ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAmd 1
(Amendment)Extended access control v1 & pace
Extended access control v1 & pace
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17 Secretariat: BSI
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2016-03-24 2016-06-23
Information technology — Personal identification — ISO-
compliant driving licence —
Part 4:
Test methods
AMENDMENT 1: Extended access control v1 & pace
Technologies de l’information — Identification des personnes — Permis de conduire conforme à l’ISO —
Partie 4: Méthodes d’essaiAMENDEMENT 1: .
ICS: 35.240.15
Reference number
ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
© ISO/IEC 2016, Published in Switzerland
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or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1,
Information technology, Subcommittee SC 17, Cards and personal identification.This amendment prescribes requirements for testing the compliance of the 1 line MRZ machine readable zone,
Extended Access Control v1 mechanism, PACE protocol and the related data structures on an IDL with the
requirements of ISO/IEC 18013-2 and ISO/IEC 18013-3 including ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD1, ISO/IEC
18013-3:2009/AMD2 and ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD3.© ISO/IEC 2016 – All rights reserved iii
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DRAFT AMENDMENT ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
Information Technology — Personal identification — ISO-
compliant driving licence — Part 4: Test methods
Extended Access Control v1 & PACE
Page 2, Normative references
Insert the following referenced documents:
BSI Technical Guideline TR-03105-3.2, Advanced Security Mechanisms for Machine Readable Travel
Documents – Extended Access Control (EACv1) – Tests for Security Implementation – Version 1.4.1 – 2014-
04-06BSI Technical Guideline TR-03111, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) – Version 2.0 – 2012-06-28 [BSI TR-
03111]ICAO Technical Report – Supplemental Access Control for Machine Readable Travel Documents – Version
1.01 – 2010 [TR-PACE]ICAO Technical Report – RF Protocol and Application Test Standard for eMRTD – Part 3 Version 2.07 –
2014-11-30 [TR-ICAO Part 3]Page 2, Abbreviated terms
Insert the following abbreviations:
FID file identifier
SFI short EF identifier
1) Final publication expected before this amendment is published at which time the reference will be updated if
necessary© ISO/IEC 2016 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
Page 10, Table A.1
Insert the following rows:
Profile Information for test setup
(Plain, BAP
(YES or NO)
or EAP)
EAC Extended Access Control v1
PACE Password Authenticated Connection Establishment
MRZ Machine Readable Zone
Page 16, Test Case SE_LDS_COM_011
Replace the entire table with the following table:
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_COM_011
Purpose This test checks the encoding of the EAP mechanism in the SMI.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-2:2008, Annex C
ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009
Profile SMI, EAP
Preconditions 1. EF.COM has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The SMI has been retrieved from EF.COM.
3. The SMI has a valid DER TLV structure.
Test Scenario Perform the following checks for the security mechanism in the SMI that
specifies the EAP mechanism:1. Check the presence of the mechanism id-sm-EAP.
2. Check the encoding of the parameters for the mechanism id-sm-
3. Check the version of the EAP parameters.
4. Check the chipAuthPublicKeyDG field of the EAP parameters.
5. Check the consistency of chipAuthPublicKeyDG and the Taglist in
6. Check the smConfiguration field of the EAP parameters.
7. Check the currentTrustRoot field of the EAP parameters.
8. Check the alternateTrustRoot field of the EAP parameters.
Expected Results 1. The mechanism id-sm-EAP shall be present.
2. The parameters for the mechanism id-sm-EAP shall be encoded as
specified in ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009, C.6.
3. The version shall be '00' (V1).
4. The chipAuthPublicKeyDG field shall be set to '0E' (DG14).
5. The data group indicated by chipAuthPublicKeyDG shall occur in
the Taglist.
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
6. The smConfiguration field shall use one of the identifiers from
ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009, B.8 (i.e. oid_bap_config_1,
oid_bap_config_2, oid_bap_config_3, or oid_bap_config_4).
7. The currentTrustRoot field shall be set to the current trust root's
SKID, formatted as in the corresponding card-verifiable certificate,
including the preceding length byte. The currentTrustRoot field
shall be 17 bytes length. If the resulting octet string is shorter than
17 bytes, it shall be padded to the right with ‘00’ bytes.
8. The alternateTrustRoot field shall be set to the alternate trust root's
SKID, formatted as in the corresponding card-verifiable certificate,
including the preceding length byte. The alternateTrustRoot field
shall be 17 bytes length. If the resulting octet string is shorter than
17 bytes, it shall be padded to the right with ‘00’ bytes.
Page 16
Insert the following clauses after clause A.3.1.12:
A.3.1.13 Test case SE_LDS_COM_013
Test – ID SE_LDS_COM_013
Purpose This test checks the encoding of the EAC mechanism in the SMI.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-2:2008, Annex C
ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD2 Annex G.4
Profile SMI, EAC
Preconditions 1. EF.COM has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The SMI has been retrieved from EF.COM.
3. The SMI has a valid DER TLV structure.
Test scenario Perform the following checks for the security mechanism in the SMI that specifies
the EAC mechanism.1. Check the presence of the mechanism id-TA.
2. Check the encoding of the parameters for the mechanism id-TA.
3. Check the version of the EAC parameters.
4. Check the data groups.
Expected 1. The mechanism id-TA shall be present.
2. The parameters for the mechanism id-TA shall be encoded as specified in
ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD2 Annex G.4.
3. The version shall be ‘01’.
4. The data groups shall only contain any combination of the following integers:
'05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '0A', '0B'.
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
A.3.1.14 Test case SE_LDS_COM_014
Test – ID SE_LDS_COM_014
Purpose This test checks the presence of the EAC mechanism in the SMI.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-2:2008, Annex C
ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD2 Annex G.4
Profile SMI
EAC NOT supported or EAP
Preconditions 1. EF.COM has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The SMI has been retrieved from EF.COM.
3. The SMI has a valid DER TLV structure.
Test scenario 1. Check the presence of the mechanism id-TA if EAC is NOT supported.
Expected 1. The mechanism id-TA shall be absent.results
A.3.1.15 Test case SE_LDS_COM_015
Test – ID SE_LDS_COM_015
Purpose This test checks the presence of the EAP mechanism in the SMI.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-2:2008, Annex C
ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD3 Clause H.2.3
Profile SMI, PACE
Preconditions 1. EF.COM has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The SMI has been retrieved from EF.COM.
3. The SMI has a valid DER TLV structure.
Test scenario 1. Check the presence of the mechanism id-ICAuth.
Expected 1. The mechanism id-ICAuth shall be absent.
Page 38, Test Case SE_LDS_DG5_002
Replace the entire table with the following table:
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_DG5_002
Purpose This test checks the encoding of EF.DG5 element length.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-2:2008, Annex C
Profile DG5
Preconditions 1. EF.DG5 has been retrieved from the IDL.
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
Test Scenario 1. Analyze the encoding of the bytes that follow the template tag.
2. Verify the length of the EF.DG5 object.
Expected Results 1. The bytes that follow the template tag shall contain a valid length
encoding (according to ASN.1 encoding rules).2. The encoded length shall match the size of the given EF.DG5
Page 38, Test Case SE_LDS_DG5_003
Replace the entire table with the following table:
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_DG5_003
Purpose This test checks the Type of Image (Tag '89') present in EF.DG5.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-2:2008, Annex C
Profile DG5
Preconditions 1. EF.DG5 has been retrieved from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Search for the Type of Image (Tag '89') inside EF.DG5.
2. Check the length of the Type of Image data element.
3. Check the value of the Type of Image data element.
Expected Results 1. Tag '89' shall be present.
2. The length of the Type of Image data element shall be 1 byte.
3. The Type of Image data element shall be one of the values
indicated in ISO/IEC 18013-2:2008, 8.5 (i.e. '02', '03', or '04').
Page 38, Test Case SE_LDS_DG5_004
Replace the entire table with the following table:
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_DG5_004
Purpose This test checks the Image of Signature or Mark (Tag '5F 43') present in
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-2:2008, Annex C, Annex E
Profile DG5
Preconditions 1. EF.DG5 has been retrieved from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Search for the Image of Signature or Mark (Tag '5F 43') inside
2. Check the encoded length of the Image of Signature or Mark data
3. Check the length of the Image of Signature or Mark data element.
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
4. Verify the type of Image.
5. Verify consistency of Image type with encoded element.
Expected Results 1. Tag '5F 43' shall be present.
2. The bytes that follow the Tag '5F 43' shall contain a valid length
encoding (according to ASN.1 encoding rules).
3. The encoded length shall match the size of the Image of Signature
or Mark data element.
4. The type of Image shall match one of the values in Table E.1 in
ISO/IEC 18013-2:2008.
5. The encoded Image format shall match the image type stated in the
Type of image field.
Page 82, Test Case SE_LDS_DG12_004
Replace the entire table with the following table:
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_DG12_004
Purpose This test checks the encoding of the SAI Input Method (Tag '81') present
in EF.DG12.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009
Profile NMA
Preconditions 1. EF.DG12 has been retrieved from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Search for the SAI Input Method (Tag '81') inside EF.DG12.
2. Check the encoded length of the SAI Input Method data element, if
3. Check the length of the SAI Input Method data element.
4. Check the value of the SAI Input Method.
5. Check the value of the SAI Input Method.
6. If the SAI Input Method starts with '02', check the presence of byte 2
of the SAI Input Method.
7. Check the value of byte 2 of the SAI Input Method.
8. Check the value of byte 3 of the SAI Input Method, if present.
9. Check the value of the bytes 4 - 7 of the SAI Input Method, if
10. Check the consistency of the bytes 4 and 6 of the SAI Input Method,
if present.
11. Check the consistency of the bytes 5 and 7 of the SAI Input Method,
if present.
Expected Results 1. Tag '81' may be present and shall not occur more than once.
2. The encoded length shall be '01', '02', or '07'.
3. The encoded length shall match the size of the SAI Input Method
data element.
4. The first nibble of byte 1 of the SAI Input Method shall be '0', '1', '2'
or '4'.
5. The second nibble of byte 1 of the SAI Input Method shall be '0', '1'
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
or '2'.
6. Byte 2 of the SAI Input Method shall be present.
7. Byte 2 of the SAI Input Method shall have one of the following
values: '00', '01', '02', '03', 'FE', or 'FF'.
8. Byte 3 of the SAI Input Method shall have the value '00' or '01'.
9. Byte 4 - 7 of the SAI Input Method shall be BCD encoded.
10. Byte 4 of the SAI Input Method shall be smaller than byte 6 of the
SAI Input Method.
11. Byte 7 of the SAI Input Method shall be smaller than byte 5 of the
SAI Input Method.
Page 88, Test Case SE_LDS_DG14_006
Replace the entire table with the following table:
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_DG14_006
Purpose If the algorithm used is Diffie Hellman, test the value of the parameters of
the icAuthPublicKey field of the IC Auth PublicKey Info for each SecurityInfo that defines the CA public key in the Security Infos Set.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009
Profile CA-DH
Preconditions 1. EF.DG14 has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The Security Infos data element has been retrieved from EF.DG14.
3. At least one Security Info element in the Security Infos data element
has the protocol OID id-ICAuth.
Test Scenario Perform the following checks for each Security Info that defines the CA
public key in the Security Infos Set:1. Check the DH parameters of the algorithm.
2. Check the encoding of the base g.
3. Check the encoding of the prime p.
4. Check the consistency of g and p.
5. If private value length l is present, check the encoding of l.
6. If private value length l is present, check the value of l.
7. If private value length l is present, check the value of l.
8. Check the encoding of the DH Public Key.
9. Check the consistency of the DH Public Key value and prime p.
Expected Results 1. The parameters shall be ASN.1 encoded and follow PKCS #3 (DH),
i.e. the DH parameters shall specify a prime (integer), a base(integer), and optionally a privateValueLength (integer).
2. g shall be a positive integer.
3. p shall be a positive integer.
4. g shall be less than p (0 < g < p).
5. length l shall be a positive integer.
6. length l shall be non-zero (l > 0).
7. length l shall be such that 2l-1 < p.
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
8. The DH Public Key shall be a positive integer.
9. The DH Public Key shall be smaller than p (0 < PublicKey < p).
Page 88, Test Case SE_LDS_DG14_007
Replace the entire table with the following table:
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_DG14_007
Purpose If the algorithm used is ECDH, test the value of the parameters of the
icAuthPublicKey field of the IC Auth PublicKey Info for each Security Info
that defines the CA public key in the Security Infos Set.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009
Profile EAP, CA-ECDH
Preconditions 1. EF.DG14 has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The Security Infos data element has been retrieved from EF.DG14.
3. At least one Security Info element in the Security Infos data element
has the protocol OID id-ICAuth.
Test Scenario Perform the following checks for each Security Info that defines the CA
public key in the Security Infos Set:1. Check the Elliptic Curve parameters.
2. Check the encoding of the prime p.
3. Check the value of the prime p.
4. Check the value of the curve parameter a.
5. Check the consistency of the curve parameter a and prime p.
6. Check the value of the curve parameter b.
7. Check the consistency of the curve parameter b and prime p.
8. Check the consistency of the curve parameters a and b.
9. Check the value of the base point G.
10. Check the encoding of the Cofactor f.
11. Check the value of the Cofactor f.
12. Check the encoding of the order r of base point.
13. Check the value of the order r of base point.
14. Check the consistency of the order r and prime p.
15. Check the consistency of the order r, prime p, and co-factor f.
16. Check value of the EC public key (base point Y).
Expected Results 1. The parameters shall follow ASN.1 structure specified in RFC 3279.
2. p shall be a positive integer.3. p shall be larger than 2 (p>2).
4. a shall be larger than or equal to zero (a>=0).
5. a shall be smaller than p (a 6. b shall be larger than or equal to zero (b>=0).
7. b shall be smaller than p (b 8. The values of a and b shall be such that 4a3 + 27b2 <> 0.
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
9. The base point G shall be on the curve, with both coordinates in
range 0 .. (p - 1).
10. f shall be a positive integer.
11. f shall be larger than zero (f>0).
12. r shall be a positive integer.
13. r shall be larger than zero (r>0).
14. r shall not be equal to p (r <> p).
15. r, p, and f shall be such that r * f <= 2p.
16. The public base point Y is on the curve, with both coordinates in
range 0 .. (p - 1).
Page 89
Insert the following clauses after clause A.3.14.7:
A.3.14.8 Test Case SE_LDS_DG14_008
Test – ID SE_LDS_DG14_008
Purpose This test checks the absence of EAC SecurityInfo in DG14 if EAP is supported.
Version 1.2References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD2 clause 8.7.3
Profile EAP
Preconditions 1. EF.DG14 has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The SecurityInfos data element has been retrieved from EF.DG14.
Test scenario 1. Check the absence of SecurityInfo data elements with protocol OID id-TA.
2. Check the absence of SecurityInfo data elements with protocol OID id-PK-DHor id-PK-ECDH.
3. Check the absence of SecurityInfo data elements with protocol OID
a. id-CA-DH-3DES-CBC-CBC or
b. id-CA-DH-AES-CBC-CMAC-128 or
c. id-CA-DH-AES-CBC-CMAC-192 or
d. id-CA-DH-AES-CBC-CMAC-256 or
f. id-CA-ECDH-AES-CBC-CMAC-128 or
g. id-CA-ECDH-AES-CBC-CMAC-192 or
Expected 1. True.
2. True.
3. True.
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
A.3.14.9 Test Case SE_LDS_DG14_009
Test – ID SE_LDS_DG14_009
Purpose This test checks the absence of EAP SecurityInfo in DG14 if EAC is supported.
Version 1.2References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD 2 clause 8.7.3
ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009
Profile EAC
Preconditions 1. EF.DG14 has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The SecurityInfos data element has been retrieved from EF.DG14.
Test scenario 1. Check the absence of SecurityInfo data elements with protocol OID id-ICAuth.
Expected 1. True.results
A.3.14.10 Test Case SE_LDS_DG14_010
Test – ID SE_LDS_DG14_010
Purpose This test checks the absence of PACE SecurityInfo in DG14 if EAP is supported.
Version 1.2References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD3 clause H.2.3
Profile EAP
Preconditions 1. EF.DG14 has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The SecurityInfos data element has been retrieved from EF.DG14.
Test scenario 1. Check the absence of SecurityInfo data elements with protocol OID
2. Check the absence of SecurityInfo data elements with protocol OID id-PACE-
Expected 1. True.
2. True.
A.3.14.11 Test Case SE_LDS_DG14_011
Test – ID SE_LDS_DG14_011
Purpose This test checks the absence of EAP SecurityInfo in DG14 if PACE is supported.
Version 1.2References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009/AMD 2 clause H.2.3
ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009
Profile PACE
Preconditions 1. EF.DG14 has been retrieved from the IDL.
2. The SecurityInfos data element has been retrieved from EF.DG14.
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
Test scenario 1. Check the absence of SecurityInfo data elements with protocol OID id-ICAuth.
Expected 1. True.results
A.3.14.12 Test Case SE_LDS_DG14_012
Refer to [TR-ICAO Part 3], clause 4.5.1.
For eMRTD, read IDL.
For [R7], read [TR-PACE]
A.3.15 Test Unit SE_LDS_CardAccess – Tests for EF.CardAccess
Refer to [TR-ICAO Part 3], clause 4.6.
For eMRTD, read IDL.
For [R7], read [TR-PACE]
In Test case LDS_I_02 step 2, replace the algorithm identifier list by the following:
(OID :
(OID :
(OID :
In Test case LDS_I_02 step 4, remove the following ParameterId from the list:
‘00’ if 1024-bit MODP Group with 160-bit Prime Order Subgroup is used.
‘01’ if 2048-bit MODP Group with 224-bit Prime Order Subgroup is used.
‘02’ if 2048-bit MODP Group with 256-bit Prime Order Subgroup is used.
In Test case LDS_I_03 step 2, replace the protocol identifier list by the following:
In Test case LDS_I_03 step 3, replace the algorithm identifier list by the following:
ecPublicKey (OID: 1.2.840.10045.2.1)© ISO/IEC 2016 – All rights reserved 11
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
In Test case LDS_I_03 step 4, the parameters shall only follow KAEG specification (ECDH). Remove DH
verification.A.3.16 Test Unit SE_LDS_MRZ – Tests for the 1-line MRZSE_LDS_MRZ
Test Unit-ID
(Standard Encoding – Machine Readable Zone)
Purpose The test cases in this test unit verify the structure and content of the 1-line Machine
Readable Zone.References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
A.3.16.1 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_001
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_001
Purpose This test checks the length of the MRZ.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Count the characters of the MRZ.
Expected Results 1. The MRZ shall consist of 30 characters
A.3.16.2 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_002
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_002
Purpose This test checks the encoding of the “Identifier” element of the MRZ.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Analyse the 1 character of the MRZ.
Expected Results 1. The 1 character of the MRZ shall have a value of “D”.
A.3.16.3 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_003
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_003
Purpose This test checks the encoding of the “Configuration” element of the MRZ.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Analyse the 2 character of the MRZ.
Expected Results 1. The 2 character of the MRZ shall have a value conforming to the specification of
the configuration data element specified in clause © ISO/IEC 2016 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
A.3.16.4 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_004
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_004
Purpose This test checks the encoding of the “Discretionary data” element of the MRZ.
Version 1.2References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
rd th
Test Scenario 1. Analyse the 3 to 29 character of the MRZ.
rd th
Expected Results 1. The 3 to 29 characters of the MRZ shall only contain characters of the following
character set:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z <
excluding the space character.
A.3.16.5 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_005
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_005
Purpose This test checks the encoding and value of the “Check digit” element.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Analyse the 30 character of the MRZ.
2. Calculate the check digit over the characters in positions 1-29.
Expected Results 1. The 30 character of the MRZ shall have a numerical value.
2. The value of the encoded check digit shall match the calculated check digit.
A.3.16.6 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_006
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_006
Purpose This test checks the consistency of the “Configuration” element with the actual
configuration of the IDL.Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
2. The 2 character of the MRZ has been analysed.
Test Scenario 1. If the 2 character contains a value other than “<”, perform the security mechanism
indicated in the “Configuration” element.Expected Results 1. The “Configuration” element shall be consistent with the actual configuration of the
card (e.g for “P”, it shall be possible to establish a secure channel using PACE, etc.)
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
A.3.16.7 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_007
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_007
Purpose This test checks successful establishment of BAP using the correct MRZ.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ, BAP
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Establish BAP using the correct MRZ.
Expected Results 1. Establishment of BAP shall be successful.
A.3.16.8 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_008
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_008
Purpose This test checks that BAP shall not be established when using an incorrect MRZ.
Version 1.2References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ, BAP
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
2. At least 1 character of the “Discretionary data” element has been modified.
Test Scenario 1. Establish BAP using the modified MRZ.
Expected Results 1. Establishment of BAP shall fail.
A.3.16.9 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_009
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_009
Purpose This test checks successful performance of NMA using the correct MRZ.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ, NMA
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Perform NMA using the correct MRZ.
Expected Results 1. Performance of NMA shall be successful.
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ISO/IEC 18013-4:2011/DAM 1:2016(E)
A.3.16.10 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_010
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_010
Purpose This test checks that NMA shall not be successful when using an incorrect MRZ.
Version 1.2References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ, NMA
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
2. At least 1 character of the “Discretionary data” element has been modified.
Test Scenario 1. Perform NMA using the modified MRZ.
Expected Results 1. Performance of NMA shall fail.
A.3.16.11 Test Case SE_LDS_MRZ_011
Test Case-ID SE_LDS_MRZ_011
Purpose This test checks successful establishment of PACE using the correct MRZ.
Version 1.2
References ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009-Amd1:2012
Profile MRZ, PACE
Preconditions 1. The MRZ has been read from the IDL.
Test Scenario 1. Establish PACE using the correct MRZ.
Expected Results 1. Establishment of PACE shall be successful.
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