SmartM2M; Guidelines for consolidating SAREF with new reference ontology patterns, based on the experience from the ITEA SEAS project


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ETSI TR 103 549 V1.1.1 (2019-07) - SmartM2M; Guidelines for consolidating SAREF with new reference ontology patterns, based on the experience from the ITEA SEAS project
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ETSI TR 103 549 V1.1.1 (2019-07)

Guidelines for consolidating SAREF with
new reference ontology patterns,
based on the experience from the ITEA SEAS project

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2 ETSI TR 103 549 V1.1.1 (2019-07)

energy efficiency, energy management, EV,
industry, intelligent homes & buildings,
interoperability, IoT, oneM2M, ontology,
renewable, SAREF, semantic, smart grid, testing
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3 ETSI TR 103 549 V1.1.1 (2019-07)
Intellectual Property Rights . 4
Foreword . 4
Modal verbs terminology . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 References . 5
2.1 Normative references . 5
2.2 Informative references . 5
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 6
3.1 Terms . 6
3.2 Symbols . 6
3.3 Abbreviations . 6
4 Consolidation of SAREF using ontology patterns . 7
5 Related initiatives . 7
6 Use cases . 8
6.1 Introduction . 8
6.2 Use case 1: Smart Energy . 8
6.2.0 Introduction. 8
6.2.1 Types, topology and properties of the Features Of Interest . 8
6.2.2 Kinds of measures . 8
6.3 Use case 2: Smart Building . 9
6.3.0 Introduction. 9
6.3.1 Types, topology, and properties, of the Features Of Interest . 9
6.3.2 Kinds of measures . 9
7 Analysis of the modularization and factorization potential of SAREF . 9
7.1 Introduction . 9
7.2 Modularization . 10
7.3 Factorization . 10
8 Ontology patterns . 12
8.1 Introduction . 12
8.2 Functions, commands, states, services . 12
8.3 Features Of Interest, states and properties . 13
8.4 Characterizing states and properties . 14
8.5 Features Of Interest, properties and devices . 16
8.6 Platform, system and deployment . 17
8.7 Systems, connections and connection points . 18
8.7.0 Introduction. 18
8.7.1 Systems . 18
8.7.2 Connections . 19
8.7.3 Connection points . 19
8.7.4 Instances of the ontology pattern . 20
8.8 Concept hierarchy extension . 20
8.9 Concept specialization . 21
8.10 Concept instantiation . 22
9 Issues and recommended resolution in SAREF . 23
10 Conclusions . 33
History . 35


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4 ETSI TR 103 549 V1.1.1 (2019-07)
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5 ETSI TR 103 549 V1.1.1 (2019-07)
1 Scope
The present document specifies the functional requirements for a set of reference ontology patterns for the SAREF
semantic model, along with guidelines for developing extensions to this semantic model for multiple engineering-
related verticals. The present document has been developed leveraging the experience of the EUREKA ITEA 12004
SEAS (Smart Energy Aware Systems) project, and the development of the OGC&W3C SSN (Semantic Sensor
Network) ontology. It illustrates the applications of the guidelines with use cases for Smart Energy, Smart Building, and
Industry of the Future/Industry 4.0 verticals. The associated ETSI TS 103 548 [i.1] will define the update to SAREF and
its extensions based on the requirements and guidelines specified in the present document.
2 References
2.1 Normative references
Normative references are not applicable in the present document.
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] ETSI TS 103 548: "SmartM2M; SAREF consolidation with new reference ontology patterns,
based on the experience from the SEAS project".
[i.2] ETSI TS 103 264 (V2.1.1): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances; Reference Ontology and oneM2M
[i.3] ETSI TS 103 410-1 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances Extension to SAREF; Part 1:
Energy Domain".
[i.4] ETSI TS 103 410-2 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances Extension to SAREF; Part 2:
Environment Domain".
[i.5] ETSI TS 103 410-3 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances Extension to SAREF; Part 3:
Building Domain".
[i.6] ETSI TS 103 410-4 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Extension to SAREF; Part 4: Smart Cities Domain".
[i.7] ETSI TS 103 410-5 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Extension to SAREF; Part 5: Industry and
Manufacturing Domains".
[i.8] ETSI TS 103 410-6 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Extension to SAREF; Part 6: Smart Agriculture and
Food Chain Domain".
[i.9] ETSI TR 103 411 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances; SAREF extension investigation".
[i.10] A. Haller, K. Janowicz, S. Cox, D. Le Phuoc, K. Taylor, M. Lefrançois, R. Atkinson, R. García-
Castro, J. Lieberman, C. Stadler: "Semantic Sensor Network Ontology". W3C Recommendation,
19 October 2017.
NOTE: Available at

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6 ETSI TR 103 549 V1.1.1 (2019-07)
[i.11] M. Lefrançois, J. Kalaoja, T. Ghariani, A. Zimmerman: "The SEAS Knowledge Model", ITEA2
12004 Smart Energy Aware Systems Deliverable 2.2, January 2017.
NOTE: Available at
[i.12] M. Lefrançois, A. Zimmermann, N. Bakerally: "A SPARQL extension for generating RDF from
heterogeneous formats", in Proc. Extended Semantic Web Conference, 2017.
NOTE: Available at
[i.13] H. Rijgersberg, M.F.J. van Assem, J.L. Top: "Ontology of Units of Measure and Related
Concepts." Semantic Web, 4, 1, 2013, pp. 3-13.
NOTE: Available at
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms apply:
ontology: formal specification of a conceptualization, used to explicitly capture the semantics of a certain reality
3.2 Symbols
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
CHE Concept Hierarchy Extension
CS Concept Specialization
EMSE École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
FOI Feature Of Interest
FOIPD Feature Of Interest, Properties and Devices
GECAD/ISEP Knowledge Engineering and Decision-Support Research Center, School of Engineering,
Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
IoT Internet of Things
IRI Internationalized Resource Identifier
ITEA Information Technology for European Advancement
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
OM Ontology of Measurements
OWL Web Ontology Language
PEP Procedure Execution Ontology
PSD Platform, System and Deployment
QUDT Quantities, Units, and DataTypes
RDF Resource Description Framework
RG Research Group
RMS Root Mean Square amplitude
RN Phase R to Neutral
SAREF Smart Appliances REFerence ontology
SEAS Smart Energy Aware Systems
SN Phase S to Neutral
SOSA Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator
SPARQL SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language
SSN Semantic Sensor Networks
STF ETSI Specialist Task Force

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TB Technical Body
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TN Phase T to Neutral
TR Technical Report
TS Technical Specification
URI Universal Resource Identifier
URL Universal Resource Locator
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
4 Consolidation of SAREF using ontology patterns
SAREF (V2.1.1) (ETSI TS 103 548 [i.2]) is a reference ontology for the IoT developed by ETSI SmartM2M in close
interaction with the industry. SAREF contains core concepts that are common to several IoT domains and, to be able to
handle specific data elements for a certain domain, dedicated extensions of SAREF have been created, for example
SAREF4ENER (ETSI TS 103 410-1 [i.3]), SAREF4ENVI (ETSI TS 103 410-2 [i.4]), SAREF4BLDG (ETSI
TS 103 410-3 [i.5]), and SAREF4CITY (ETSI TS 103 410-4 [i.6]), SAREF4INMA (ETSI TS 103 410-5 [i.7]),
SAREF4AGRI (ETSI TS 103 410-6 ) [i.8]. Each domain can have one or more extensions, depending on the
complexity of the domain. As a reference ontology, SAREF serves as the means to connect the extensions in different
domains. The earlier document ETSI TR 103 411 [i.9] specifies the rationale and methodology used to create, publish
and maintain the SAREF extensions.
Ontology patterns are like design patterns in object oriented programming. They describe structural, logical, naming, or
documentation best practices that one can consider when building an ontology.
The present document provides an analysis of the potential of modularization and factorization of the SAREF core
ontology (V2.1.1) (ETSI TS 103 548 [i.2]) as patterns.
Then, the present document specifies a set of ontology patterns for the modelling and the description of any kind of
engineering-related data/information/systems; that may be used to consolidate SAREF.
Finally, the present document lists a set of issues that are identified in the current version of SAREF, and proposes
changes to consolidate SAREF.
The present document has been developed in the context of the STF 556
(, which was established with the goal to consolidate
SAREF and its community of industrial users based on the experience of the EUREKA ITEA 12004 SEAS (Smart
Energy Aware Systems) project. The present document specifies requirements for an initial set of SAREF extensions
instantiating the defined ontology patterns, for some use cases taken from SEAS project, therefore filling some of the
representational gaps that were identified during this project.
5 Related initiatives
In this clause, some of the main related initiatives in terms of modelling reference ontology patterns for the IoT, and
using these ontology patterns to develop ontologies, are reviewed.
• Joint OGC and W3C Spatial Data on the Web working group: the SSN (Semantic Sensor Network)
ontology [i.10] is a modular ontology using some design patterns that were instantiated manually. One of these
design patterns involves different kinds of systems and the procedures they execute: Sensors, Actuators and
Samplers, execute Observation, Actuation and Sampling activities.
• This website references ontology design patterns, which are classified in
different categories such as Content, Logical, or Lexico-Syntactic patterns.
• EUREKA ITEA 12004 SEAS: The SEAS ontology [i.11] is a modular and versioned ontology with all the
terms it defines having the same namespace ( It contains a core of SEAS reference
ontology patterns that can be instantiated to create the SEAS ontology itself with a homogeneous and
predictable structure for the modelling and the description of any kind of engineering-related
data/information/systems. These design patterns and some of their instances fill some of the representational
gaps that were identified in SAREF.

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6 Use cases
6.1 Introduction
The SEAS (Smart Energy Aware Systems) project was a 35 partners and 13 500 000 € project that ran from February
2014 to December 2016 (, and received the ITEA Award of Excellence 2017. Its goal
was to design and develop an eco-system of smart things and services, collectively capable of optimizing the energy
efficiency within the future Smart Grid. 100 use cases were defined by 35 partners, from which some identified gaps not
yet covered by SAREF to be filled in the SEAS knowledge model. SAREF focuses on the notion of Device, while
industry use cases often require some description of the physical systems and their connections, value association for
their properties, and the activities by which such value association is done. The SEAS ontology development was
initiated during a workshop that gathered 45 participants during 3 days and continued with close collaborations between
ontology engineering experts, domain experts, and industry software architects.
6.2 Use case 1: Smart Energy
6.2.0 Introduction
New SAREF ontology patterns can be used to homogeneously represent knowledge that is relevant for use cases in the
Smart Energy domain.
6.2.1 Types, topology and properties of the Features Of Interest
• An Actuator Switch acts on the state of a specific device. Given a device, one should be able to know what are
the switches that can act on it.
• A Smart-Meter measures the energy consumption of the energy grid at a certain point of the energy grid.
• Electric power systems can exchange electricity with other electric power systems. The electric energy can
flow both ways in some cases (from the Public Grid to a Prosumer), or in only one way (from the Public Grid
to a Load). Electric power systems can be made up of different sub-systems. Generic sub-types of electric
power systems include producers, consumers, storage systems, transmission systems. The properties that are
relevant for these systems include power production, consumption, energy stored. These properties may be
measured or acted on by IoT devices.
• Electric power systems may be connected one to another through electrical connection points. An Electric
power system may have multiple connection points (Multiple Winding Transformer generally have one single
primary winding with two or more secondary windings). Generic sub-types of electrical connection points
include plugs, sockets, direct-current, single-phase, three-phase, connection points. The properties that are
relevant for these connection points include Voltage, Resistance, Conductance, Reactance, Susceptance, and
can be measured between two wires of the connection points.
• An Electrical connection may exist between two Electric power systems at two of their respective connection
points. Generic sub-types of electrical connections include Single-phase Buses, Three-phase Buses. A
single-phase electric power system can be connected using different configurations at a three-phase bus (RN,
SN, TN types). The properties that are relevant for a three-phase electric bus include voltage between the
different wires R, S, T, N (R-to-N, S-to-N, R-to-S, etc.). IoT devices can be used to measure and control this
voltage at different points of the grid.
6.2.2 Kinds of measures
• Every electric power device potentially consumes and produces electric power, and stores electric energy.
Over a given period of time, different Smart Meters may measure different aggregated values for these
quantities. E.g. cumulative (sum), maximum, minimum, average.
• Quantities that evolve periodically are usually described in terms of their frequency, the peak, RMS amplitude,
THD of the quantity value. Smart Meters may measure different aspects of a direct current, single-phase
alternating current, or three-phase alternating electric current.

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9 ETSI TR 103 549 V1.1.1 (2019-07)
• Some properties are controllable, such as the consumption or production of electric power systems. The
reduction, augmentation, cut, move flexibility, of a specific controllable property can be evaluated (and
6.3 Use case 2: Smart Building
6.3.0 Introduction
New SAREF ontology patterns can be used to homogeneously represent knowledge that is relevant for use cases in the
Smart Building domain.
6.3.1 Types, topology, and properties, of the Features Of Interest
• A light switch acts on the luminosity of a specific room. Given a room, one should be able to know what light
switch may be used to change the luminosity in this room.
• Temperature Sensors, Heaters, Coolers, observe or act on a specific zone of a building. Given a zone, one
should be able to know what are the devices that observe or act on the temperature in this zone.
• Buildings, Storeys, Spaces, are different sub-types of Zones. Zones can contain sub-zones. Zones can be
adjacent or intersect with other zones. The properties that are relevant for these systems include temperature,
luminosity, humidity, pressure, population. These properties may be measured or acted on by IoT devices.
• Two zones may share one or more connections. For example some fresh air may be a created inside a storey if
it has two controllable openings to the exterior at different cardinal points. Different properties may be
relevant depending on the connection between zones. Observing and controlling the flow of humans or
animals, total heat transfer, pressure difference, wind speed, may be relevant for controllable openings.
6.3.2 Kinds of measures
• Temperature, pressure, humidity, can be observed or acted upon by dedicated IoT devices. An observation
may be instantaneous, or aggregated over a period of time: maximum, minimum, average. Derived properties
may be evaluated, like the number of occurrences for a certain temperature rising above a threshold.
• Depending on the quantity, derived quantities may be observed such as the sum (interesting for properties like
flows of humans/animals, or rain precipitation), or the growth rate (important for controlling the pressure in
specific zones like planes or cleanrooms).
7 Analysis of the modularization and factorization
potential of SAREF
7.1 Introduction
This clause provides an analysis of the potential of modularization and factorization of the SAREF core ontology
(V2.1.1) (ETSI TS 103 548 [i.2]). It highlights inter-dependent parts of the ontology, parts that are more or less central,
and parts that are repeated homogeneously for different concepts (patterns). The result of this analysis is illustrated on
Figure 1, and detailed in the next clauses.

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7.2 Modularization
In Figure 1, a box illustrates a module constituted by a subset of concept declarations and axioms of SAREF core
(V2.1.1) (ETSI TS 103 548 [i.2]). Each module has a label in bold font, and the lower part of the box lists the concept
declarations that belong to this module. Axioms are not shown in Figure 1. For example, the box labelled Service-core
contains the concept declarations and axioms related to the terms saref:Service, saref:isOfferedBy,
saref:offers, saref:represents. The terms saref:Function and saref:hasFunction will also be
grouped in one single module because they share a similar name.
A directed link between two boxes illustrate a dependency between the two modules. The label of a link explicits the
rationale, and potentially the condition, for this dependency. For example, the module Service-core depends on the
module Functions and Commands because there exists an axiom in SAREF stating that every saref:Service
represents some saref:Function. Therefore, saref:Service cannot be defined without the
saref:Function. In general, restrictions such as existential cardinality restrictions and minimal cardinality
restrictions are used to decide on the direction of a dependency.
The grouping of concept declaration and axioms of SAREF in modules and the orientation of the dependencies between
modules is partly made by choosing to view SAREF according to a certain perspective, and partly for intuitive reasons.
For example, it makes sense to consider that saref:Property can be defined independently of
saref:Measurement, but not the other way around. Therefore, the dependency link will be oriented from
Measurement-core to Property-core.
It is necessary to group the concepts and axioms related to functions and commands into one single module Functions
and Commands, because there exists axioms in SAREF stating that every saref:Function is associated to at least
one saref:Command, and vice versa.
This analysis can be used to discuss conceptual issues in the axiomatization of SAREF. For example, SARE

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