ETSI ETS 300 254 ed.1 (1994-05)
Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMES) operating in the 1,5/1,6 GHz bands providing Low Bit Rate Data Communications (LBRDC)
Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMES) operating in the 1,5/1,6 GHz bands providing Low Bit Rate Data Communications (LBRDC)
Satelitske zemeljske postaje in sistemi (SES) – Kopenske mobilne zemeljske postaje (LMES), ki delujejo v pasovih 1,5 GHz in 1,6 GHz, ki zagotavljajo podatkovne komunikacije z nizko bitno hitrostjo (LBRDC)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Satelitske zemeljske postaje in sistemi (SES) – Kopenske mobilne zemeljske postaje (LMES), ki delujejo v pasovih 1,5 GHz in 1,6 GHz, ki zagotavljajo podatkovne komunikacije z nizko bitno hitrostjo (LBRDC)Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMES) operating in the 1,5/1,6 GHz bands providing Low Bit Rate Data Communications (LBRDC)33.060.30Radiorelejni in fiksni satelitski komunikacijski sistemiRadio relay and fixed satellite communications systemsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:ETS 300 254 E13SIST ETS 300 254en01-VHSWHPEHU3SIST ETS 300 254SLOVENSKI
SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
EUROPEANETS 300 254TELECOMMUNICATIONMay 1994STANDARDSource: ETSI TC-SESReference: DE/SES-05001ICS:33.060.30Key words:LMES, LBRDCSatellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES);Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMESs)operating in the 1,5/1,6 GHz bandsproviding Low Bit Rate Data Communications (LBRDCs)ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards InstituteETSI SecretariatPostal address: F-06921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - FRANCEOffice address: 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCEX.400: c=fr, a=atlas, p=etsi, s=secretariat - Internet: secretariat@etsi.frTel.: +33 92 94 42 00 - Fax: +33 93 65 47 16Copyright Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and theforegoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1994. All rights reserved.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 2ETS 300 254: May 1994Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content,typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to"ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept." at the address shown on the title page.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 3ETS 300 254: May 1994ContentsForeword.51Scope.72Normative references.83Definitions and abbreviations.83.1Definitions.83.2Abbreviations.94Requirements.94.1Safety.94.1.1Mechanical construction.94.1.2Electrical safety, power voltages.94.1.3Radio frequency radiation protection.94.2Radio Frequency (RF).104.2.1Unwanted emissions outside the bands 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz.104.2.2Maximum unwanted emission within the 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz bands.124.2.3Electromagnetic immunity.134.2.4Protection of the radio astronomy service from the LMES operating in theband 1 660,0 - 1 660,5 MHz.134.3LMES Control and Monitoring Functions (CMFs).144.3.1Monitoring functions. monitoring. frequency sub-system.144.3.2Power on/reset.154.3.3Network control reception and authorisation. control authorisation. control reception.164.4Initial burst rate transmission.165Recommendations.175.1Electrical safety while loading and unloading hazardous fuels or gases.175.2Electromagnetic immunity - General immunity between 2 GHz and 3 GHz.175.3Compliance with RF specifications under conditions of shock and vibration.175.4Method of attachment to the vehicle of the Externally Mounted Equipment (EME).186Network Control Facilities (NCFs) for LMES networks.18Annex A (normative):Environmental conditions.19A.1Environmental conditions.19A.2Test conditions.19Annex B (normative):Out-of-band unwanted emissions above 960 MHz - test procedure.20B.1Introduction.20B.2Measuring apparatus.20B.3Equipment Under Test (EUT).20B.4Special Test Equipment (STE).20B.5Test set-up.21B.6Measuring procedure.21SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 4ETS 300 254: May 1994B.7Alternative measuring procedure.21Annex C (normative):In-band unwanted emissions - test procedure.22C.1Introduction.22C.2Measuring apparatus.22C.3Equipment Under Test (EUT).22C.4Special Test Equipment (STE).22C.5Test set-up.22C.6Measuring procedure.23C.7Alternative measuring procedure.23History.24SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 5ETS 300 254: May 1994ForewordThis European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) has been produced by the Satellite Earth Stations andSystems (SES) Technical Committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).Every ETS prepared by ETSI is a voluntary standard. This ETS may contain text concerning type approvalof the equipment to which it relates. This text does not make this ETS mandatory in its status as astandard. However, this ETS can be referenced, wholly or in part, for mandatory application by decisionsof regulatory bodies.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
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Page 7ETS 300 254: May 19941ScopeThis European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) provides specifications for the standardisation of thecharacteristics of Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMESs) with both transmit and receive capabilities in orderto ensure general safety and to limit interference to radio communications services.The geostationary satellite networks referred to in this ETS operate under the Land Mobile SatelliteService (LMSS). The LMESs operate as part of a geostationary satellite network providing Low Bit RateData Communications (LBRDC).The frequency bands under which the LMESs operate should be within the following bands:LMES transmit frequenciesLMES receive frequencies1 626,5 MHz to 1 645,5 MHzand1 656,5 MHz to 1 660,5 MHz1 525,0 MHz to 1 544,0 MHzand1 555,0 MHz to 1 559,0 MHzThese LMESs generally have the following characteristics:-the LMESs could be either vehicle mounted or portable equipment;-the LMESs could consist of a number of modules including a keyboard interface to the user.The main specifications are contained in three categories related to:-safety: to protect personnel, public and goods from unsafe operating conditions or equipment;-unwanted emissions: to protect terrestrial and satellite radio services from harmful interference;-LMES control and monitoring: to specify a minimum set of Control and Monitoring Functions (CMF)that shall be implemented on each LMES in order to minimise the probability that they originateunwanted transmissions that may give rise to harmful interference to other systems.This ETS deals with two types of specification:a)Essential normative requirements (indicated in Clause 4)Requirements are specified in order to protect other users of the frequency spectrum fromunacceptable interference. In addition, requirements are specified for the purposes of generalsafety.b)Recommendations (indicated in Clause 5)Recommendations are specified relating to matters of general safety, minimisation of interferenceto other users of the radio spectrum and for the provision of protection of the LMESs againstelectromagnetic interference from other systems.All tests related to the requirements shall be performed and the results entered in the data sheets of thetest report. The ability to comply with the recommendations shall also be noted in the data sheets of thetest report.
All parameters and operational conditions declared by the manufacturer shall be entered inthe test report.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 8ETS 300 254: May 19942Normative referencesThis ETS incorporates, by dated or undated references, provisions from other publications. Thesenormative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listedhereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publicationsapply to this ETS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latestedition of the publication referred to applies.[1]IEC 215 (1987): "Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment".[2]CISPR Publication No. 22 (1985): "Limits and methods of measurement of radiointerference characteristics of information technology equipment".[3]IEC 510-2-1 (1978): "Methods of measurement for radio equipment used insatellite earth stations, Part 2: Measurement for sub-systems".[4]ETS 300 282: "Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Network ControlFacilities (NCFs) for Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMESs) operating in the1,5/1,6 GHz and 11/12/14 GHz bands providing Low Bit Rate DataCommunications (LBRDCs)".[5]IEC 801-3 (1984): "Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-processmeasurement and control equipment, Part 3: Radiated electromagnetic fieldrequirements".[6]CISPR Publication No. 16 (1987): "CISPR" specification for radio interferencemeasuring apparatus and measurement methods".3Definitions and abbreviations3.1DefinitionsFor the purposes of this ETS, the following definitions apply:Installable Equipment (IE), Internally Mounted Equipment (IME) and Externally Mounted Equipment(EME): an Installable Equipment (IE) is an equipment which is intended to be installed in a vehicle. An IEmay consist of one or several interconnected modules. The manufacturer shall indicate which modulesare intended to be Externally Mounted Equipment (EME); the remaining module(s) will then be defined asInternally Mounted Equipment (IME). Where different specifications apply to IME and EME, this is noted inthe text.Nominated bandwidth: the bandwidth of the LMES radio frequency transmission is nominated by themanufacturer. The nominated bandwidth shall encompass all close-in spectral elements of thetransmission which have a level greater than the specified spurious levels. The nominated bandwidth shallbe wide enough to take account of the transmit carrier frequency stability. The nominated bandwidth shallbe within the LMSS transmit frequency band within which the LMES operates. The value of the nominatedbandwidth shall be entered on the data sheet of the test report.Portable Equipment (PE): a Portable Equipment (PE) is generally intended to be self-contained, freestanding and portable. A PE would normally consist of a single module, but may consist of severalinterconnected modules. In some cases different specifications will apply to PE and this is noted in thetext.Unwanted emissions: unwanted emissions are those falling outside the nominated bandwidth.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 9ETS 300 254: May 19943.2AbbreviationsFor the purposes of this ETS, the following abbreviations apply:CMFControl and Monitoring FunctionEIRPEquivalent Isotropically Radiated PowerEMElectro-MagneticEMEExternally Mounted EquipmentEUTEquipment Under TestIEInstallable EquipmentIMEInternally Mounted EquipmentLBRDCLow Bit Rate Data CommunicationLMSSLand Mobile Satellite ServiceLMESLand Mobile Earth StationNCFNetwork Control FacilityPEPortable EquipmentRFRadio Frequencyrmsroot mean squareSTESpecial Test Equipment4Requirements4.1Safety4.1.1Mechanical constructionPurpose:Protection of operating personnel, the public and goods from insecure or unsafe structures.Specification:For Installable Equipment (IE) and Portable Equipment (PE) the mechanical design, construction andfinish of the equipment shall conform to IEC 215 [1], section 3, paragraph 9.1.Verification:Verification shall be demonstrated by documentary evidence and visual inspection.4.1.2Electrical safety, power voltagesPurpose:Protection of operating personnel and the public from electric shock.Specification:The electrical safety of the equipment shall be in accordance with paragraphs 13, 14, 15 and 16, andAppendix B of IEC 215 [1].Verification:Conformance shall be determined by documentary evidence and visual inspection.4.1.3Radio frequency radiation protectionPurpose:To indicate the distance from the LMES below which RF power densities in excess of 8 W/m2 may beexperienced, when averaged over a 6 minute period.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 10ETS 300 254: May 1994Specification:The radiating part of the equipment (which includes the exterior of any radome or other antenna enclosurewhere fitted) shall be labelled with a warning notice which shall be clearly visible when the equipment is inits normal operating configuration. This notice shall indicate the closest distance to the radiating part withinwhich a person may approach the equipment without experiencing radio frequency power density levels inexcess of 8 W/m2, when under worst case conditions (e.g. maximum power, maximum on/off ratio),averaged over a 6 minute period. This notice shall also state that before approaching the radiating partwithin any distance closer than that indicated, the LMES equipment shall be switched off or otherwisedisabled so that it shall not transmit.Where the equipment is vehicle mounted a warning notice providing the same information as that affixedto the radiating part shall be provided for fixing in the vehicle near to and clearly visible from the normaloperating position of the IME. In addition, for vehicle mounted equipment where the radiating part ismounted in a position where it is not normally visible to a person standing on the ground next to thevehicle, further warning notices shall be provided with instructions that they be attached to the vehicle soas to be clearly visible to anyone attempting to climb on to the part of the vehicle where the radiating partof the equipment is mounted.In the case where the antenna is enclosed in a radome, or other antenna enclosure, and when no RFpower density greater than 8 W/m2, when under worst case conditions (e.g. maximum power, maximumon/off ratio), averaged over a 6 minute period, is produced outside of this radome, or antenna enclosure,then it is not necessary to label the radiating part or provide labels for the vehicle in the manner indicatedabove. Instead, the radiating part shall be clearly labelled with a warning that the LMES equipment shallbe switched off, or otherwise disabled, so that it shall not transmit before any work requiring the removalof the radome or antenna enclosure takes place. Where the equipment is vehicle mounted, a labelcontaining the same warning shall be provided, to be mounted in the vehicle near to, and clearly visiblefrom, the normal operating position of the IME.Verification:Verification of the distance below which exist RF power densities in excess of 8 W/m2, when under worstcase conditions (e.g. maximum power, maximum on/off ratio) averaged over a 6 minute period, shall beby documentary evidence. The manufacturer shall quantify the worst case conditions.Conformance with the labelling requirements of this subclause shall be demonstrated by visual inspectionof the radiating part and, if relevant, an examination of the notices provided by the manufacturer foraffixing to vehicles, and the instructions provided relating to the affixing of these notices.4.2Radio Frequency (RF)Whenever a change of limit between adjacent frequency bands occurs in this subclause, the lower of thetwo limits shall apply at the transition frequency.4.2.1Unwanted emissions outside the bands 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and 1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHzPurpose:Protection of terrestrial and satellite services from emissions caused by LMESs outside the
bands1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and 1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz.Specification:The unwanted emissions from the LMES outside the bands 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz within which the LMES is designed to operate shall be below the following limits.For unwanted emissions below 960 MHz, the LMES shall meet the requirements of CISPR Publication No.22 [2] for class B equipment, with carrier on.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 11ETS 300 254: May 1994Table 1Limits of radiated emissions at a test distance of 10m in a 120 kHz bandwidthFrequency (MHz)Quasi-peak Limits (dBµV/m)30 to 23030230 to 96037The unwanted emissions EIRP above 960 MHz in the measurement bandwidth and in all directions shallnot exceed the following limits:Table 2Frequency rangeCarrier OnCarrier OffMHzEIRP limit (dBpW)Measurementbandwidth (kHz)EIRP limit (dBpW)Measurementbandwidth (kHz)960 - 1 52549100481001 525 - 1 559491001731 559 - 1 60049100481001 600 - 1 623,574100481001 623,5 - 1 62674 (NOTE 1)100 (NOTE 1)481001 626 - 1 626,5843481001 645,5 - 1 645,610435731 645,6 - 1 646,18435731 646,1 - 1 655,97435731 655,9 - 1 656,48435731 656,4 - 1 656,510435731 660,5 - 1 661843481001 661 - 1 663,574 (NOTE 1)100 (NOTE 1)481001 663,5 - 1 69074100481001 690 - 3 40049 (NOTE 2)100481003 400 - 10 70055 (NOTE 3)1004810010 700 - 21 200611005410021 200 - 40 0006710060100NOTE 1:These figures shall be 74 dBpW/3kHz prior to 1st January 1996.NOTE 2:In the band 3 253,0 - 3 321,0 MHz the maximum EIRP in one, and only one, 100 kHzmeasurement bandwidth shall not exceed 82 dBpW. Prior to 1st January 1996 this figureshall be 92 dBpW. Elsewhere in this band the power limit in this table shall be applied.NOTE 3:In each of the bands 4 879,5 - 4 981,5 MHz, 6 506,0 - 6 642,0 MHz and 8 132,5 - 8 302,5MHz the maximum EIRP in one, and only one, 100 kHz measurement bandwidth shall notexceed 72 dBpW. Prior to 1st January 1996 this figure shall be 82 dBpW. Elsewhere in thesebands the power limit in this table shall be applied. In the band 9 759,0 - 9 963,0 MHz themaximum power in one, and only one, 100 kHz measurement bandwidth shall not exceed 61dBpW. Prior to 1st January 1996 this figure shall be 71 dBpW. Elsewhere in this band thepower limit in this table shall be applied.Verification:By measurement of unwanted emissions generated by an operating LMES.All RF tests in this subclause shall be carried out at ambient environmental conditions and for a nominalpower supply voltage.All tests with carrier on shall be undertaken with the transmitter operating at full power and with themaximum transmit burst rate where applicable.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 12ETS 300 254: May 1994To enable the performance tests to be carrier out, the use of Special Test Equipment (STE), madeavailable by the manufacturer or system provider, may be necessary. Since this test equipment will bespecific for the particular system, it is not possible to provide detailed specifications in this ETS. However,the following baseline is provided:-if the LMES requires to receive a modulated carrier from the satellite in order to transmit, thenspecial test arrangements are required to simulate the satellite signal, thus enabling the LMES totransmit to allow measurement of transmission parameters;-any characteristic of these special test arrangements which may have direct or indirect effects onthe parameters to be measured shall be clearly stated by the manufacturer.Test procedure:Below 960 MHz, the test procedures set out in CISPR Publication No. 22 [2], paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10shall be used.Above 960 MHz, the full system shall be tested according to the test procedure given in Annex B.Where possible, up to four LMES transmit frequencies shall be used for this test; the frequencies shall beselected to be as close as possible to the upper and lower limits of the transmit frequency sub-band(s) ofthe LMES declared by the manufacturer, to be intended for operational use of the LMES. The upper andlower extremes of the tuning range stated by the manufacturer shall be entered in the test report.4.2.2Maximum unwanted emission within the 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz bandsPurpose:Protection of satellite and terrestrial services operating in the above frequency bands.Specification:The unwanted emissions EIRP in any 3 kHz band within the 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and 1 656,5 - 1 660,5MHz bands in which the LMES is designed to transmit, but outside the nominated bandwidth, shall notexceed the following limits:-when the carrier is off: 57 dBpW;-when the carrier is on as follows:Offset from the edge of the band of the nominatedbandwidth (kHz)Maximum EIRP (dBpW)011710010420084greater than 70074Verification:Conformance shall be determined by direct measurement.The conditions (environment, power, Special Test Equipment (STE) etc.) set out in the verification sectionof subclause 4.2.1 of this ETS shall apply.Test procedure:The measurement shall be performed by either of the two following methods:a)in the first method, the full system shall be tested according to the test procedure presented inAnnex C;SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 13ETS 300 254: May 1994b)in the second method, the power of the unwanted emissions at the interface point between theantenna and the remaining EME shall be measured according to the alternative measurementmethod in Annex C. The antenna on-axis gain shall be measured according to the measurementmethods in IEC 510-2-1 [3]. The EIRP of the unwanted radiation shall be calculated from the abovetwo measurements.4.2.3Electromagnetic immunityPurpose:To limit interference to radio communications services and to protect the LMES when the LMES issubjected to interfering electromagnetic fields up to 2 GHz caused by other equipment. Beyond 2 GHz, arecommendation is given under subclause 5.2 of this ETS.Specification:The LMES shall have an adequate level of intrinsic immunity to enable it to operate with the control andmonitoring functions specified in subclause 4.3 of this ETS when it is exposed to the following electricalfield strengths (except that it is not expected that the LMES continues successfully to receive the controlmessages addressed to it when in the presence of blocking Electro Magnetic (EM) fields):-1 V/m in the frequency range 150 kHz to 50 MHz;-3 V/m in the frequency range 50 MHz to 2 GHz.Verification:Conformance shall be determined by a measurement method based on IEC 801-3 [5], Clauses 6 to 9, buttaking into account the EMC frequency ranges defined above. The Equipment Under Test (EUT) shall beas in Annex B, Clause B.3. For the test set-up up see also Annex B, Clause B.5, paragraphs 1, 2, and 3.The LMES shall be considered to satisfy this specification if the following conditions are met when thedisturbing EM field is applied:a)the control and monitoring functions continue to function normally;b)when the LMES is in the carrier-off state there shall be no change in the signal level;c)when the LMES is in the carrier-on state there shall be no change in the signal level and frequency.Test procedure:Conformance shall be determined according to the test procedure set out in IEC 801-3 [5]. Themanufacturer shall provide the test house with a method for determining the correct functioning of thecontrol and monitoring functions.4.2.4Protection of the radio astronomy service from the LMES operating in the band 1 660,0- 1 660,5 MHzPurpose:Protection of the radio astronomy observations taking place in the band 1 660,0 - 1 660,5 MHz.Specification:The LMES shall provide means of suppressing transmission in the band 1 660,0 - 1 660,5 MHz whenneeded.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 14ETS 300 254: May 1994Verification:By documentary evidence and demonstration.It shall be demonstrated that a transmitting LMES can suppress transmissions in the band1 660,0 - 1 660,5 MHz, when it has received a disable command or other indication that the radioastronomy service is required to be protected, and transmissions remain suppressed until an appropriateenable command or indication has been received.4.3LMES Control and Monitoring Functions (CMFs)This subclause defines a minimum set of CMFs which shall be implemented on LMESs in order tominimise the probability that they originate unwanted transmissions that may give rise to harmfulinterference to other systems.There shall be a CMF at each LMES and a separate Network Control Facility (NCF) which is the subject ofETS 300 282 [4].4.3.1Monitoring functions4.3.1.1Processor monitoringPurpose:To ensure that the LMES can suppress transmissions in the event of a processor sub-system failure.Specification:An LMES shall incorporate a processor monitoring function for each of its processors involved in themanipulation of traffic and in control and monitoring functions.The processor monitoring function shall detect any failure of the processor hardware and software.No later than one second after any fault condition occurs, the transmissions shall be suppressed until theprocessor monitoring function has determined that the fault condition has been cleared.Verification:Compliance shall be verified by documentary evidence and demonstration.The demonstration shall show that all transmissions are suppressed within 1 second following acontrollable processor induced fault (e.g. processor board disconnected).The manufacturer shall provide the test house with a test procedure to demonstrate this transmissionshutdown. frequency sub-systemPurpose:To verify the correct operation of the transmit frequency generation sub-system and to inhibittransmissions should the sub-system fail.Specification:An LMES shall monitor the operation of its transmit frequency generation sub-system.The failure of the transmit frequency generation sub-system for a period longer than 5 seconds shall resultin transmissions being suppressed until the fault condition has been cleared.SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Page 15ETS 300 254: May 1994Verification:Compliance shall be verified by documentary evidence and demonstration.The demonstration shall show that all transmissions are suppressed within 6 seconds following acontrollable transmit frequency generation sub-system fault (e.g. replacement of frequency reference).The manufacturer shall provide the test house with a test procedure to demonstrate this transmissionshutdown.4.3.2Power on/resetPurpose:To demonstra
SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Satelitske zemeljske postaje in sistemi (SES) – Kopenske mobilne zemeljske
postaje (LMES), ki delujejo v pasovih 1,5 GHz in 1,6 GHz, ki zagotavljajo
podatkovne komunikacije z nizko bitno hitrostjo (LBRDC)
Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMES)
operating in the 1,5/1,6 GHz bands providing Low Bit Rate Data Communications
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ETS 300 254 Edition 1
33.060.30 Radiorelejni in fiksni satelitski Radio relay and fixed satellite
komunikacijski sistemi communications systems
SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
Source: ETSI TC-SES Reference: DE/SES-05001
ICS: 33.060.30
Key words:
Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES);
Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMESs)
operating in the 1,5/1,6 GHz bands
providing Low Bit Rate Data Communications (LBRDCs)
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETSI Secretariat
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - FRANCE
Postal address:
650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCE
Office address:
c=fr, a=atlas, p=etsi, s=secretariat -
X.400: Internet:
Tel.: +33 92 94 42 00 - Fax: +33 93 65 47 16
Copyright Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the
foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
© European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1994. All rights reserved.
New presentation - see History box
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ETS 300 254: May 1994
Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content,
typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to
"ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept." at the address shown on the title page.
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SIST ETS 300 254 E1:2003
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ETS 300 254: May 1994
Foreword .5
1 Scope .7
2 Normative references.8
3 Definitions and abbreviations .8
3.1 Definitions .8
3.2 Abbreviations .9
4 Requirements.9
4.1 Safety.9
4.1.1 Mechanical construction.9
4.1.2 Electrical safety, power voltages .9
4.1.3 Radio frequency radiation protection.9
4.2 Radio Frequency (RF) .10
4.2.1 Unwanted emissions outside the bands 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and
1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz.10
4.2.2 Maximum unwanted emission within the 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and
1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz bands .12
4.2.3 Electromagnetic immunity .13
4.2.4 Protection of the radio astronomy service from the LMES operating in the
band 1 660,0 - 1 660,5 MHz.13
4.3 LMES Control and Monitoring Functions (CMFs) .14
4.3.1 Monitoring functions .14 Processor monitoring.14 Transmit frequency sub-system .14
4.3.2 Power on/reset .15
4.3.3 Network control reception and authorisation.15 Network control authorisation .15 Network control reception.16
4.4 Initial burst rate transmission .16
5 Recommendations .17
5.1 Electrical safety while loading and unloading hazardous fuels or gases .17
5.2 Electromagnetic immunity - General immunity between 2 GHz and 3 GHz .17
5.3 Compliance with RF specifications under conditions of shock and vibration .17
5.4 Method of attachment to the vehicle of the Externally Mounted Equipment (EME).18
6 Network Control Facilities (NCFs) for LMES networks .18
Annex A (normative): Environmental conditions .19
A.1 Environmental conditions .19
A.2 Test conditions .19
Annex B (normative): Out-of-band unwanted emissions above 960 MHz - test procedure .20
B.1 Introduction.20
B.2 Measuring apparatus.20
B.3 Equipment Under Test (EUT).20
B.4 Special Test Equipment (STE).20
B.5 Test set-up .21
B.6 Measuring procedure .21
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B.7 Alternative measuring procedure. 21
Annex C (normative): In-band unwanted emissions - test procedure. 22
C.1 Introduction. 22
C.2 Measuring apparatus. 22
C.3 Equipment Under Test (EUT). 22
C.4 Special Test Equipment (STE) . 22
C.5 Test set-up. 22
C.6 Measuring procedure. 23
C.7 Alternative measuring procedure. 23
History. 24
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ETS 300 254: May 1994
This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) has been produced by the Satellite Earth Stations and
Systems (SES) Technical Committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
Every ETS prepared by ETSI is a voluntary standard. This ETS may contain text concerning type approval
of the equipment to which it relates. This text does not make this ETS mandatory in its status as a
standard. However, this ETS can be referenced, wholly or in part, for mandatory application by decisions
of regulatory bodies.
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ETS 300 254: May 1994
1 Scope
This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) provides specifications for the standardisation of the
characteristics of Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMESs) with both transmit and receive capabilities in order
to ensure general safety and to limit interference to radio communications services.
The geostationary satellite networks referred to in this ETS operate under the Land Mobile Satellite
Service (LMSS). The LMESs operate as part of a geostationary satellite network providing Low Bit Rate
Data Communications (LBRDC).
The frequency bands under which the LMESs operate should be within the following bands:
LMES transmit frequencies LMES receive frequencies
1 626,5 MHz to 1 645,5 MHz 1 525,0 MHz to 1 544,0 MHz
and and
1 656,5 MHz to 1 660,5 MHz 1 555,0 MHz to 1 559,0 MHz
These LMESs generally have the following characteristics:
- the LMESs could be either vehicle mounted or portable equipment;
- the LMESs could consist of a number of modules including a keyboard interface to the user.
The main specifications are contained in three categories related to:
- safety: to protect personnel, public and goods from unsafe operating conditions or equipment;
- unwanted emissions: to protect terrestrial and satellite radio services from harmful interference;
- LMES control and monitoring: to specify a minimum set of Control and Monitoring Functions (CMF)
that shall be implemented on each LMES in order to minimise the probability that they originate
unwanted transmissions that may give rise to harmful interference to other systems.
This ETS deals with two types of specification:
a) Essential normative requirements (indicated in Clause 4)
Requirements are specified in order to protect other users of the frequency spectrum from
unacceptable interference. In addition, requirements are specified for the purposes of general
b) Recommendations (indicated in Clause 5)
Recommendations are specified relating to matters of general safety, minimisation of interference
to other users of the radio spectrum and for the provision of protection of the LMESs against
electromagnetic interference from other systems.
All tests related to the requirements shall be performed and the results entered in the data sheets of the
test report. The ability to comply with the recommendations shall also be noted in the data sheets of the
test report. All parameters and operational conditions declared by the manufacturer shall be entered in
the test report.
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2 Normative references
This ETS incorporates, by dated or undated references, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications
apply to this ETS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest
edition of the publication referred to applies.
[1] IEC 215 (1987): "Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment".
[2] CISPR Publication No. 22 (1985): "Limits and methods of measurement of radio
interference characteristics of information technology equipment".
[3] IEC 510-2-1 (1978): "Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in
satellite earth stations, Part 2: Measurement for sub-systems".
[4] ETS 300 282: "Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Network Control
Facilities (NCFs) for Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMESs) operating in the
1,5/1,6 GHz and 11/12/14 GHz bands providing Low Bit Rate Data
Communications (LBRDCs)".
[5] IEC 801-3 (1984): "Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process
measurement and control equipment, Part 3: Radiated electromagnetic field
[6] CISPR Publication No. 16 (1987): "CISPR" specification for radio interference
measuring apparatus and measurement methods".
3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this ETS, the following definitions apply:
Installable Equipment (IE), Internally Mounted Equipment (IME) and Externally Mounted Equipment
(EME): an Installable Equipment (IE) is an equipment which is intended to be installed in a vehicle. An IE
may consist of one or several interconnected modules. The manufacturer shall indicate which modules
are intended to be Externally Mounted Equipment (EME); the remaining module(s) will then be defined as
Internally Mounted Equipment (IME). Where different specifications apply to IME and EME, this is noted in
the text.
Nominated bandwidth: the bandwidth of the LMES radio frequency transmission is nominated by the
manufacturer. The nominated bandwidth shall encompass all close-in spectral elements of the
transmission which have a level greater than the specified spurious levels. The nominated bandwidth shall
be wide enough to take account of the transmit carrier frequency stability. The nominated bandwidth shall
be within the LMSS transmit frequency band within which the LMES operates. The value of the nominated
bandwidth shall be entered on the data sheet of the test report.
Portable Equipment (PE): a Portable Equipment (PE) is generally intended to be self-contained, free
standing and portable. A PE would normally consist of a single module, but may consist of several
interconnected modules. In some cases different specifications will apply to PE and this is noted in the
Unwanted emissions: unwanted emissions are those falling outside the nominated bandwidth.
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3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this ETS, the following abbreviations apply:
CMF Control and Monitoring Function
EIRP Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power
EM Electro-Magnetic
EME Externally Mounted Equipment
EUT Equipment Under Test
IE Installable Equipment
IME Internally Mounted Equipment
LBRDC Low Bit Rate Data Communication
LMSS Land Mobile Satellite Service
LMES Land Mobile Earth Station
NCF Network Control Facility
PE Portable Equipment
RF Radio Frequency
rms root mean square
STE Special Test Equipment
4 Requirements
4.1 Safety
4.1.1 Mechanical construction
Protection of operating personnel, the public and goods from insecure or unsafe structures.
For Installable Equipment (IE) and Portable Equipment (PE) the mechanical design, construction and
finish of the equipment shall conform to IEC 215 [1], section 3, paragraph 9.1.
Verification shall be demonstrated by documentary evidence and visual inspection.
4.1.2 Electrical safety, power voltages
Protection of operating personnel and the public from electric shock.
The electrical safety of the equipment shall be in accordance with paragraphs 13, 14, 15 and 16, and
Appendix B of IEC 215 [1].
Conformance shall be determined by documentary evidence and visual inspection.
4.1.3 Radio frequency radiation protection
To indicate the distance from the LMES below which RF power densities in excess of 8 W/m may be
experienced, when averaged over a 6 minute period.
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The radiating part of the equipment (which includes the exterior of any radome or other antenna enclosure
where fitted) shall be labelled with a warning notice which shall be clearly visible when the equipment is in
its normal operating configuration. This notice shall indicate the closest distance to the radiating part within
which a person may approach the equipment without experiencing radio frequency power density levels in
excess of 8 W/m , when under worst case conditions (e.g. maximum power, maximum on/off ratio),
averaged over a 6 minute period. This notice shall also state that before approaching the radiating part
within any distance closer than that indicated, the LMES equipment shall be switched off or otherwise
disabled so that it shall not transmit.
Where the equipment is vehicle mounted a warning notice providing the same information as that affixed
to the radiating part shall be provided for fixing in the vehicle near to and clearly visible from the normal
operating position of the IME. In addition, for vehicle mounted equipment where the radiating part is
mounted in a position where it is not normally visible to a person standing on the ground next to the
vehicle, further warning notices shall be provided with instructions that they be attached to the vehicle so
as to be clearly visible to anyone attempting to climb on to the part of the vehicle where the radiating part
of the equipment is mounted.
In the case where the antenna is enclosed in a radome, or other antenna enclosure, and when no RF
power density greater than 8 W/m , when under worst case conditions (e.g. maximum power, maximum
on/off ratio), averaged over a 6 minute period, is produced outside of this radome, or antenna enclosure,
then it is not necessary to label the radiating part or provide labels for the vehicle in the manner indicated
above. Instead, the radiating part shall be clearly labelled with a warning that the LMES equipment shall
be switched off, or otherwise disabled, so that it shall not transmit before any work requiring the removal
of the radome or antenna enclosure takes place. Where the equipment is vehicle mounted, a label
containing the same warning shall be provided, to be mounted in the vehicle near to, and clearly visible
from, the normal operating position of the IME.
Verification of the distance below which exist RF power densities in excess of 8 W/m , when under worst
case conditions (e.g. maximum power, maximum on/off ratio) averaged over a 6 minute period, shall be
by documentary evidence. The manufacturer shall quantify the worst case conditions.
Conformance with the labelling requirements of this subclause shall be demonstrated by visual inspection
of the radiating part and, if relevant, an examination of the notices provided by the manufacturer for
affixing to vehicles, and the instructions provided relating to the affixing of these notices.
4.2 Radio Frequency (RF)
Whenever a change of limit between adjacent frequency bands occurs in this subclause, the lower of the
two limits shall apply at the transition frequency.
4.2.1 Unwanted emissions outside the bands 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and 1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz
Protection of terrestrial and satellite services from emissions caused by LMESs outside the bands
1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and 1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz.
The unwanted emissions from the LMES outside the bands 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and
1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz within which the LMES is designed to operate shall be below the following limits.
For unwanted emissions below 960 MHz, the LMES shall meet the requirements of CISPR Publication No.
22 [2] for class B equipment, with carrier on.
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Table 1
Limits of radiated emissions at a test distance of 10m in a 120 kHz bandwidth
Frequency (MHz) Quasi-peak Limits (dBμV/m)
30 to 230 30
230 to 960 37
The unwanted emissions EIRP above 960 MHz in the measurement bandwidth and in all directions shall
not exceed the following limits:
Table 2
Frequency range Carrier On Carrier Off
MHz EIRP limit (dBpW) Measurement EIRP limit (dBpW) Measurement
bandwidth (kHz) bandwidth (kHz)
960 - 1 525 49 100 48 100
1 525 - 1 559 49 100 17 3
1 559 - 1 600 49 100 48 100
1 600 - 1 623,5 74 100 48 100
1 623,5 - 1 626 74 (NOTE 1) 100 (NOTE 1) 48 100
1 626 - 1 626,5 84 3 48 100
1 645,5 - 1 645,6 104 3 57 3
1 645,6 - 1 646,1 84 3 57 3
1 646,1 - 1 655,9 74 3 57 3
1 655,9 - 1 656,4 84 3 57 3
1 656,4 - 1 656,5 104 3 57 3
1 660,5 - 1 661 84 3 48 100
1 661 - 1 663,5 74 (NOTE 1) 100 (NOTE 1) 48 100
1 663,5 - 1 690 74 100 48 100
1 690 - 3 400 49 (NOTE 2) 100 48 100
3 400 - 10 700 55 (NOTE 3) 100 48 100
10 700 - 21 200 61 100 54 100
21 200 - 40 000 67 100 60 100
NOTE 1: These figures shall be 74 dBpW/3kHz prior to 1st January 1996.
NOTE 2: In the band 3 253,0 - 3 321,0 MHz the maximum EIRP in one, and only one, 100 kHz
measurement bandwidth shall not exceed 82 dBpW. Prior to 1st January 1996 this figure
shall be 92 dBpW. Elsewhere in this band the power limit in this table shall be applied.
NOTE 3: In each of the bands 4 879,5 - 4 981,5 MHz, 6 506,0 - 6 642,0 MHz and 8 132,5 - 8 302,5
MHz the maximum EIRP in one, and only one, 100 kHz measurement bandwidth shall not
exceed 72 dBpW. Prior to 1st January 1996 this figure shall be 82 dBpW. Elsewhere in these
bands the power limit in this table shall be applied. In the band 9 759,0 - 9 963,0 MHz the
maximum power in one, and only one, 100 kHz measurement bandwidth shall not exceed 61
dBpW. Prior to 1st January 1996 this figure shall be 71 dBpW. Elsewhere in this band the
power limit in this table shall be applied.
By measurement of unwanted emissions generated by an operating LMES.
All RF tests in this subclause shall be carried out at ambient environmental conditions and for a nominal
power supply voltage.
All tests with carrier on shall be undertaken with the transmitter operating at full power and with the
maximum transmit burst rate where applicable.
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To enable the performance tests to be carrier out, the use of Special Test Equipment (STE), made
available by the manufacturer or system provider, may be necessary. Since this test equipment will be
specific for the particular system, it is not possible to provide detailed specifications in this ETS. However,
the following baseline is provided:
- if the LMES requires to receive a modulated carrier from the satellite in order to transmit, then
special test arrangements are required to simulate the satellite signal, thus enabling the LMES to
transmit to allow measurement of transmission parameters;
- any characteristic of these special test arrangements which may have direct or indirect effects on
the parameters to be measured shall be clearly stated by the manufacturer.
Test procedure:
Below 960 MHz, the test procedures set out in CISPR Publication No. 22 [2], paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10
shall be used.
Above 960 MHz, the full system shall be tested according to the test procedure given in Annex B.
Where possible, up to four LMES transmit frequencies shall be used for this test; the frequencies shall be
selected to be as close as possible to the upper and lower limits of the transmit frequency sub-band(s) of
the LMES declared by the manufacturer, to be intended for operational use of the LMES. The upper and
lower extremes of the tuning range stated by the manufacturer shall be entered in the test report.
4.2.2 Maximum unwanted emission within the 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and
1 656,5 - 1 660,5 MHz bands
Protection of satellite and terrestrial services operating in the above frequency bands.
The unwanted emissions EIRP in any 3 kHz band within the 1 626,5 - 1 645,5 MHz and 1 656,5 - 1 660,5
MHz bands in which the LMES is designed to transmit, but outside the nominated bandwidth, shall not
exceed the following limits:
- when the carrier is off: 57 dBpW;
- when the carrier is on as follows:
Offset from the edge of the band of the nominated Maximum EIRP (dBpW)
bandwidth (kHz)
0 117
100 104
200 84
greater than 700 74
Conformance shall be determined by direct measurement.
The conditions (environment, power, Special Test Equipment (STE) etc.) set out in the verification section
of subclause 4.2.1 of this ETS shall apply.
Test procedure:
The measurement shall be performed by either of the two following methods:
a) in the first method, the full system shall be tested according to the test procedure presented in
Annex C;
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b) in the second method, the power of the unwanted emissions at the interface point between the
antenna and the remaining EME shall be measured according to the alternative measurement
method in Annex C. The antenna on-axis gain shall be measured according to the measurement
methods in IEC 510-2-1 [3]. The EIRP of the unwanted radiation shall be calculated from the above
two measurements.
4.2.3 Electromagnetic immunity
To limit interference to radio communications services and to protect the LMES when the LMES is
subjected to interfering electromagnetic fields up to 2 GHz caused by other equipment. Beyond 2 GHz, a
recommendation is given under subclause 5.2 of this ETS.
The LMES shall have an adequate level of intrinsic immunity to enable it to operate with the control and
monitoring functions specified in subclause 4.3 of this ETS when it is exposed to the following electrical
field strengths (except that it is not expected that the LMES continues successfully to receive the control
messages addressed to it when in the presence of blocking Electro Magnetic (EM) fields):
- 1 V/m in the frequency range 150 kHz to 50 MHz;
- 3 V/m in the frequency range 50 MHz to 2 GHz.
Conformance shall be determined by a measurement method based on IEC 801-3 [5], Clauses 6 to 9, but
taking into account the EMC frequency ranges defined above. The Equipment Under Test (EUT) shall be
as in Annex B, Clause B.3. For the test set-up up see also Annex B, Clause B.5, paragraphs 1, 2, and 3.
The LMES shall be considered to satisfy this specification if the following conditions are met when the
disturbing EM field is applied:
a) the control and monitoring functions continue to function normally;
b) when the LMES is in the carrier-off state there shall be no change in the signal level;
c) when the LMES is in the carrier-on state there shall be no change in the signal level and frequency.
Test procedure:
Conformance shall be determined according to the test procedure set out in IEC 801-3 [5]. The
manufacturer shall provide the test house with a method for determining the correct functioning of the
control and monitoring functions.
4.2.4 Protection of the radio astronomy service from the LMES operating in the band 1 660,0
- 1 660,5 MHz
Protection of the radio astronomy observations taking place in the band 1 660,0 - 1 660,5 MHz.
The LMES shall provide means of suppressing transmission in the band 1 660,0 - 1 660,5 MHz when
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By documentary evidence and demonstration.
It shall be demonstrated that a transmitting LMES can suppress transmissions in the band
1 660,0 - 1 660,5 MHz, when it has received a disable command or other indication that the radio
astronomy service is required to be protected, and transmissions remain suppressed until an appropriate
enable command or indication has been received.
4.3 LMES Control and Monitoring Functions (CMFs)
This subclause defines a minimum set of CMFs which shall be implemented on LMESs in order to
minimise the probability that they originate unwanted transmissions that may give rise to harmful
interference to other systems.
There shall be a CMF at each LMES and a separate Network Control Facility (NCF) which is the subject of
ETS 300 282 [4].
4.3.1 Monitoring functions Processor monitoring
To ensure that the LMES can suppress transmissions in the event of a processor sub-system failure.
An LMES shall incorporate a processor monitoring function for each of its processors involved in the
manipulation of traffic and in
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