ISO/DIS 21498-2
(Main)Véhicules à propulsion electrique -- Spécifications et essais electriques pour les systèmes et composants de classe B
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
ISO/DIS 21498-2
ISO/TC 22/SC 37 Secretariat: DIN
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2020-03-26 2020-06-18
Electrically propelled road vehicles — Electrical
specifications and tests for voltage class B systems and
components —
Part 2:
Electrical tests for components
Véhicules à propulsion electrique — Spécifications et essais electriques pour les systèmes et composants de
classe B —Partie 2: Composants et essais electriques
ICS: 43.120
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 21498-2:2020(E)
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ISO/DIS 21498-2:2020(E)
© ISO 2020
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ii © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 21498-2:2020(E)
27 Contents
28 Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
29 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
30 1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
31 2 Normative references .......................................................................................................................................... 1
32 3 Terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 1
33 4 Abbreviated terms ................................................................................................................................................ 3
34 5 General assumptions for voltage class B components ............................................................................ 3
35 6 Tests and requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 5
36 6.1 Test parameters and general test requirements .............................................................................................. 5
37 6.2 DC supply voltage variation within operational range .................................................................................. 9
38 6.3 Generated voltage slope .......................................................................................................................................... 11
39 6.4 Immunity to voltage slope ...................................................................................................................................... 14
40 6.5 Generated voltage ripple ......................................................................................................................................... 16
41 6.6 Immunity to voltage ripple .................................................................................................................................... 20
42 6.7 Overvoltage ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
43 6.8 Undervoltage ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
44 6.9 Voltage offset ............................................................................................................................................................... 27
45 6.10 Generated load dump voltage ............................................................................................................................... 30
46 6.11 Immunity to load dump voltage ........................................................................................................................... 32
47 7 Documentation ................................................................................................................................................... 34
48 Annex A (informative) Example Values ............................................................................................................. 35
49 Annex B (informative) Testing at different temperatures .......................................................................... 36
50 Annex C (informative) Test overview ................................................................................................................ 37
51 Annex D (normative) Artificial network ............................................................................................................ 38
52 Annex E (Informative) Example for the setup of generated voltage ripple measurement ............. 42
53 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 45
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55 Foreword
56 ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
57 bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
58 through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
59 committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
60 organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
61 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
62 electrotechnical standardization.63 The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
64 described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
65 different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
66 editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
67 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
68 patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any
69 patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on
70 the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
72 constitute an endorsement.73 For an explanation of the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment,
74 as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the
75 Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 37,
77 Electrically propelled vehicles.78 Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
79 complete listing of these bodies can be found at © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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80 Introduction
81 The requirements for voltage class B electric circuits that are used for electric power transfer for the
82 propulsion of electric road vehicles and their characteristics are significantly different to those of voltage
83 class A electric circuits. Moreover, the range of voltage class B is too wide to be used for a component
84 design regarding to voltage.85 This standard divides voltage class B in a set of voltage sub-classes to enable a component design for each
86 voltage sub-class regarding to voltage. It provides appropriate descriptions and definitions for
87 requirements and characteristics of voltage class B systems for electrically propelled vehicles.
88 The voltage sub-class itself and the component characteristics have a large cost impact on the component
89 design and on the overall design of the electric system. Additionally, a high variety of different voltage
90 sub-classes and operating conditions impedes the use of an existing component in different vehicle
91 models. The standardisation of voltage sub-classes and characteristics and the reduction of varieties will
92 enable the reduction of component and system costs. It allows the decoupling of the system or component
93 designs of a voltage class B electric circuit from the design of the electric energy source. Finally, the
94 exchange of components from different suppliers for different customers is facilitated.
95 Part 1 of this standard provides definitions of and for voltage sub-classes and characteristics for
96 rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS) and electric propulsion systems. It defines specific values
97 for these sub-classes based on maximum working voltage. Voltage sub-classes listed in this document are
98 used for voltage class B systems of all kinds of current or future electrically propelled road vehicles.
99 Part 2 of this standard provides electrical tests for electric and electronic components at voltage class B
100 used for electrically propelled road vehicles. All relevant characteristics are covered considering usual
101 driving scenarios as well as deviations from normal operation. The descriptions are generalized and
102 include purpose, setup, procedure and requirements for the tests.103 The specifications in this standard are not intended to restrict the development of component
104 performance or technology. The given definition of sub-classes does not exclude the use of other
105 maximum operating voltages for an individual system design.© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved v
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106 Electrically propelled road vehicles — Electrical specifications
107 and tests for voltage class B systems and components – Part 2
108 Electrical tests for components
109 1 Scope
110 This document applies to voltage class B electric propulsion systems and connected auxiliary electric
111 systems of electrically propelled road vehicles. It applies to electric circuits and components in these
112 systems.113 This document focuses on the characteristics at the DC voltage class B terminals of these components as
114 specified in part 1 of this standard. It describes testing methods, test conditions and test requirements
115 for components exposed to electrical behaviour caused by operation of electric loads and power sources.
116 Note: This document does not cover electrical safety (see ISO 6469, ISO 17409).
117 2 Normative references118 The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
119 constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the cited edition applies. For
120 undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
121 ISO/TR 8713, Electrically propelled road vehicles — Vocabulary122 ISO 21498-1 Electrically propelled road vehicles – Electrical specifications and tests for voltage class B
123 systems and components − Part 1: Voltage sub-classes and characteristics124 3 Terms and definitions
125 For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/TR 8713 and the following
126 apply.127 ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
128 — ISO Online browsing platform: available at — IEC Electropedia: available at
130 3.1
131 component operating status
132 general functional behaviour of components which depend directly on the voltage in voltage class B
133 electric circuits134 3.2
135 customer
136 party that is interested in using voltage class B components or systems
137 3.3
138 electric circuit
139 entire set of interconnected electric/electronic parts through which electrical current is designed to flow
140 under normal operating conditions© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 1
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141 3.4
142 generator mode
143 mode where the electric power is provided by the component
144 3.5
145 lower voltage limit
146 minimum voltage of a voltage class B sub-class
147 3.6
148 maximum working voltage
149 highest value of AC voltage (rms) or of DC voltage that can occur under any normal operating conditions
150 according to the customer's specifications, disregarding transients and ripple
151 3.7152 power-net
153 All components within voltage class B DC network including their connections
154 3.8
155 rechargeable energy storage system
156 RESS
157 rechargeable system that stores energy for delivery of electric energy for the electric drive
158 Examples to entry: batteries, capacitors, flywheel159 3.9
160 ripple
161 set of unwanted periodic deviations with respect to the average value of the measured or supplied
162 quantity, occurring at frequencies which can be related to that of components within a system
163 3.10164 supplier
165 party that provides voltage class B components or systems
166 3.11
167 transient
168 phenomenon or quantity which varies between two consecutive steady states during a short time interval
169 compared to the time-scale of interest170 3.12
171 upper voltage limit
172 maximum voltage of a voltage class B sub-class
173 Note 1 to entry: Maximum working voltages within a voltage sub-class are less than or equal to the upper voltage limit.
174 3.13175 voltage class A
176 classification of an electric component or circuit with a maximum working voltage of ≤ 30 V AC (rms) or
177 ≤ 60 V DC respectively178
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179 3.14
180 voltage class B
181 classification of an electric component or circuit with a maximum working voltage of (> 30 and ≤ 1 000) V
182 AC (rms) or (> 60 and ≤ 1 500) V DC respectively183 3.15
184 voltage range
185 general term covering voltage sub-class, working voltages and deviations from working voltages
186 3.16187 voltage sub-class
188 classification of an electric component or circuit with a DC voltage within the voltage class B
189 3.17190 working voltage
191 AC voltage (rms) or DC voltage that can occur in an electric system under normal operating conditions
192 according to the customer’s specifications, disregarding transients and ripple.
193 4 Abbreviated terms194 DUT Device Under Test
195 EV Electrically Propelled Road Vehicle
196 HV High Voltage
197 AN Artificial Network
198 OS Operating Status
199 LV Low Voltage
200 5 General assumptions for voltage class B components
201 General assumptions and definitions for voltage class B systems are given in ISO 21498-1.
202 Figure 1 shows a generalized view on a voltage class B component. Some of the connections shown may
203 not be available for all voltage class B components. All voltage profiles or voltage values in this document
204 refer to the voltage between the “HV+” and “HV-“ terminals of a voltage class B component, if not
205 otherwise stated.206 A voltage class B component may have multiple interfaces for each type of voltage (voltage class B DC,
207 voltage class B AC, voltage class A, according to Figure 1). For example, a DC/DC converter may interface
208 to two voltage class B electric circuits.209 A voltage class B component may have multiple voltage class B DC terminals, which can be galvanically
210 separated. The tests described in this document shall be fulfilled for each of these terminals.
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212 Key
a DUT 3 Voltage class A power
b Voltage class B circuit 4 I/O and bus signals
c Voltage class A circuit 5 Terminal with direct connection to voltage
class A ground reference
d Galvanic separation between voltage class A
and voltage class B 6 Ground reference
e Voltage class B terminals under test 7 Connection to further voltage class B
component (e.g. electric motor)
1 Voltage class B connection: HV+
8 Connection to further voltage class B
2 Voltage class B connection: HV-
component (e.g. AC or DC power-net)
213 Figure 1 - Generalized voltage class B component diagram
214 For the purpose of testing Figure 2 summarizes the voltage operating ranges and OS of a voltage class B
215 component at its voltage class B DC voltage terminals. The overvoltage limit, the upper voltage limit and
216 the lower voltage limit are properties of the component. Each voltage class B component shall have a
217 voltage range in which it can be operated with its specified performance (unlimited operating capability).
218 All designated functions, including short-time overload operations, shall be available. Within this voltage
219 range, the component operates in OS1.220 Above a maximum voltage, a component may reduce its performance as specified. This maximum voltage
221 is called the “maximum unlimited operating voltage” (U ). The component shall provide its
max_unlimited_op222 upper limited operating capability until the upper voltage limit (U ) is reached. In this case, the
upper_limit223 component operates in OS2.
224 Above the upper voltage limit (U ) the component may derate or cut-off its performance for self-
upper_limit225 protection. The component shall withstand this overvoltage until the overvoltage limit (U ) is
over_limit226 reached. In this case, the component operates in OS3 or OS4.
227 A component shall perform in OS1 until the supply voltage drops to the “minimum unlimited operating
228 voltage” (U ). Between this voltage and the “lower voltage limit” (U ), the component
min_unlimited_op lower_limit229 may reduce its performance as specified. In this case, the component operates in OS2.
230 If the supply voltage is below the lower voltage limit (U ), the component may derate or cut-off its
lower_limit231 performance. In this case, the component operates in OS3 or OS4.
4 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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233 Figure 2 - Component voltage range and limits of corresponding OS
234 6 Tests and requirements
235 6.1 Test parameters and general test requirements
236 Purpose
237 This subclause describes the specification of test parameters including tolerances and general test
238 requirements. Frequency, time and voltage levels used for the tests are introduced.
239 Test setup240 The test setup shall provide appropriate interfaces, connections and loads to achieve representative DUT
241 operation and characteristics. Measurement of voltages shall be performed at the voltage class B
242 terminals of the DUT.© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 5
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243 Voltages
244 Table 1 – Voltage definitions and abbreviations
Test parameter Meaning
U Overvoltage limit
U Upper voltage limit
U Lower voltage limit
U Maximum voltage for unlimited operating capability
U Minimum voltage for unlimited operating capability
U Initial voltage for all tests
U Voltage at the terminals of the DUT
U DC part of the voltage at the terminals of the DUT
U AC part of the voltage at the terminals of the DUT (peak value)
U Peak-to-peak value of AC voltage
U HV DC voltage at no load operation
U HV DC voltage at peak power operation
U Voltage in the undervoltage range
Voltage defined in ISO 21498-1.
See Figure 2 for illustration. The unlimited operating capability is defined in ISO 21498-1.
245 Powers246 Table 2 – Power definitions and abbreviations
Test parameter Meaning
P Continuous power of the DUT
P Generated HV DC maximum power by the DUT
P Maximum short term power of the DUT
P Power of the DUT during no load operation
P Power request to the DUT
This value is related to the desired output power of the DUT, the actual set value may have another physical quantity (e.g.
current, speed, torque) depending on the DUT247 Temperatures
248 The focus of all tests in this document is on the electrical behaviour of the component at the voltage class
249 B terminals. Thermal derating is not considered. Therefore, all tests shall be performed at ambient
250 temperature.251 If a component needs additional liquid cooling, the cooling system shall be chosen as such that the DUT’s
252 performance is not affected by thermal derating. Flow rate and coolant temperature shall be documented.
253 If the electric tests have to be performed at different temperature levels, Annex B gives guidance how to
254 perform these tests.6 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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255 Times and durations
256 Table 3 - Times/Duration definitions and abbreviations
Test parameter Meaning
t Rise time (e.g. of a voltage profile or a transient event)
t Fall time (e.g. of a voltage profile or a transient event)
t Hold time (e.g. of a voltage profile)
t Test duration
257 Standard tolerances
258 Unless otherwise specified, the tolerances in accordance with Table 4 apply with accuracy as shown in
Test parameter Value RemarkΔC ±10 % of specified component value Tolerance of capacitance
Δf ±1 % relating to the specified value Tolerance of AC voltage frequency
ΔL ±10 % of specified component value Tolerance of inductance
ΔR ±10 % of specified component value Tolerance of resistance
Δt 0 % to +5 % relating to the specified Tolerance of time/ duration
ΔU ±0,2 % of U Tolerance of DC voltage
DC upper_limit
ΔU 0 % to +5 % relating to the specified Tolerance of AC voltage
The specified value is given in the test description. The amplitude may not be below the given value.
259 Table 5.260 Tolerances refer to the required setting value. Tolerances of the component measurement shall not lead
261 to an OS change.262 Tolerances shall only be applied in a way that requirements are not weakened.
263 Table 4 - Standard tolerances for test equipmentTest parameter Value Remark
ΔC ±10 % of specified component value Tolerance of capacitance
Δf ±1 % relating to the specified value Tolerance of AC voltage frequency
ΔL ±10 % of specified component value Tolerance of inductance
ΔR ±10 % of specified component value Tolerance of resistance
Δt 0 % to +5 % relating to the specified Tolerance of time/ duration
ΔU ±0,2 % of U Tolerance of DC voltage
DC upper_limit
ΔU 0 % to +5 % relating to the specified Tolerance of AC voltage
The specified value is given in the test description. The amplitude may not be below the given value.
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264 Table 5 - Accuracy of measurement
Test parameter Value
Voltage measurement ±0,5 % of U
Current measurement ±1 % or 100 mA, whichever is greater
265 Ambient conditions
266 Unless otherwise specified, the values in accordance with Table 6 apply.
267 Table 6 – Test conditions
Test parameter Value Remark
RT (23 ± 5)°C Room temperature
RH 25 % to 75 % Relative humidity
T RT Ambient temperature
T according to specification or as agreed Coolant temperature
RT shall be used if temperature has no impact.
268 Wiring harness
269 The DUT shall be connected to the test setup using the following conditions. If there is an attached cable
270 tail at the DUT or a designated wiring harness, the test setup shall be connected at the end of the existing
271 cable. If not, a cable with a length of ≤ 2 m shall be used to connect the DUT to the test setup.
272 Load conditions273 The DUT shall be connected to an appropriate load or source. For all tests the DUT shall be operated at
274 continuous power, if not otherwise stated. If this condition can be reached at several operating points
275 (e.g. speed, torque), an appropriate operating point shall be agreed between customer and supplier.
276 If a component is able to consume and to deliver electrical energy (e.g. motor/generator), the component
277 shall be tested in both energy flow directions.278 Sampling rates and measured value resolutions
279 Sampling rate, bandwidth and resolution of the measuring system shall be adapted for the respective test.
280 This document contains tests concerning DC operation only and tests concerning AC characteristics
281 within a frequency range from 10 Hz to 150 kHz.282 Parameter monitoring
283 All additional parameters to be monitored shall be defined for the relevant tests with their value ranges.
284 During the complete test, the parameters to be monitored shall be recorded. The data resulting from the
285 continuous parameter monitoring shall be examined for trends and drifting to detect abnormalities or
286 malfunctions of the component. For components with fault memory, the customer and the supplier shall
287 prior to the testing agree upon which component behaviour that is to be stored during the test. The fault
288 memory shall be monitored and all entries shall be documented.8 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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289 Interface description
290 A detailed description of the states and electrical properties of all interfaces (measuring setup and
291 component) shall be provided.292 6.2 DC supply voltage variation within operational range
293 Purpose
294 This test verifies that the DUT is able to perform as specified when the DC voltage varies in the range
295 between the lower voltage limit and the upper voltage limit. The purpose is to emulate real battery
296 operation.297 Test setup
298 The test setup according to Figure 3 shall be used. It consists of a variable voltage class B voltage source
299 and the DUT. A profile for the voltage U at the connection to the DUT is given in Figure 4.
300301 Key
a DUT 5 Terminal with direct connection to voltage
class A ground reference
b Voltage class B circuit
6 Ground reference
c Voltage class A circuit
7 HV DC voltage source
1 Voltage class B connection: HV+
8 Current sensor (optional)
2 Voltage class B connection: HV-
9 Voltage sensor (reference for UHV)
3 Voltage class A power
4 I/O and bus signals
302 Figure 3 - Test setup for DC supply voltage variation within operational range
303 Test procedure304 Install the DUT in a test setup according to Figure 3 and verify that all functions operate according to OS1
305 at a voltage within the specification for unlimited operation (e.g. at U ).init
306 Change the level of the HV DC voltage source so that the measured voltage at the DUT (U ) becomes
307 according to the voltage profile in Figure 4 and Table 7.308 The voltage at the voltage class B terminals of the DUT (U ) and relevant parameters to evaluate the OS
309 shall be recorded during the test.© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 9
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311 Key
U Voltage b U
t Time c Umax_unlimited_op
t Fall time d U
f upper_limit
th Hold time e Uover_limit
t Rise time f U
r init
a Ulower_limit g One cycle
312 Figure 4 - Voltage profile for DC supply voltage variation within operational range
313 Table 7 - Test parameters for DC supply voltage variation within operational range
Test parameter Value Remark𝑈 (𝑈 + 𝑈 )/2
init max_unlimited_op min_unlimited_op
or as agreed
t ≥ 30 s Hold time
t |ΔU/Δt| ≤ 2V/s Fall time, to be determined with |ΔU/Δt|
t ≥ 5 s Hold time
tr ΔU/Δt ≤ 2V/s Rise time, to be determined wi
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