Aerospace series - Vacuum deposition of cadmium

Luft- und Raumfahrt - Aufdampfen von Kadmium im Vakuum

Série aérospatiale - Cadmiage sous vide

Le présent document définit la méthode pour déposer des couches de cadmium selon le procédé de cadmiage sous vide, pour utilisation dans la construction aéronautique.
Selon ce procédé, le métal cadmié est vaporisé sous vide et déposé directement sur le matériau de base avec une couche intermédiaire. Le revêtement produit de cette manière est ductile et électroconducteur.
Le présent document est applicable chaque fois qu’il est cité en référence.

Aeronavtika - Usedline kadmija v vakuumu

General Information

Not Published
Current Stage
4599 - Dispatch of FV draft to CMC - Finalization for Vote
Due Date
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oSIST prEN 2535:2020
Aeronavtika - Usedline kadmija v vakuumu
Aerospace series - Vacuum deposition of cadmium
Luft- und Raumfahrt - Aufdampfen von Kadmium im Vakuum
Série aérospatiale - Cadmiage sous vide
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 2535
49.025.99 Drugi materiali Other materials
oSIST prEN 2535:2020 en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN 2535:2020
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oSIST prEN 2535:2020
prEN 2535
July 2020
ICS Will supersede EN 2535:2011
English Version
Aerospace series - Vacuum deposition of cadmium

Série aérospatiale - Cadmiage sous vide Luft- und Raumfahrt - Aufdampfen von Kadmium im


This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee ASD-


If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations

which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other

language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC

Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,

Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,

Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and

United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are

aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without

notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2020 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 2535:2020 E

worldwide for CEN national Members.
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oSIST prEN 2535:2020
prEN 2535:2020 (E)
Contents Page

European foreword ............................................................................................................................................ 4

1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Normative references .......................................................................................................................... 5

3 Terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................... 6

4 General principles of the process .................................................................................................... 7

4.1 Purpose of process ............................................................................................................................... 7

4.2 Thickness ................................................................................................................................................. 7

4.3 Indications for use of cadmium coatings ...................................................................................... 7

5 Apparatus and materials .................................................................................................................... 7

5.1 Vacuum enclosure ................................................................................................................................ 7

5.2 Deposition material ............................................................................................................................. 7

5.3 Masking material .................................................................................................................................. 8

6 Process requirements ......................................................................................................................... 8

6.1 Information for the processor .......................................................................................................... 8

6.2 Process schedule ................................................................................................................................... 8

6.3 Pre-treatment ......................................................................................................................................... 8

6.3.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

6.3.2 Degreasing ............................................................................................................................................... 8

6.3.3 Abrasive blasting ................................................................................................................................... 9

6.4 Treatment ................................................................................................................................................ 9

6.4.1 Suspension and clamping of parts .................................................................................................. 9

6.4.2 Evacuation of the enclosure (primary vacuum) ........................................................................ 9

6.4.3 Sputter cleaning ..................................................................................................................................... 9

6.4.4 Deposition................................................................................................................................................ 9

6.4.5 Flooding, venting ................................................................................................................................... 9

6.4.6 Removal .................................................................................................................................................. 10

6.5 Post-treatment ..................................................................................................................................... 10

6.5.1 Chromating ............................................................................................................................................ 10

6.5.2 Without post-treatment .................................................................................................................... 10

6.5.3 Non chromium (VI) passivation ..................................................................................................... 10

6.5.4 Additional protection ........................................................................................................................ 10

6.6 Removal of the coating ...................................................................................................................... 10

6.6.1 Chemical process ................................................................................................................................. 10

6.6.2 Mechanical process ............................................................................................................................ 10

6.7 Reprocessing......................................................................................................................................... 10

7 Test specimens requirements ........................................................................................................ 10

8 Parts requirements ............................................................................................................................ 11

8.1 Condition of parts prior to processing ........................................................................................ 11

8.1.1 General .................................................................................................................................................... 11

8.1.2 Stress relief treatment ...................................................................................................................... 11

8.2 Tests for qualification ....................................................................................................................... 11

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oSIST prEN 2535:2020
prEN 2535:2020 (E)

9 Quality assurance ............................................................................................................................... 11

9.1 Approval of the processor ............................................................................................................... 11

9.2 Process approval ................................................................................................................................. 11

9.3 Acceptance ............................................................................................................................................ 11

10 Health, safety and environmental aspects ................................................................................. 12

11 Designation ........................................................................................................................................... 12

Annex A (normative) Tests on test specimens and on parts for qualification ........................... 13

Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

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oSIST prEN 2535:2020
prEN 2535:2020 (E)
European foreword

This document (prEN 2535:2020) has been prepared by the Aerospace and Defence Industries

Association of Europe — Standardization (ASD-STAN).

After enquiries and votes carried out in accordance with the rules of this Association, this Standard has

received the approval of the National Associations and the Official Services of the member countries of

ASD-STAN, prior to its presentation to CEN.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 2535:2011.
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oSIST prEN 2535:2020
prEN 2535:2020 (E)
1 Scope

This document defines the method for depositing cadmium layers according to the vacuum deposition

process, for use in aerospace construction.

According to this process, cadmium metal is vaporized under vacuum and deposited directly on the base

material with an interlayer. The coating produced in this way is ductile and electrically conductive.

This document is applicable whenever referenced.
2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 2437, Aerospace series - Chromate conversion coatings (yellow) for aluminium and aluminium alloys

EN 2828, Aerospace series - Adhesion test for metallic coatings by burnishing

EN 4729, Aerospace series - Trivalent chromium based chemical conversion coatings for aluminium and

aluminium alloys

EN ISO 1463, Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method (ISO


EN ISO 2082, Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electroplated coatings of cadmium with

supplementary treatments on iron or steel (ISO 2082)

EN ISO 2177, Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Coulometric method by anodic

dissolution (ISO 2177)

EN ISO 2178, Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic

method (ISO 2178)

EN ISO 2819, Metallic coatings on metallic substrates - Electrodeposited and chemically deposited coatings

- Review of methods available for testing adhesion (ISO 2819)

EN ISO 9227, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests (ISO 9227)

ISO 2859-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1: sampling schemes indexed by

acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection

ISO 4520, Chromate conversion coatings on electroplated zinc and cadmium coatings

ISO 18295-1, Customer contact centres — Part 1: Requirements for customer contact centres

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prEN 2535:2020 (E)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
• IEC Electropedia: available at
parts of the same nature (form, size, material), treated at the same time
organization or person that receives a product or service
[SOURCE: ISO 18295-1]

company or person who manufactures parts or assembles components in accordance with the relevant

standards and declares the compliance of the delivered products with all applicable provisions of the

relevant standard(s)
Note 1 to entry: the manufacturer can also apply the process.

Original Equipment Manufacturer, manufacturer who has the design authority and manufactures parts

or components which are purchased and retailed by the manufacturers company under the purcha


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