ETSI TS 123 003 V16.3.0 (2020-10)
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; 5G; Numbering, addressing and identification (3GPP TS 23.003 version 16.3.0 Release 16)
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; 5G; Numbering, addressing and identification (3GPP TS 23.003 version 16.3.0 Release 16)
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ETSI TS 123 003 V16.3.0 (2020-10)
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM);
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);
Numbering, addressing and identification
(3GPP TS 23.003 version 16.3.0 Release 16)
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3GPP TS 23.003 version 16.3.0 Release 16 1 ETSI TS 123 003 V16.3.0 (2020-10)
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3GPP TS 23.003 version 16.3.0 Release 16 2 ETSI TS 123 003 V16.3.0 (2020-10)
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3GPP TS 23.003 version 16.3.0 Release 16 3 ETSI TS 123 003 V16.3.0 (2020-10)
Intellectual Property Rights . 2
Legal Notice . 2
Modal verbs terminology . 2
Foreword . 11
1 Scope . 13
1.1 References . 14
1.1.1 Normative references . 14
1.1.2 Informative references . 18
1.2 Abbreviations . 19
1.3 General comments to references . 19
1.4 Conventions on bit ordering . 20
2 Identification of mobile subscribers . 20
2.1 General . 20
2.2 Composition of IMSI. 20
2.2A Subscription Permanent Identifier (SUPI) . 21
2.2B Subscription Concealed Identifier (SUCI) . 21
2.3 Allocation and assignment principles . 24
2.4 Structure of TMSI . 24
2.5 Structure of LMSI . 25
2.6 Structure of TLLI . 25
2.7 Structure of P-TMSI Signature . 26
2.8 Globally Unique Temporary UE Identity (GUTI) . 26
2.8.1 Introduction. 26
2.8.2 Mapping between Temporary and Area Identities for the EUTRAN and the UTRAN/GERAN based
s yste ms . 27 Introduction . 27 Mapping from GUTI to RAI, P-TMSI and P-TMSI signature . 27 Introduction . 27 Mapping in the UE . 27 Mapping in the old MME . 28 Mapping from RAI and P-TMSI to GUTI . 28 Introduction . 28 Mapping in the UE . 28 Mapping in the new MME. 29
2.9 Structure of the S-Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (S-TMSI) . 29
2.10 5G Globally Unique Temporary UE Identity (5G-GUTI) . 29
2.10.1 Introduction. 29
2.10.2 Mapping between Temporary Identities for the 5GS and the E-UTRAN . 30 Introduction . 30 Mapping from 5G-GUTI to GUTI . 30 Introduction . 30 Mapping in the UE . 30 Mapping in the old AMF . 31 Mapping from GUTI to 5G-GUTI . 31 Introduction . 31 Mapping in the UE . 31 Mapping in the new AMF . 32
2.11 Structure of the 5G-S-Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (5G-S-TMSI) . 32
2.12 Structure of the Truncated 5G-S-Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (Truncated 5G-S-TMSI) . 32
3 Numbering plan for mobile stations . 32
3.1 General . 32
3.2 Numbering plan requirements . 33
3.3 Structure of Mobile Subscriber ISDN number (MSISDN) . 33
3.4 Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN) for PSTN/ISDN routeing . 34
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3GPP TS 23.003 version 16.3.0 Release 16 4 ETSI TS 123 003 V16.3.0 (2020-10)
3.5 Structure of Mobile Station International Data Number . 34
3.6 Handover Number . 34
3.7 Structure of an IP v4 address . 35
3.8 Structure of an IP v6 address . 35
4 Identification of location areas and base stations . 35
4.1 Composition of the Location Area Identification (LAI) . 35
4.2 Composition of the Routing Area Identification (RAI) . 35
4.3 Base station identification . 36
4.3.1 Cell Identity (CI) and Cell Global Identification (CGI) . 36
4.3.2 Base Station Identify Code (BSIC) . 36
4.4 Regional Subscription Zone Identity (RSZI) . 37
4.5 Location Number . 38
4.6 Composition of the Service Area Identification (SAI) . 38
4.7 Closed Subscriber Group . 38
4.8 HNB Name . 38
4.9 CSG Type . 38
4.10 HNB Unique Identity . 39
5 Identification of MSCs, GSNs, location registers and CSSs . 39
5.1 Identification for routeing purposes . 39
5.2 Identification of HLR for HLR restoration application . 40
5.3 Identification of the HSS for SMS . 40
6 International Mobile Station Equipment Identity, Software Version Number and Permanent
Equipment Identifier. 40
6.1 General . 40
6.2 Composition of IMEI and IMEISV . 40
6.2.1 Composition of IMEI . 40
6.2.2 Composition of IMEISV . 41
6.3 Allocation principles . 41
6.4 Permanent Equipment Identifier (PEI) . 41
7 Identification of Voice Group Call and Voice Broadcast Call Entities . 42
7.1 Group Identities . 42
7.2 Group Call Area Identification . 42
7.3 Voice Group Call and Voice Broadcast Call References . 42
8 SCCP subsystem numbers . 43
8.1 Globally standardized subsystem numbers used for GSM/UMTS . 43
8.2 National network subsystem numbers used for GSM/UMTS . 43
9 Definition of Access Point Name . 44
9A Definition of Data Network Name . 44
9.0 General . 44
9.1 Structure of APN . 44
9.1.1 Format of APN Network Identifier . 45
9.1.2 Format of APN Operator Identifier . 45
9.2 Definition of the Wild Card APN . 46
9.2.1 Coding of the Wild Card APN . 46
9.3 Definition of Emergency APN . 46
10 Identification of the Cordless Telephony System entities . 46
10.1 General description of CTS-MS and CTS-FP Identities . 46
10.2 CTS Mobile Subscriber Identities . 46
10.2.1 General . 46
10.2.2 Composition of the CTSMSI . 47
10.2.3 Allocation principles . 47
10.2.4 CTSMSI hexadecimal representation . 47
10.3 Fixed Part Beacon Identity . 47
10.3.1 General . 47
10.3.2 Composition of the FPBI . 48 FPBI general structure . 48 FPBI class A. 48
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3GPP TS 23.003 version 16.3.0 Release 16 5 ETSI TS 123 003 V16.3.0 (2020-10) FPBI class B . 48
10.3.3 Allocation principles . 49
10.4 International Fixed Part Equipment Identity . 49
10.4.1 General . 49
10.4.2 Composition of the IFPEI . 49
10.4.3 Allocation and assignment principles . 50
10.5 International Fixed Part Subscription Identity . 50
10.5.1 General . 50
10.5.2 Composition of the IFPSI . 50
10.5.3 Allocation and assignment principles . 50
11 Identification of Localised Service Area . 51
12 Identification of PLMN, RNC, Service Area, CN domain and Shared Network Area . 51
12.1 PLMN Identifier . 51
12.2 CN Domain Identifier . 51
12.3 CN Identifier . 52
12.4 RNC Identifier . 52
12.5 Service Area Identifier . 52
12.6 Shared Network Area Identifier . 52
12.7 Stand-Alone Non-Public Network Identifier . 53
12.7.1 General . 53
12.7.2 NID of assignment mode 0 . 53
13 Numbering, addressing and identification within the IP multimedia core network subsystem . 54
13.1 Introduction . 54
13.2 Home network domain name. 54
13.3 Private User Identity . 55
13.4 Public User Identity . 55
13.4A Wildcarded Public User Identity . 56
13.4B Temporary Public User Identity . 56
13.5 Public Service Identity (PSI) . 56
13.5A Private Service Identity . 57
13.6 Anonymous User Identity . 57
13.7 Unavailable User Identity . 57
13.8 Instance-ID . 57
13.9 XCAP Root URI . 58
13.9.1 XCAP Root URI on Ut interface . 58 General . 58 Format of XCAP Root URI . 58
13.10 Default Conference Factory URI for MMTel . 59
13.11 Unknown User Identity . 59
13.12 Default WWSF URI . 59
13.12.1 General . 59
13.12.2 Format of the Default WWSF URI . 59
13.13 IMEI based identity . 60
14 Numbering, addressing and identification for 3GPP System to WLAN Interworking . 60
14.1 Introduction . 60
14.2 Home network realm . 60
14.3 Root NAI . 61
14.4 Decorated NAI .
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