45A - Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems of nuclear facilities
To prepare standards applicable to the electronic and electrical functions and associated systems and equipment used in nuclear energy generation facilities (nuclear power plants, fuel handling and processing plants, interim and final repositories for spent fuel and nuclear waste) to improve the efficiency, safety and security of nuclear energy generation. Our standards cover the entire lifecycle of these instrumentation, control and electrical power systems, from conception, through design, manufacture, test, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, aging management, modernization and decommissioning. Our core domain is instrumentation, control and electrical power systems important to safety in nuclear energy generation facilities. The nuclear sector has its own well-developed safety philosophy and methodology, hence our safety publications address the differences from the generic approach and provide directives specific to nuclear energy related facilities with an all-encompassing approach to safety. According to the TC 45/IAEA agreement our nuclear sector safety and security standards implement principles and terminology of the IAEA safety and security guides. The core domain includes the radiation monitoring instrumentation used for monitoring, control and safety actuation functions. Our domain includes instrumentation, control and electrical power systems used in nuclear energy generation facilities to manage and control nuclear materials in the frame of international agreements and to safeguard nuclear material and prevent its illicit trafficking. Joint work and/or liaison will be undertaken in case of overlapping functions with radiological and environmental monitoring. An aspect of our charter is the application of emerging electronic techniques in order to meet nuclear instrumentation and control requirements, particularly computer systems and advances in information processing and control, including artificial intelligence. In this context, one of our strategic tasks is to review and comment on drafts of IAEA safety and security codes in order to maintain consistency between IAEA and IEC documents and identify detailed technical aspects for which IEC standard developments are appropriate and responsive to the market needs.
Systèmes d’instrumentation, de contrôle-commande et d'alimentation électrique des installations nucléaires
Préparer des normes applicables aux fonctions électroniques et électriques et aux systèmes associés et aux équipements utilisés dans les installations de production d'énergie nucléaire (centrales nucléaires de puissance, usines de transformation et de manutention du combustible, traitements des dépôts intermédiaires et finaux pour le combustible usé et des déchets nucléaires) afin d'améliorer l'efficacité et la sécurité de la production d'énergie nucléaire. Nos normes couvrent l'ensemble du cycle de vie de ces systèmes d'instrumentation, de contrôle, et électriques, de la définition, grâce à la conception, la fabrication, les tests, l'installation, la mise en service, l'exploitation, l'entretien, la gestion du vieillissement, la modernisation et la mise hors service. Notre cœur de métier est celui des systèmes d'instrumentation et de contrôle, importants pour la sûreté dans les installations de production d'énergie nucléaire. Le secteur nucléaire a sa propre philosophie de développement de la sécurité et de la méthodologie, d'où nos publications de sécurité portant sur les différences de l'approche générique, et donnant des directives spécifiques relatives aux installations d'énergie nucléaire avec une approche globale de la sécurité. Selon l'accord TC 45/AIEA, nos normes de sécurité du secteur nucléaire mettent en œuvre les principes et la terminologie des guides de sûreté de l'AIEA. Le domaine central comprend l'instrumentation de contrôle du rayonnement pour des fonctions de sécurité de surveillance, de commande et d'actionnement. Notre domaine comprend l'instrumentation, le contrôle et les systèmes électriques utilisés dans les installations de production d'énergie nucléaire pour gérer et contrôler les matières nucléaires dans le cadre des accords internationaux et de sauvegarder ses matières nucléaires et d'empêcher leur trafic illicite. Des travaux joints et/ou de liaison seront entrepris en cas de chevauchement des fonctions avec la surveillance radiologique et environnementale. Un aspect de notre charte est l'application des techniques électroniques émergentes afin de répondre aux exigences d'instrumentation et de contrôle nucléaires, en particulier les systèmes informatiques et les progrès dans le traitement et le contrôle des informations, y compris l'intelligence artificielle. Dans ce contexte, l'une de nos tâches stratégiques consiste à examiner et commenter les projets de code de sécurité de l'AIEA afin de maintenir la cohérence entre les documents de l'AIEA et de la CEI et d'identifier les aspects techniques détaillés pour lesquels des développements de normes IEC sont appropriés et répondent aux besoins du marché.
General Information
IEC 61031:2020 applies to the design, location and application of installed equipment for monitoring local gamma radiation dose rates within nuclear facilities during normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences. High range area gamma radiation dose rate monitoring equipment for accident conditions currently addressed by IEC 60951-1 and IEC 60951-3 is not within the scope of this document. This document does not apply to the measurement of neutron dose rate. Additional equipment for ...view more
- Standard22 pagesEnglish language
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IEC 63260:2020 provides a structured framework for the incorporation of human reliability analysis (HRA) into probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs).
This document is to enhance the analysis of human-system interactions in PRAs, to help ensure reproducible conclusions, and to standardize the documentation of such assessments. To do this, a specific HRA framework is developed from standard practices to serve as a benchmark to assess alternative ways of incorporating HRA into PRA. This standard is...view more
- Standard35 pagesEnglish language
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IEC 62566-2:2020 provides requirements for achieving highly reliable HDL-Programmed Devices (HPDs), for use in I&C systems of nuclear power plants performing functions of safety category B or C as defined by IEC 61226.
The programming of HPDs relies on Hardware Description Languages (HDL) and related software tools. They are typically based on blank Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or similar micro-electronic technologies such as Programmable Logic Devices (PLD), Complex Programmable Logi...view more
- Standard120 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 61226:2020 establishes, for nuclear power plants , a method of assignment of the functions specified for the plant into categories according to their importance to safety. Subsequent classification of the I&C and electrical power systems performing or supporting these functions, based on the assigned category, then determines relevant design criteria.
The design criteria, when applied, ensure the achievement of each function in accordance to its importance to safety. In this document, the c...view more
- Standard80 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 62003:2020 establishes requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing of instrumentation, control, and electrical equipment supplied for use in systems important to safety at nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities. The document lists the applicable IEC standards (principally the IEC 61000 series) which define the general test methods, and provides the necessary application-specific parameters and criteria to ensure that nuclear safety requirements are met.
This second edi...view more
- Standard80 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 62645:2019 establishes requirements and provides guidance for the development and management of effective computer security programmes for I&C programmable digital systems. Inherent to these requirements and guidance is the criterion that the power plant I&C programmable digital system security programme complies with the applicable country’s requirements.
This document defines adequate measures for the prevention of, detection of and reaction to malicious acts by digital means (cyberattack...view more
- Standard112 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC TR 63214:2019 provides a summary of arguments and a technical basis for the development of a new Human Factors Engineering IEC standard and the alignment of IEC 60964. Based on the provided argumentation, the participating members will vote for such an approach. The proposed content of the new standard provides the basis for fruitful discussion within IEC SC 45A WG 8 and raises interest in the development of the new standard.
The scope of the new HFE IEC standard will follow a holistic appr...view more
- Technical report18 pagesEnglish language
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IEC/IEEE 62582-6:2019 contains methods for condition monitoring of organic and polymeric materials in instrumentation and control cables using insulation resistance measurements in the detail necessary to produce accurate and reproducible results during simulated accident conditions. It includes the requirements for the measurement system and measurement procedure, and the reporting of the measurement results.
NOTE Measurement of insulation resistance during simulated accident conditions with t...view more
- Standard48 pagesEnglish and French language
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- Standard4 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 61225:2019 specifies the performance and the functional characteristics of the low voltage static uninterruptible power supply (SUPS) systems in a nuclear power plant and, for applicable parts, in general for nuclear facilities. An uninterruptible power supply is an electrical equipment which draws electrical energy from a source, stores it and maintains supply in a specified form by means inside the equipment to output terminals. A static uninterruptible power supply (SUPS) has no rotating ...view more
- Standard69 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 62765-2:2019 identifies minimum requirements and applicable practices for correcting and preventing any potential impacts on nuclear power plant (NPP) safety due to the ageing of temperature sensors, such as NPP resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and thermocouples (TCs).
This document provides strategies, technical requirements, and recommended practices for the management of the ageing of temperature sensors important to safety in nuclear power plants (NPPs) to ensure that ageing can ...view more
- Standard70 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC TR 63192:2019 provides the comparison of the hazard analysis requirements between IAEA framework and NRC-IEEE framework of standards and guidance. The hazard analysis requirements in the different standards were compared with a set of comparison criteria, including the safety principle, the safety process, the definitions, the hazard analysis process, etc. This document includes the comparison results of the HA requirements of the safety control systems of other safety industries in Annex C....view more
- Technical report53 pagesEnglish language
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IEC 62954:2019 presents the requirements for the on-site emergency response facilities (referred to hereinafter as the “ERF”) which are to be used in case of incidents or accidents occurring on the associated Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).
The ERF consists of the Emergency Response Centre (ERC), the Technical Support Centre (TSC) and the Operational Support Centre (OSC).
It establishes requirements for the ERF features and ERF I&C equipment to:
· coordinate on-site operational efforts with respec...view more
- Standard56 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 60964:2018 is available as IEC 60964:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.
IEC 60964:2018 establishes requirements for the human-machine interface in the main control rooms of nuclear power plants. The document also establishes requirements for the selection of functions, design consideration and organization of the human-machine interface and procedures which are used systema...view more
- Standard87 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 62138:2018 is also available as IEC 62138:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.
IEC 62138:2018 specifies requirements for the software of computer-based instrumentation and control (I&C) systems performing functions of safety category B or C as defined by IEC 61226. It complements IEC 60880 which provides requirements for the software of computer-based I&C systems performin...view more
- Standard106 pagesEnglish and French language
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- Standard4 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 62887:2018 lays down specific requirements for nuclear applications of pressure transmitters including design, materials, manufacturing, testing, calibration and inspection. This document is applicable to general aspects of design, manufacturing and test methods for pressure transmitters used in instrumentation systems important to safety in all nuclear power plants (PWR, BWR, FBR, etc.). The consequences of nuclear conditions for pressure transmitters lead to onerous requirements regarding ...view more
- Standard59 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 60744:2018 provides requirements and recommendations for the design, construction and test of safety logic assemblies used in safety systems to perform category A safety functions (in accordance with IEC 61226). Safety logic assemblies include logic such as the hardwired logic assembly interfacing computer-based systems to switchgear, actuators or contactors to provide trip or engineered safety feature actuations. Safety logic assemblies are significant parts of a safety system and may inclu...view more
- Standard70 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 60772:2018 applies to electrical penetration assemblies (EPAs) in containment structures of nuclear power plants. It covers the engineering safety requirements to be met in the design, calculation, qualification, fabrication, assembly, testing, and installation of EPAs. EPAs provide gas-tight and pressure-resistant penetrations through the containment for one or more electrical circuits. EPA requirements are divided into mechanical (e.g. containment integrity), and electrical or optical aspe...view more
- Standard84 pagesEnglish and French language
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IEC 62988:2018 establishes requirements relevant to the selection and use of wireless devices in instrumentation and control (I&C) systems important to safety used in nuclear power plants (NPPs). Those I&C systems may fully consist of wireless devices. This document applies to the I&C of new NPPs and to backfit of I&C in existing NPPs. Every wireless device or wireless system that is important to safety is in the scope of this document. Both fixed and mobile devices and all data types (voice, pr...view more
- Standard37 pagesEnglish and French language
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