Gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part 7: Assessment of energy consumption of combination boilers equipped with a passive flue heat recovery device

This European Standard is applicable to gas-fired appliances producing domestic hot water. It applies to
condensing combination boilers with passive flue heat recovery device (PFHRD) that have:
— a heat input not exceeding 400 kW,
— a hot water storage tank capacity (if any) not exceeding 2000 l,
— a declared load profile between M to 4XL.
In the case of combination boilers, with or without storage tank, domestic hot water production is integrated
or coupled, the whole being marketed as a single unit.
For this standard, some tests and calculation results of FprEN 13203-2:2018 are used to calculate the energy consumptions.

Gasbefeuerte Geräte zur Warmwasserbereitung für den Hausgebrauch - Teil 7: Bewertung des Energieverbrauchs von Kombigeräten, ausgerüstet mit einer passiven Vorrichtung zur Wärmerückgewinnung im Abgasschacht

Dieses Dokument gilt für gasbeheizte Geräte für die sanitäre Warmwasserbereitung. Es gilt für Kondensations-Kombikessel mit passiver Abgas-Wärmerückgewinnungsanlage (en: passive flue heat recovery device, PFHRD), die:
— eine Wärmebelastung von höchstens 400 kW;
— ein Warmwasser-Speichervolumen (sofern vorhanden) von höchstens 2 000 l; und
— ein angegebenes Lastprofil zwischen M und 4XL haben.
Bei Kombikesseln mit oder ohne Speicher ist die sanitäre Warmwasserbereitung im Kessel eingebaut oder am Kessel angebaut, und das gesamte System wird als eine Einheit vertrieben.
In diesem Dokument werden einige Prüfungen und Rechenergebnisse aus EN 13203-2:2020 zur Berechnung der Energieverbräuche verwendet.

Appareils domestiques produisant de l'eau chaude sanitaire utilisant les combustibles gazeux — Partie 7: Evaluation de la consommation énergétique d'une chaudière équipée d'un dispositif passif de récupération de la chaleur dans les fumées

Le présent document s’applique aux appareils de production d’eau chaude sanitaire utilisant les combustibles gazeux. Il s’applique aux chaudières à deux services à condensation équipées d’un dispositif passif de récupération de la chaleur dans les produits de combustion (PFHRD) qui ont :
 un débit calorifique inférieur ou égal à 400 kW ;
 une capacité du ballon d’eau chaude (le cas échéant) inférieure ou égale à 2 000 l ;
 un profil de soutirage déclaré compris entre M et 4XL.
Dans le cas des chaudières à deux services, avec ou sans ballon, la production d’eau chaude sanitaire est intégrée ou accolée, l’ensemble étant commercialisé comme une seule unité.
Pour la présente norme, certains résultats d’essai et de calcul de l’EN 13203-2:2018 sont utilisés pour calculer les consommations énergétiques.

Plinske gospodinjske naprave za pripravo tople sanitarne vode - 7. del: Ocenjevanje rabe energije kombiniranih naprav s prigrajenimi napravami za vračanje toplote iz dimnih plinov

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Not Published
Public Enquiry End Date
Current Stage
4020 - Public enquire (PE) (Adopted Project)
Start Date
Due Date
Completion Date

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Standards Content (sample)

oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
[Not translated]
Gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part 7: Assessment of energy

consumption of combination boilers equipped with a passive flue heat recovery device

Gasbefeuerte Geräte zur Warmwasserbereitung für den Hausgebrauch - Teil 7:
Bewertung des Energieverbrauchs von Kombigeräten, ausgerüstet mit einer passiven
Vorrichtung zur Wärmerückgewinnung im Abgasschacht

Appareils domestiques produisant de l'eau chaude sanitaire utilisant les combustibles

gazeux Partie 7: Evaluation de la consommation énergétique d'une chaudière équipée

d'un dispositif passif de récupération de la chaleur dans les fumées
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 13203-7
91.140.65 Oprema za ogrevanje vode Water heating equipment
oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019 en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
prEN 13203-7
October 2019
English Version
Gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part
7: Assessment of energy consumption of combination
boilers equipped with a passive flue heat recovery device

Appareils domestiques produisant de l'eau chaude Gasbeheizte Geräte für die sanitäre

sanitaire utilisant les combustibles gazeux - Partie 7 : Warmwasserbereitung für den Hausgebrauch - Teil 7:

Évaluation de la consommation énergétique d'une Bewertung des Energieverbrauchs von Kombigeräten,

chaudière à deux services équipée d'un dispositif passif ausgerüstet mit einer passiven Vorrichtung zur

de récupération de la chaleur dans les produits de Wärmerückgewinnung im Abgasschacht


This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee

CEN/TC 109.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations

which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other

language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC

Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,

Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,

Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and

United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are

aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without

notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 13203-7:2019 E

worldwide for CEN national Members.
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
prEN 13203-7:2019 (E)
Contents Page

European Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 4

1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 5

3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 5

4 General test conditions ................................................................................................................................. 6

4.1 Reference condition ....................................................................................................................................... 6

4.2 Measurement uncertainties ........................................................................................................................ 6

4.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

4.2.2 Steady state conditions ................................................................................................................................. 6

4.3 Test conditions ................................................................................................................................................. 6

4.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

4.3.2 Test room ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

4.3.3 Water supply ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

4.3.4 Initial adjustment of the appliance ........................................................................................................... 8

4.3.5 Conditions for the determination of the maximum load profile .................................................... 8

4.3.6 Electrical supply .............................................................................................................................................. 8

5 Determination of applicability of the present standard ................................................................... 8

6 Determination of the energy consumption of the appliances with PFHRD ............................ 10

6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

6.2 Load profiles .................................................................................................................................................. 10

6.3 Calculation of gas energy ........................................................................................................................... 10

6.3.1 Determination of the daily gas energy consumption in summer mode (Q ) ..................... 10


6.3.2 Determination of the indirect PFHRD contribution (Q ) ........................................................... 10


6.3.3 Daily gas energy consumption ................................................................................................................ 16

7 Eco design Related Products Data .......................................................................................................... 17

7.1 Water heating energy efficiency ............................................................................................................. 17

7.2 Annual fuel consumption (AFC) .............................................................................................................. 17

7.3 Annual electricity consumption (AEC) ................................................................................................. 17

7.4 Mixed water at 40 °C (V40) for storage water heaters ................................................................... 17

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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
prEN 13203-7:2019 (E)
European Foreword

This document (prEN 13203-7:2019) has been prepared by CEN/TC 109, “Central heating boilers using

gaseous fuels,” the secretariat of which is held by NEN.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
prEN 13203-7:2019 (E)

This document refers to clauses of EN 13203-2:2018 or adapts clauses by stating in the corresponding clause,

on the principle:

— shall be according to EN 13203-2:2018, (clause number) with the following modification;

— shall be according to EN 13203-2:2018, (clause number) with the following addition;

— EN 13203-2:2018, (clause number) is replaced by the following;
— EN 13203-2:2018, (clause number) is not applicable.
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
prEN 13203-7:2019 (E)
1 Scope

This document is applicable to gas-fired appliances producing domestic hot water. It applies to condensing

combination boilers with passive flue heat recovery device (PFHRD) that have:
— a heat input not exceeding 400 kW,
— a hot water storage tank capacity (if any) not exceeding 2000 l,
— a declared load profile between M to 4XL.

In the case of combination boilers, with or without storage tank, domestic hot water production is integrated

or coupled, the whole being marketed as a single unit.

For this standard, some tests and calculation results of EN 13203-2:2018 are used to calculate the energy

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes

requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,

the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 13203-2:2018, Gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part 2: Assessment of energy


EN 13203-1:2015, Gas fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part 1: Assessment of performance of hot

water deliveries
3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 13203-2:2018 apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

• IEC Electropedia: available at
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
direct PFHRD contribution

energy contribution by the PFHRD to domestic hot water production recovered from flue gas energy during

domestic hot water production
indirect PFHRD contribution

energy contribution by the PFHRD to domestic hot water production recovered from flue gas energy during

domestic central heating production
nominal average heat input

average of minimal and maximal heat input as declared by the technical documentation for range rating

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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
prEN 13203-7:2019 (E)
Passive Flue Heat Recovery Device

device integrated in the appliance or supplied with the appliance to transmit waste heat from the combustion

products to the domestic hot water
thermal bridge

construction of the combination boiler with PFHRD, where useful heat of the combination boiler is

transmitted to the PFHRD
4 General test conditions
4.1 Reference condition
Shall be according to EN 13203-2:2018, 4.1.
4.2 Measurement uncertainties
4.2.1 General
Shall be according to EN 13203-2:2018, 4.2.1.
4.2.2 Steady-state conditions
Shall be according to EN 13203-2:2018, 4.2.2.
4.3 Test conditions
4.3.1 General
Shall be according to EN 13203-2:2018, 4.3.1, with the following modifications:
The following sentence is not applicable:

“For combination gas boiler, the tests shall be carried out only in summer mode as defined in 3.3, and the

appliance shall be set in summer mode.”
The following sentence is modified as follows:

“The load profile used for the measurement shall be the one declared according to the technical instruction of

the appliance”.
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
prEN 13203-7:2019 (E)
4.3.2 Test room
Shall be according to EN 13203-2:2018, 4.3.2.
4.3.3 Water supply
For the tests:

— The domestic water pressure is the static inlet pressure under dynamic conditions measured as close as

possible to the product.

— The inlet temperatures are measured immediately upstream of the cold water inlet connection in the

centre of the flow.

— An additional (rapid response) sensor X shall be placed immediately in the domestic water outlet of the

PFHRD construction. This sensor shall be situated in the centre of the flow. If the PFHRD construction is

an integrated part of the boiler, an adapter is needed to place the sensor X. The technical documentation

shall give a figure of this adapter. The appliance for testing shall be delivered with this adapter (see

Figure 1a and Figure 1b).
Water temperatures shall be measured with a rapid response temperature sensor.

a) — Position of the X sensor for boilers with separated secondary heat exchanger

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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
prEN 13203-7:2019 (E)

b) — Position of the X sensor for boilers with integrated secondary heat exchanger

a PFHRD g 3 way valve
b Boiler X Temperature measurement point
c Heat exchanger (CH circuit) A DHW in
d Heat exchanger (DHW circuit) B CH in
e CH pump C CH out
f Flue D DHW out
Figure 1 — Positioning of the X sensor for boilers
4.3.4 Initial adjustment of the appliance
Shall be according to EN 13203-2:2018, 4.3.4 with the following modification:
“Load profile XS is not applicable.”
4.3.5 Conditions for the determination of the maximum load profile
EN 13203-2:2018, 4.3.5 is not applicable.
4.3.6 Electrical supply
Shall be according to EN 13203-2:2018, 4.3.6.
The following new Clause 5 is added:
5 Determination of applicability of the present standard

To ensure that the appliance is in the scope of this standard it shall be proved that during central heating

production there is no significant heat transfer to the PFHRD construction.

This heat transfer can be caused by a so called “thermal bridge” where conduction, convection (even by self-

circulation in a single tube with a net water flow of zero) and radiation during the production of central

heating water can occur.
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2019
prEN 13203-7:2019 (E)
Figure 2 — Determination of applicability of the present standard
Test method:

a) The domestic hot water circuit including the PFHRD shall be cooled by a flow of 10 °C water with the

nominal flow rate according to EN 13203-1:2015 (5.2), till thermal equilibrium in the appliance water

temperature (D in Figure 1) is reached. After that, this flow will continue for 10 min.

b) After that the central heating circuit (including the primary heat exchanger) shall be heated up from an

external heat source under the conditions of a nominal central heating flow rate at an average

temperature of 70 °C ± 1 K until thermal equilibrium is reached. 60 min after this thermal equilibrium,

the circulation over the central heating circuit is stopped.

c) One minute after the circulation stop over the central heating circuit, a domestic water draw off with cold

water of 10 °C and a water flow of 0,5 to 1,0 l/min is started. During this draw off, the water flow, the cold

water inlet temperature T and the water outlet temperature of the PFHRD (T of sensor X) shall be

DHW-in X

measured with a sample rate not less than once per second. The draw off will be stopped when T ≤ T

x DHW-
+ 1 K during 10 (±1) seconds.

The thermal bridge energy (Q ) in watt-hour (Wh) shall be calculated with the following formula:

Q=1000⋅⋅c D ∆T t dt (1)
( )
tb w
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oSIST pr

oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021
Plinske gospodinjske naprave za pripravo tople sanitarne vode - 7. del:
Ocenjevanje rabe energije kombiniranih naprav s prigrajenimi napravami za
vračanje toplote iz dimnih plinov
Gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part 7: Assessment of energy

consumption of combination boilers equipped with a passive flue heat recovery device

Gasbefeuerte Geräte zur Warmwasserbereitung für den Hausgebrauch - Teil 7:
Bewertung des Energieverbrauchs von Kombigeräten, ausgerüstet mit einer passiven
Vorrichtung zur Wärmerückgewinnung im Abgasschacht

Appareils domestiques produisant de l'eau chaude sanitaire utilisant les combustibles

gazeux Partie 7: Evaluation de la consommation énergétique d'une chaudière équipée

d'un dispositif passif de récupération de la chaleur dans les fumées
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 13203-7
91.140.65 Oprema za ogrevanje vode Water heating equipment
oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021 en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021
prEN 13203-7
February 2021
ICS 91.140.65
English Version
Gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part
7: Assessment of energy consumption of combination
boilers equipped with a passive flue heat recovery device

Appareils domestiques produisant de l'eau chaude Gasbeheizte Geräte für die sanitäre

sanitaire utilisant les combustibles gazeux - Partie 7 : Warmwasserbereitung für den Hausgebrauch - Teil 7:

Évaluation de la consommation énergétique d'une Bewertung des Energieverbrauchs von Kombigeräten,

chaudière à deux services équipée d'un dispositif passif ausgerüstet mit einer passiven Vorrichtung zur

de récupération de la chaleur dans les produits de Wärmerückgewinnung im Abgasschacht


This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for second enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical

Committee CEN/TC 109.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations

which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other

language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC

Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,

Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,

Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and

United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are

aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without

notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2021 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 13203-7:2021 E

worldwide for CEN national Members.
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021
prEN 13203-7:2021 (E)
Contents Page

European Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 4

1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 5

3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 5

4 General test conditions ................................................................................................................................. 6

4.1 Reference condition ....................................................................................................................................... 6

4.2 Measurement uncertainties ........................................................................................................................ 6

4.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

4.2.2 Steady-state conditions ................................................................................................................................. 6

4.3 Test conditions ................................................................................................................................................. 6

4.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

4.3.2 Test room ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

4.3.3 Water supply ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

4.3.4 Initial adjustment of the appliance ........................................................................................................... 8

4.3.5 Conditions for the determination of the maximum load profile .................................................... 8

4.3.6 Electrical supply .............................................................................................................................................. 8

5 Determination of applicability of the present standard ................................................................... 9

6 Determination of the energy consumption of the appliances with PFHRD ............................ 10

6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

6.2 Load profiles .................................................................................................................................................. 10

6.3 Calculation of gas energy ........................................................................................................................... 10

6.3.1 Determination of the daily gas energy consumption in summer mode (Q ) ..................... 10


6.3.2 Determination of the indirect PFHRD contribution (Q ) ........................................................... 11


6.3.3 Daily gas energy consumption ................................................................................................................ 16

7 Eco design Related Products Data .......................................................................................................... 17

7.1 Water heating energy efficiency ............................................................................................................. 17

7.2 Smart control factor (SCF) and smart ................................................................................................... 17

7.3 Annual fuel consumption (AFC) .............................................................................................................. 17

7.4 Annual electricity consumption (AEC) ................................................................................................. 17

7.5 Mixed water at 40 °C (V40) for storage water heaters ................................................................... 17

Annex A (informative) Test conditions ............................................................................................................. 18

Annex B (informative) Examples of test rig and measurement devices ................................................ 19

Annex C (informative) Declaration of the Maximum Load Profile .......................................................... 20

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 21

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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021
prEN 13203-7:2021 (E)
European Foreword

This document (prEN 13203-7:2021) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 109 “Central

heating boilers using gaseous fuels”, the secretariat of which is held by NEN.
This document is currently submitted to the 2nd CEN Enquiry.
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021
prEN 13203-7:2021 (E)

This document refers to clauses of prEN 13203-2:2020 or adapts clauses by stating in the corresponding

clause, on the principle:

— shall be according to prEN 13203-2:2020, (clause number) with the following modification;

— shall be according to prEN 13203-2:2020, (clause number) with the following addition;

— prEN 13203-2:2020, (clause number) is replaced by the following;
— prEN 13203-2:2020, (clause number) is not applicable.
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021
prEN 13203-7:2021 (E)
1 Scope

This document is applicable to gas-fired appliances producing domestic hot water. It applies to condensing

combination boilers with passive flue heat recovery device (PFHRD) that have:
— a heat input not exceeding 400 kW,
— a hot water storage tank capacity (if any) not exceeding 2000 l,
— a declared load profile between M to 4XL.

In the case of combination boilers, with or without storage tank, domestic hot water production is integrated

or coupled, the whole being marketed as a single unit.

For this document, some tests and calculation results of EN 13203-2:2020 are used to calculate the energy

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes

requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,

the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

prEN 13203-2:2020, Gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water – Part 2: Assessment of energy


EN 13203-1:2015, Gas fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part 1: Assessment of performance of hot

water deliveries
3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in prEN 13203-2:2020 and the following


ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

• IEC Electropedia: available at
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
direct PFHRD contribution

energy recovered from the flue gases during domestic hot water production and used to preheat the cold

domestic water
indirect PFHRD contribution

energy recovered from the flue gases during central heating production and used to preheat the cold domestic

nominal average heat input (Q )

arithmetic mean of the adjustable maximum and minimum nominal heat input (kW) as declared by the

technical documentation for range rating appliances
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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021
prEN 13203-7:2021 (E)
Passive Flue Heat Recovery Device (PFHRD)

device integrated in the appliance or supplied with the appliance to transmit recovered heat

thermal bridge

transfer of recovered heat to the PFHRD when the boiler is running in central heating mode by anything else

than heat from the flue gasses
4 General test conditions
4.1 Reference condition
Shall be according to prEN 13203-2:2020, 4.1.
4.2 Measurement uncertainties
4.2.1 General
Shall be according to prEN 13203-2:2020, 4.2.1.
4.2.2 Steady-state conditions
Shall be according to prEN 13203-2:2020, 4.2.2.
4.3 Test conditions
4.3.1 General
Shall be according to prEN 13203-2:2020, 4.3.1, with the following modification:
The following sentence is not applicable:

“For combination gas boiler, the tests shall be carried out only in summer mode as defined in 3.3, and the

appliance shall be set in summer mode.”
The following sentence is modified as follows:

“The load profile used for the measurement shall be the one declared in the technical instruction of the

4.3.2 Test room
Shall be according to prEN 13203-2:2020, 4.3.2.
4.3.3 Water supply
prEN 13203-2:2020, 4.3.3 is replaced by the following:
“For the tests:

— The domestic water pressure is the static water inlet pressure measured as close as possible to the


— The inlet temperatures are measured immediately upstream of the cold water inlet connection in the

centre of the flow.

— An additional (rapid response) sensor X shall be placed immediately in the domestic water outlet of the

PFHRD construction. This sensor shall be situated in the centre of the flow. If the PFHRD is an integrated

part of the boiler, an adapter is needed to install the temperature sensor X. The technical documentation

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oSIST prEN 13203-7:2021
prEN 13203-7:2021 (E)

shall give a figure of this adapter. The appliance under test shall be fitted with an adapter that is supplied

with the appliance accessories. This flow will continue for 10 min after the thermal equilibrium.

Water temperatures shall be measured with a rapid response temperature sensor.
PFHRD X Temperature measurement point
b Boiler A DHW in
c Heat exchanger (CH circuit) B CH in
d Heat exchanger (DHW circuit) C CH out
e CH pump D DHW out
f Flue
g 3 way valve”

Figure 1 — Position of the X sensor for boilers with separated secondary heat exchanger

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prEN 13203-7:2021 (E)
a PFHRD X Temperature measurement point
b Boiler A DHW in
c Heat exchanger (CH circuit) B CH in
d Heat exchanger (DHW circuit) C CH out
e CH pump D DHW out
f Flue
g 3 way valve”

Figure 2 — Position of the X sensor for boilers with integrated secondary heat exchanger

4.3.4 Initial adjustment of the appliance
Shall be according to prEN 13203-2:2020, 4.3.4 with the following modification:
”Load profile XS is not applicable.”
4.3.5 Conditions for the determination of the maximum load profile
PrEN 13203-2:2020, 4.3.5 is not applicable.
4.3.6 Electrical supply
Shall be according to PrEN 13203-2:2020, 4.3.6.
The following new Clause 5 is added:
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prEN 13203-7:2021 (E)
5 Determination of applicability of the present standard

To ensure that the appliance is in the scope of this standard it shall be proved that during central heating

production there is no significant heat transfer to the PFHRD construction.

This heat transfer can be caused by a so called “thermal bridge” where conduction, convection (even by self-

circulation in a single tube with a net water flow of zero) and radiation during the production of central

heating water can occur.
Figure 3 — Determination of applicability of the present standard
Test method:

a) The domestic hot water circuit including the PFHRD shall be cooled by a water flow at 10 °C and with the

nominal water flow rate according to EN 13203-1:2015 (5.2), until the appliance water temperature (D in

Figures 1 and 2) has reached the thermal equilibrium. After that, this flow will continue for 10 min.

b) After that the central heating circuit (including the primary heat exchanger) shall be heated up by an

external heat source. The water rate through the boiler is adjusted so as to obtain a return water

temperature of (60 ± 0,5) °C and a temperature difference between flow and return water temperature of

(20 ± 1) °C at an average temperature of 70 °C ± 1 K until thermal equilibrium is reached. 60 min after

this thermal equilibrium, the circulation over the central heating circuit is stopped.

c) One minute after the circulation stop over the central heating circuit, a domestic water draw off with cold

water of 10 °C and a water flow of 0,5 to 1,0 l/min is started. During this draw off, the water flow, the cold

water inlet temperature T and the water outlet temperature of the PFHRD (T of sensor X) shall be

DHW-in X

measured with a sample rate not less than once per second. The draw off will be stopped when T ≤ T

x DHW-
+ 1 K during 10 (±1) seconds.
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