Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Application Interface


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ETSI GS QKD 004 V2.1.1 (2020-08) - Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Application Interface
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ETSI GS QKD 004 V2.1.1 (2020-08)

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD);
Application Interface
The present document has been produced and approved by the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) ETSI Industry Specification
Group (ISG) and represents the views of those members who participated in this ISG.
It does not necessarily represent the views of the entire ETSI membership.

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2 ETSI GS QKD 004 V2.1.1 (2020-08)

API, quantum cryptography, quantum key
distribution, security, use case

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3 ETSI GS QKD 004 V2.1.1 (2020-08)
Intellectual Property Rights . 4
Foreword . 4
Modal verbs terminology . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 References . 5
2.1 Normative references . 5
2.2 Informative references . 5
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 5
3.1 Terms . 5
3.2 Symbols . 6
3.3 Abbreviations . 6
4 Introduction . 7
5 QKD Application Interface Specification Description . 7
6 QKD Application Interface API Specification . 9
6.1 General . 9
6.2 Sequence diagrams for QKD Application Interface . 12
6.2.1 General . 12
6.2.2 Case 1: Undefined KSID in a single link scenario . 13
6.2.3 Case 2: Undefined KSID and failed get key call in a single link scenario . 13
6.2.4 Case 3: Predefined KSID in a single link scenario . 14
6.2.5 Case 4: Predefined KSID and failed get key call in a single link scenario . 15
6.2.6 Case 5: Application discovery in a QKD network . 15
Annex A: Void . 17
Annex B (informative): Conventional Key Management Systems . 18
Annex C (informative): Relationship of this API to ETSI GS QKD 014 "Protocol and Data
Format of REST-based Key Delivery API" . 19
Annex D (informative): Bibliography . 20
Annex E (informative): Change History . 21
History . 22


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This Group Specification (GS) has been produced by ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) Quantum Key
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Modal verbs terminology
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5 ETSI GS QKD 004 V2.1.1 (2020-08)
1 Scope
The present document is intended to specify an Application Programming Interface (API) between a QKD key manager
and applications. The function of a QKD key manager is to manage the secure keys produced by an implementation of a
QKD protocol and to deliver the identical set of keys, via this API, to the associated applications at the communication
end points.
2 References
2.1 Normative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.
[1] IANA Media Type registry list of Directories of Content Types and Subtypes.
NOTE: Available at http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/.
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] OASIS Standard (22  November 2017): "Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification
Version 1.4". Editor by Tony Cox.
NOTE: Available at http://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/spec/v1.4/os/kmip-spec-v1.4-os.html.
[i.2] ETSI GS QKD 014 (V1.1.1): "Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Protocol and data format of
REST-based key delivery API".
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms apply:
Application Programming Interface (API): interface implemented by a software program to be able to interact with
other software programs

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Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP): protocol for the communication between enterprise key
management systems and encryption system
NOTE: The KMIP is directed by the OASIS initiative.
key management layer: abstraction in a layered model including physically distributed key managers in two or more
network nodes
NOTE: The key management layer sits between QKD modules and various applications. It manages the
synchronization and deletion of keys, etc. as well as key delivery to applications.
link encryptor: device performing link encryption, i.e. the communication security process of encrypting / decrypting
information between two peers on the data link level
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS): global consortium that drives
the development, convergence and adoption of e-business and web service standards, including KMIP
QKD application interface: interface between a QKD key manager and one or more application
QKD link: set of active and/or passive components that connect a pair of QKD modules to enable them to perform
QKD and where the security of symmetric keys established does not depend on the link components under any of the
one or more QKD protocols executed
QKD module: set of hardware and software and/or firmware components contained within a defined cryptographic
boundary that implements part of one or more QKD protocol(s) to be capable of securely establishing symmetric keys
with at least one other QKD module
QKD protocol: list of steps including the transport of quantum states that have to be performed by QKD modules to
establish symmetric keys between remote parties with security based on quantum entanglement or the impossibility of
perfectly cloning the transported quantum states
Quality of Service (QoS): description or measure of the overall performance of a service provided to an application
after any management policies for prioritizing different applications or users have been applied
synchronization: function to ensure that symmetric keys in two key managers are identical
Transport Layer Security (TLS): cryptographic protocols used to encrypt the segments of network connections above
the Transport Layer, using symmetric cryptography for privacy and a keyed message authentication code for message
3.2 Symbols
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
API Application Programming Interface
APPA Application at host A
APPB Application at host B
APPZ Application at host Z
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
ITS Information Theoretical Secure
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
KIMP Key Management Interoperability Protocol
KM Key Manager
KMIP Key Management Interoperability Protocol
KSID Key stream ID
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards

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PAP Password Authentication Protocol
QKD Quantum Key Distribution
QKDA QKD key management layer peer at host A
QKDB QKD key management layer peer at host B
QoS Quality of Service
REST Representational State Transfer
SDN Software Defined Networking
SSL Secure Socket Layer
TLS Transport Layer Security
TTL Time To Live
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
4 Introduction
The present document is intended to specify an Application Programming Interface (API) between QKD Key Managers
(KMs) and applications. The function of a QKD KM is to manage secure keys produced by an implementation of a
QKD protocol and to deliver, on demand, identical sets of keys, via this API, to peer applications at the communication
end points. It should be noted that there may be multiple levels of key managers (e.g. one at the QKD link level and
another one at the QKD network level) and the API specified in the following clauses may be implemented in every
QKD key manager level and that such key interchange is accomplished within the user's local security perimeter.
Manufacturers may implement this API wherever a QKD key manager is provided. Manufacturers may provide
additional APIs and expanded functionality as they deem fit, realizing that these additions may be incompatible with
versions provided by other vendors. Also, ther high level APIs can be built on top of this primary API, such as the
REST API specified in ETSI GS QKD 014 [i.2].
5 QKD Application Interface Specification Description
The present document encompasses the ability to have multiple levels of key managers (e.g. one at the QKD link level
and another one at the QKD network level), see figure 1 and figure 2, and the API specified in the following clauses
may apply to every QKD key manager level and that this interchange is accomplished within the user's local security
perimeter, referred to as sites. The methods by which a key manager accomplishes these functions is beyond the scope
of the present document, but it is expected that external communication between key managers at different sites will be
necessary. In addition, some communication between the peer applications may also be necessary to communicate a
common key association.
The simplest example, figure 1, shows a single QKD link, with end points at Site A and Site B. Each site has a single
application (shaded in yellow) and a single QKD module, enclosed by a blue box, which implements its part in a QKD
protocol (shaded in red) to produce QKD keys that are managed by a QKD key manager peer (shaded in green). The
single peer application in this case, uses the QKD application interface to acquire identical sets of secure keys in the two
sites on demand.

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Figure 1: QKD Application Interface and peer relationships
Sites A and B represent security perimeters at each site
A more general example of two sites in a QKD network is shown in figure 2. Here two Sites of many in the network
that contain a number of applications are shown. Site A and Site B are connected via a single QKD link between QKD
Module A3 and QKD Module B1. The end points of the other QKD modules are not shown. In addition, network layer
key managers, referred to as a QKD key servers are also depicted. The function of the QKD key servers is to manage
keys between end points and deliver identical sets of keys to the applications at these end points. Note that the QKD
application interface specified in the present document may be used to deliver keys from the QKD key management
peers to the QKD key servers as well as to deliver keys from the QKD key servers to applications.

Figure 2: QKD Application Interface at two levels and peer relationships for
Sites within a QKD Network. Sites A and B represent security perimeters at each location

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6 QKD Application Interface API Specification
6.1 General
A QKD key manager implementing this application interface shall provide the following API functions.
Table 1
Name Description
OPEN_CONNECT Reserve an association (Key_stream_ID) for a set of future keys at both ends of the QKD link
through this distributed QKD key management layer and establish a set of parameters that
define the expected levels of key service. This function shall block until the peers are
connected or until the Timeout value in the QoS parameter is exceeded.
CLOSE Terminate the association established for this Key_stream_ID. No further keys shall be
allocated for this Key_stream_ID after the association has been closed. Due to timing
differences at the other end of the link this peer operation will happen at some other time and
any unused keys shall be held until that occurs and then discarded or the TTL (Time To Live
QoS parameter) has expired.
GET_KEY Obtain the required amount of key material requested for this Key_stream_ID. Each call shall
return the fixed amount of requested key, in the key_buffer parameter, or an error message
indicating why it failed. Together with the requested key, the QKD key manager peer shall
return an index value, or allow the application to specify the position of the key to be retrieved
for synchronization purposes via the index parameter. The key position will be the result of
multiplying the index value by the Key_chunk_size value within the QoS parameters. The call
will return information about the chunk of key in the Metadata_buffer parameter, if the
Metadata_size parameter is not zero. If it is zero, no Metadata will be returned. If the
Metadata_size is not zero and this information cannot fit into the buffer provided, the call will
fail without providing any key, but will return the needed buffer size in the Metadata_size
parameter and will set a flag in the status parameter. Thus, the application can reissue the
call with the buffer size set correctly or to zero, without loss of key. This function may be
called as often as desired, but the QKD key manager only needs to respond at the bit rate
requested through the QoS parameters, or at the best rate the system can manage. The QKD
key manager is responsible for reserving and synchronizing the keys at the two ends of the
QKD link through communication with its peers. This function always returns with the status
parameter indicating success or failure, depending on the request made via the
OPEN_CONNECT function. The Timeout value for this function is specified in the
OPEN_CONNECT() function.

The syntax of these functions are as follows:
Interface QKD{
OPEN_CONNECT (in source, in destination, inout QOS, inout Key_stream_ID, out status);
GET_KEY (in Key_stream_ID, inout index, out Key_buffer, inout Metadata, out status);
CLOSE (in Key_stream_ID, out status);
NOTE: The parameter "Key_stream_ID" is an output parameter when the caller is initially opening the
connection and the value passed in is "NULL". If the value is not "NULL" the value is assumed to be
either a "Key_stream_ID" recently established by the peer end or a specifically desired/predefined
"Key_stream_ID". For use in all other functions "Key_stream_ID" is an input. If the "Key_stream_ID" is
already in use by some other application, the OPEN_CONNECT function will return with an error. On
return, the structure QoS is the closest QoS that the system can provide (best effort). If on input QoS is
"NULL" on a certain field of the structure, the system is free to provide the one that it considers most
appropriate. In particular, if a KSID has been already registered, the QoS structure will be filled with the
QoS values previously assigned to that KSID, independently of any value of the QoS in the
The function parameters are described in table 2.

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Table 2: Description of API function parameters
Name Description Type Comments
Key_stream_ID (KSID) A unique identifier for UUID_v4 It contains a reference to the necessary information
the group of 16 bytes to locate a key, but does not contain any key
synchronized bits (128 bits) material. Key material cannot be derived from the
provided by the QKD Key_stream_ID.
Key Manager to the It shall be represented as a character array
application (char *), with the high order octet being the lowest
significant octet.
It may be passed to and stored in other applications
at other sites.
It shall be unique and both peers will use that same
value to reference their application key stream.
It can be previously agreed upon between the peer
applications or sent between them by a public
Key_buffer Buffer containing the Array of Key buffer is an array of bits packed into octets
current stream of bytes (char*) ordered such that bit[0] of octet[0] is the 1
keys. (octets) bit and bit[7] of octet[n] is the 8*n+8 bit.
Index Position of the key to 32 bit For client/server synchronization purposes, the index
be accessed within unsigned value allows one to specify which position within the
the reserved key integer reserved key stored is to be accessed. The actual
store for the position will be calculated as the multiplication of the
application index value by Key_chunk_size from the QoS
Source Source identifier URI Identifier of the source application connecting to the
defined as a uniform QKD key management layer. The identifier is
resource identifier structured as a URI. If a client/server scheme is
defined, the source will integrate the URI of the
Destination Destination identifier URI Identifier of the destination application connecting to
defined as a uniform the QKD key management layer. The identifier is
resource identifier structured as a URI. If a client/server scheme is
defined, the source will integrate the URI of the
QoS Structure describing the characteristics of the requested key source
Key_chunk_size Length of the key
32 bit If the requested key amount cannot be provided, an
buffer, in Bytes, unsigned error shall be returned in the status parameter.
requested by the integer
Max_bps Maximum key 32 bit This is intended to provide guidance to the key
rate, in bps, unsigned management layer on expected maximum demand.
requested by the integer If the peer cannot meet the requested rate, it may
application choose to do its best, which may be lower than the
requested rate, or reject the request.
Min_bps Minimum key 32 bit This is intended to provide an estimation of the
rate, in bps, unsigned minimum key rate needed by the application to the
required by the integer QKD key management layer, so that an application
application could maintain its security channels. If the peer
cannot meet the requested rate, it may reject the
Jitter Maximum 32 bit This value allows applications to specify flow
expected unsigned variation of key bits with a minimum deviation for the
deviation, in bps, integer delivery rate.
for key delivery
Priority Priority of the 32 bit This is intended to provide guidance to the QKD Key
request unsigned Management layer about the priority level of the
integer request. The handling of this information is left to the
specific implementation.
Timeout Time, in msec, 32 bit If this much time has passed and the one of the API
after which the unsigned functions has not completed, the function will return
call will be integer a TIMEOUT_ERROR in the status parameter
aborted, returning This value shall be expressed in milliseconds.
an error.

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Name Description Type Comments
QoS Structure describing the characteristics of the requested key source
Time to Live Time, in seconds, 32 bit This value sets the life-time of keys reserved for a
(TTL) after which the unsigned given KSID. This is meant as a clean-up operation if
keys for this KSID integer for any reason the application crashes or leaves
shall be erased unused key behind.
from the
dedicated key
store, for security
Metadata The mimetype of char array This field defines the format of the metadata on each
mimetype the metadata to of size 256 subsequent GET_KEY call. The mimetype value
be delivered by shall be one of the Media Types defined in the
the KM on each Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Media
GET call. Type registry [1].
Any KM claiming conformance to the present
document shall support the metadata mimetype
"application/json". Any KM may implement additional
If no mimetype is defined, i.e. the first byte of the
metadata mimetype is 0, then the KM shall not report
metadata in the GET_KEY call associated with this
key stream.
If a mimetype is specified, but the current KM
implementation does not support this particular
mimetype then OPEN_CONNECT shall fail but the
metadata mimetype field shall return with the KM's
preferred mimetype.
Any KM compliant to the present document shall not
reject "application/json" mimetype even if it is not the
KM's preferred mimetype.
Metadata A Structure containing a 32 bit unsigned integer and a character array. The integer specifies the size of
the character array.
Metadata_size Size of buffer 32 bit Size of metadata buffer in characters
Metadata_buffer Data buffer Array of Buffer for returned metadata
Status Success/Failure 32 bit Status values shall have the following meanings:
of the request unsigned 0  Successful.
integer 1  Successful connection, but peer not
2  GET_KEY failed because insufficient key
3  GET_KEY failed because peer application is
not yet connected.
 No QKD connection available.
5  OPEN_CONNECT failed because the "KSID"
is already in use.
6  TIMEOUT_ERROR The call failed because
the specified TIMEOUT.
7  OPEN failed because requested QoS settings
could not be met, counter proposal included
in returnhas occurred.
8  GET_KEY failed because metadata field size
insufficient. Returned Metadata_size value
holds minimum needed size of metadata.
Other values can be added in the future if needed.

Important considerations:
1) An application may manage several independent key streams through different "key stream IDs" (e.g. one set
of keys for output messages and another for input messages, where each set is identified by a separate
"Key_stream_ID"). There is no limit on the number of "Key_stream_IDs" that one application can request.

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2) The Key_stream_ID shall be generated in such a way that uniquely identifies the key material and that key
material cannot be derived from it.
3) It has not been considered how the internal operation of

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