Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); DVB interfaces to Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) networks


Digitalna videoradiodifuzija (DVB) – Vmesniki DVB do omrežij sinhrone digitalne hierarhije (SDH)

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SIST ETS 300 814 E1:2003
Digitalna videoradiodifuzija (DVB) – Vmesniki DVB do omrežij sinhrone digitalne
hierarhije (SDH)
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); DVB interfaces to Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
(SDH) networks
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ETS 300 814 Edition 1
33.170 Televizijska in radijska Television and radio
difuzija broadcasting
SIST ETS 300 814 E1:2003 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ETS 300 814 E1:2003
ICS: 33.020
Key words: DVB, broadcasting, digital, video, TV, SDH
European Broadcasting Union Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB);
DVB interfaces to
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) networks
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETSI Secretariat
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Copyright Notification:
No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the
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© European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1998.
© European Broadcasting Union 1998.
All rights reserved.

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Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content,
typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to
"ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept." at the address shown on the title page.

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Foreword .5
1 Scope .7
2 References.7
2.1 ETSI and CENELEC publications.7
2.2 ITU publications .8
3 Definitions and abbreviations .8
3.1 Definitions .8
3.2 Abbreviations .9
4 Baseline specification.10
4.1 MPEG Physical Interface (MPI) .12
4.2 MPEG/ATM Adaptation (MAA) .16
4.3 Virtual Path Entity (VPE).19
4.4 Virtual Path Multiplexing Entity (VPME).20
4.5 Sm Trail Termination (Sm_TT).22
4.5.1 S3 Trail Termination (S3_TT).23
4.5.2 S2 Trail Termination (S2_TT).25
4.5.3 S12 Trail Termination (S12_TT).28
4.5.4 S11 Trail Termination (S11_TT).31
4.6 Higher Order Assembler (HOA).33
4.7 S4 Trail Termination (S4_TT) .36
4.8 Transport Terminal Function (TTF) .38
4.9 Equipment Management Function (EMF).47
4.9.1 Configuration .49
4.9.2 Fault (maintenance) management .51
4.9.3 Performance management.51
4.10 Synchronous Equipment Timing Source (SETS).55
4.11 Synchronous Equipment Timing Physical Interface (SETPI).59
Annex A (normative): Block diagram of the Network Adapter (NA) .60
Annex B (informative): Mechanism of the adaptive clock method .61
Annex C (informative): Enabling/Disabling the Header Error Control functions (HEC).62
Annex D (informative): Transmission capacity of the Network Adapter.63
Annex E (normative): Transport within Sub-STM-1 at 51 Mbit/s.64
Annex F (informative): Definition of codes.75

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This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) has been produced by the Joint Technical Committee
(JTC) of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Comité Européen de Normalisation ELECtrotechnique
(CENELEC) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
NOTE: The EBU/ETSI JTC was established in 1990 to co-ordinate the drafting of standards in
the specific field of broadcasting and related fields. Since 1995 the JTC became a
tripartite body by including in the Memorandum of Understanding also CENELEC,
which is responsible for the standardization of radio and television receivers. The EBU
is a professional association of broadcasting organizations whose work includes the
co-ordination of its members' activities in the technical, legal, programme-making and
programme-exchange domains. The EBU has active members in about 60 countries in
the European broadcasting area; its headquarters is in Geneva.
* European Broadcasting Union
Tel: +41 22 717 21 11
Fax: +41 22 717 24 81
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Project
Founded in September 1993, the DVB Project is a market-led consortium of public and private sector
organizations in the television industry. Its aim is to establish the framework for the introduction of MPEG2
based digital television services. Now comprising over 200 organizations from more than 25 countries
around the world, DVB fosters market-led systems, which meet the real needs, and economic
circumstances, of the consumer electronics and the broadcast industry.
Transposition dates
Date of adoption of this ETS: 6 March 1998
Date of latest announcement of this ETS (doa): 30 June 1998
Date of latest publication of new National Standard
or endorsement of this ETS (dop/e): 31 December 1998
Date of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (dow): 31 December 1998

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1 Scope
This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) specifies the transmission of MPEG2 Transport
Streams (TS) between two DVB interfaces as defined in EN 50083-9 [11] within SDH networks working at
the ITU-T Recommendation G.707 [15] hierarchical bit rate of 155 520 kbit/s or at a bit rate of
51 840 kbit/s. The use of any of these bit rates is optional, if however one or more rates are selected the
complete specification applies. The definition of the network aspects of the transmission of MPEG2-TSs is
based to the maximum extent on existing international and European standards.
The equipment considered in this ETS is the Network Adapter (NA) performing the adaptation between
MPEG2-TSs and the interfaces of SDH networks.
2 References
This ETS incorporates by dated and undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications
apply to this ETS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest
edition of the publication referred to applies.
2.1 ETSI and CENELEC publications
[1] ETS 300 147: "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Synchronous Digital
Hierarchy (SDH)"; Multiplexing structure".
[2] ETS 300 417-1-1: "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic functional
requirements for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) equipment; Part 1:
Generic processes and performance".
[3] ETS 300 417-2-1: "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements
of transport functionality of equipment; Part 2-1: Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
(SDH) and Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) physical section layer
[4] ETS 300 417-3-1: "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements
of transport functionality of equipment; Part 3-1: Synchronous Transport
Module-N (STM-N) regenerator and multiplex section layer functions".
[5] ETS 300 417-4-1: "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements
of transport functionality of equipment; Part 4-1: Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
(SDH) path layer functions".
[6] ETS 300 417-6-1: "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements
of transport functionality of equipment; Part 6-1: Synchronization distribution
layer functions".
[7] EN 300 421: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing structure, channel
coding and modulation for 11/12 GHz satellite services".
[8] EN 300 429: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing structure, channel
coding and modulation for cable systems".
[9] ETS 300 462-1: "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements for
synchronization networks; Part 1: Definitions and terminology for
synchronization networks".
[10] ETS 300 462-5: "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements for
synchronization networks; Part 5: Timing characteristics of slave clocks suitable
for operation in Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) equipment".

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[11] EN 50083-9: "Cabled distribution systems for television, sound and interactive
multimedia signals; Part 9: Interfaces for CATV/SMATV headends and similar
professional equipment for DVB/MPEG2 transport streams" (CENELEC).
[12] ETR 290: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Measurement guidelines for DVB
2.2 ITU publications
[13] ITU-R Recommendation F.750-1: "Architectures and functional aspects of radio-
relay systems for SDH-based networks".
[14] ITU-T Recommendation G.703: "Physical/electrical characteristics of
hierarchical digital interfaces".
[15] ITU-T Recommendation G.707: "Network node interface for the synchronous
digital hierarchy (SDH)".
[16] ITU-T Recommendation G.783: "Characteristics of Synchronous Digital
Hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks".
[17] ITU-T Recommendation G.825: "The control of jitter and wander within digital
networks which are based on the synchronous digital hierarchy".
[18] ITU-T Recommendation G.826: "Error performance parameters and objectives
for international, constant bit rate digital paths at or above the primary rate".
[19] ITU-T Recommendation H.222.0: "Information technology - Generic coding of
moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems".
[20] ITU-T Recommendation I.361: "B-ISDN ATM layer specification".
[21] ITU-T Recommendation I.363.1: "B-ISDN ATM Adaptation Layer specification".
[22] ITU-T Recommendation I.432: "B-ISDN User-Network Interface - Physical layer
[23] ITU-T Recommendation I.732: "Functional characteristics of ATM equipment".
[24] ITU-T Recommendation J.82: "Transport of MPEG-2 constant bit rate television
signals in B-ISDN".
[25] ITU-T Recommendation M.2120: "PDH paths, section and transmission system
and SDH path and multiplex section fault detection and localization procedures".
[26] ITU-T Recommendation Q.822: "Stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 description for
the Q3 interface - Performance management".
[27] ITU-T Recommendation G.957: "Optical interfaces for equipments and systems
relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy".
3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this ETS, the following definitions apply:
fixed stuff: Bytes that are used to fill up unused data positions.
MPEG2-TS packet: A data packet possessing a length of 188 bytes including 4 bytes of header
information. The header contains MPEG related data.

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RS coded MPEG2-TS packet: A data packet possessing a length of 204 bytes. Bytes 1 to 188 contain an
MPEG2-TS packet. Bytes 189 to 204 contain the parity-check bytes for the error correction of the
preceding bytes of this packet. These parity-check bytes are generated using a shortened Reed-Solomon
Code RS (204, 188).
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this ETS, the following abbreviations apply:
AAL ATM Adaptation Layer
APS Automatic Protection Switching
ASI Asynchronous Serial Interface
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AU Administrative Unit
BER Bit Error Rate
CATV Community Antenna TeleVision
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CS Convergence Sublayer
EMF Equipment Management Function
FAS Frame Alignment Signal
FEC Forward Error Correction
HEC Header Error Control
HOA Higher Order Assembler
HOVC Higher Order Virtual Container
LOF Loss Of Frame
LOP Loss Of Pointer
LOS Loss Of Signal
LOVC Lower Order Virtual Container
LSB Least Significant Bit
MAA MPEG ATM Adaptation
MMI Man Machine Interface
MON MONitored
MP Management Points
MPEG Motion Picture Expert Group
MPI MPEG Physical Interface
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSOH Multiplex Section OverHead
NE Network Element
PAPI Path Access Point Identifier
PDU Protocol Data Unit
POH Path OverHead
PT Path Trace
QOS Quality Of Service
RDI Remote Defect Indication
REI Remote Error Indication
RFI Remote Failure Indication
RR Radio-Relay
RS Reed-Solomon
RSOH Regenerator Section OverHead
SAR Segmentation And Reassembly Sublayer
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SETG Synchronous Equipment Timing Generator
SETPI Synchronous Equipment Timing Physical Interface
SETS Synchronous Equipment Timing Source
SLC Signal Label Checking
SMATV Satellite Master Antenna TeleVision
SmTT Sm Trail Termination
SN Sequence Number
SOH Section OverHead
SPI Synchronous Parallel Interface
SSI Synchronous Serial Interface
STM Synchronous Transport Module
TCM Tandem Connection Monitoring

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TIM Trace Identifier Mismatch
TS Transport Stream
TTF Transport Terminal Function
TTI Trail Trace Identifier
TUG Tributary Unit Group
UI Unit Interval
UTC Universal Time Co-ordinated
VC Virtual Container
VP Virtual Path
VPE VP Entity
VPME VP Multiplexing Entity
4 Baseline specification
The Network Adapter is an equipment which performs the adaptation of data structured as an MPEG2-TS
[19] to the characteristics of an SDH link. The solution selected for the transmission of MPEG2-TS
packets, respectively RS coded MPEG2-TS packets, over SDH links is based on the use of ATM cells.
Therefore, the adaptation of the transport of an MPEG2-TS basically consists in:
- adaptation of MPEG2-TS packets or RS coded MPEG2-TS packets to ATM cells;
- adaptation of ATM cells to SDH framing.
The normative references applicable to the adaptation unless specifically mentioned are given here below:
- the adaptation of MPEG2-TS packets into ATM cells using an AAL type 1 shall be performed as
described in ITU-T Recommendation J.82 [24]. AAL type 1 is specified in
ITU-T-Recommendation I.363.1 [21], the ATM layer is specified in
ITU-T Recommendation I.361 [20];
- the adaptation of ATM cells into SDH framing shall be performed as described in
ITU-T-Recommendation G.707 [15].
There is no normative reference for the adaptation of RS coded MPEG2-TS packets to ATM cells. This
adaptation shall be performed as described in ITU-T Recommendation J.82 [24] for MPEG2-TS packets,
with the only exception that the RS coded MPEG2-TS packets are not aligned with the structure of the
AAL1 interleaving matrix.
The Network Adapter (NA) is described as a group of functional blocks. The partitioning into functional
blocks is based on existing recommendations on SDH equipments (ITU-T Recommendation G. 783 [16])
and ATM equipments (ITU-T Recommendation I.732 [23]). The equipment consists of the following blocks
(see also figure 1):
- MPEG Physical Interface;
- MPEG / ATM Adaptation;
- Virtual Path Entity;
- VP Multiplexing Entity;
- Sm Trail Termination;
- Higher Order Assembler;
- S4 Trail Termination;
- Transport Terminal Function;
- Synchronous Equipment Timing Source;
- Synchronous Equipment Timing Physical Interface; and
- Equipment Management Function.
The present description is a functional description and does not imply any specific equipment
implementation but it allows for the implementation of a separate transmitter and receiver as well as a
combined transmitter / receiver.

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Via VC-11, VC-12, VC-2, VC-3 and VC-2-mc
VC-m layer Higher
Trail Order
Termination Assembler
MPEG Virtual VP Transport SDH
cd e h
ATM Path Multiplexing Terminal Link
Adaptation Entity Entity Function
Interface S4_TT
VC-4 layer
Via VC-4
Equipment Synchronous
2 MHz
Management Equipment
Function Timing Physical
Figure 1: Functional blocks of the Network Adapter
NOTE: Most of ATM functional blocks contained in ITU-T Recommendation I.732 [23] do not
appear in figure 1 as they are not relevant for the adaptation. Furthermore, the blocks
"Higher Order Assembler" and "Transport Terminal Function" consist of several sub-
blocks that reflect the description of the functional structure of SDH equipment
following the recommendations given in ETS 300 417-2-1 [3], ETS 300 417-3-1 [4] and
ETS 300 417-4-1 [5]. A fully detailed block diagram of the Network Adapter is given in
annex A.
This adaptation corresponds to the protocol stack shown in figure 2:
MPEG2 System layer
(Transport Stream)
RS coded
ATM Adaptation Layer type 1
ATM layer
Transmission Convergence sublayer
Physical Medium Dependent sublayer
Figure 2: Protocol stack for the adaptation process
The following functional blocks are identified:
- The MPEG2-TS Physical Interface: the Network Adapter accepts, at its input port, either an
MPEG2-TS consisting of consecutive MPEG2-TS packets, or an extended version of an
MPEG2-TS that already contains error protection (RS coded MPEG2-TS packets). Packets length
of 188 bytes and 204 bytes can be handled.
The MPEG / ATM Adaptation:
- this corresponds to the adaptation between the MPEG2-TS
respectively the RS coded MPEG2-TS and the ATM cells via an AAL type 1. This adaptation,
besides format adaptation, provides functions for the MPEG2-TS clock transmission transparency
(adaptive clock method) and information transparency using the clock and data recovery

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mechanism of AAL1. It is expected that under normal transmission conditions the received
-10 -11
MPEG2-TS will be quasi error free, corresponding to a Bit Error Rate (BER) of about 10 to 10
at the input of an MPEG2 equipment at the receiver site. This requirement is in accordance with the
standards for the DVB systems using satellite services (see ETS 300 421 [7]) and cable systems
(see ETS 300 429 [8]).
- The Virtual Path Entity: the only function performed is the VP setting. It allows the simultaneous
transmission of several independent MPEG2-TS on one SDH link.
- The VP Multiplexing Entity: if different MPEG2-TS have to be simultaneously transported, the ATM
cells belonging to different VPs are multiplexed in the transmitter respectively demultiplexed in the
receiver. If only one MPEG2-TS has to be transported, only one VP is used. The adaptation to the
useful bit-rate offered by the SDH link is performed by adding respectively removing idle cells. At
the receiver, this block also performs cell delineation and ATM cell header checking.
- The Sm Trail Termination: this block generates and adds the error monitoring, the status and the
control OverHead information to lower order Virtual Containers (VC-11, VC-12, VC-2 or VC-3) at
the transmitter site. In the receiver the appropriate Virtual Containers are monitored for errors and
the payload independent OverHead information is extracted.
- The S4 Trail Termination: this block generates and adds the error monitoring, the status and the
control OverHead information to a Virtual Container VC-4 at the transmitter site. In the receiver the
Virtual Container VC-4 is monitored for errors and the payload independent OverHead information
is extracted.
- The Higher Order Assembler: in the transmitter, this block is responsible for the multiplexing of
lower order VCs into a VC-4, for the processing of the relevant pointers and for the setting of a part
of the VC4-POH. In the receiver, parts of the VC4-POH are evaluated and the pointer information is
used in order to ensure a correct demultiplexing of the VC-4 contents into lower order VCs.
- The Transport Terminal Function: The AU-4 pointer is processed respectively evaluated to indicate
the phase of the first byte of the VC-4-POH relative to the first byte of the STM-1 SOH. Additionally,
this function generates the MSOH and the RSOH in the process of forming an SDH frame signal
and terminates these types of OverHead information in the receiver. The STM-1 frame is
scrambled/descrambled and the appropriate signal at the physical interface is created in the
transmitter respectively converted into an internal logical signal in the receiver.
- The Synchronous Equipment Timing Source: this function provides timing reference to relevant
parts of an SDH equipment and represents the SDH Network Element clock.
- The Synchronous Equipment Timing Physical Interface: this function provides the interface between
an external synchronization signal and the SETS. It also provides a 2 MHz synchronization output
- The Equipment Management Function: this block manages all the other functional blocks. It
ensures the Man Machine Interface.
The processing of the MPEG data for the transmission inside an SDH network can be done using several
types of Virtual Containers depending on the wanted payload capacity. It is not mandatory to implement all
types of VC processing inside the Network Adapter. If however one or more types of VC processing are
selected as described in this present document the complete specification applies.
Unless otherwise mentioned, in this ETS the following conventions hold true: the order of transmission of
information in all diagrams is first from left to right and then from top to bottom. Within each byte or octet
the Most Significant Bit (MSB) is transmitted first.
4.1 MPEG Physical Interface (MPI)
This function provides the interface between the Network Adapter and the MPEG2-TS sources or
receivers. The physical characteristics of this interface shall follow the specification given in
EN 50083-9 [11]. Three different types of interfaces are specified.

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They are called:
- the Synchronous Parallel Interface (SPI);
- the Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI);
- the Asynchronous Serial Interface (ASI).
The interfaces use the MPEG2-TS Packet structure (188 bytes) or the RS-coded packet structure
(204 bytes). For the SPI and the SSI, the 204-byte format may be used either for the transmission of 188-
byte MPEG2-TS packets with 16 dummy bytes, or for the transmission of 204-byte RS-coded packets.
In order to prevent alarms being raised and failures being reported during set-up procedures or if the input
port is not in use (in the case of a multi-port equipment), the MPI function shall have the ability to enable
or disable fault case declaration. The MPI shall be either monitored (MON) or not monitored (NMON). The
state MON or NMON is provisioned by the equipment manager to the MPI via the EMF function.
Signal processing in the transmitter (Signal flow from a-to-b in figure 1)
a) Recovery of MPEG2 packets
This function recovers the data bytes and their clock from the received signals:
- For the SPI, this recovery is based on the use of the Data (0-7), the DVALID, PSYNC and
clock signals, as specified in paragraph 4.1 of EN 50083-9 [11].
- For the SSI interface, the processing includes optical receiver (for fibre-optic-based link) or
coupling/impedance matching (for coaxial cable), amplifier/buffer, clock recovery and
biphase decoding, serial to parallel conversion, as specified in annex A of EN 50083-9 [11].
- For the ASI interface, the processing includes optical receiver (for fibre-optic-based link) or
coupling/impedance matching (for coaxial cable), amplifier/buffer, clock/data recovery and
serial-to-parallel conversion, FC comma deletion, 8B/10B decoding, as specified in annex B
of EN 50083-9 [11]. In the next step, the recovery of the TS clock is performed (cf. annex E
of EN 50083-9 [11]: implementation guidelines and deriving clocks from the MPEG2 packets
for the ASI).
The function also realizes the sync acquisition of the MPEG2-TS packets respectively of the RS-coded
MPEG2-TS packets, on the basis of the method proposed in subclause 3.2 of ETR 290 [12] (five
consecutive correct sync bytes for sync acquisition; two or more consecutive corrupted sync bytes should
indicate sync loss).
The packet size (188 bytes or 204 bytes) may be recovered from the received signals, on the basis of the
PSYNC signal for the parallel interface, or on the basis of periodicity of the synchronization bytes for the
serial interfaces. For the case of the Synchronous Parallel Interface and of the SSI interface, the decision
between 204-byte format for MPEG2-TS packets with 16 dummy bytes and 204-byte format for RS-coded
MPEG2-TS packets can be made:
- on the basis of the DVALID signal for the SPI: a high level during the last 16 bytes indicate RS
redundancy bytes (paragraph 4.1.1 of EN 50083-9 [11]); or
- on the basis of the value of received synchronization bytes for the SSI interface: 47H indicates
204 byte format with 16 dummy bytes and B8H indicates 204-byte RS coded (paragraph A.3.2 of
EN 50083-9 [11]). For the RS coded transmission the synchronization byte has to be changed to
For the case of the ASI Interface, the following decision is taken: If the packet size is 204 bytes, it is an
RS-coded MPEG2-TS packet.
Dummy bytes are discarded by the MPI function in the case of the 204-byte format with 16 dummy bytes.
The function passes the recovered MPEG2-TS packets or the RS coded MPEG2-TS packets and the
timing information to point b of figure 1.

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The function shall meet the electrical/optical characteristics, return loss and jitter requirements specified in
EN 50083-9 [11].
This function shall also detect:
- the absence of valid input signals;
- the absence of clock;
- a DVALID signal constantly low in the case of the Synchronous Parallel Interface (SPI).
If any of these defects is detected, a Loss Of Signal (LOS) is reported at the EMF if the function is in MON
If a loss of synchronization of MPEG2-TS packets or RS coded MPEG2-TS packets is detected according
to the procedure proposed in the subclause 3.2 of ETR 290 [12] (i.e. two or more consecutive corrupted
sync bytes are found), a TS-sync_loss error on the input signal (TSLE_I) is reported at the EMF if the
function is in MON state.
b) Performance monitoring

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