Rotating electrical machines - Part 33: Specific technical requirements for synchronous hydrogenerators including motor-generators

This part of IEC 60034 applies to three-phase salient-pole synchronous generators and synchronous motor-generators for hydraulic turbine and pump-turbine applications, that have rated frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz, rated output of 10 MVA and above, pole pair number 3 and above, and rated voltage of 6 kV and above.
This document supplements basic requirements for rotating machines given in IEC 60034-1.

Drehende elektrische Maschinen – Teil 33: Spezifische technische Anforderungen für synchrone Hydrogeneratoren einschließlich Motorgeneratoren

Električni rotacijski stroji - 33. del: Posebne tehnične zahteve za sinhronske hidrogeneratorje, vključno z motorji- generatorji

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oSIST prEN IEC 60034-33:2021
Električni rotacijski stroji - 33. del: Posebne tehnične zahteve za sinhrone
hidrogeneratorje, vključno z motornimi generatorji

Rotating electrical machines - Part 33: Specific technical requirements for synchronous

hydrogenerators including motor-generators
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN IEC 60034-33:2021
29.160.20 Generatorji Generators
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN IEC 60034-33:2021
IEC 60034-33 ED1
2021-03-05 2021-05-28
2/2014/CD, 2/2029A/CC
United Kingdom Mr Charles Whitlock
Other TC/SCs are requested to indicate their interest, if any, in this
CDV to the secretary.


Attention IEC-CENELEC parallel voting
The attention of IEC National Committees, members of CENELEC,
is drawn to the fact that this Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) is
submitted for parallel voting.
The CENELEC members are invited to vote through the CENELEC
online voting system.

This document is still under study and subject to change. It should not be used for reference purposes.

Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware

and to provide supporting documentation.

Rotating electrical machines – Part 33: Specific technical requirements for synchronous hydrogenerators including


Copyright © 2021 International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC. All rights reserved. It is permitted to download this

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– 2 – IEC CDV 60034-33  IEC 2021

FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 6

1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 8

2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 8

3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 9

4 Site operation conditions ............................................................................................... 10

5 Ratings and parameters ................................................................................................ 11

5.1 Output .................................................................................................................. 11

5.1.1 Output rating of a hydrogenerator .................................................................. 11

5.1.2 Output ratings of a motor-generator ............................................................... 11

5.1.3 Increase in active power ................................................................................ 11

5.1.4 Under-excited operation ................................................................................ 11

5.2 Rated voltage ....................................................................................................... 11

5.3 Rated power factor ............................................................................................... 11

5.4 Rated speed ......................................................................................................... 11

5.5 P-Q capability diagram .......................................................................................... 12

5.6 Voltage and frequency variations during operation ................................................ 13

5.7 Efficiency and losses ............................................................................................ 14

5.7.1 Weighted average efficiency .......................................................................... 14

5.7.2 Losses ........................................................................................................... 15

5.7.3 Determination of winding losses .................................................................... 15

5.7.4 Windage Losses ............................................................................................ 16

5.7.5 Determination of thrust bearing losses for vertical machines .......................... 16

5.7.6 Tolerance of the total losses .......................................................................... 16

5.8 Electrical parameters and time constants .............................................................. 17

5.8.1 Short-circuit ratio ........................................................................................... 17

5.8.2 Direct axis transient and subtransient reactances .......................................... 17

5.8.3 General case ................................................................................................. 17

5.9 Tolerances on reactance ....................................................................................... 17

5.10 Total harmonic distortion (THD) ............................................................................ 18

5.11 Torques ................................................................................................................ 18

6 Temperature .................................................................................................................. 18

6.1 Temperature rise .................................................................................................. 18

6.2 Modification due to deviation from reference operation ......................................... 20

6.3 Bearing temperature ............................................................................................. 20

7 Operating performances and electrical connections ....................................................... 20

7.1 Special operational requirements .......................................................................... 20

7.1.1 Stator overload current .................................................................................. 20

7.1.2 Rotor overload current ................................................................................... 20

7.1.3 Continuous unbalanced load .......................................................................... 21

7.1.4 Short time unbalanced load ........................................................................... 21

7.1.5 Mechanical output overload ........................................................................... 21

7.1.6 Sudden short circuit ....................................................................................... 22

7.2 Connection to grid ................................................................................................. 22

7.2.1 Synchronization ............................................................................................. 22

7.2.2 Application of load ......................................................................................... 23

7.3 Starting of motor-generator ................................................................................... 23

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7.4 System Earthing ................................................................................................... 23

7.5 Neutral point leads ................................................................................................ 24

7.6 Rotating direction and phase sequence................................................................. 24

7.7 Stator winding ....................................................................................................... 24

8 Winding insulation ......................................................................................................... 25

8.1 Winding insulation performance ............................................................................ 25

8.1.1 General ......................................................................................................... 25

8.1.2 Winding insulation resistance ........................................................................ 25

8.1.3 Dielectric dissipation factor measurements on new stator bars or coils .......... 26

8.1.4 Partial discharge measurements for stator winding ........................................ 26

8.1.5 Voltage withstand test for turn insulation of multi-turn coil for stator .............. 26

8.2 Voltage withstand tests ......................................................................................... 26

8.2.1 Stator bars/coils ............................................................................................ 26

8.2.2 Inserted Stator bars/coils ............................................................................... 26

8.2.3 Stator winding completed before rotor inserted .............................................. 26

8.2.4 Excitation winding before delivery .................................................................. 26

8.2.5 Excitation winding completed ......................................................................... 27

8.2.6 Stator winding for completed machine ........................................................... 27

8.2.7 Excitation winding for completed machine ..................................................... 27

8.2.8 DC alternative tests ....................................................................................... 27

8.2.9 Global VPI stators ......................................................................................... 27

8.3 Breakdown test for insulation ................................................................................ 27

8.4 Voltage endurance test for insulation .................................................................... 28

8.5 Thermal cycle test ................................................................................................. 28

8.6 Stator winding terminals ........................................................................................ 29

9 Mechanical performances and design ............................................................................ 29

9.1 Rotating part mass moment of inertia .................................................................... 29

9.2 Maximum speed .................................................................................................... 29

9.3 Structural strength ................................................................................................ 29

9.4 Critical bending speed .......................................................................................... 30

9.5 Start and stop of motor-generators........................................................................ 30

9.6 Start and stop of hydrogenerators ......................................................................... 30

9.7 Over speed ........................................................................................................... 30

9.8 Fatigue verification ............................................................................................... 30

10 Core Vibration ............................................................................................................... 31

11 Noise ............................................................................................................................. 31

12 Basic structural requirements ........................................................................................ 32

12.1 General layout ...................................................................................................... 32

12.1.1 Structure and general layout of the machines ................................................ 32

12.1.2 Machine components ..................................................................................... 32

12.1.3 Hydraulic or pneumatic braking system .......................................................... 33

12.1.4 Hydraulic jacking system ............................................................................... 33

12.1.5 Dynamical (Electrical) braking ....................................................................... 33

12.2 Stator .................................................................................................................... 33

12.2.1 Frame and core structure............................................................................... 33

12.2.2 Stator frame connecting structure .................................................................. 33

12.2.3 Stator end winding ......................................................................................... 33

12.3 Rotor .................................................................................................................... 34

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12.3.1 Damper winding ............................................................................................. 34

12.3.2 Structure with one shaft or segmented shafts ................................................ 34

12.4 Structure tolerance ............................................................................................... 34

12.5 Bearings ............................................................................................................... 34

12.5.1 Bearing alloy ................................................................................................. 34

12.5.2 Bearing lubricant ........................................................................................... 34

12.5.3 Shaft currents ................................................................................................ 34

12.5.4 Bearing insulation resistance ......................................................................... 34

13 Ventilation and cooling system ...................................................................................... 35

13.1 Cooling scheme .................................................................................................... 35

13.1.1 General ......................................................................................................... 35

13.1.2 Air cooling system ......................................................................................... 35

13.1.3 Evaporative cooling system ........................................................................... 35

13.1.4 Water cooling system .................................................................................... 35

13.2 Redundancy on air to water cooler design ............................................................. 35

13.3 Cooling structure .................................................................................................. 35

13.3.1 Materials ....................................................................................................... 35

13.3.2 Water supply and drainage ............................................................................ 35

13.3.3 Cooling water pressure .................................................................................. 35

14 Instrumentation required for protection and control ........................................................ 36

14.1 General ................................................................................................................. 36

14.2 Stator and bearing temperature ............................................................................ 36

14.3 Bearing vibration and shaft displacement .............................................................. 36

15 Condition monitoring of machines .................................................................................. 37

15.1 General ................................................................................................................. 37

15.2 Instrumentation required for condition monitoring .................................................. 37

16 Marking ......................................................................................................................... 37

16.1 Following information shall be marked on machine nameplate: ............................. 37

16.2 Repaired or refurbished machines ........................................................................ 38

17 Factory and site tests .................................................................................................... 38

Annex A (informative) Special tools ..................................................................................... 39

Annex B (informative) Correction of measured windage losses on the machines .................. 40

Annex C (informative) Correction of measured bearing losses for different oil bath

temperatures ................................................................................................................. 42

Annex D (informative) Scope of supply ................................................................................ 44

Annex E (informative) Test run and guaranteed period......................................................... 45

E.1 72 h test run ......................................................................................................... 45

E.2 15-30 day examination test run for motor-generators ............................................ 45

E.3 Handover and guarantee period ............................................................................ 45

Annex F (informative) Test items ......................................................................................... 46

F.1 Inspection test for hydrogenerator and motor-generator in factory ......................... 46

F.2 Site routine test of hydrogenerator and motor-generator ....................................... 46

F.3 Startup test run of hydrogenerator and motor-generator ........................................ 47

F.4 Performance test of hydrogenerator ...................................................................... 47

Annex G (informative) Condition Monitoring ......................................................................... 48

G.1 Air gap distance .................................................................................................... 48

G.2 Core and frame vibration....................................................................................... 48

G.3 Stator end winding vibration .................................................................................. 48

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G.4 Partial discharge ................................................................................................... 48

G.5 Air gap magnetic flux ............................................................................................ 49

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 50

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Rotating electrical machines –
Part 33: Specific technical requirements for synchronous
hydrogenerators including motor-generators

1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising

all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote international

co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and

in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports,

Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC Publication(s)”). Their

preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with

may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising

with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.

2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international

consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all

interested IEC National Committees.

3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National

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Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any

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4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications

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any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated in the latter.

5) IEC itself does not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformity

assessment services and, in some areas, access to IEC marks of conformity. IEC is not responsible for any

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6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.

7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and

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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is

indispensable for the correct application of this publication.

9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent

rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

International Standard IEC 60034-33 has been prepared by working group 33: Rotating electrical

machines – Part 33: Specific technical requirements for synchronous hydrogenerators including motor-

generators, of IEC technical committee 2: Rotating Machinery.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting

Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on

voting indicated in the above table.

This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

A list of all parts in the IEC 60034 series, published under the general title Rotating electrical

machines, can be found on the IEC website.
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The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the

stability date indicated on the IEC web site under "" in the data related to

the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.

The National Committees are requested to note that for this publication the stability date is ....


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– 8 – IEC CDV 60034-33  IEC 2021
1 1 Scope

2 This part of IEC 60034 applies to three-phase salient-pole synchronous generators and synchronous

3 motor-generators for hydraulic turbine and pump-turbine applications, that have rated frequency of 50

4 Hz or 60 Hz, rated output of 10 MVA and above, pole pair number 3 and above, and rated voltage of 6

5 kV and above.

6 This document supplements basic requirements for rotating machines given in IEC 60034-1.

7 2 Normative references

8 The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

9 constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

10 undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

11 IEC 60034-1, Rotating electrical machines – Part 1: Rating and performance

12 IEC 60034-2-2, Rotating electrical machines – Part 2-2: Specific methods for determining

13 separate losses of large machines from tests – Supplement to IEC 60034-2-1

14 IEC 60034-4-1, Rotating electrical machines - Part 4-1: Methods for determining electrically

15 excited synchronous machine quantities from tests
16 IEC 60034-9, Rotating electrical machines – Part 9: Noise limits

17 IEC 60034-18-1: Rotating electrical machines – Part 18-1: Functional evaluation of insulation

18 systems – General guidelines Amendment 1 (1996)

19 IEC 60034-18-32: Rotating electrical machines – Part 18-32: Functional evaluation of insulation

20 systems – Electrical endurance qualification procedures for form-wound windings

21 IEC 60034-18-33: Rotating electrical machines – Part 18-33: Functional evaluation of insulation

22 systems – Test procedures for multifunctional evaluation of form-wound windings by endurance

23 under combined thermal and electrical stresses of insulation systems used in rotating machines

24 IEC 60034-27-1, Rotating electrical machines – Part 27-1: Off-line partial discharge

25 measurements on the stator winding insulation of rotating electrical machines

26 IEC TS 60034-27-2, Rotating electrical machines – Part 27-2: On-line partial discharge

27 measurements on the stator winding insulation of rotating electrical machines

28 IEC 60034-27-3, Rotating electrical machines – Part 27-3: Dielectric dissipation factor

29 measurement on stator winding insulation of rotating electrical machines

30 IEC 60034-27-4, Rotating electrical machines – Part 27-4: Measurement of insulation

31 resistance and polarization index of winding insulation of rotating electrical machines

32 IEC TS 60034-32, Rotating electrical machines – Part 32: Measurement of stator end-winding

33 vibration at form-wound windings

34 IEC 60050-411, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Chapter 411: Rotating Machines

35 IEC 60060-1, High-voltage test techniques – Part 1: General definitions and test requirements

36 IEC 60085, Electrical insulation – Thermal evaluation and designation
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37 IEC 60417, Graphical symbols for use on equipment

38 IEC 60445, Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification –

39 Identification of equipment terminals, conductor terminations and conductors

40 IEC 63132-1, Guide for installation procedures and tolerances of hydroelectric machines – Part

41 1: Common

42 IEC 63132-2, Guide for installation procedures and tolerances of hydroelectric machines – Part

43 2: Vertical generator
44 ISO 5801, Industrial fans - Performance testing using standardized airways

45 ISO 19283, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Hydroelectric generating units

46 ISO 20816-1, Mechanical vibration — Measurement and evaluation of machine vibration —Part

47 1: General Guidelines

48 ISO 20816-5, Mechanical vibration — Measurement and evaluation of machine vibration —Part

49 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pump-storage plants
50 3 Terms and definitions

51 For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60034-1, IEC 60034-

52 2-1, IEC 60034-2-2, IEC 60050411, IEC 63132-1, some of which are repeated here for

53 convenience, and those specified below apply.
54 3.1
55 hydrogenerator
56 a synchronous machine operated as generator and driven by a hydraulic turbine
57 3.2
58 motor-generator

59 a synchronous machine which can operate in motor mode and generator mode, generally used

60 in pumped-storage power plant
61 3.3
62 stator concentricity

63 the radial distance from the reference centre to the best centre of stator bore

64 3.4

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