transom or over panels;
-   items of building hardware;
-   decorative and protective finishes;
-   intumescent strips and non-intumescent seals (e.g. smoke, draught or acoustic seals);
-   alternative supporting construction(s).
This document covers only the effect on the fire resistance classifications E, EW, EI1 and EI2.
This document does not cover horizontal doorsets.

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This document, which is intended to be read in conjunction with EN 15269 1, covers doors, shutters, openable windows and fabric curtains of any material and of the following types:
-   hinged and pivoted (e.g. metal, timber, framed glazed) doors and openable windows of single or double leaf (Table A.1);
-   horizontally and vertically moving steel sliding doors of single or double leaf with and without pass doors, including telescopic doorsets (Table A.2);
-   metal rolling shutters and operable fabric curtains (excluding overlapping systems) (Table A.3).
The following construction products are not covered by this standard:
-   unframed glass doors and openable windows;
-   sectional doors (including stacking doors);
-   vertically and horizontally folding doors;
-   horizontally and vertically moving timber sliding doors;
-   horizontally and vertically moving framed sliding doors (metal or timber).
In this document, whenever doors are mentioned, the whole range of doors, shutters, openable windows and operable fabric curtains is included or otherwise mentioned.
This document prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 1634 3.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate test or tests, the extended application can cover all or some of the following examples:
-   Ambient Temperature Smoke Control (Sa) and Medium Temperature Smoke Control (S200) classifications;
-   leaf/leaves;
-   wall/ceiling fixed elements;
-   glazed elements, louvres and/or vents;
-   side, transom or overpanels;
-   items of building hardware;
-   decorative finishes;
-   intumescent, smoke, draught or acoustic seals;
-   alternative supporting construction(s).

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This document provides guidance and rules to notified bodies (for fire dampers) allowing them to produce/validate an extended field of application report for fire dampers based on testing undertaken in accordance with EN 1366 2. This document identifies the parameters that affect the fire resistance of fire dampers. It also identifies the factors that need to be considered when deciding whether, or by how much, the parameter can be extended when contemplating the fire resistance performance of an untested, or untestable variation in the construction.
This document explains the principles behind how a conclusion on the influence of specific parameters/constructional details relating to the relevant criteria (E, I, S) can be achieved.
This document does not cover dampers used for smoke control or non-mechanical fire barriers.
It is the intention that the application of this document makes it possible to identify which specifications to test to maximize the field of application. Some information on test programmes is given for guidance purposes.

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This European Standard describes the method to evaluate the performance of protective systems for electrical cable and busbar systems in order to maintain the circuit integrity under fire conditions to classify the protective system according to EN 13501 3 for the P classification. The test examines the behaviour of cable protection systems exposed to fire from outside. The tests specified in this standard are not aimed for assessing the performance of the fire protective system and the penetration seal for maintaining the requirements of the penetrated wall or ceiling (classification E / I).
This method is very different to EN 50200 for the PH classification and also to IEC 60331-11, IEC 60331-21, IEC 60331-23, and IEC 60331-25, which are not designed for fire protective systems for electrical cable systems.
This standard should be used in conjunction with EN 1363-1.
The test results apply to fire protective systems for electrical cable systems rated for voltages up to 1 kV.
The test procedure should also be used to determine the performance of protective systems for use with data and optical cables, however, verification procedures for such cables are still under development. Proposals are given in Annex C.
The protective system may include ventilation devices, inspection hatches, fixed or removable lids etc.
The tests specified in this standard are not aimed for assessing the performance of sprayed or painted coatings (e.g. intumescent or ablative coating, plastic film, epoxy resin) and similar protective layers (e.g. wrap, bandage) applied directly on the cables or bus bars as fire protective system. Also, cables and bus bars with intrinsic resistance to fire, and without fire protective systems around, are excluded (see CENELEC standard EN 50577).
This test method is not applicable for cabinets for electrical accessory containing bus systems, relays or similar.
The cables identified in this document are for testing only. It is not intended that they shall be used in protective systems installed in buildings.

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The purpose of this document is to provide the principles and guidance for the preparation of extended application documents for combined penetration seals where the systems were tested in accordance with (EN 1366-3 and EN 1366-1) or (EN 1366-3 and EN 1366-2). The field of the extended application document is additional to the direct field of application given within EN 1366-1, EN 1366-2 and EN 1366-3 and can be applied on a number of tests from each standard, which provide the relevant information for the formulation of an extended application.
This EXAP is intended to allow the penetration sealing of more than one service (e.g. cables, pipes, conduits) and four-sided fire resisting ducts (ventilation ducts) or fire dampers in the same penetration.
This EXAP is not used for extended applications in accordance with EN 1366-8, EN 1366-10 and/or EN 1366-12 (this will be dealt with in the next revision of the standard).

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This document specifies a test method for determining the non-combustibility performance, under specified conditions, of homogeneous products and substantial components of non-homogeneous products.
Information on the precision of the test method is given in Annex A.

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This document is applicable to single and double leaf, hinged and pivoted metal framed, glazed doorsets or openable windows as covered by EN 15269 5 or EN 15269 20.
This document prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from durability of self-closing test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 1191.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate self-closing test(s), the extended application can cover all or some of the following non-exhaustive list:
-   doorsets and openable windows;
-   door or window leaves;
-   wall or ceiling fixed elements (frame or suspension system);
-   glazing and non-glazed panels in doorset and openable window, side, transom and/or overpanels;
-   items of building hardware;
-   decorative finishes;
-   intumescent, smoke, draught or acoustic seals;
-   alternative supporting construction(s).

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This part of the EN 1366 series specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of linear joint seals based on their intended end use. Perimeter seals of curtain walling are excluded from this part of the EN 1366 series.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1363-1.
The following tests are included in this document:
- no mechanically induced movement;
- mechanically induced movement.
Tests in accordance with this part of the EN 1366 series are not intended to provide quantitative information on the rate of leakage of smoke and/or hot gases, or on the transmission or generation of fumes. Such phenomena are only noted in the test report in describing the general behaviour of test specimens during the test.
The load-bearing capacity of a linear joint seal is not addressed in this part of the EN 1366 series. No information can be implied by the test concerning the influence of the inclusion of linear joint seals on the loadbearing capacity of the separating element.

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This document specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of horizontal service ducts and vertical service shafts, which pass through walls or floors and enclose pipes and cables, to classify them according to EN 13501-2. The test scenario examines the behaviour of ducts and shafts exposed to fire either from outside or from inside the system. This document is intended to be read in conjunction with EN 1363-1.
This document does not examine the risk of fire spread as a result of thermal conduction along the piping or cabling installed in service ducts or shafts or thermal conduction through the media these pipes carry. It does not cover the risk of damage produced by thermal elongation or shortening of tubes and cables as a result of fire or damaged pipe suspensions. This document does not give guidance on how to test one, two or three sided service ducts or shafts.
NOTE Guidance on testing service ducts and shafts of less than four sides will be covered in the extended field of application rules being developed by CEN/TC 127.
This test can be used for systems with boards and also for such systems with continuous covering with intumescent materials on the boards. It cannot be used for systems where intumescent material is only applied in the range of the penetration.
This test is unsuitable for evaluating service ducts or shafts with internal barriers at walls and floors.
This test is unsuitable for evaluating fire protective systems for cable systems and associated components with maintenance of integrity in case of fire. This is covered by EN 1366-11: Fire protective systems for cable systems and associated components - Part 11: Fire protective systems for cable systems and associated components.
Whilst the walls of service ducts or shafts tested to this method may provide specified levels of integrity or insulation, testing according this document does not replace the testing of the functional endurance of small electrical cables which is covered in EN 50200.
Fire resistance testing of ducts for air distribution systems is covered in EN 1366-1.

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This document, which is intended to be read in conjunction with EN 15269 1, covers doors, shutters, openable windows and fabric curtains of any material and of the following types:
-   hinged and pivoted (e.g. metal, timber, framed glazed) doors and openable windows of single or double leaf (Table A.1);
-   horizontally and vertically moving steel sliding doors of single or double leaf with and without pass doors, including telescopic doorsets (Table A.2);
-   metal rolling shutters and operable fabric curtains (excluding overlapping systems) (Table A.3).
The following construction products are not covered by this standard:
-   unframed glass doors and openable windows;
-   sectional doors (including stacking doors);
-   vertically and horizontally folding doors;
-   horizontally and vertically moving timber sliding doors;
-   horizontally and vertically moving framed sliding doors (metal or timber).
In this document, whenever doors are mentioned, the whole range of doors, shutters, openable windows and operable fabric curtains is included or otherwise mentioned.
This document prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 1634 3.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate test or tests, the extended application can cover all or some of the following examples:
-   Ambient Temperature Smoke Control (Sa) and Medium Temperature Smoke Control (S200) classifications;
-   leaf/leaves;
-   wall/ceiling fixed elements;
-   glazed elements, louvres and/or vents;
-   side, transom or overpanels;
-   items of building hardware;
-   decorative finishes;
-   intumescent, smoke, draught or acoustic seals;
-   alternative supporting construction(s).

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This document specifies test methods for determining the contribution of fire protection kits to the fire resistance of structural timber members.
Such fire protection kits include claddings, sprayed fire protection and reactive coatings.
The method is applicable to all fire protection kits used for the protection of timber members. These can be fixed directly, totally or in part, to the timber member and can include an air gap between the fire protectionkit and the timber member, as an integral part of its design.
Evaluation of timber constructions protected by horizontal or vertical protective membranes are the subject of EN 13381-1 or EN 13381-2 respectively.
The test method is applicable to the determination of the contribution of fire protection kits to the fire resistance of loadbearing timber structural members including floors, roofs, walls, beams and columns.
This document contains the fire test which specifies the test to be carried out to determine the ability of the fire protection kit at a specified thickness to delay the temperature rise throughout the timber member, to determine the ability of the fire protection kit at a specified thickness to remain coherent and fixed to the timber member and to provide data for determining the charring rate of the protected test member, when exposed to the standard temperature/time curve according to the procedures defined herein. This document is not appropriated to classify the tested assembly according to EN 13501-2.
The test to subject reactive protection material to a smouldering temperature time fire curve and the special circumstances for this are detailed in Annex G.
The fire test methodology makes provision for the collection and presentation of data which can be used as direct input to the calculation of fire resistance of timber members in accordance with the procedures given in EN 1995-1-2.
A description of the relationship of this test method and the assessment of the results obtained therefrom to EN 1995-1-2 and guidelines for the use of this test method in accordance with that standard are given in Annex B.
This document also contains the assessment which indicates how the analysis of the test data should be made and gives guidance to the procedures by which interpolation should be undertaken.
The limits of applicability of the results of the assessment arising from the fire test are defined, together with the direct application of the results to different timber constructions with the specified thickness and fixation of the applied fire protection kit tested.

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This Part of EN 1366 specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of vertical and horizontal ventilation ducts including those access panels, which are integral part of the tested ducts. The test examines the behaviour of ducts exposed to fire from the outside (duct A) and fire inside the duct (duct B). This Standard is used in conjunction with EN1363-1.
Annex A provides general guidance and gives background information.
This European Standard is not applicable to:
a)   ducts whose fire resistance depends on the fire resistance performance of a ceiling or wall(where ducts are located in cavities enclosed by fire-resistant shafts or ceilings);
b)   ducts containing fire dampers at points where they pass through fire separations;
c)   one, two or three sided ducts;
d)   fixing of suspension devices (e.g. anchors) to floors or walls.

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This document specifies a test method for determining the ability of a horizontal protective membrane, when used as a fire resistant barrier, to contribute to the fire resistance of standard horizontal structural building members as defined in 6.4.2.
Test of horizontal protective membrane installed under a specific non-standard floor should be tested according to EN 1365-2.
This document contains the fire test which specifies the tests which are carried out whereby the horizontal protective membrane, together with the structural member to be protected, is exposed to a fire test according to the procedures defined herein. The fire exposure, to the temperature/time curve given in EN 1363-1, is applied from below the membrane itself.
The test method makes provision, through specified optional additional procedures, for the collection of data which can be used as direct input to the calculation of fire resistance according to the processes given within EN 1992-1-2, EN 1993-1-2, EN 1994-1-2 and EN 1995-1-2.
This document also contains the assessment which provides information relative to the analysis of the test data and gives guidance for the interpretation of the results of the fire test, in terms of loadbearing capacity criteria of the protected horizontal structural member.
In special circumstances, where specified in national building regulations, there can be a need to subject the protection material to a smouldering curve. The test for this and the special circumstances for its use are detailed in Annex C.
The limits of applicability of the results of the assessment arising from the fire test are defined, together with permitted direct application of the results to different structures, membranes and fittings.
This document applies only where there is a gap and a cavity between the horizontal protective membrane and the structural building member. Otherwise, the test methods in EN 13381-3, EN 13381-4 or EN 13381-5, as appropriate, apply.
Tests are intended to be carried out without additional combustible materials in the cavity.
Annex A gives details of assessing the performance of the ceiling when exposed to a semi-natural fire.

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This document specifies a fire test method and an assessment procedure for determining the contribution of fire protection systems to the fire resistance performance of circular and rectangular steel bars used as tension members.
This document applies to fire protection materials that have already been tested and assessed in accordance with EN 13381 4 or EN 13381 8.
For other section shapes such as angles, channels and flats, reference can be made to EN 13381 4 and EN 13381 8. This document does not include steel or any other cold formed bar used as reinforcement in concrete construction.
For other solid bar geometries such as oval or triangular cross section, these are subject to a separate test package in accordance with the principles of Clause 5 of this document.
Fire protection performance is determined by testing of unloaded tension members, although additional loaded test evidence can be required for certain product types subject to certain conditions specified in the document.
The method is applicable to all fire protection systems used for the protection of solid bar up to a maximum diameter of 130 mm and includes sprayed fire protection, reactive coatings, cladding protection systems and multi-layer or composite fire protection materials. In the case of rectangular bar, the maximum side length is limited to 130 mm with a maximum aspect ratio of 2:1 against the shorter side length. For dimensions greater than 130 mm it is appropriate to use rectangular or circular hollow sections tested and assessed in accordance with EN 13381 4 and EN 13381 8 provided they have been tested
The method is applicable to all fire protection systems used for the protection of solid bar up to a maximum diameter of 130 mm and includes sprayed fire protection, reactive coatings, cladding protection systems and multi-layer or composite fire protection materials. In the case of rectangular bar, the maximum side length should be limited to 130mm with a maximum aspect ratio of 2:1 against the shorter side length. For dimensions greater than 130mm it is appropriate to use rectangular or circular hollow sections tested and assessed in accordance with EN 13381 4 and EN 13381 8 provided they have been tested in the same orientation.
The evaluation is designed to cover a range of thicknesses of the applied fire protection material, a range of steel bar dimensions, a range of specified temperatures and a range of valid fire protection periods.
The test method is applicable to fire protection systems which are intimately in contact with the bar, or which include an airspace between the bar and the protection system as given in EN 13381-4.
This standard also provides the assessment procedure, which prescribes the analysis of the test data and gives guidance on the procedures to undertake interpolation.
This Standard caters for testing in both vertical and horizontal orientations. Results from horizontally orientated bar may be applied to any orientation, whilst results from vertically orientated bar should only be used for horizontal bars when the data has been corrected in accordance with Annex C.
This standard gives the fire test procedures, carried out to provide data on the thermal characteristics of the fire protection system, when exposed to the standard temperature/time curve specified in Clause 5.1.1 of EN 1363 1.
The assessment procedure is used to establish:
a)   on the basis of data derived from testing steel bar, any practical constraints on the use of the fire protection system under fire test conditions (the physical performance);
b)   on the basis of the temperature data derived from testing steel bar the thermal properties of the fire protection system (the thermal performance).
The limits of applicability of the results of the assessment arising from the fire test are defined together with application of the results to different steel types and sizes over the range of thicknesses of the applied fire protection system tested.

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This document specifies a method of test for determining the ignitability of products by direct small flame impingement under zero impressed irradiance using vertically oriented test specimens.
Information on the precision of the test method is given in Annex A (informative).
Information on testing not essentially flat end-use products is given in Annex B (normative).
Information on testing perforated end-use products is given in Annex C (normative).

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This document provides the reaction to fire classification procedure for all construction products, including products incorporated within building elements with the exception of power, control and communication cables which are covered by EN 13501-6.
Products are considered in relation to their end use application.
This document applies to three categories, which are treated separately in this document:
-   construction products, excluding floorings and linear pipe thermal insulation products;
-   floorings;
-   linear pipe thermal insulation products.
NOTE   For CE marking of construction products under the Construction Product Regulation ((EC) 305/2011) the NPD option can be used when no reaction of fire performance is to be declared.

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This document establishes the general principles for determining the fire resistance of various elements of construction when subjected to standard fire exposure conditions. Alternative and additional procedures to meet special requirements are given in EN 1363-2.
The principle that has been embodied within all European standards relating to fire resistance testing is that where aspects and procedures of testing are common to all specific test methods e.g. the temperature/time curve, then they are specified in this test method. Where a general principle is common to many specific test methods but the details vary according to the element being tested (e.g. the measurement of unexposed face temperature), then the principle is given in this document, but the details are given in the specific test method. Where certain aspects of testing are unique to a particular specific test method (e.g. the air leakage test for fire dampers), then no details are included in this document.
The test results obtained might be directly applicable to other similar elements, or variations of the element tested. The extent to which this application is permitted depends upon the field of direct application of the test result. This is restricted by the provision of rules which limit the variation from the tested specimen without further evaluation. The rules for determining the permitted variations are given in each specific test method.
Variations outside those permitted by direct application are covered under extended application of test results. This results from an in-depth review of the design and performance of a particular product in test(s) by a recognized authority. Further consideration on direct and extended application is given in Annex A.
The duration for which the tested element, as modified by its direct or extended field of application, satisfies specific criteria will permit subsequent classification.
All values given in this document are nominal unless otherwise specified.

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This document gives an overview of the evolution of regulations and application of Fire Safety Engineering (FSE) in Europe. Based on work performed in 2001-2002, a full update of information has been done. A global survey based on questionnaires defined in 2001, the evolution and possible perspectives of the FSE practices within two perimeters are presented:
- The first perimeter is the same perimeter analysed in 2001 corresponding to the European Union defined in 2001 extended to European countries with European Union agreement (Switzerland, Norwegian and Iceland).
- The second perimeter is the European Union perimeter of 2016 extended to European countries with European Union agreement (Switzerland, Norwegian and Iceland).
Conclusions and initiatives of the 2001 proposals were analysed 15 years after, with and without the extension of European Union. New initiatives have since been proposed.
In addition, the state-of-the-art of Fire Safety Engineering is updated.

  • Technical report
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This part of EN 1366 specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of non-mechanical fire barriers installed in fire separating elements designed to withstand heat and the passage of smoke and gases at high temperature. This European Standard is used in conjunction with EN 1363-1 and EN 1366-2.
This European Standard is not suitable for testing non-mechanical fire barriers in suspended ceilings without modification.
This European Standard is not suitable for testing fire dampers, see EN 1366-2.
This European Standard is not suitable for testing such products as air transfer grilles, as the pressures and flows involved are different and may cause differing behaviour.

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This document sets out the general principles for the extended application of test results obtained on fire resisting and smoke control doorsets, e.g. the types of pedestrian and industrial doors, operable fabric curtains and openable windows listed in the Introduction above when tested in accordance with EN 1634-1 and/or EN 1634-3.
This document provides the general principles which are intended to be used in conjunction with the relevant part of EN 15269 depending upon the specific product type to be evaluated.

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This document provides guidance and, where appropriate, defines procedures for variations of certain parameters and factors associated with the design of lightweight partitions, which have been tested in accordance with EN 1364-1, and classified according to EN 13501-2.
This document only applies to non-loadbearing lightweight partitions with a single steel framework, provided with a lining on both sides of the steel framework. The lightweight partition can be insulated with a mineral wool insulation within the partition cavity or not be insulated.
This document does not apply to any other types of non-loadbearing lightweight partitions considered in EN 1364-1.

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This document sets out the general principles for the extended application of test results obtained on fire resisting and smoke control doorsets, e.g. the types of pedestrian and industrial doors, operable fabric curtains and openable windows listed in the Introduction above when tested in accordance with EN 1634-1 and/or EN 1634-3.
This document provides the general principles which are intended to be used in conjunction with the relevant part of EN 15269 depending upon the specific product type to be evaluated.

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This document gives guidance on the process and development of extended fields of application using test results obtained from CEN/TS 1187, tests 1 to 4, and included in test reports, and other relevant information in order to evaluate and classify the performance of roofs/roof coverings. This document provides a methodology to consider the possible effect(s) on classification to EN 13501-5 from single or multiple changes to the individual product and end-use application parameters of the roof/roof covering.
Specific application guidance is given in Annex A, Annex B, Annex C and Annex D for CEN/TS 1187, tests 1 to 4 respectively.

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Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part xx: Chimneys

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This document covers vertically mounted types of manual or powered, operable fabric curtain assemblies with downward closing operation. Curtain systems are different from (are separated from) door systems due to their not rigid closure element typically made of thin walled materials as for instance woven or knitted fabrics and foils. These closure elements are not able to carry significant loads normal to their surface by their bending stiffness. In other words: curtain systems are separated from door systems because they can only conduct pulling forces by tensile stress in plane to their surface. Pushing forces are not conducted in plane to their surface.
This document establishes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from test(s) conducted in accordance with the EN 1634-1 test method for shutters.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate test or tests selected from those identified in Clause 4, the extended application may cover all or some of the following non-exhaustive list of examples:
-   uninsulated (E), radiation (EW) or insulated (EI1 or EI2) classifications;
-   coiling mechanisms;
-   wall/ceiling fixed elements;
-   items of building hardware;
-   decorative finishes;
-   intumescent, draught or acoustic seals;
-   alternative supporting construction(s).

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This document provides guidance and, where appropriate, defines procedures for variations of certain parameters and factors associated with the design of fire resistant glazed elements which have been tested in accordance with EN 1364-1:2015, and classified according to EN 13501-2.
Extended application of fire resistant glazed elements is based on test evidence.
This standard only applies to vertically installed fire resistant glazed elements.
This standard does not apply to door sets and openable windows according to EN 1634-1 and does not apply to curtain walling - full configuration or curtain walling - part configuration according to EN 1364-3 and EN 1364-4.
Glass block assemblies and paver units and channel-shaped glass as defined in EN 1051-1 and EN 572-7 are excluded. There is currently insufficient information available to enable rules for extended application to be developed for these products.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the gross heat of combustion (QPCS) of products at constant volume in a bomb calorimeter.
This method is intended to be applied to solid products.
NOTE       Liquids can be tested with similar equipment and using conditions described in ASTM D240[1], as described in IEC 61039[2] using ISO 1928[3] test equipment.
Annex A specifies the calculation of the net heat of combustion, QPCI, when required.
Information on the precision of the test method is given in Annex B.

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This document defines rules for extended applications, provides guidance, and, where appropriate, defines procedures, for variations of certain parameters and factors associated with the design of internal and external non-loadbearing walls constructed of metal sandwich panels and that have been tested in accordance with EN 1364-1, which could generate a classification in accordance with EN 13501-2.
EN 15254-5 applies for self-supporting, double skin metal faced sandwich panels having an insulating core bonded to both facings as defined in EN 14509.

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This document defines rules for extended applications, provides guidance, and, where appropriate, specifies procedures, for variations of certain parameters and factors associated with the design of internal non-loadbearing ceilings constructed of metal faced sandwich panels that have been tested in accordance with EN 1364-2, which could generate a classification in accordance with EN 13501-2.
This document applies to self-supporting, double skin metal faced sandwich panels, which have an insulating core bonded to both facings as defined in EN 14509.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of door and shutter assemblies and openable windows designed for installation within openings incorporated in vertical separating elements, such as:
a)   hinged and pivoted doors;
b)   horizontally sliding and vertically sliding doors including articulated sliding doors and sectional doors;
c)   folding doors, sliding folding doors /shutters;
d)   tilting doors;
e)   rolling shutter doors;
f)   openable windows;
g)   operable fabric curtains.
This European Standard is used in conjunction with EN 1363-1.
The testing of fire dampers is covered by EN 1366-2.
The testing of closures for conveyor systems is covered by EN 1366-7.
By prior agreement with the test sponsor, additional information may be gained for individual elements of building hardware in order to fulfil the performance criteria identified in EN 1634-2. Based on the observations recorded during the test, the results may be presented in a separate report which should be in accordance with the requirements of EN 1634-2.
Doors tested in accordance with this European Standard and classified in accordance with EN 13501-2 may be accepted for lift landing door applications as an alternative to EN 81-58 and subject to National Regulations. EN 81-58 represents a specific test for lift landing doors and results in an alternative classification which may not be suitable for some other purposes as defined in National Regulations.

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This part of EN 1364 specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of ceilings, which in themselves possess fire resistance independent of any building element above them. This European Standard is used in conjunction with EN 1363-1.
The method is applicable to ceilings, which are either suspended by hangers or fixed directly to a supporting frame or construction, and to self-supporting ceilings.
Within this test method, the ceiling is exposed to fire, with the exposure being applied either:
a)   from below the ceiling, or
b)   from above the ceiling to simulate fire within the cavity above the ceiling.
The contribution to fire resistance which a suspended ceiling might provide as a protective membrane to loadbearing elements is determined using the procedure given in EN 13381-1. The fire resistance of loadbearing floors in conjunction with a suspended ceiling can also be assessed by using tests according to EN 1365-2.

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This European Standard identifies parameters that affect the fire resistance of ducts for ventilation purposes. It also identifies the factors that need to be considered when deciding whether, or by how much a parameter can be extended either positively or negatively when contemplating the fire resistance on an untested variation in the construction.
This European Standard, where applicable, gives guidance on additional tests that are needed to extend the field of application.
The European Standard gives the principles behind how a conclusion on the influence of specific parameters/constructional details relating to the relevant criteria (E, I, S) can be achieved.
This European Standard only applies to ducts tested to EN 1366 1. Duct sections for use other than in fire resisting heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are not covered by this European Standard. It does not cover ducts used for smoke control which are tested in accordance with EN 1366 8 or EN 1366 9.

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This European Standard specifies the procedure for classification of components of smoke control systems, using data from fire resistance tests which are within the field of application of the relevant test methods. Classification on the basis of extended application of test results is also included in the scope of this European Standard.
Products covered by this European Standard are:
-   smoke control ducts;
-   smoke control dampers;
-   smoke barriers;
-   powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators (fans), including connectors;
-   natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators.
Relevant documents which include the relevant test methods which have been prepared for these products are listed in Clause 2.

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This European Standard specifies a test method to determine the propensity (ability) of a building product to smoulder continuously when exposed to an open flame under the influence of natural convective airflow.
It is intended for all building products classified according to EN 13501 1. Details as to how the products is mounted and fixed for this test are given in the relevant product standards. The field of application of the test results is defined in the product standards.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of air transfer grilles (ATG).
It is applicable to air transfer grilles intended for installation in building components (typically walls, floors or ceilings). The orientation of the installation of the air transfer grille can be vertical or horizontal.
The closing mechanism of the air transfer grille can come from expansion of material and/or from any mechanical or electrical closing device.
This test method is valid for fire resistant or fire resistant and smoke control air transfer grilles.
An additional test configuration is valid for fire resistant or fire resistant and smoke control air transfer grilles in applications where flame impingement is a risk during open state from start of fire (Annex A).
This test method evaluates the behaviour of the air transfer grille when exposed to the standard fire curve described in EN 1363-1 and the standard pressure described in EN 1363-1. It is not the intention of this test to provide quantitative information on the rate of leakage of smoke and/or hot gases or on the transmission or generation of fumes under fire conditions. Such phenomena are only to be noted in describing the general behaviour of test specimens during the test.
The rate of leakage of smoke at ambient temperature or at 200 °C as an optional requirement for ATG with declared smoke control will be confirmed in accordance with standard EN 1634-3.
This test method is not valid for determining the fire resistance of air transfer grilles that are used in ducts because ATG are considered as separating elements. The test method for ATG, used in ducts is described in the corresponding duct standards.
This test method is not valid for determining the fire resistance of a fire damper or a fire barrier connected to a duct on either or both sides because an ATG is tested as a fire-separating element on its own. Fire dampers are tested according to EN 1366-2. Non-mechanical fire barriers are tested according to EN 1366-12.
This test method is not valid for determining the fire resistance of air transfer grilles in fire doors, shutters and openable windows as specified in EN 1634-1 and EN 1364-2, because the deformation of fire doors, shutters and openable windows in fire conditions differs from the deformation of flexible/rigid walls. Moreover the location of thermocouples in the door standard is too specific to be handled in this standard.
All values given in this standard are nominal unless otherwise specified.

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