Information technology -- Data centre facilities and infrastructures

Technologie de l’information -- Installation et infrastructures de centres de traitement de données

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ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1 - Information technology -- Data centre facilities and infrastructures
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ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 39 Secretariat: ANSI
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2020-08-25 2020-11-17
Information technology — Data centre facilities and
infrastructures —
Part 1:
General concepts

Technologie de l’information — Installation et infrastructures de centres de traitement de données —

Partie 1: Concepts généraux
ICS: 35.020
IMPORTANT — Please use this updated version dated 2020-07-21, and discard
any previous version of this DIS. This version contains line-numbering.
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)
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ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)
© ISO/IEC 2020

All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may

be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting

on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address

below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)
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1 Contents

2 Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5

4 1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 7

5 2 Normative references........................................................................................................................ 7

6 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations ............................................................................................. 8

7 3.1 Terms and definitions .......................................................................................................................... 8

8 3.2 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................... 11

9 4 Conformance ................................................................................................................................... 12

10 5 Business risk analysis .................................................................................................................... 12

11 5.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 12

12 5.2 Business impact analysis .................................................................................................................. 12

13 5.3 Risk analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 13

14 6 Data centre design overview .......................................................................................................... 14

15 6.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 14

16 6.2 Spaces and facilities.......................................................................................................................... 14

17 7 Classification system for the design of data centre facilities and infrastructures .................. 17

18 7.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 17

19 7.2 Availability ......................................................................................................................................... 17

20 7.3 Physical security ................................................................................................................................ 19

21 7.4 Energy efficiency enablement ........................................................................................................... 21

22 8 Design and implementation process ............................................................................................ 22

23 8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 22

24 8.2 Design phases ................................................................................................................................... 22

25 9 Design Principles ............................................................................................................................ 24

26 9.1 Design reference documentation ...................................................................................................... 24

27 9.2 Design principles to support energy efficiency .................................................................................. 24

28 9.3 Design principles for electromagnetic interference ........................................................................... 25

29 9.4 Design principles to support operational excellence ......................................................................... 25

30 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................. 31

31 Figures

32 Figure 2 – Example of risk map ................................................................................................................... 14

33 Figure 3 – Typical schematic diagram of premises containing a data centre ............................................. 16

34 Figure 4 – Design phases............................................................................................................................ 22

35 Tables
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36 Foreword

37 ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical

38 Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are

39 members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical

40 committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical

41 activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international

42 organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the

43 work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,


45 The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are

46 described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for

47 the different types of document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the

48 editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see

49 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject

50 of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent

51 rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the

52 Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see

53 Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does

54 not constitute an endorsement.

55 For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and

56 expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the

57 World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the

58 following URL:

59 This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,

60 Subcommittee SC 39, “New title”.

61 A list of all parts in the ISO/IEC 22237 (and the ISO/IEC TS 22237) series can be found on the ISO

62 website.
63 This document will supersede ISO/IEC TS 22237-1:2018.
64 The following changes have been made:
65 a) Clause 7 (Availability) has been revised;

66 c) the design processes (Clause 8) and design principles (Clause 9) have been moved from an

67 annex to the main body of the document;
68 d) existing Annex A has been removed;
69 e) new Annexes A and B have been added;
70 f) tbd.
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71 Introduction

72 The unrestricted access to internet-based information demanded by the information society has led to an

73 exponential growth of both internet traffic and the volume of stored/retrieved data. Data centres are housing

74 and supporting the information technology and network telecommunications equipment for data processing,

75 data storage and data transport. They are required both by network operators (delivering those services to

76 customer premises) and by enterprises within those customer premises.

77 Data centres need to provide modular, scalable and flexible facilities and infrastructures to easily accommodate

78 the rapidly changing requirements of the market. In addition, energy consumption of data centres has become

79 critical both from an environmental point of view (reduction of carbon footprint) and with respect to

80 economical considerations (cost of energy) for the data centre operator.
81 The implementation of data centres varies in terms of:

82 a) purpose (enterprise, co-location, co-hosting or network operator facilities);

83 b) security level;
84 c) physical size;
85 d) accommodation (mobile, temporary and permanent constructions).
86 Note: Cloud services can be provided by all mentioned data centre types

87 The needs of data centres also vary in terms of availability of service, the provision of security and the

88 objectives for energy efficiency. These needs and objectives influence the design of data centres in terms of

89 building construction, power distribution, environmental control, telecommunications cabling and physical

90 security. Effective management and operational information is required to monitor achievement of the defined

91 needs and objectives.

92 The ISO/IEC 22237 series specifies requirements and recommendations to support the various parties

93 involved in the design, planning, procurement, integration, installation, operation and maintenance of facilities

94 and infrastructures within data centres. These parties include:

95 1) owners, operators, facility managers, ICT managers, project managers, main contractors;

96 2) consultants, architects, building designers and builders, system/installation designers, auditors, test and

97 commissioning agents;
98 3) suppliers of equipment;
99 4) installers, maintainers.

100 At the time of publication of this document, the ISO/IEC 22237 series will comprise the following documents:

101 — ISO/IEC 22237-1, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 1:

102 General concepts;

103 — ISO/IEC 22237-2, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2:

104 Building construction;

105 — ISO/IEC 22237-3, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 3:

106 Power distribution;

107 — ISO/IEC 22237-4, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 4:

108 Environmental control;

109 — ISO/IEC 22237-5, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 5:

110 Telecommunications cabling infrastructure;
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111 — ISO/IEC 22237-6, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 6:

112 Security systems;

113 — ISO/IEC 22237-7: Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 7:

114 Management and operational information.

115 The inter-relationship of the specifications within the ISO/IEC 22237 series is shown in Figure 1.


117 Figure 1 — Schematic relationship between the ISO/IEC 22237 series of documents

118 This document, ISO/IEC 22237-1, defines the general concepts for the design and operation of data

119 centres. This includes a business risk and operational cost analysis as well as a classification system

120 for data centres with respect to “availability”, “physical security” and “energy efficiency enablement”.

121 ISO/IEC 22237-2 to ISO/IEC 22237-6 specify requirements and recommendations for particular

122 facilities and infrastructures to support the relevant classification for “availability”, “physical

123 security” and “energy efficiency enablement” selected from ISO/IEC 22237-1.

124 ISO/IEC 22237-7 addresses the operational and management information (in accordance with the

125 requirements of ISO/IEC 22237-1).

126 This document is intended for use by and collaboration between architects, building designers and

127 builders, system and installation designers.

128 The ISO/IEC 22237 series does not address the selection of information technology and network

129 telecommunications equipment, software and associated configuration issues.
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131 1 Scope
132 This document:

133 a) describes the general principles for data centres upon which the requirements of the ISO/IEC 22237

134 series are based;

135 b) defines the common aspects of data centres including terminology, parameters and reference models

136 (functional elements and their accommodation) addressing both the size and complexity of their

137 intended purpose;

138 c) describes general aspects of the facilities and infrastructures required to support data centres;

139 d) specifies a classification system, based upon the key criteria of “availability”, “security” and “energy-

140 efficiency” over the planned lifetime of the data centre, for the provision of effective facilities and

141 infrastructure;

142 e) details the issues to be addressed in a business risk and operating cost analysis enabling application

143 of the classification of the data centre;
144 f) provides reference to operation and management of data centres.

145 The following topics are outside of the scope of this series of International Standards:

146 1) the selection of information technology and network telecommunications equipment, software and

147 associated configuration issues are outside the scope of this International Standard;

148 2) quantitative analysis of overall service availability resulting from multi-site data centres;

149 3) safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements (covered by other standards and

150 regulations. However, information given in this International Standard can be of assistance in meeting

151 these standards and regulations).
152 2 Normative references

153 The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes

154 requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,

155 the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

156 ISO/IEC TS 22237-2, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures – Part 2:

157 Building construction

158 ISO/IEC 22237-3:-, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures – Part 3: Power

159 distribution

160 ISO/IEC 22237-4:-, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures – Part 4:

161 Environmental control

162 ISO/IEC TS 22237-5, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures – Part 5:

163 Telecommunications cabling infrastructure

164 ISO/IEC TS 22237-6, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures – Part 6:

165 Security systems
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167 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
168 3.1 Terms and definitions

169 For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

170 ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

171 — IEC Electropedia: available at
172 — ISO Online browsing platform: available at
173 3.1.1
174 availability

175 ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given instant of

176 time or over a given time interval, assuming that the required external resources are provided

177 [SOURCE: IEC 60050-191:1990, 191-02-05]
178 3.1.2
179 building entrance facility

180 facility that provides all necessary services, and which complies with all relevant regulations, for the entry

181 of specific infrastructures or services into a building
182 3.1.3
183 building security

184 facilities and systems necessary to provide the required levels of security at the entrance to and within the

185 building containing the data centre
186 3.1.4
187 cabinet

188 enclosed construction for housing closures and other information technology equipment

189 [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 14763-2:2019, 3.1.6 – modified: removed the word “intended” and replaced

190 “telecommunications components and” with “information”]
191 3.1.5
192 co-hosting data centre

193 data centre in which multiple customers are provided with access to network(s), servers and storage

194 equipment on which they operate their own services/applications

195 Note 1 to entry: Both the information technology equipment and the support infrastructure of the building are provided as a service by

196 the data centre operator.
197 3.1.6
198 co-location data centre

199 data centre in which multiple customers locate their own network(s), servers and storage equipment

200 Note 1 to entry: The support infrastructure of the building (such as power distribution and environmental control) is provided as a

201 service by the data centre operator.
202 3.1.7
203 computer room space

204 area within the data centre that accommodates the data processing, data storage and telecommunication

205 equipment that provides the primary function of the data centre
206 3.1.8
207 control room space

208 area within the data centre used to control the operation of the data centre and to act as a central point for

209 all control and monitoring functions
210 3.1.9
211 data centre

212 a structure, or group of structures, dedicated to the centralised accommodation, interconnection and

213 operation of information technology and network telecommunications equipment providing data storage,

214 processing and transport services together with all the facilities and infrastructures for power distribution

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215 and environmental control together with the necessary levels of resilience and security required to provide

216 the desired service availability

217 Note 1 to entry: A structure can consist of multiple buildings and/or spaces with specific functions to support the primary function.

218 Note 2 to entry: The boundaries of the structure or space considered the data centre, which includes the information and

219 communication technology equipment and supporting environmental controls, can be defined within a larger structure or building.

220 [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 30134-1:2016, 3.1.4]
221 3.1.10
222 data centre security

223 necessary facilities and systems that provide the required levels of security at the entrance to and within

224 the data centre
225 3.1.11
226 demarcation point
227 point where the operational control or ownership changes
228 3.1.12
229 electrical distribution space

230 area used for housing facilities to distribute electrical power between the transformer space and electrical

231 spaces within the data centre or elsewhere within the premises or individual buildings within the premises

232 3.1.13
233 electrical space

234 area within the data centre used for housing facilities to deliver and control electrical power to the data

235 centre spaces (including switchboards, batteries, uninterruptible power systems (UPS) etc.)

236 3.1.14
237 enterprise data centre

238 data centre that is operated by an enterprise which has the sole purpose of the delivery and management

239 of services to its employees and customers
240 3.1.15
241 external premises security

242 facilities and systems that provide the required levels of security for the area between the building and the

243 boundary of the premises
244 3.1.16
245 energy efficiency enablement

246 ability to measure the energy consumption and to allow calculation and reporting of energy efficiency of the

247 various facilities and infrastructures
248 3.1.17
249 facility
250 spaces and pathways that accommodate a specific infrastructure
251 3.1.18
252 functional capability

253 ability of the data centre (or system or sub-system) to deliver its intended function

254 3.1.19
255 functional element
256 source of supply, device or path
257 3.1.20
258 generator space

259 area used for housing the installation of electrical power supply generation equipment together with control

260 systems, storage of associated fuels or energy conversion equipment
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262 3.1.21
263 holding space

264 area within the data centre used for the holding of equipment prior to being brought into service or having

265 been taken out of service
266 3.1.22
267 infrastructure

268 technical systems providing functional capability of the data centre (e.g. power distribution, environmental

269 control and physical security)
270 3.1.23
271 main distributor

272 distributor used to make connections between the main distribution cabling subsystem, network access

273 cabling subsystem and cabling subsystems and active equipment

274 [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 11801-5:2017, 3.1.6, - modified: removed “as specified in ISO/IEC 11801-1”]

275 3.1.24
276 mechanical space

277 area that is used for housing mechanical equipment and infrastructure that provides environmental control

278 for the data centre spaces (including chillers and water treatment, air handling and fire suppression

279 systems)
280 3.1.25
281 network operator data centre

282 data centre that has the primary purpose of the delivery and management of broadband services to the

283 operators customers
284 3.1.26
285 physical security

286 measures (combining physical and technological controls), procedures and responsibilities to maintain the

287 desired level of availability for the facilities and infrastructures of the data centres in relation to access

288 control and environmental events
289 3.1.27
290 planned downtime

291 period of time during which a system or sub-system does not provide functional capability whilst it

292 undergoes maintenance or is switched off to test the response of a related system or sub-system

293 3.1.28
294 premises entrance facility

295 facility that provides all necessary services, and which complies with all relevant regulations, for the entry

296 of specific infrastructures or services into premises
297 3.1.29
298 reliability

299 probability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions over a given

300 time interval
301 3.1.30
302 storage space

303 secured area where general goods and/or data centre goods to be used in the premises and data centre

304 are stored
305 3.1.31
306 system

307 set of interrelated functional elements considered in a defined context as a whole and separated from their

308 environment
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310 3.1.32
311 telecommunications

312 branch of technology concerned with the transmission, emission, and reception of signs, signals, writings,

313 images, and sounds, that is, information of any nature by cable, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic

314 systems
315 [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017, 3.1.78 – modified: Note 1 to entry deleted]
316 3.1.33
317 telecommunications cabling

318 telecommunications cabling infrastructure from the telecommunications space(s) to the premises entrance

319 facility
320 3.1.34
321 telecommunication equipment

322 equipment within the data centre that provides telecommunication services within the data centre

323 3.1.35
324 telecommunications space

325 area which may house demarcation points and telecommunication equipment associated with the building

326 entrance facility and which may allow service providers restricted access to the data centre

327 3.1.36
328 testing space

329 area within the data centre used for the testing and configuring of equipment prior to being brought into

330 service
331 Note 1 to entry: Testing space is sometimes called staging area.
332 3.1.37
333 transformer space

334 area used for housing equipment necessary to convert voltage levels and/or provide necessary isolation

335 for the connection to the equipment within the premises or individual buildings within the premises

336 3.1.38
337 uninterruptible power system

338 combination of convertors, switches and energy storage devices (such as batteries), constituting a power

339 system for maintaining continuity of load power in case of input power failure

340 Note 1 to entry: Continuity of load power occurs when voltage and frequency are within rated steady-state and transient tolerance

341 bands and with distortion and interruptions within the limits specified for the output port. Input power failure occurs when voltage and

342 frequency are outside rated steady-state and transient tolerance bands or with distortion or interruptions outside the limits specified

343 for the UPS.
344 [SOURCE: IEC 62040-1:2017, 3.101]
345 3.1.39
346 unplanned downtime

347 unexpected time taken, following a failure of functional capability, to repair the relevant infrastructure

348 together with the “re-boot” time necessary to recover functional capability following that repair

349 3.2 Abbreviations
350 For the purposes of this document the following abbreviations apply:
351 CRAC Computer Room Air Conditioner/Conditioning
352 CRAH Computer Room Air Handling Unit
353 ffs for further study
354 MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
355 MTTR Mean Time To Repair
356 NOC Network Operating Centre
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357 UPS Uninterruptible Power System
358 4 Conformance
359 For a data centre design to conform to this document:
360 a) a business risk analysis according to Clause 5 shall be completed;

361 b) an appropriate Availability Class in 7.2 shall be selected using a business risk analysis in Clause 5;

362 c) appropriate Protection Classes for the data centre spaces and pathways shall be in accordance with

363 7.3.1;

364 d) an appropriate energy efficiency enablement level in 7.4 shall be selected;

365 e) the design process of Clause 8 (or equivalent) shall be applied;
366 f) the design principles of Clause 9 shall be applied.

367 NOTE The application of the design process in Clause 8 is not mandatory for an assessment of existing data centres.

368 5 Business risk analysis
369 5.1 General

370 The overall availability of a data centre is a measure of the continuity of its data processing, storage, and

371 transport functions. The acceptable level of the overall availability of a data centre is determined by a

372 number of factors including:
373 a) a busine

ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 39 Secretariat: ANSI
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2020-08-25 2020-11-17
Information technology — Data centre facilities and
infrastructures —
Part 1:
General concepts

Technologie de l’information — Installation et infrastructures de centres de traitement de données —

Partie 1: Concepts généraux
ICS: 35.020
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)
© ISO/IEC 2020

All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may

be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting

on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address

below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)
Contents Page

Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v


1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................ 2

3.1 Terms and definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2

3.2 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

4 Conformance ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

5 Business risk analysis ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

5.2 Business impact analysis ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

5.3 Risk analysis .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

6 Data centre design overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 9

6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

6.2 Spaces and facilities ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9

7 Classification system for the design of data centre facilities and infrastructures ........................11

7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................11

7.2 Availability ...............................................................................................................................................................................................11

7.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................11

7.2.2 Single-site data centres ...........................................................................................................................................11

7.2.3 Multi-site data centres .............................................................................................................................................13

7.3 Physical security .................................................................................................................................................................................14

7.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................14

7.3.2 Protection against unauthorised access ...................................................................................................14

7.3.3 Protection against intrusion ...............................................................................................................................14

7.3.4 Protection against environmental events ...............................................................................................14

7.4 Energy efficiency enablement .................................................................................................................................................15

7.4.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................15

7.4.2 Power distribution system ...................................................................................................................................16

7.4.3 Environmental monitoring and control ....................................................................................................16

7.4.4 Operational processes and KPIs ......................................................................................................................16

8 Design and implementation process ............................................................................................................................................16

8.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................................................16

8.2 Design phases........................................................................................................................................................................................17

8.2.1 Phase 1 — Strategy .....................................................................................................................................................17

8.2.2 Phase 2 — Objectives ................................................................................................................................................17

8.2.3 Phase 3 — System specifications ....................................................................................................................18

8.2.4 Phase 4 — Design proposal .................................................................................................................................18

8.2.5 Phase 5 — Decision ....................................................................................................................................................18

8.2.6 Phase 6 — Functional design .............................................................................................................................19

8.2.7 Phase 7 — Approval ...................................................................................................................................................19

8.2.8 Phase 8 — Final design and project plan .................................................................................................19

8.2.9 Phase 9 — Contract ....................................................................................................................................................19

8.2.10 Phase 10 — Construction ......................................................................................................................................19

8.2.11 Phase 11 — Operation .............................................................................................................................................19

9 Design Principles ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19

9.1 Design reference documentation .........................................................................................................................................19

9.2 Design principles to support energy efficiency .......................................................................................................20

9.3 Design principles for electromagnetic interference ............................................................................................20

9.4 Design principles to support operational excellence ..........................................................................................20

9.5 Design principles for availability, reliability and resilience ..........................................................................20

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Annex A (informative) Availability and reliability ..............................................................................................................................22

Annex B (informative) Availability description .....................................................................................................................................27

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................28

iv © ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical

Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are

members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical

committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical

activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international

organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the

work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,


The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are

described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for

the different types of document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the

editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject

of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent

rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the

Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not

constitute an endorsement.

For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and

expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the

World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following

URL: www .iso .org/ iso/ foreword .html.

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,

Subcommittee SC 39, “New title”.

A list of all parts in the ISO/IEC 22237 (and the ISO/IEC TS 22237) series can be found on the ISO

This document will supersede ISO/IEC TS 22237-1:2018.
The following changes have been made:
a) Clause 7 (Availability) has been revised;

c) the design processes (Clause 8) and design principles (Clause 9) have been moved from an annex to

the main body of the document;
d) existing Annex A has been removed;
e) new Annexes A and B have been added;
f) tbd.
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ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)

The unrestricted access to internet-based information demanded by the information society has led to

an exponential growth of both internet traffic and the volume of stored/retrieved data. Data centres

are housing and supporting the information technology and network telecommunications equipment

for data processing, data storage and data transport. They are required both by network operators

(delivering those services to customer premises) and by enterprises within those customer premises.

Data centres need to provide modular, scalable and flexible facilities and infrastructures to easily

accommodate the rapidly changing requirements of the market. In addition, energy consumption of data

centres has become critical both from an environmental point of view (reduction of carbon footprint)

and with respect to economical considerations (cost of energy) for the data centre operator.

The implementation of data centres varies in terms of:
a) purpose (enterprise, co-location, co-hosting or network operator facilities);
b) security level;
c) physical size;
d) accommodation (mobile, temporary and permanent constructions).
Note: Cloud services can be provided by all mentioned data centre types

The needs of data centres also vary in terms of availability of service, the provision of security and

the objectives for energy efficiency. These needs and objectives influence the design of data centres in

terms of building construction, power distribution, environmental control, telecommunications cabling

and physical security. Effective management and operational information is required to monitor

achievement of the defined needs and objectives.

The ISO/IEC 22237 series specifies requirements and recommendations to support the various parties

involved in the design, planning, procurement, integration, installation, operation and maintenance of

facilities and infrastructures within data centres. These parties include:

1) owners, operators, facility managers, ICT managers, project managers, main contractors;

2) consultants, architects, building designers and builders, system/installation designers, auditors,

test and commissioning agents;
3) suppliers of equipment;
4) installers, maintainers.

At the time of publication of this document, the ISO/IEC 22237 series will comprise the following


— ISO/IEC 22237-1, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 1:

General concepts;

— ISO/IEC 22237-2, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2:

Building construction;

— ISO/IEC 22237-3, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 3: Power


— ISO/IEC 22237-4, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 4:

Environmental control;

— ISO/IEC 22237-5, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 5:

Telecommunications cabling infrastructure;
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— ISO/IEC 22237-6, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 6:

Security systems;

— ISO/IEC 22237-7: Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 7:

Management and operational information.

The inter-relationship of the specifications within the ISO/IEC 22237 series is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 — Schematic relationship between the ISO/IEC 22237 series of documents

This document, ISO/IEC 22237-1, defines the general concepts for the design and operation of data

centres. This includes a business risk and operational cost analysis as well as a classification system for

data centres with respect to “availability”, “physical security” and “energy efficiency enablement”.

ISO/IEC 22237-2 to ISO/IEC 22237-6 specify requirements and recommendations for particular

facilities and infrastructures to support the relevant classification for “availability”, “physical security”

and “energy efficiency enablement” selected from ISO/IEC 22237-1.

ISO/IEC 22237-7 addresses the operational and management information (in accordance with the

requirements of ISO/IEC 22237-1).

This document is intended for use by and collaboration between architects, building designers and

builders, system and installation designers.

The ISO/IEC 22237 series does not address the selection of information technology and network

telecommunications equipment, software and associated configuration issues.
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Information technology — Data centre facilities and
infrastructures —
Part 1:
General concepts
1 Scope
This document:

a) describes the general principles for data centres upon which the requirements of the ISO/IEC 22237

series are based;

b) defines the common aspects of data centres including terminology, parameters and reference

models (functional elements and their accommodation) addressing both the size and complexity of

their intended purpose;

c) describes general aspects of the facilities and infrastructures required to support data centres;

d) specifies a classification system, based upon the key criteria of “availability”, “security” and

“energy-efficiency” over the planned lifetime of the data centre, for the provision of effective

facilities and infrastructure;

e) details the issues to be addressed in a business risk and operating cost analysis enabling application

of the classification of the data centre;
f) provides reference to operation and management of data centres.

The following topics are outside of the scope of this series of International Standards:

1) the selection of information technology and network telecommunications equipment, software and

associated configuration issues are outside the scope of this International Standard;

2) quantitative analysis of overall service availability resulting from multi-site data centres;

3) safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements (covered by other standards and

regulations. However, information given in this International Standard can be of assistance in

meeting these standards and regulations).
2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO/IEC/TS 22237-2, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2:

Building construction

ISO/IEC 22237-3, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 3: Power


ISO/IEC 22237-4, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 4:

Environmental control
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ISO/IEC/TS 22237-5, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 5:

Telecommunications cabling infrastructure

ISO/IEC/TS 22237-6, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 6:

Security systems
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp

ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given instant

of time or over a given time interval, assuming that the required external resources are provided

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-191:1990, 191-02-05]
building entrance facility

facility that provides all necessary services, and which complies with all relevant regulations, for the

entry of specific infrastructures or services into a building
building security

facilities and systems necessary to provide the required levels of security at the entrance to and within

the building containing the data centre

enclosed construction for housing closures and other information technology equipment

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 14763-2:2019, 3.1.6 – modified: removed the word “intended” and replaced

“telecommunications components and” with “information”]
co-hosting data centre

data centre in which multiple customers are provided with access to network(s), servers and storage

equipment on which they operate their own services/applications

Note 1 to entry: Both the information technology equipment and the support infrastructure of the building are

provided as a service by the data centre operator.
co-location data centre

data centre in which multiple customers locate their own network(s), servers and storage equipment

Note 1 to entry: The support infrastructure of the building (such as power distribution and environmental

control) is provided as a service by the data centre operator.
computer room space

area within the data centre that accommodates the data processing, data storage and telecommunication

equipment that provides the primary function of the data centre
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control room space

area within the data centre used to control the operation of the data centre and to act as a central point

for all control and monitoring functions
data centre

a structure, or group of structures, dedicated to the centralised accommodation, interconnection

and operation of information technology and network telecommunications equipment providing data

storage, processing and transport services together with all the facilities and infrastructures for power

distribution and environmental control together with the necessary levels of resilience and security

required to provide the desired service availability

Note 1 to entry: A structure can consist of multiple buildings and/or spaces with specific functions to support the

primary function.

Note 2 to entry: The boundaries of the structure or space considered the data centre, which includes the

information and communication technology equipment and supporting environmental controls, can be defined

within a larger structure or building.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 30134-1:2016, 3.1.4]
data centre security

necessary facilities and systems that provide the required levels of security at the entrance to and

within the data centre
demarcation point
point where the operational control or ownership changes
electrical distribution space

area used for housing facilities to distribute electrical power between the transformer space and

electrical spaces within the data centre or elsewhere within the premises or individual buildings within

the premises
electrical space

area within the data centre used for housing facilities to deliver and control electrical power to the data

centre spaces (including switchboards, batteries, uninterruptible power systems (UPS) etc.)

enterprise data centre

data centre that is operated by an enterprise which has the sole purpose of the delivery and management

of services to its employees and customers
external premises security

facilities and systems that provide the required levels of security for the area between the building and

the boundary of the premises
energy efficiency enablement

ability to measure the energy consumption and to allow calculation and reporting of energy efficiency

of the various facilities and infrastructures
spaces and pathways that accommodate a specific infrastructure
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ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)
functional capability

ability of the data centre (or system or sub-system) to deliver its intended function

functional element
source of supply, device or path
generator space

area used for housing the installation of electrical power supply generation equipment together with

control systems, storage of associated fuels or energy conversion equipment
holding space

area within the data centre used for the holding of equipment prior to being brought into service or

having been taken out of service

technical systems providing functional capability of the data centre (e.g. power distribution,

environmental control and physical security)
main distributor

distributor used to make connections between the main distribution cabling subsystem, network

access cabling subsystem and cabling subsystems and active equipment

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 11801-5:2017, 3.1.6, - modified: removed “as specified in ISO/IEC 11801-1”]

mechanical space

area that is used for housing mechanical equipment and infrastructure that provides environmental

control for the data centre spaces (including chillers and water treatment, air handling and fire

suppression systems)
network operator data centre

data centre that has the primary purpose of the delivery and management of broadband services to the

operators customers
physical security

measures (combining physical and technological controls), procedures and responsibilities to maintain

the desired level of availability for the facilities and infrastructures of the data centres in relation to

access control and environmental events
planned downtime

period of time during which a system or sub-system does not provide functional capability whilst it

undergoes maintenance or is switched off to test the response of a related system or sub-system

premises entrance facility

facility that provides all necessary services, and which complies with all relevant regulations, for the

entry of specific infrastructures or services into premises

probability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions over a

given time interval
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ISO/IEC DIS 22237-1:2020(E)
storage space

secured area where general goods and/or data centre goods to be used in the premises and data centre

are stored

set of interrelated functional elements considered in a defined context as a whole and separated from

their environment

branch of technology concerned with the transmission, emission, and reception of signs, signals,

writings, images, and sounds, that is, information of any nature by cable, radio, optica


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