Standard Test Method for Performance of Refrigerated Buffet and Preparation Tables

The energy input rate test is used to confirm that the buffet/preparation table is operating properly prior to further testing.
Lid up energy rate is a precise indicator of buffet/preparation table energy performance under the test loading condition. Lid down energy rate is a precise indicator of buffet/preparation table energy performance under a simulated overnight operating condition. This information enables the food service operator to consider energy performance when selecting a buffet/preparation table.
Production capacity is used by food service operators to choose a buffet/preparation table that matches their food output requirements.
1.1 This test method covers evaluation of the energy consumption and refrigeration performance of refrigerated buffet and preparation tables. The food service operator can use this evaluation to select a refrigerated buffet and preparation table and understand its energy performance.
1.2 This test method is applicable to electric self-contained refrigerators used for holding and displaying refrigerated food in an open area.
1.3 The refrigerated buffet and preparation table can be evaluated with respect to the following (where applicable):
1.3.1 Maximum energy input rate, or maximum current draw (10.1),
1.3.2 Thermostat calibration (10.4),  
1.3.3 Lid up energy rate and temperature performance (10.5), and
1.3.4 Lid down energy rate (10.6).
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for information only.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM F2143-04(2010) - Standard Test Method for Performance of Refrigerated Buffet and Preparation Tables
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: F2143 − 04(Reapproved 2010) An American National Standard
Standard Test Method for
Performance of Refrigerated Buffet and Preparation Tables
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2143; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2.2 ASHRAE Guideline:
ASHRAE Guideline 2-1986 (RA90)Engineering Analysis
1.1 This test method covers evaluation of the energy con-
of Experimental Data
sumption and refrigeration performance of refrigerated buffet
2.3 ANSI/ASHRAE Standards:
and preparation tables. The food service operator can use this
ANSI/ASHRAE 117Method of Testing Closed Refrigera-
evaluation to select a refrigerated buffet and preparation table
and understand its energy performance.
ANSI/ASHRAE 72Method of Testing Open Refrigerators
for Food Stores
1.2 This test method is applicable to electric self-contained
refrigerators used for holding and displaying refrigerated food 2.4 Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Public Health
in an open area. Service Regulation:
Food Code, 1999
1.3 The refrigerated buffet and preparation table can be
evaluated with respect to the following (where applicable):
3. Terminology
1.3.1 Maximum energy input rate, or maximum current
3.1 Definitions:
draw (10.1),
3.1.1 box car average, n—a location’s thermocouple tem-
1.3.2 Thermostat calibration (10.4),
perature averaged over a 1-h period. During the 4-h holding
energy rate test, thermocouple temperatures are recorded at
1.3.3 Lid up energy rate and temperature performance
(10.5), and 5-min intervals. The first box car average is the average of
readings 1 through 12. The second box car average is the
1.3.4 Lid down energy rate (10.6).
average of temperature readings 2 through 13, and so on.
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
3.1.2 energy input rate, n—peak rate at which a refrigerated
as standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for informa-
buffet and preparation table consumes energy (kW).
tion only.
3.1.3 lid down energy rate, n—average rate of buffet/
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
preparation table energy consumption (kW) with the upper lid
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
closed over the refrigerated rail containing pans of synthetic
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
3.1.4 lid up energy rate, n—average rate of buffet/
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
preparation table energy consumption (kW) while it maintains
2. Referenced Documents
with the upper lid open and the cabinet doors closed.
2.1 NSF Standard: 3.1.5 production capacity, n—maximum volumetric storage
3 3
capacity (ft (m )) at which the refrigerated buffet and prepa-
ration table’s open display area can hold using a specified
container filled to ⁄2 in. of the container rim.
ANSI/NSF 7Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers
Available from American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F26 on Food Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA
Service Equipment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F26.06 on 30329,
Productivity and Energy Protocol. Available fromAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
Current edition approved March 1, 2010. Published May 2010. Originally 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as F2143 – 04. DOI: Available from National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port
10.1520/F2143-04R10. Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161,
2 6
Available from NSF International, P.O. Box 130140, 789 N. Dixboro Rd.,Ann Based on ANSI/NSF 7, available from NSF International, P.O. Box 130140,
Arbor, MI 48113-0140, Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0140.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
F2143 − 04 (2010)
3.1.6 refrigerated buffet and preparation table, n—buffet/ 4.2 2Buffet/preparationtableenergyrateisdeterminedwith
preparation table herein, equipment designed with a refriger- the upper lid in the raised and lowered positions while the unit
ated open top or open condiment rail. is used to maintain the temperature of a synthetic food product
being held in the refrigerated rail.
3.1.7 refrigerated buffet table or unit, n—equipment de-
4.3 Production capacity is determined by measuring the
refrigerated food and maintain food product temperatures and
amount of synthetic food that the refrigerated rail can hold,
using a specified container filled to ⁄2 in. of the container rim.
or may not be equipped with a lower refrigerated compart-
ment. 5. Significance and Use
3.1.8 refrigerated food preparation unit, n—equipment de- 5.1 The energy input rate test is used to confirm that the
buffet/preparation table is operating properly prior to further
as refrigerated sandwich units, pizza preparation tables, and testing.
similar equipment. The unit may or may not be equipped with
5.2 Lid up energy rate is a precise indicator of buffet/
a lower refrigerated compartment.
preparation table energy performance under the test loading
3.1.9 self-contained refrigerator, n—a refrigerator whose
condition. Lid down energy rate is a precise indicator of
condensing unit is attached as an integral component of the
buffet/preparation table energy performance under a simulated
overnight operating condition. This information enables the
food service operator to consider energy performance when
3.1.10 storage refrigerator or freezer, n—a refrigerator or
selecting a buffet/preparation table.
freezer designed for cold storage of nonfrozen or frozen foods.
3.1.11 storage capacity, n—maximum volumetric storage 5.3 Production capacity is used by food service operators to
3 3
capacity (ft (m )) as determined by the manufacturer at which
therefrigeratedbuffetorpreparationtable’sstoragecomponent requirements.
can hold food.
6. Apparatus
3.1.12 test method, n—a definitive procedure for the
6.1 Analytical Balance Scale, for measuring weights up to
identification, measurement, and evaluation of one or more
qualities, characteristics, or properties of a material, product,
system, or service that produces test results.
6.2 Electric Mixer, for mixing ingredients of the synthetic
3.1.13 uncertainty, n—measure of systematic and precision food. Mixer can be handheld or stand mounted. The synthetic
errors in specified instrumentation or measure of repeatability food is used to evaluate the performance of the open top
of a reported test result. section of the refrigeration equipment.
6.3 Pans, for holding synthetic food and water loads.
4. Summary of Test Method
Standard 4-in. (102-mm) deep ⁄6-size steam table pans or
4.1 Energy input rate is determined to confirm that the manufacturer specified pans are used in this test method. Pans
buffet/preparation table is operating within 5% of the name- shall have nominal dimensions of6×6 ⁄16 × 4 in. (162 × 176
plate energy input rate. × 102 mm). The buffet/preparation table manufacturer may
FIG. 1 Pan With Thermocouple Probes
F2143 − 04 (2010)
provide alternative pans if unit is designed to be used with 8. Sampling, Test Units
alternative pans. Pans must be equipped with thermocouples
8.1 Buffet/Preparation Table—Select a representative pro-
for temperature measurement.An example of a typical setup is
duction model for performance testing.
shown in Fig. 1. The lead is long enough to allow connection
to the monitoring device while the pans are in the refrigerator.
9. Preparation of Apparatus
6.4 Hydrometer, for measuring the atmospheric humidity
9.1 Install the buffet/preparation table according to the
within the test environment.
manufacturer’s instructions. Position the buffet/preparation
6.5 Stop Watch, with a 1-s resolution.
6.6 Thermocouple Probe, capable of immersion with a
wall and the back vertical plane of the buffet/preparation table.
range of 30° to 50°F and an uncertainty of 61°F. Preferably
In addition, both sides of the buffet/preparation table shall be a
industry standard type T or type K thermocouples.
minimum of 12 in. from any side wall, side partition, or other
operating buffet/preparation table (see Fig. 2). Walls can be
6.7 Watt-Hour Meter, for measuring the electrical energy
portable or suspended from ceiling. There shall be a minimum
consumption of a buffet/preparation table, shall have a resolu-
of 3 ft of clearance between the front vertical plane of the
tion of at least 1 W·h and a maximum uncertainty no greater
buffet/preparation table and any wall or partition. If manufac-
than 1.5% of the measured value for any demand greater than
100 W. For any demand less than 100 W, the meter shall have turer’sinstructionsrequireadditionalclearancebetweenbuffet/
preparation table and walls, then use the manufacturer’s
a resolution of at least 1 W·h and a maximum uncertainty no
greater than 10%. clearancerecommendationsinplaceofclearanceslistedabove.
Report appliance placement relative to test room walls in
6.8 Velocity Meter, for measuring air velocity around the
results reporting section. The associated heating or cooling
buffet/preparation table.
NOTE 1—Food Service Technology Center researchers found 10-ft
of 73 6 3°F (22 6 2°C) during preconditioning of the
(3-m) sensor leads allowed for flexibility in test equipment setup while
buffet/preparation table and 86 6 2°F (30 6 1°C) during
still being manageable (tangle free).
energy tests within the testing environment.
7. Reagents and Materials
9.2 The testing environment during energy tests shall be
maintained as per ANSI/NSF 7 standard section on perfor-
7.1 Water, used shall have a maximum hardness of 3 grains
mance for refrigerated buffet units and refrigerated food
per gallon. Distilled water may be used.
preparation units room (test chamber) specifications. ANSI/
7.2 Sodium chloride (salt).
NSF 7 test room conditions are ambient temperature of 86 6
7.3 Gelatin, shall be industry-grade, granulated, non-
2°F (30 6 1°C), no vertical temperature gradient exceeding
flavored gelatin.
1.5°F/ft (2.5°C/m), maximum relative humidity of 50% and
maximum air current velocity of 50 ft/min (0.25 m/s) across
Technology Center to be an acceptable test product. the surfaces of the test pans.
FIG. 2 Example of Appliance Placement
F2143 − 04 (2010)
9.3 Connect the buffet/preparation table to a calibrated hold synthetic food in the display (rail) area of the buffet/
energy test meter. A voltage regulator may be required during preparation table. During the holding energy test, thermo-
tests if the voltage supply is not within 62.5% of the
couples will measure the temperature of the synthetic food in
manufacturer’s nameplate voltage.
the pans. Place the pans in display area (rail) of the buffet/
preparation table to determine thermocouple placement. Later,
9.4 Confirm (while the buffet/preparation table compres-
sor(s) are energized) that the supply voltage is within 62.5%
synthetic food to within ⁄2 in. (13 mm) of the pan’s top rim.
of the operating voltage specified by the manufacturer. Record
Note where ⁄2 in. (13 mm) is from the pan’s top rim for
the test voltage for each test.
determining placement of thermocouples. Determine which
NOTE 3—It is the intent of the testing procedure herein to evaluate the
pans will be placed in the corners of the display area (rail).
performance of a buffet/preparation table at its rated voltage. If a unit is
Place two thermocouples in each of the corner pans and two
rated for dual voltage (that is, designed to operate at either 208 or 240 V
with no change in components), the voltage selected by the manufacturer thermocouples in the pan located in the center of the display
and/or tester shall be reported. If a buffet/preparation table is designed to
area (rail). The two thermocouples in each corner will be
operate at two voltages without a change in components, the performance
positioned no more than ⁄2 in. (13 mm) from the side walls or
of the unit (for example, holding energy rate) may differ at the two
end walls of the pan. One of the corner thermocouples shall be
9.5 If the buffet/preparation table is equipped with a refrig-
other thermocouple will be positioned ⁄8 in. (3 mm) above the
erated compartment, the compartment air temperature shall be
bottom surface of the pan. Position the two center thermo-
monitored to evaluate the buffet/preparation table’s ability to
couples as close to the center of the open display area as
maintain the air temperature between 33°F (1°C) and 40°F
possible (in the center pan) with one thermocouple at a depth
(4°C). The compartment shall be empty, and three thermo-
couples shall be used to monitor air temperatures. If the
other thermocouple positioned ⁄8 in. (3 mm) above the bottom
buffet/preparation table is not equipped with a refrigerated
surface of the pan. Position each center thermocouple no more
compartment then skip steps 9.5.1 – 9.5.3.
than ⁄2 in. (13 mm) from the sidewalls or endwalls of the pan.
9.5.1 For buffet/preparation tables with refrigerated com-
Thermocouple leads should be firmly attached to the pan to
partments position thermocouple no. 1 when viewed from the
prevent movement. The thermocouple leads should be long
front of the refrigerated table 5 6 0.25 in (127 6 6 mm) from
enough to allow connection to the monitoring device while the
the left interior wall. Center the thermocouple in the compart-
pans are in a cooler for conditioning and while they are i

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