ETSI GS F5G 011 V1.1.1 (2022-11)
Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G); Telemetry Framework and Requirements for Access Networks
Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G); Telemetry Framework and Requirements for Access Networks
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ETSI GS F5G 011 V1.1.1 (2022-11)
Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G);
Telemetry Framework and Requirements for Access Networks
The present document has been produced and approved by the Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G) ETSI Industry
Specification Group (ISG) and represents the views of those members who participated in this ISG.
It does not necessarily represent the views of the entire ETSI membership.
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2 ETSI GS F5G 011 V1.1.1 (2022-11)
F5G; telemetry; YANG
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3 ETSI GS F5G 011 V1.1.1 (2022-11)
Intellectual Property Rights . 5
Foreword . 5
Modal verbs terminology . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 References . 6
2.1 Normative references . 6
2.2 Informative references . 6
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 6
3.1 Terms . 6
3.2 Symbols . 7
3.3 Abbreviations . 8
4 Framework of Telemetry in Access Network . 9
4.1 Motivation and Business Drivers . 9
4.2 Telemetry Architecture Overview . 9
5 Technical Solutions . 10
5.1 UDP Streaming Telemetry Mode . 10
5.2 gRPC Static Telemetry Mode . 11
5.3 gRPC Dynamic Telemetry Mode . 12
6 Interface Requirements. 13
6.1 Overview . 13
6.2 gRPC Layer Requirements . 13
6.2.1 gRPC Static Telemetry mode . 13
6.2.2 gRPC Dynamic Telemetry mode . 13
6.3 Telemetry Layer Requirements . 14
6.4 Collection Data Layer Requirements . 14
7 Telemetry Functional Requirements . 15
7.1 Overview . 15
7.2 Telemetry System . 15
7.3 OLT . 16
7.3.1 OLT Internal Functions . 16
7.3.2 Collection Capabilities Exchange Process . 17
7.3.3 OLT Performance Requirements . 18
8 Collection Parameters. 19
8.1 Overviews and Definitions . 19
8.2 Access Network Traffic Information Collection . 19
8.2.1 Overviews and Definitions . 19
8.2.2 Table of Access Network Traffic Information Collection . 22
8.3 Optical Link Information Collection . 23
8.3.1 Overviews and Definitions . 23
8.3.2 Table of Optical Link Information Collection . 24
8.4 ONU Information Collection . 24
8.4.1 Overviews and Definitions . 24
8.4.2 Table of GPON ONU Collection . 26
8.4.3 Table of EPON ONU Collection . 27
Annex A (informative): Examples of Telemetry Technical Solutions . 28
A.1 UDP Streaming Telemetry Mode use case . 28
A.2 gRPC Static Telemetry Mode use case . 28
A.3 gRPC Dynamic Telemetry Mode use case . 29
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Annex B (informative): Example Implementation of the Telemetry system . 30
B.1 Introduction . 30
B.2 Control Module . 30
B.3 Collector/Detector Module . 31
B.4 Data Lake . 32
B.4.1 Overview . 32
B.4.2 Telemetry Broker . 33
B.4.3 Telemetry Consumer . 34
B.4.4 Time Series Data Base . 34
B.5 Analytic Module . 35
B.5.1 Overview . 35
B.5.2 ML Inference Host . 35
B.5.3 Visualization Dashboard . 36
Annex C (informative): Feasible Implementation of an Extension of the Telemetry Collection
Encoding . 37
C.1 Introduction . 37
C.2 Implementation Details . 37
Annex D (informative): Change History . 39
History . 40
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5 ETSI GS F5G 011 V1.1.1 (2022-11)
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This Group Specification (GS) has been produced by ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) Fifth Generation Fixed
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Modal verbs terminology
In the present document "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not", "may", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and
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6 ETSI GS F5G 011 V1.1.1 (2022-11)
1 Scope
The present document defines the F5G Telemetry Framework and Requirements for the F5G Access Network. The
framework specifies the key functions and interfaces. The F5G Access Network telemetry requirements include
requirements for the functions, the overall system, and the interfaces with their data models (configuration and
2 References
2.1 Normative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.
[1] ETSI GS F5G 004 (V1.1.1): "Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G); F5G Network Architecture".
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] IEEE 802.3 -2008: "IEEE Standard for information technology".
[i.2] Recommendation ITU-T G.988: "ONU management and control interface (OMCI) specification".
[i.3] Google Developers | Protocol Buffers | Encoding.
NOTE: Available at
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in ETSI GS F5G 004 [1] and the following apply:
Access Network Telemetry (ANT): monitoring technology that remotely collects data in push mode from the OLT
alignment error packet: packet with bad FCS and with a non-integral number of octets
NOTE: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
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7 ETSI GS F5G 011 V1.1.1 (2022-11)
ANT object: specific physical or logical entity in the OLT or ONU (e.g. a PON port, a service flow, etc.)
equipment sampling capability: minimum time interval for the OLT to gather the target telemetry data
NOTE: This time interval can be shorter than the sample interval.
EXAMPLE: The equipment sampling capability is x seconds, and the sample interval is y seconds. (x can be
shorter than y). A single ANT object is created from the equipment sampled data according to the
configuration rules.
error packet: include the following data frames:
• Correct and incorrect data frames with a frame length less than 64 bytes.
• Correct and incorrect data frames whose frame size is greater than the maximum MTU.
• Data frames with FCS errors whose frame length ranges from 64 to the maximum MTU.
• Data frames with alignment errors whose frame length ranges from 64 to the maximum MTU.
NOTE: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
fragment packet: packets with less than 64 octets in length, excluding framing octets but including FCS octets
NOTE 1: These packets have, and had either a bad FCS with an integral number of octets (FCS error) or a bad FCS
with a non-integral number of octets (alignment error).
NOTE 2: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
jabber packet: packet that is greater than 1 518 octets in length, excluding framing octets but including FCS octets
NOTE 1: These packets have, and had either a bad FCS with an integral number of octets (FCS error) or a bad FCS
with a non-integral number of octets (alignment error).
NOTE 2: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
oversized packet: packet with length greater than 1 518 octets
NOTE: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
sample interval: time interval for the ANT object in the Telemetry message reported by the OLT to the collector
NOTE: This value is configured by the configuration module of the telemetry system.
sample timestamp: timestamp at which the current ANT object was sampled
sensor group: group of multiple sensor paths
sensor path: data model path of the sensor, which describes the specific ANT objects for collection
service flow: service flow is a consequence of traffic classification based on the identifiers in the Ethernet packets on a
physical port or logical port
NOTE 1: For example, an identifier can be a VLAN ID, which means Ethernet packets are classified based on
NOTE 2: A service flow can also be a Layer 2 logical channel that carries services between an access node (OLT)
and a subscriber (ONU).
undersized packet: packet with length less than 64 octets
NOTE: The definition of this term comes from IEEE 802.3 [i.1].
3.2 Symbols
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3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
10G-EPON 10 Gbit/s Ethernet Passive Optical Network
AI Artificial Intelligence
ANT Access Network Telemetry
BER Bit Error Ratio
BIP Bearer Independent Protocol
CLI Command-Line Interface
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DG Dying Gasp
DOW Drift Of Window
DPU Data Pre-processing Unit
EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network
FCS Frame Check Sequence
FEC Forward Error Correction
GEM GPON Encapsulation Mode
GNMI gRPC Network Management Interface
® ®
GPB Google Protocol Buffer
GPON Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Networks
® ®
gRPC Google Remote Procedure Call
HEC Hybrid Error Correction
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
ID Identity Document
IP Internet Protocol
IPTV Internet Protocol Television
JSON Java Script Object Notation
LOF Loss Of Frame
LOS Loss Of Signal
LP Line Protocol
MAC Message Authentication Code
MIB Management Information Base
ML Machine Learning
MSB Most Significant Bit
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NE Network Entity
NETCONF Network Configuration Protocol
ODN Optical Distribution Network
OLT Optical Line Terminal
ONU Optical Network Unit
P2MP Point to Multipoint
PON Passive Optical Network
RPC Remote Procedure Call
SNI Service Node Interface
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
TCONT Transmission - Container
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
TSDB Time Series Database
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UNI User Network Interface
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
XG 10 GigabitMAC
XG-PON 10-Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network
XGS-PON 10-Gigabit-capable Symmetric Passive Optical Network
YANG Yet Another Next Generation data modelling language
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9 ETSI GS F5G 011 V1.1.1 (2022-11)
4 Framework of Telemetry in Access Network
4.1 Motivation and Business Drivers
Figure 1 depicts the current Access Network deployment. A traditional data pulling methods is used, such as SNMP,
syslog and CLI to pull data from the OLT to monitor Access Network and troubleshoot any issues. The interface uses
proprietary MIBs from different OLT equipment vendors which are difficult to automate. So, each request to pull data
is resource intensive and impact the performance of the OLT, and adds complexity because there is more than one pull
request per OLT. The pulling method does not efficiently scale.
Figure 1: Traditional Access Network architecture
As the complexity of the Access Network increases, it is crucial to maintain the network health. To achieve this, the
Access Network can provide better visibility compared to existing methods via automated real-time data collection.
Telemetry replaces the pull method, and uses the push method to continuously stream data from the OLT and provides
notifications to the data collection platform. Telemetry has the advantages of scale, speed and automation. With the
flexibility of telemetry, the data of interest can be selected from the OLT and the OLT can transmit it in a structured
format to a data collection platform for monitoring. In addition, the data collection platform can expose F5G Access
Network information to the application layer.
Telemetry introduces finer granular data points and more frequent data streaming in the Access Network. It enables
better performance monitoring and therefore better control over large Access Network. Telemetry data can assist in the
prediction of network problems and take preventative actions without impacting the performance of the OLT. The
operators can gain better visibility and insight into the network. The operator can enhance the network operational
performance by using data analytics. Telemetry technology opens the door to big data and machine learning methods in
the Access Network.
4.2 Telemetry Architecture Overview
Figure 2 illustrates the F5G Access Network architecture of the telemetry technologies. The Access Network equipment
supports the telemetry collection function, which adopts the active push mode, supports structured data and has higher
execution efficiency and real-time collection accuracy. To meet the needs of refined, visualized, intelligent monitoring
of operation and maintenance, telemetry provides the basis of big data analysis for the rapid locating of network
problems and network quality optimization and adjustment.
In the deployment scenario of Access Network equipment which supports telemetry technology, the telemetry
architecture can be partitioned into the telemetry system and the OLT. The telemetry system is responsible for the
subscription configuration, receiving telemetry collection data reported from the OLT, and data processing, storage and
analysis. The OLT is responsible for reporting telemetry collection data according to the subscription configuration.
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Telemetry system
telemetry data streaming
subscribe configuration
Figure 2: Telemetry architecture in the Access Network
5 Technical Solutions
5.1 UDP Streaming Telemetry Mode
The telemetry system shall support both control and collection features. The control modules should support the
NETCONF protocol to send subscription configuration. The corresponding parameters are described in Clause 6 of the
present document. If UDP streaming telemetry mode is chosen, the OLT equipment should support UDP encapsulated
data reporting. The serialization of the data is based on GPB .
If UDP streaming telemetry mode is chosen for the telemetry collection, the OLT shall continuously stream the data to
the several collectors, once the subscriptions are created as part of the configuration of the OLT and it shall remain the
OLT configuration until the subscription is removed. The schematic diagram of UDP streaming telemetry mode is
shown in Figure 3.
Control modules Collector modules
Streaming protocol:UDP
Configuration protocol:NETCONF
NOTE: Encoding methods other than GPB are possible.
Figure 3: UDP streaming telemetry mode
The specific protocol stack layer is shown in Table 1.
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11 ETSI GS F5G 011 V1.1.1 (2022-11)
Table 1: The telemetry stack layer and requirements of UDP telemetry mode
Telemetry Stack Requirements
Collection data layer Carries encoded telemetry collection data.
Defines the data header when telemetry data is sent, including sampling
Data layer
Telemetry layer path, sampling timestamp, etc. The specific parameters are defined in
clause 6.3 of the present document.
Optional support for fragmentation and encoding format indication through
Message header layer
the message header layer.
UDP provides simple information transmission service, but information
UDP transport layer
might be lost.
5.2 gRPC Static Telemetry Mode
The telemetry system shall support both control and collection features. The control modules should support the
NETCONF protocol to send subscription configuration. The corresponding parameters are described in clause 6. If
gRPC static telemetry mode is chosen, the OLT equipment should support data encapsulation and reporting as a
® ®
gRPC client. The schemat
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