Electrically propelled road vehicles — Vocabulary

This document establishes a vocabulary of terms and the related definitions used in ISO/TC 22/SC 37 standards.

Véhicules routiers électriques — Vocabulaire

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ISO/TR 8713:2019 - Electrically propelled road vehicles -- Vocabulary
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Second edition
Electrically propelled road vehicles —
Véhicules routiers électriques — Vocabulaire
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ISO 2019
© ISO 2019
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviations.25
Annex A (informative) Topic specific list .27
Bibliography .37
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22 Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 37
Electrically propelled road vehicles.
This edition of ISO/TR 8713 cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8713:2012), which has been
technically revised and includes the following main changes:
— addition of all terms and definitions from ISO/TC 22/SC 37 standards;
— addition of source information for terms/definitions not developed in ISO/TC 22/SC 37;
— provision of information on standards using the relevant term and defining a master;
— adaptation of structure to the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2, 2016 edition;
— provision of a list of abbreviations used in this document.
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This document establishes a vocabulary of terms and the related definitions used in ISO standards for
electrically propelled road vehicles.
It provides support for the development of new standards and for the review of existing standards.
This document lists terms as defined in ISO/TC 22/SC 37 publications. For each term, the master
publication is assigned based on an ISO/TC 22/SC 37 decision. Other publications of ISO TC 22/SC 37
may contain definitions for those terms as well. This document replicates the definition for the term
from the master publication without any change. The master publication and the other publications are
listed with each term.
ISO/TC 22/SC 37 decided that project leaders of projects using the term should align themselves with
the content of the definition under the leadership of the project leader from the master publication.
ISO/TC 22/SC 37 prioritizes a consistent use of definitions for terms.
The terms and definitions are listed in alphabetical order. A topic specific list is given in Annex A.
Electrically propelled road vehicles — Vocabulary
1 Scope
This document establishes a vocabulary of terms and the related definitions used in ISO/TC 22/SC 37
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia available at http: //www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https: //www .iso .org/obp
acceleration ability (v1 to v2)
shortest time required to accelerate the vehicle from speed v1 to speed v2
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 8715:2001.
relative position of primary to secondary device
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO/PAS 19363:2017.
alignment check
confirmation that the primary and secondary devices are properly positioned relative to each other
Note 1 to entry: Proper positioning is done to assure sufficient system functionality (e.g. system efficiency, EMF/
EMC limits, safety requirements etc.).
[SOURCE: IEC 61980-2]
Note 2 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO/PAS 19363:2017.
applicable driving test
single driving test schedule which is specified for each region
EXAMPLE Chassis dynamometer test cycle for light-duty vehicles in Japan (JC08), New European Driving
Cycle (NEDC), Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS).
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 23274-2:2012, also defined in ISO 23274-1:2013 and
ISO 23828:2013.
auxiliary electric system
vehicle system, other than for vehicle propulsion, that operates on electric energy
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-3:2018, also defined in ISO 6469-2:2018 and
ISO 6469-4:2015.
balance of electric circuit
remaining section of an electric circuit when all electric power sources that are energized (RESS and
fuel cell stacks) are disconnected
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-3:2018, also defined in ISO 17409:2015.
basic insulation
insulation of hazardous live parts which provides basic protection
Note 1 to entry: This concept does not apply to insulation used exclusively for functional purposes.
Note 2 to entry: Where insulation is not provided by solid insulation only, it is complemented with protective
barriers or protective enclosures to prevent access to live parts in order to achieve basic protection.
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-195:1998, 195-06-06, modified — “hazardous-live-parts” written as “hazardous
live parts”]
Note 3 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-3:2018, also defined in ISO 17409:2015 and
ISO/PAS 19363:2017.
basic protection
protection against electric shock under fault-free conditions
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-195:1998, 195-06-01]
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-3:2018.
battery control unit
electronic device that controls, manages, detects or calculates electric and thermal functions of
the battery system and that provides communication between the battery system and other vehicle
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 12405-4:2018.
battery pack
energy storage device that includes cells or cell assemblies normally connected with cell electronics,
power supply circuits and overcurrent shut-off device, including electrical interconnections, interfaces
for external systems
Note 1 to entry: Examples of external systems are cooling, voltage class B, auxiliary voltage class A and
Note 2 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 12405-4:2018.
battery system
energy storage device that includes cells or cell assemblies or battery pack(s) as well as electrical
circuits and electronics
Note 1 to entry: Battery system components can also be distributed in different devices within the vehicle.
2 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

Note 2 to entry: Examples of electronics are the BCU and contactors.
Note 3 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 12405-4:2018, also defined in ISO/PAS 19363:2017.
vehicle designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in
addition to the driver's seat, and having a maximum mass exceeding 5 t
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-1:— .
total number of ampere-hours that can be withdrawn from a fully charged RESS under specified
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-1:— , also defined in ISO 12405-4:2018.
case A
connection of an EV to the a.c. supply network (mains) utilizing a supply cable and plug permanently
attached to the EV
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 17409:2015, also defined in ISO 6469-2:2018.
case B
connection of an EV to the a.c. supply network (mains) utilizing a detachable cable assembly with a
vehicle connector and a.c. EV supply equipment
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 17409:2015, also defined in ISO 6469-2:2018.
case C
connection of an EV to the a.c. supply network (mains) utilizing a supply cable and vehicle connector
permanently attached to the EV supply equipment
Note 1 to entry: Only case C is applicable for mode 4 (see IEC 61851–1).
Note 2 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 17409:2015, also defined in ISO 6469-2:2018.
cell electronics
electronic device that collects and possibly monitors thermal or electric data of cells or cell assemblies
and contains electronics for cell balancing, if necessary
Note 1 to entry: The cell electronics can include a cell controller. The functionality of cell balancing can be
controlled by the cell electronics or by the BCU.
Note 2 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 12405-4:2018.
charge balance of RESS
change of charge in RESS during fuel consumption measurement
Note 1 to entry: Normally expressed in ampere hours (Ah).
Note 2 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 23274-2:2012, also defined in ISO 23274-1:2013,
ISO 23828:2013 and ISO/TR 11955.
1) Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/FDIS 6469-1:2019.
2) Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/FDIS 6469-1:2019.
charge-depleting state
CD state
operating mode of a HEV with ICE in which the vehicle runs by consuming mainly the electric energy
from the stationary external power source or along with the fuel energy simultaneously or sequentially
until CS state
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 23274-2:2012.
power converter at the vehicle power supply circuit which supplies electric power, e.g. for charging a RESS
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 17409:2015.
charge-sustaining state
CS state
operating mode where the HEV runs by consuming the fuel energy while sustaining the electric energy
of the RESS
Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 23274-2:2012.
shortest distance in air between two conductive parts
Note 1 to entry: This distance applies only to parts that are exposed to the atmosphere and not to parts which
are isolated or covered with coating compound.
[SOURCE: IEC 60664-1:2007, 3.2]
Note 2 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-3:2018, also defined in ISO 6469-1:— .
complete vehicle kerb mass
mass of the vehicle including batteries, without occupants but with fuel, cooling liquid, window washer
fluid, lubricating oil, tools and spare w

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