ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G); Data Models of Telemetry for Access Network
Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G); Data Models of Telemetry for Access Network
DGS/F5G-0016Telemetry Models
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G);
Data Models of Telemetry for Access Network
The present document has been produced and approved by the Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G) ETSI Industry
Specification Group (ISG) and represents the views of those members who participated in this ISG.
It does not necessarily represent the views of the entire ETSI membership.
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2 ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
DGS/F5G-0016Telemetry Models
F5G, telemetry, YANG
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3 ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
Intellectual Property Rights . 5
Foreword . 5
Modal verbs terminology . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 References . 6
2.1 Normative references . 6
2.2 Informative references . 6
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 6
3.1 Terms . 6
3.2 Symbols . 7
3.3 Abbreviations . 7
4 Introduction to F5G Telemetry Models . 8
4.1 Overview . 8
4.2 Objectives of the Telemetry Models . 8
5 F5G Telemetry Models . 10
5.1 Fundamentals of Telemetry Configuration Models . 10
5.1.1 Overviews . 10
5.1.2 Module an-telemetry . 10
5.1.3 Module an-inet-types . 10
5.1.4 Module an-telemetry-types . 10
5.1.5 Module an-telemetry-ext . 11
5.2 Fundamentals of Telemetry gRPC Protocol Models . 12
5.2.1 Overviews . 12
5.2.2 Module grpc-dialin . 12
5.2.3 Module grpc-dialout . 13
5.3 Fundamentals of Telemetry Data Header Models . 13
5.3.1 Overviews . 13
5.3.2 Module telemetry . 13
5.4 Fundamentals of Telemetry Collection Models . 14
5.4.1 Overviews . 14
5.4.2 Traffic Collection . 14 Module an-gpon-pm-olt-traffic . 14 Module an-epon-pm-olt-traffic . 15 Module an-ethernet-kpi . 16 Module an-bb-queue-kpi . 17 Module an-bb-service-flow-kpi. 17 Module an-gpon-pm-onu-traffic . 17 Module an-epon-pm-onu-traffic . 18
5.4.3 Optical Link Information Collection . 18 Module an-gpon-pm-olt-transceivers . 18 Module an-epon-pm-olt-transceivers . 18
5.4.4 ONU Information Collection . 19 ONU local information . 19 Module an-gpon-pm-onu-local-info . 19 Module an-epon-pm-onu-local-info . 19 Module an-gpon-pm-onu-line-quality . 19 ONU remote information . 20 Module an-gpon-pm-onu-remote-info . 20 Module an-epon-pm-onu-remote-info . 20 Module an-gpon-onu-transceivers . 20 Module an-epon-onu-transceivers . 21
Annex A (informative): Examples Usage of the Telemetry Models . 22
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A.1 Telemetry Configuration Uses Case . 22
A.1.1 Description . 22
A.1.2 Pre-conditions . 22
A.1.3 Operations . 22
A.2 Collection Data Decoding Example . 23
History . 24
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5 ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
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6 ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
1 Scope
The present document specifies the data models for Telemetry in the Access Network including both configuration and
collection, referring to ETSI GS F5G 011 [1] and providing typical examples.
2 References
2.1 Normative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.
[1] ETSI GS F5G 011:"Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G); Telemetry Framework and
Requirements for Access Networks".
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] IEEE 802.3-2008 : "IEEE Standard for information technology".
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in ETSI GS F5G 004 [1] and the following apply:
Access Network Telemetry (ANT): monitoring technology that remotely collects data in push mode from the OLT
alignment error packet: packet with bad FCS and with a non-integral number of octets
NOTE: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
error packet: error frames include the following data frames:
• Correct and incorrect data frames with a frame length less than 64 bytes.
• Correct and incorrect data frames whose frame size is greater than the maximum MTU.
• Data frames with FCS errors whose frame length ranges from 64 to the maximum MTU.
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7 ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
• Data frames with alignment errors whose frame length ranges from 64 to the maximum MTU.
NOTE: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
fragment packet: packets with less than 64 octets in length, excluding framing octets but including FCS octets
NOTE 1: These packets have, and had either a bad FCS with an integral number of octets (FCS error) or a bad FCS
with a non-integral number of octets (alignment error).
NOTE 2: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
jabber packet: packet that is greater than 1 518 octets in length, excluding framing octets but including FCS octets
NOTE 1: These packets have, and had either a bad FCS with an integral number of octets (FCS error) or a bad FCS
with a non-integral number of octets (alignment error).
NOTE 2: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
oversized packet: packet with length greater than 1 518 octets
NOTE: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
sensor group: group of multiple sensor paths
sensor path: data model path of the sensor, which describes the specific ANT objects for collection
service flow: a service flow is a consequence of traffic classification based on the identifiers in the Ethernet packets on
a physical port or logical port
EXAMPLE: An identifier can be a VLAN ID, which means Ethernet packets are classified based on VLANs.
NOTE: A service flow can also be a Layer 2 logical channel that carries services between an access node (OLT)
and a subscriber (ONU).
undersized packet: packet with length less than 64 octets
NOTE: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
3.2 Symbols
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
ANT Access Network Telemetry
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DOW Drift Of Window
EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network
FCS Frame Check Sequence
FEC Forward Error Correction
gNMI gRPC Network Management Interface
GPB Google Protocol Buffer
GPON Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks
gRPC Google Remote Procedure Call
IP Internet Protocol
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LOF Loss Of Frame
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NETCONF Network Configuration protocol
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8 ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
OAM Operation Administration and Maintenance
ODN Optical Distribution Network
OLT Optical Line Terminal
OMCI ONU Management and Control Interface
ONU Optical Network Unit
PM Performance Monitoring
PON Passive Optical Network
RPC Remote Procedure Call
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UINT Unsigned Integer
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
YANG Yet Another Next Generation data modelling language
4 Introduction to F5G Telemetry Models
4.1 Overview
Telemetry provides a mechanism to stream collection data from OLT to the telemetry system as shown in ETSI
GS F5G 011 [1]. The telemetry system is an automated controller for Access Network telemetry. It shall implement
telemetry collection and may have the capability to dynamically configure and generate the telemetry subscriptions.
When receiving the collected telemetry data, the telemetry system decodes it with identified encoding format and get
subscribed information. For most OAM engineers, telemetry technology streams the collection data for helping access
network monitoring and troubleshooting.
Access Network Telemetry contains the information about the applied configuration and uses configuration models to
identify the subscription which consists of sensor-path and destinations.
The data layer of telemetry refers to the clause 5 of ETSI GS F5G 011 [1] as shown in Table 1. There are three layers
and corresponding models.
Table 1: Data Layer of the Access Network Telemetry
Telemetry Stack Corresponding Models Requirements
Telemetry Collection
Collection data layer Carry encoded telemetry collection data.
Telemetry Data Header Defines the data header when telemetry data is
Data layer Telemetry layer Models sent, including sampling path, sampling
timestamp, etc.
RPC layer (only in gRPC Protocol Models Defines the RPC interfaces when the OLT
gRPC protocol) equipment reporting telemetry data as a server.
Combining the two pieces of information (configuration and collection) is the basis for automation and for intent-based
networking of access network. The telemetry models define configuration models and data layer models for access
network in telemetry collection. Having the same data language of models as the source of telemetry facilitates the OLT
streaming data, aggregation and data analytics.
4.2 Objectives of the Telemetry Models
Figure 1 illustrates the telemetry system and telemetry data streaming architecture. The Telemetry models combines
configuration models and Telemetry data layer models.
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9 ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
Telemetry System
NETCONF Configuration Telemetry data message
Telemetry functions
Telemetry Protocol models
OLT collection models and ONU ONU remote collection
local collection models models
local collection data
Figure 1: Telemetry Architecture with Combined Mode
The telemetry configuration models are the YANG models to the Northbound OAM Interfaces for telemetry
management functions of the OLT. The interfaces of the YANG models exploit good programmability level of the
Telemetry management platform. The Telemetry configuration models shall fulfil the following objectives:
• The telemetry configuration models are used in the telemetry management functions of the OLT. The OLT
shall have a NETCONF server for its telemetry management function. The Telemetry configuration models
and their NETCONF management interfaces are hosted by the OLT.
• The models shall support functions based on ETSI GS F5G 011 [1], clause 7.3.1 which are the essential blocks
of the OLT enabling telemetry in Access Network.
The telemetry data layer models contain the Telemetry collection models, the telemetry data header models and the
® ®
gRPC protocol models. The Telemetry data header models and the gRPC protocol models can collectively be called
the Telemetry protocol models as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The Telemetry data layer models shall fulfil the
following objectives:
• The telemetry data layer models are the protobuf models which are used in the telemetry functions of the OLT
and decoding functions in the telemetry system. The encoding format of the telemetry data is based on the
telemetry data layer models and their GPB format. The Telemetry data layer models shall meet the interface
requirements in ETSI GS F5G 011 [1], clause 6.
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• The gRPC protocol models are the protobuf models to define the gRPC interfaces for the gRPC Static
Telemetry mode and gRPC Dynamic Telemetry mode based on ETSI GS F5G 011 [1], clause 6.2.
• The telemetry collection models contain OLT collection models, local ONU collection models and remote
ONU collection models. They shall support the collection parameters for telemetry in the Access Network
based on ETSI GS F5G 011 [1], clause 8. The Telemetry collection models can be used in either of the two
following modes as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2:
- Telemetry Architecture with Combined Mode: managing the OLT local collection and ONU remote
collection as a combined telemetry functions in the OLT are shown in Figure 1. The telemetry collection
models are all hosted in the OLT. The local collection data is sampled by the OLT. The remote ONU
collection information can be retrieved through the management interface between the OLT and the
ONU which can be OMCI or other protocols and generated according to the ONU remote collection
models by the OLT.
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- Telemetry Architecture with Separate Mode: managing the OLT local collection and ONU remote
collection in separate entities is shown in Figure 2. The OLT only hosts the OLT collection models and
local ONU collection models. The remote ONU collection models are hosted in the subtending ONU.
The local collection data is sampled by the OLT. And when the ONU receives the subscription request
from OLT, it collects remote ONU collection information and generates the corresponding telemetry data
which encoding format is the same as identified by the telemetry system according to the ONU remote
collection models and streams the message to the OLT periodically.
Telemetry System
NETCONF Configuration Telemetry data message
Telemetry functions
Telemetry Protocol models
OLT collection models and ONU
local collection models
local collection data
PON ODN remote ONU Telemetry data
ONU ONU remote
collection models
Figure 2: Telemetry Architecture with Separate Mode
5 F5G Telemetry Models
5.1 Fundamentals of Telemetry Configuration Models
5.1.1 Overviews
The YANG modules provide functionality to manage telemetry configuration. These modules are published on the
Forge platform at
5.1.2 Module an-telemetry
This YANG module contains a collection of YANG definitions for supporting ETSI GS F5G 011 [1] requirements on
telemetry functions in Access Network. As such, this module is specific to the OLT.
5.1.3 Module an-inet-types
This YANG module contains a collection of YANG type definitions for a set of Internet address related types for use in
telemetry for Access Network. As such, this module is specific to the OLT.
5.1.4 Module an-telemetry-types
This YANG module contains a collection of YANG type and identities definitions used by the module an-telemetry for
use in telemetry for Access Network. As such, this module is specific to the OLT.
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11 ETSI GS F5G 016 V1.1.1 (2023-06)
5.1.5 Module an-telemetry-ext
This YANG module contains a collection of extension YANG definitions for the Telemetry configuration conditions for
use in telemetry for access network. As such, this module is specific to the OLT. Specifically, this module augments the
module an-telemetry to define these conditions.
5.1.6 Overall Structure
The fundamental parts of the data model are the "sensor-groups" with associated sensor paths, the "destination-groups"
with all telemetry collector address and the "subscriptions" list of persistent-subscriptions and dynamic-subscriptions.
These can be implemented by the OLT.
The data model has the following overall structure:
module an-telemetry
+--rw telemetry-system
+--rw sensor-groups
| +--rw sensor-group* [sensor-group-id]
| +--rw sensor-group-id leafref
| +--rw config
| | +--rw sensor-group-id? string
| +--ro state
| | +--ro sensor-group-id? string
| +--rw sensor-paths
| +--rw sensor-path* [path]
| +--rw path leafref
| +--rw config
| | +--rw path? string
| | +--rw exclude-filter? string
| +--ro state
| | +--ro path? string
| | +--ro exclude-filter? string
| +--rw an-telemetry-ext:filters
| +--rw an-telemetry-ext:filter* [name]
| +
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