ISO/IEC DIS 30134-8
(Main)Information technology -- Data centres key performance indicators
Information technology -- Data centres key performance indicators
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General Information
Standards Content (sample)
ISO/IEC DIS 30134-8
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 39 Secretariat: ANSI
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2020-12-28 2021-03-22
Information technology — Data centres — Key
performance indicators —
Part 8:
Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE)
ICS: 35.020
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/IEC DIS 30134-8:2020(E)
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ISO/IEC DIS 30134-8:2020(E)
83 FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................................... 6
84 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 8
85 1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 9
86 2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................... 9
87 3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations and symbols ................................................................................ 9
88 3.1 Terms and definitions............................................................................................................. 9
89 3.1.1 Carbon Usage Effectiveness .................................................................................... 9
90 3.1.2 total data centre energy............................................................................................ 9
91 3.1.3 IT equipment energy consumption ......................................................................... 10
92 3.1.4 global warming potential......................................................................................... 10
93 3.1.5 greenhouse gases .................................................................................................. 10
94 3.1.6 carbon dioxide equivalent....................................................................................... 10
95 3.1.7 Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide....................................................................... 10
96 3.1.8 external Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide......................................................... 10
97 3.1.9 internal Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide.......................................................... 10
98 3.2 Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 10
99 3.3 Symbols ............................................................................................................................... 11
100 4 Applicable area of the data centre.................................................................................................. 11
101 5 Determination of Carbon Usage Effectiveness .............................................................................. 11
102 6 Measurement of Carbon Usage Effectiveness............................................................................... 12
103 6.1 Requirements....................................................................................................................... 12
104 6.2 Calculation and measurement of the actual CO ................................................................. 12
105 6.2.1 Calculation and measurement period and frequency............................................. 12
106 6.2.2 Categories of Carbon Usage Effectiveness............................................................ 12
107 7 Application of Carbon Usage Effectiveness ................................................................................... 14
108 8 Reporting of Carbon Usage Effectiveness..................................................................................... 14
109 8.1 Requirements....................................................................................................................... 14
110 8.1.1 Standard construct for communicating CUE data .................................................. 14
111 8.1.2 Data for public reporting of CUE ......................................................................... 14
112 8.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 15
113 8.2.1 Trend tracking data ............................................................................................ 15
114 8.3 CUE derivatives ................................................................................................................... 16
115 8.3.1 Purpose of CUE derivatives ............................................................................... 16
116 8.3.2 Using CUE derivatives ....................................................................................... 16
117 8.3.3 Interim CUE ........................................................................................................ 16
118 8.3.4 Partial CUE ........................................................................................................ 16
119 8.3.5 Design CUE ....................................................................................................... 17
120 Annex A (informative) Examples of use ................................................................................................ 18
COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT121 A.1 Correct use of CUE.............................................................................................................. 18
© ISO/IEC 2020122 A.2 Carbon Usage Effectiveness category 1.............................................................................. 18
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
123 A.3 Carbon Usage Effectiveness category 2e............................................................................ 18
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
124 A.4 Carbon Usage Effectiveness category 3.............................................................................. 19
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.125 A.5 interim Carbon Usage Effectiveness category 2e................................................................ 19
ISO copyright office126 Annex B (informative) Energy Conversion Factors ........................................................................... 21
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
127 B.1 Energy Measurement at the Data Centre Boundary...................................................................... 21
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC DIS 30134-8:2020(E)
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83 FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................................... 6
84 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 8
85 1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 9
86 2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................... 9
87 3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations and symbols ................................................................................ 9
88 3.1 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................. 9
89 3.1.1 Carbon Usage Effectiveness .................................................................................... 9
90 3.1.2 total data centre energy ............................................................................................ 9
91 3.1.3 IT equipment energy consumption ......................................................................... 10
92 3.1.4 global warming potential ......................................................................................... 10
93 3.1.5 greenhouse gases .................................................................................................. 10
94 3.1.6 carbon dioxide equivalent ....................................................................................... 10
95 3.1.7 Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide ....................................................................... 10
96 3.1.8 external Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide ......................................................... 10
97 3.1.9 internal Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide .......................................................... 10
98 3.2 Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 10
99 3.3 Symbols ............................................................................................................................... 11
100 4 Applicable area of the data centre.................................................................................................. 11
101 5 Determination of Carbon Usage Effectiveness .............................................................................. 11
102 6 Measurement of Carbon Usage Effectiveness ............................................................................... 12
103 6.1 Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 12
104 6.2 Calculation and measurement of the actual CO2 ................................................................. 12
105 6.2.1 Calculation and measurement period and frequency ............................................. 12
106 6.2.2 Categories of Carbon Usage Effectiveness ............................................................ 12
107 7 Application of Carbon Usage Effectiveness ................................................................................... 14
108 8 Reporting of Carbon Usage Effectiveness ..................................................................................... 14
109 Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 14
8.1110 8.1.1 Standard construct for communicating CUE data .................................................. 14
111 8.1.2 Data for public reporting of CUE ......................................................................... 14
112 8.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 15
113 8.2.1 Trend tracking data ............................................................................................ 15
114 8.3 CUE derivatives ................................................................................................................... 16
115 8.3.1 Purpose of CUE derivatives ............................................................................... 16
116 8.3.2 Using CUE derivatives ....................................................................................... 16
117 8.3.3 Interim CUE ........................................................................................................ 16
118 8.3.4 Partial CUE ........................................................................................................ 16
119 8.3.5 Design CUE ....................................................................................................... 17
120 Annex A (informative) Examples of use ................................................................................................ 18
121 A.1 Correct use of CUE .............................................................................................................. 18
122 A.2 Carbon Usage Effectiveness category 1 .............................................................................. 18
123 A.3 Carbon Usage Effectiveness category 2e............................................................................ 18
124 A.4 Carbon Usage Effectiveness category 3 .............................................................................. 19
125 A.5 interim Carbon Usage Effectiveness category 2e ................................................................ 19
126 Annex B (informative) Energy Conversion Factors ........................................................................... 21
127 B.1 Energy Measurement at the Data Centre Boundary ...................................................................... 21
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128 Annex C (normative) Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide .............................................................. 22
129 C.1 Determination of carbon emission factors (normative)................................................................... 22
130 C.2 Examples for carbon emission factors (informative) ...................................................................... 22
131 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................... 25
132133 List of figures
134 No figures
135 List of tables
136 Table 1 - CUE Categories
137 Table B.1 - Energy measurement methods at the data centre boundary
138 Table C.1 - EFC by energy source
139 Table C.2 - EFC for electricity from the grid by countries
140 Table C.3 - EFC for refrigerants
141 Table C.4 - Examples of GWP of GHG
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ISO/IEC DIS 30134-8:2020(E)
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144 ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
145 bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
146 through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
147 committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
148 organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
149 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
150 electrotechnical standardization.151 The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
152 described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
153 different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted following the editorial
154 rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
156 patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
157 any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
158 on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
160 constitute an endorsement.161 For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
162 assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
163 Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information.
164 The committee responsible for this document is ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, SC 39,
165 Sustainability for and by Information Technology.166 ISO/IEC 30134 consists of the following parts, under general title Information technology — Data
167 centres — Key performance indicators:168 — Part 1: Overview and general requirements
169 — Part 2: Power usage effectiveness (PUE) )
170 — Part 3: Renewable energy factor (REF)
171 — Part 4: IT equipment energy efficiency for servers (ITEE_SV)
172 — Part 5: IT equipment utilization for servers (ITEU_SV)
173 The following parts are under preparation:
174 — Part 6: Energy Reuse Factor (ERF)
175 — Part 7: Cooling Efficiency Ratio (CER)
176 — Part 9: Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE)
It is recognized that the term “efficiency” should be employed but “effectiveness” provides continuity with an earlier market
recognition of the term.© ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved
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177 Additional parts will be developed, each describing a specific KPI for resource usage effectiveness or
178 efficiency.179
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ISO/IEC DIS 30134-8:2020(E)
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181 The global economy is now reliant on information and communication technologies and the associated
182 generation, transmission, dissemination, computation and storage of digital data. All markets have
183 experienced exponential growth in that data, for social, educational and business sectors and, while
184 the internet backbone carries the traffic, there are a wide variety of data centres at nodes and hubs
185 within both private enterprise and shared/collocation facilities.186 The historical data generation growth rate exceeds the capacity growth rate of the information and
187 communications technology hardware and, with less than half (in 2014) of the world’s population
188 having access to an internet connection, that growth in data can only accelerate. Besides, with many
189 governments having “digital agendas” to provide both citizens and businesses with ever-faster
190 broadband access, the very increase in network speed and capacity will, by itself, generate ever more
191 usage (Jevons Paradox). Data generation and the consequential increase in data manipulation and
192 storage are directly linked to increased power consumption.193 With this background, data centres growth, and power consumption in particular, is an inevitable
194 consequence and that growth will demand increasing power consumption despite the most stringent
195 energy efficiency strategies. This makes the need for key performance indicators (KPIs) that cover the
196 effective use of resources (including but not limited to energy) and the reduction of CO2 emissions
197 essential.198 Within the ISO/IEC 30134 series, the term “resource usage effectiveness” is more generally used for
199 KPIs in preference to “resource usage efficiency”, which is restricted to situations where the input and
200 output parameters used to define the KPI have the same units.201 Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE) will provide the data centre practitioner quickly the sustainability of
202 their data centers, compare the results, and determine if any energy efficiency and/or sustainability
203 improvements need to be made. The impact of operational carbon usage is emerging as extremely
204 important in the design, location, and operation of current and future data centers.
205 To determine the overall resource efficiency of a data centre, a holistic suite of metrics is required.
206 This International Standard is one of a series of standards for such KPIs and has been produced in
207 accordance with ISO/IEC 30134-1, which defines common requirements for a holistic suite of KPIs for
208 data centre resource efficiency. This International Standard does not specify limits or targets for the
209 KPI and does not describe or imply, unless specifically stated, any form of aggregation of this KPI into
210 a combination with other KPIs for data centre resource efficiency. The paper presents specific rules on
211 CUE’s use, along with its theoretical and mathematical development. The paper concludes with
212 several examples of site concepts that could employ the CUE metric.213
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ISO/IEC DIS 30134-8:2020(E)
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214 Information Technology - Data Centres - Key Performance Indicators -
215 Part 8: Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE)
216 1 Scope
217 This document specifies the Carbon Usage Effectiveness as a KPI to qualify the CO emissions of a
218 data centre during the use phase of the data centre life cycle. CUE is defined as the ratio of the data
219 centre CO emissions divided by the sum of energy consumed by IT equipment.220 Carbon Usage Effectiveness is a simple method for reporting the CO2 intensity of the data centre
221 operating. By reporting CO emissions, it is possible to present the data centres contribution to climate
222 change (enhanced greenhouse effect).223 This International Standard
224 a) defines the Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE) of a data centre,
225 b) introduces CUE measurement categories,
226 c) describes the relationship of this KPI to a data centre’s infrastructure, information technology
227 equipment and information technology operations,228 d) defines the measurement, the calculation and the reporting of the parameter,
229 e) provides information on the correct interpretation of the CUE.230 NOTE: The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the earth’s surface. When the sun’s energy reaches the earth’s
231 atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. The absorbed
232 energy warms the atmosphere and the surface of the earth. The enhanced greenhouse effect designates human activities like
233 burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), agriculture and land clearing which are increasing the concentrations of
234 greenhouse gases. This is the enhanced man-made greenhouse effect, which is contributing to the warming of the earth.
235 2 Normative references236 The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
237 references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
238 document (including any amendments) applies.239 ISO/IEC 30134-1, Information Technology - Data Centres - Key Performance Indicators - Part 1:
240 Overview and General Requirements241 ISO/IEC 30134-2, Information Technology - Data Centres - Key Performance Indicators - Part 2:
242 Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)243 3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations and symbols
244 3.1 Terms and definitions
245 For the purposes of this document the definitions of ISO/IEC 30134-1 and -2 and the following terms
246 shall apply.247 3.1.1 Carbon Usage Effectiveness
248 the ratio of the data centre annual CO emissions and IT equipment energy demand
249 3.1.2 total data centre energy250 total annual energy consumption for all energy types serving the data centre at the point of utility
251 handoff252 Note 1 to entry: The total data centre energy is measured in kWh; the energy is measured with energy metering
253 devices at the boundary of the data centre.© ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved
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254 Note 2 to entry: This includes electricity, natural gas and district utilities such as supplied chilled water or
255 condenser water.256 Note 3 to entry: Total annual energy includes supporting infrastructure.
257 [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 30134-2:2016, 3.1.7, modified]
258 3.1.3 IT equipment energy consumption
259 energy consumed by equipment that is used to manage, process, store or route data within the
260 compute space261 Note 1 to entry: The IT equipment energy consumption is measured in kWh; examples for IT equipment are
262 servers, storage equipment, and telecommunications equipment.263 3.1.4 global warming potential
264 the radiative forcing impact of a given greenhouse gas relative to that of carbon dioxide
265 3.1.5 greenhouse gases266 gaseous constituent of the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation at specific wavelengths within
267 the spectrum of infrared radiation emitted by the earth's surface, the atmosphere, and clouds
268 Note 1 to entry: For this standard seven GHG are considered: carbon dioxide (CO ), methane (CH ), nitrous oxide
2 4269 (N O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF ) and Nitrogen trifluoride
2 6270 (NF3).
271 Note 2 to entry: A list of greenhouse gases with their recognized global warming potentials is provided in ISO
272 14067:2018.273 3.1.6 carbon dioxide equivalent
274 the global warming potential of a greenhouse gas expressed in terms of the global warming potential
275 of one unit of carbon dioxide276 Note 1 to entry: The definition follows ISO 14067:2018.
277 3.1.7 Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide
278 specific carbon emission of the data centre energy
279 3.1.8 external Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide
280 specific carbon emission of the data centre energy from outside the data centre boundaries
281 3.1.9 internal Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide282 specific carbon emission of the data centre energy produced inside the data centre boundaries
283 Note 1 to entry: The specific carbon emission is measured in kg CO2 per kWh.284 3.2 Abbreviations
285 For this document, the abbreviations of ISO/IEC 30134-1 and the following apply.
286 approx. approximately287 EFC Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide
288 CRAC Computer Room Air Conditioning Units
289 CUE Carbon Usage Effectiveness
290 CO carbon dioxide
291 CO2e carbon dioxide equivalent
292 DC data centre
293 DC CO2 data centre related carbon dioxide emissions
294 E energy
295 el electrical
296 GHG greenhouse gases
297 GWP global warming potential
298 IT Information Technologie
299 PUE Power Usage Effectiveness
300 KPI Key Performance Indicators
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301 3.3 Symbols
302 For this document the following symbols apply.
303 E total data centre energy consumption (annual)
304 E energy consumption of IT equipment (annual)
305 EFC external Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide
306 EFC internal Emission Factor for Carbon Dioxide
308 4 Applicable area of the data centre
309 Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE) as specified in this standard:
310 a) is associated with the data centre infrastructure and IT equipment within its boundaries only;
311 b) describes the Carbon Usage Effectiveness relative to facilities with given environmental
312 conditions, IT load characteristics, availability requirements, maintenance, and security
313 requirement;314 c) measures the relationship between the total data centre CO2 emissions and the IT equipment
315 energy consumed.316 CUE does not:
317 1) account for the efficiency of other resources such as human resource, space or water;
318 2) provide a data centre productivity metric;319 3) provide a standalone, comprehensive efficiency metric.
320 5 Determination of Carbon Usage Effectiveness
321 CUE provides a way to determine the carbon emissions associated with data centres. CUE will range
322 from 0 to infinity. CUE has an ideal value of 0.0, indicating that no carbon use is associated with the
323 data centre’s operations. CUE has no theoretical upper boundary.324 Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE) is defined as:
325 (1)
326 Where
327 E = IT equipment energy consumption (annual) [kWh]
328 DC CO = CO emissions (annual) of the data centre [kg]
2 2
329 NOTE: The values for DC CO differ regarding to the CUE category (see 6.2.2).
330 The accuracy of measuring IT energy shall refer to PUE categories. The accuracy of measuring shall
331 be reported in section 8.1 required supporting evidence ( NOTE: The accuracy of measuring IT energy for CUE is not necessarily the same as the accuracy of measuring IT energy for
333 PUE (e.g. CUE category 1 can be reported with an accuracy of measuring IT energy referring to PUE category 2).
334 CUE may be applied in mixed use buildings when measurement of the CO -emisions caused by the
335 data centre and that for other functions is possible.© ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved
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336 6 Measurement of Carbon Usage Effectiveness
337 6.1 Requirements
338 All Key Performanc
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