57 - Power systems management and associated information exchange
To prepare international standards for power systems control equipment and systems including EMS (Energy Management Systems), SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), distribution automation, teleprotection, and associated information exchange for real-time and non-real-time information, used in the planning, operation and maintenance of power systems. Power systems management comprises control within control centres, substations and individual pieces of primary equipment including telecontrol and interfaces to equipment, systems and databases, which may be outside the scope of TC 57. The special conditions in a high voltage environment have to be taken into consideration. Note 1: Standards prepared by other technical committees of the IEC and organizations such as ITU and ISO shall be used where applicable. Note 2: Although the work of TC 57 is chiefly concerned with standards for electric power systems, these standards may also be useful for application by the relevant bodies to other geographical widespread processes. Note 3: Whereas standards related to measuring and protection relays and to the control and monitoring equipment used with these systems are treated by TC 95, TC 57 deals with the interface to the control systems and the transmission aspects for teleprotection systems. Whereas standards related to equipment for electrical measurement and load control are treated by TC 13, TC 57 deals with the interface of equipment for interconnection lines and industrial consumers and producers requiring energy management type interfaces to the control system.
Gestion des systèmes de puissance et échanges d'informations associés
Etablir des normes internationales pour les équipements et systèmes de conduite des systèmes de puissance incluant EMS, SCADA, automation de la distribution, téléprotection et communications associées telles que les courants porteurs en ligne, qui sont utilisés pour la planification, le fonctionnement et l'entretien des systèmes électriques de puissance. La conduite des systèmes de puissance inclut la fonction de conduite des centres de conduite, les RTU et les postes y compris la téléconduite et les interfaces avec les équipements, systèmes et bases de données qui sont en dehors du domaine d'activité du CE 57. Note 1: Les normes rédigées par d'autres Comités d'Etudes de la CEI et d'autres organisations comme l'UIT et l'ISO seront utilisées lorsqu'elles sont applicables. Note 2: Bien que les travaux du CE 57 soient principalement orientés vers les normes applicables aux systèmes électriques de puissance, ces normes peuvent avoir leur utilité dans des applications faites par des organismes compétents à d'autres procédés intéressant de grandes étendues géographiques. Note 3: Bien que les normes relatives aux mesures, relais de protection et aux équipements de conduite et contrôle utilisées dans ces systèmes relèvent du CE 95, le CE 57 est chargé des interfaces avec les systèmes de conduite et des questions de transmission pour les systèmes de téléprotection. Bien que les normes relatives aux équipements de mesure électrique et de contrôle de la charge relèvent du CE 13, le CE 57 est chargé de l'interface avec l'équipement de lignes d'interconnexion et avec les consommateurs et producteurs industriels qui nécessitent des interfaces de type gestion de l'énergie avec le système de conduite.
General Information
- Standard209 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 61968-5:2020 is the description of a set of functions that are needed for enterprise integration of DERMS functions. These exchanges are most likely between a DERMS and a DMS. However, since this is an enterprise integration standard which may leverage IEC 61968-100:2013 for application integration (using web services or JMS) or other loosely-coupled implementations, there are no technical limitations for systems with which a DERMS might exchange information. Also, it should be noted that a ...view more
- Standard99 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC TR 61850-90-12:2020, which is a Technical Report, is intended for an audience familiar with electrical power automation based on IEC 61850 and related power system management, and particularly for data network engineers and system integrators. It is intended to help them to understand the technologies, configure a wide area network, define requirements, write specifications, select components, and conduct tests.
This document provides definitions, guidelines, and recommendations for the eng...view more
- Technical report259 pagesEnglish language
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IEC 61970-301:2020 (E) lays down the common information model (CIM), which is an abstract model that represents all the major objects in an electric utility enterprise typically involved in utility operations. By providing a standard way of representing power system resources as object classes and attributes, along with their relationships, the CIM facilitates the integration of network applications developed independently by different vendors, between entire systems running network applications...view more
- Standard554 pagesEnglish language
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IEC TS 61850-1-2:2020, which is a technical specification, is intended for any users but primarily for standardization bodies that are considering using IEC 61850 as a base standard within the scope of their work and are willing to extend it as allowed by the IEC 61850 standards. This document identifies the required steps and high-level requirements in achieving such extensions of IEC 61850 and provides guidelines for the individual steps.
Within that scope, this document addresses the followi...view more
- Technical specification45 pagesEnglish language
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IEC 61968-1:2020 is the first in a series that, taken as a whole, defines interfaces for the major elements of an interface architecture for power system management and associated information exchange.
This document identifies and establishes recommendations for standard interfaces based on an Interface Reference Model (IRM). Subsequent clauses of this document are based on each interface identified in the IRM. This set of standards is limited to the definition of interfaces. They provide for i...view more
- Standard214 pagesEnglish and French language
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- Standard21 pagesEnglish and French language
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- Standard45 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 62351-100-3:2020, which is a technical specification, describes test cases of data and communication security for telecontrol equipment, Substation Automation Systems [SAS] and telecontrol systems, including front-end functions of SCADA.
The goal of this document is to enable interoperability by providing a standard method of testing protocol implementations to verify that a device fulfils the requirement of IEC 62351-3. Note that conformity to IEC 62351-3 does not guarantee interoperabilit...view more
- Technical specification29 pagesEnglish language
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IEC TS 61850-2:2019 (E) contains the glossary of specific terms and definitions used in the context of Substation Automation Systems which are standardized in the various parts of the IEC 61850 series.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) definition of new definitions used in the new edition of the IE...view more
- Technical specification40 pagesEnglish language
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IEC 62357-2:2019 (E), which is a technical report, establishes the list of Use Cases developed by TC 57, Power systems management and associated information exchanges, in order to prepare International Standards, Technical Reports and Technical Specifications. Use Cases are fundamental to TC 57 publications This Technical Report:
• Identifies in existing standards, technical specification, reports and in ongoing TC 57 work (CD, DTS, DTR etc.) the Use Cases used as well as their links to standar...view more
- Technical report295 pagesEnglish language
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IEC 61968:2019 specifies the information content of a set of message types that can be used to support many of the business functions related to records and asset management. Typical uses of the message types defined in this document include network extension planning, copying feeder or other network data between systems, network or diagram edits and asset inspection. Message types defined in other parts of IEC 61968 may also be relevant to these use cases. This second edition cancels and replac...view more
- Standard344 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC TR 61850-7-6:2019(E), which is a technical report, is focused on building application / function profiles and specifies a methodology to define Basic Application Profiles (BAPs). These Basic Application Profiles provide a framework for interoperable interaction within or between typical substation automation functions. BAPs are intended to define a subset of features of IEC 61850 in order to facilitate interoperability in a modular way in practical applications.
It is the intention of this ...view more
- Technical report68 pagesEnglish language
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EC 61850-8-2:2018 specifies a method of exchanging data through any kinds of network, including public networks. Among the various kinds of services specified in IEC 61850-7-2, only the client/server and time synchronization services are considered so far.
NOTE Client/server services of GOOSE and SMV models are mapped as well.
For the client/server services, the principle is to map the objects and services of the ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface defined in IEC 61850-7-2) to XML m...view more
- Standard514 pagesEnglish and French language
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- Standard9 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC TS 62351-100-1:2018(E), which is a technical specification, describes test cases of data and communication security for telecontrol equipment, substation automation systems (SAS) and telecontrol systems, including front-end functions of SCADA.
The goal of this document is to enable interoperability by providing a standard method of testing protocol implementations to verify that a device fulfils the requirement of the standard. Note that conformity to the standard does not guarantee interop...view more
- Technical specification110 pagesEnglish language
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IEC TR 62351-90-2:2018, which is a technical report, addresses the need to perform Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) on communication channels secured by IEC 62351. The main focus is the illustration of the state-of-the art of DPI techniques that can be applied to the various kinds of channels, highlighting the possible security risks and implementation costs. Additional, beyond state-of-the-art proposals are also described in order to circumvent the main limits of existing solutions.
It is to be no...view more
- Technical report28 pagesEnglish language
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IEC 62325-503:2018 specifies a standard for a communication platform which every Transmission System Operator (TSO) in Europe can use to exchange reliably and securely documents for the energy market. Consequently a European market participant (TSO, regional supervision centre, distribution utility, power exchange, etc.) could benefit from a single, common, harmonised and secure platform for message exchange with other participants; thus, reducing the cost of building different information techn...view more
- Standard179 pagesEnglish and French language
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- Standard381 pagesEnglish and French language
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- Standard17 pagesEnglish and French language
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