Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Base Station System (BSS) equipment specification; Part 4: Repeaters (3GPP TS 51.026 version 17.0.0 Release 17)


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ETSI TS 151 026 V17.0.0 (2022-05) - Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Base Station System (BSS) equipment specification; Part 4: Repeaters (3GPP TS 51.026 version 17.0.0 Release 17)
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ETSI TS 151 026 V17.0.0 (2022-05)

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM);
Base Station System (BSS) equipment specification;
Part 4: Repeaters
(3GPP TS 51.026 version 17.0.0 Release 17)


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3GPP TS 51.026 version 17.0.0 Release 17 1 ETSI TS 151 026 V17.0.0 (2022-05)

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Intellectual Property Rights . 2
Legal Notice . 2
Modal verbs terminology . 2
Foreword . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 References . 6
3 Definitions and abbreviations . 7
3.1 Definitions . 7
3.2 Abbreviations . 7
4 General . 7
4.1 Radio frequency bands . 8
4.2 Test environments . 8
4.2.1 Normal test environment . 8
4.2.2 Extreme test environment . 8
4.2.3 Extreme temperature . 8
4.3 Manufacturers declarations . 9
4.4 Methods of measurement . 9
5 Spurious emissions . 9
5.1 Test purpose . 9
5.2 Test case . 9
5.3 Conformance requirement . 10
5.4 Reference requirement . 11
6 Intermodulation attenuation . 11
6.1 Test purpose . 11
6.2 Test case . 11
6.3 Conformance requirement . 11
6.4 Reference requirement . 11
7 Out of band gain . 12
7.1 Test purpose . 12
7.2 Test case . 12
7.3 Conformance requirement . 12
7.4 Reference requirement . 12
8 Frequency error . 12
8.1 Test purpose . 12
8.2 Test case . 13
8.3 Conformance requirement . 13
8.4 Reference requirement . 13
9 Modulation accuracy at GMSK modulation. 13
9.1 Test purpose . 13
9.2 Test case . 13
9.3 Conformance requirement . 14
9.4 Reference requirement . 14
10 Modulation accuracy at 8-PSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 32-QAM or AQPSK modulation . 14
10.1 Test purpose . 14
10.2 Test case . 14
10.3 Conformance requirement . 15
10.4 Reference requirement . 15
Annex A (informative): Testing of gain for part band repeaters . 16

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A.1 Rationale for this test . 16
A.2 Gain outside pass band . 16
A.2.1 Test purpose . 16
A.2.2 Test case . 16
A.2.3 Conformance requirement . 16
Annex B (informative): Change history . 17
History . 18


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This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3 Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
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1 Scope
The present document describes the Radio Frequency (RF) tests for GSM repeaters (frequency bands according to
clause 4.1) which receive, amplify, and retransmit a received Mobile Station (MS) signal in the GSM MS transmit band
and simultaneously receive, amplify and retransmit a received Base Transceiver Station (BTS) RF signal in the
GSM BTS transmit band.
The present document is applicable to repeaters meeting the requirements of either GSM Phase 2 or GSM Phase 2+.
Unless otherwise stated, all tests are applicable to repeaters meeting Phase 2 and/or Phase 2+ GSM requirements,
because the requirements of the Phase 2 and Phase 2+ core GSM specifications which are referenced in the test are
consistent. Most differences between Phase 2 and Phase 2+ requirements represent Phase 2+ features which are optional
for the BSS to support.
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
[2] ETS 300 019-1-0: "Equipment Engineering (EE): Environmental conditions and environmental
tests for telecommunications equipment Part 1-0; Classification of environmental conditions;
[3] ETS 300 019-1-3: "Equipment Engineering (EE): Environmental conditions and environmental
tests for telecommunications equipment Part 1-3; Classification of environmental conditions,
Stationary use at weather-protected locations".
[4] ETS 300 019-1-4: "Equipment Engineering (EE): Environmental conditions and environmental
tests for telecommunications equipment Part 1-4; Classification of environmental conditions,
Stationary use at non-weather-protected locations".
[5] ITU-R Rec. SM.329: "Spurious emissions".
[6] void.
[7] IEC 60068-2: "Basic environmental testing procedures: Part 2 Tests".
[8] IEC 721: "Classification of environmental conditions".
[9] 3GPP TS 51.010-1: "Mobile Station (MS) conformity specification".
[10] 3GPP TS 51.021: "Base Station System (BSS) equipment specification; Radio aspects".
[11] ETSI ETR 027: "Methods of measurement for private mobile radio equipment".
[12] ETSI ETR 028: "Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics".
[13] 3GPP TS 45.005: "Radio transmission and reception".

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3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply:
broadband repeater: repeater which is designed for operation on any combination of ARFCNs (up to a specified
maximum number) within the operating band of the repeater.
channelized repeater: repeater which is designed for operation on a specified subset of ARFCNs within the operating
band of the repeater. The subset of ARFCNs may be determined during the manufacture of the repeater, or may be
GSM: Unless otherwise specified, references to GSM include all radio frequency bands according to clause 4.1.
operating band: the frequency range in which GSM operates.
pass band: frequency range that the repeater operates in with operational configuration.
NOTE 1: This frequency range can correspond to one or several consecutive nominal channels. If they are not
consecutive each subset of channels shall be considered as an individual pass band.
NOTE 2: A repeater can have one or several pass bands.
repeater: bi-directional Radio Frequency (RF) amplifier which can amplify and transmit a received Mobile Station
(MS) signal in the GSM MS transmit band, simultaneously it can amplify and transmit a received Base Transceiver
Station (BTS) RF signal in the GSM BTS transmit band.
repeater system using frequency shift: repeater system consisting of two different elements, a master unit close to the
BTS and at least one remote unit close to the area to be covered.
NOTE 3: The master unit amplifies the channels from the BTS and shifts them to different GSM channels. In the
remote unit the shifted channels from the master unit will be transferred back to the original channels and
amplified. This is valid for the downlink signals as well as for the uplink signals.
spurious emissions: emissions at frequencies other than those of the carrier and sidebands associated with normal
modulation and switching.
subchannel power imbalance ratio on downlink: as defined in 3GPP TS 45.004 [21].
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
BTS Base Transceiver Station
MS Mobile Station
RF Radio Frequency
SCPIR_DL Subchannel Power Imbalance Ratio on DownLink
Abbreviations used within the GSM specifications are given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].
4 General
A repeater can be designed to amplify the whole transmit RF band or just a part of the band. In the latter case the
repeater can be either Broadband, with frequency band selective filtering, or channelized, with channel selective

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4.1 Radio frequency bands
A repeater, as having a bi-directional amplifier capability, can amplify and transmit a received MS signal in the MS
transmit band, simultaneously it can amplify and transmit a received BTS signal in the BTS transmit band. The relevant
MS and BTS transmit bands for the present document are the MS and BTS transmit bands as defined in 3GPP
TS 45.005 [13], clause 2. A repeater is designed to operate in one or several pass bands within the MS and BTS transmit
bands as defined in 3GPP TS 45.005 [13], clause 2. In this document, such MS and BTS relevant bands are herein
referred as the repeater operating bands, as defined in clause 3.1. Repeater operating band(s) and repeater pass band(s)
are part of clause 4.3 Manufacturers declarations.
Table 1: void
NOTE: In some circumstances, for instance when an operator (or more than one operator who co-ordinate the use
of repeaters), is not allocated a complete band, it may be necessary to restrict the frequency range of
operations of repeaters. In these circumstances, the test of "Gain outside pass band" in annex A may be
used to verify the performance of the repeater.
4.2 Test environments
For each test in the present document, the environmental conditions under which the repeater is to be tested are defined.
4.2.1 Normal test environment
When a normal test environment is specified for a test, the test should be performed under any combination of
conditions between the minimum and maximum limits stated in table 2.
Table 2: Limits of conditions for Normal Test Environment
Condition Minimum Maximum
Barometric pressure 86 kPa 106 kPa
Temperature 15ºC 30ºC
Relative Humidity 20 % 85 %
Power supply Nominal, as declared by the manufacturer
Vibration Negligible

The ranges of barometric pressure, temperature and humidity represent the maximum variation expected in the
uncontrolled environment of a test laboratory. If it is not possible to maintain these parameters within the specified
limits, the actual values shall be recorded in the test report.
NOTE: This may, for instance, be the case for measurements of radiated emissions performed on an open field
test site.
4.2.2 Extreme test environment
The manufacturer shall declare one of the following:
a) the equipment class for the equipment under test, as defined in ETS 300 019-1-3 [3];
b) the equipment class for the equipment under test, as defined in ETS 300 019-1-4 [4];
c) for equipment that does not comply to an ETS 300 019-1 [2] class, the relevant classes from IEC 721 [8]
documentation for temperature, humidity and vibration shall be declared.
NOTE: Reduced functionality for conditions that fall out side of the standard operational conditions are not tested
in the present document. These may be stated and tested separately.
4.2.3 Extreme temperature
When an extreme temperature test environment is specified for a test, the test shall be performed at the standard
minimum and maximum operating temperatures defined by the manufacturer's declaration for the equipment under test.

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Minimum temperature:
- the test shall be performed with the environmental test equipment and methods of inducing the required
environmental phenomena into the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60068-2-1 [7]. The
equipment shall be maintained at the stabilized condition for the duration of the test sequence.
Maximum temperature:
- the test shall be performed with the environmental test equipment and methods of inducing the required
environmental phenomena into the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60068-2-2 [7]. The
equipment shall be maintained at the stabilized condition for the duration of the test sequence.
NOTE: It is recommended that the equipment is made fully operational prior to the equipment being taken to its
lower operating temperature.
4.3 Manufacturers declarations
The manufacturer shall declare:
a) the operating band or bands of the repeater;
b) for each operating band, the pass band or bands within the operating band;
c) the maximum rated output power per channel;
d) the number of channels supported by the repeater;
e) the supported modulation methods.
4.4 Methods of measurement
The general methods of measurement and measurement uncertainty shall be according to ETSI ETR 027 [11] and
ETSI ETR 028 [12] except where they conflict with the present document.
5 Spurious emissions
5.1 Test purpose
This test measures the conducted spurious emissions (see clause 3.1) at the antenna ports and the effective power of
spurious emissions radiated by the cabinet and structure.
5.2 Test case
The repeater shall be set to maximum gain. All measurement steps, as described in this clause, apply to all antenna ports
of the repeater.
a) Spurious emissions from the antenna port:
- one antenna port of the repeater shall be connected to a selective RF measurement device presenting to the
repeater a load with an impedance of 50 ohms. An average power measurement of spurious emissions shall
be performed for frequency offsets from the carrier frequency greater than 600 kHz under the following two
i) without any RF input signal. The relevant input antenna port of the repeater shall be terminated with
50 ohms;
ii) with an RF input signal. The relevant antenna input port of the repeater shall be connected to an RF signal
generator. A continuous sinusoidal RF signal shall be input at a level which will result, when measured,
in the maximum rated RF output power per channel, as declared by the manufacturer. The RF input signal

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shall be set to the centre frequency of the repeaters pass band. In the case of a channelized repeater, the
RF input signal shall be set to the centre of the supported ARFCN closest to the centre of the range of
ARFCNs supported by the repeater.
b) Radiated spurious emissions:
- a test site fulfilling the requirements of ITU-R SM.329 [5] shall be used, except when it conflicts with the
present document. The repeater shall be placed on a non-conducting support and shall be operated from a
power source as recommended by the manufacturer via an RF filter, to prevent the power source or cable
from influencing the result of the measurement;
- the relevant output antenna port of the repeater shall be terminated with 50 ohms. The relevant antenna input
port of the repeater shall be connected to a RF signal generator in such a way that the connection does not
influence the result of the measurement. The RF input signal shall be set to the centre frequency of the
repeaters pass band. A continuous sinusoidal RF signal shall be input at a level which will result, when
measured, in the maximum rated output power per channel, as declared by the manufacturer.
- an average RF power measurement shall be performed for frequency offsets from the carrier frequency
greater than 600 kHz over the frequency range 30 MHz to 4 GHz. The repeater shall be rotated through 360°
in the horizontal plane and the test antenna shall be raised or lowered until the maximum spurious signal
level is detected. The effective radiated power

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