Information technology — Programming languages — Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems

ISO/IEC TR 24718:2005 gives a complete description of the motivations behind the Ada Ravenscar Profile, to show how conformant programs can be analysed and to give examples of usage. The profile is a subset of the Ada tasking model, restricted to meet the real-time community requirements for determinism, schedulability analysis and memory-boundedness, as well as being suitable for mapping to a small and efficient run-time system that supports task synchronization and communication, and which could be certifiable to the highest integrity levels. The profile has been designed such that the restricted form of tasking that it defines can be used even for software that needs to be verified to the very highest integrity levels.

Technologies de l'information — Langages de programmation — Guide pour l'usage de "Ada Ravenscar Profile" dans les systèmes de haute intégrité

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ISO/IEC TR 24718:2005 - Information technology -- Programming languages -- Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems
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Information technology — Programming
languages — Guide for the use of the Ada
Ravenscar Profile in high integrity
Technologies de l'information — Langages de programmation — Guide
pour l'usage de «Ada Ravenscar Profile» dans les systèmes de haute
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2005
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
In exceptional circumstances, the joint technical committee may propose the publication of a Technical Report
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— type 1, when the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an International Standard,
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC TR 24718, which is a Technical Report of type 3, was prepared by the University of York for the
British Standards Institution (BSI) as guidelines published in 2003, and was adopted (without modifications) by
Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 22, Programming
languages, their environments and system software interfaces.
© ISO/IEC 2005 – All rights reserved iii

The use of Ada has proven to be of great value within high integrity and real-time applications, albeit via
language subsets of deterministic constructs, to ensure full analysability of the code. Such subsets have been
defined for Ada 83, but these have excluded tasking on the grounds of its non-determinism and inefficiency.
Advances in the area of schedulability analysis currently allow hard deadlines to be checked, even in the
presence of a run-time system that enforces preemptive task scheduling based on multiple priorities. This
valuable research work has been mapped onto a number of new Ada constructs and rules that have been
incorporated into the Real-Time Annex of the Ada language standard. This has opened the way for these
tasking constructs to be used in high integrity subsets whilst retaining the core elements of predictability and
The Ravenscar Profile is a subset of the tasking model, restricted to meet the real-time community
requirements for determinism, schedulability analysis and memory-boundedness, as well as being suitable for
mapping to a small and efficient run-time system that supports task synchronization and communication, and
which could be certifiable to the highest integrity levels. The concurrency model promoted by the Ravenscar
Profile is consistent with the use of tools that allow the static properties of programs to be verified. Potential
verification techniques include information flow analysis, schedulability analysis, execution-order analysis and
model checking. These techniques allow analysis of a system to be performed throughout its development life
cycle, thus avoiding the common problem of finding only during system integration and testing that the design
fails to meet its non-functional requirements.
The Ravenscar Profile has been designed such that the restricted form of tasking that it defines can be used
even for software that needs to be verified to the very highest integrity levels. The aim of this guide is to give a
complete description of the motivations behind the Profile, to show how conformant programs can be
analysed and to give examples of usage.
iv © ISO/IEC 2005 – All rights reserved

Information technology — Programming languages — Guide for
the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides a description of the motivations behind the Ravenscar Profile, to show how
Ada programs using the profile can be analysed, and gives examples of usage.
2 Recommendations
The technical recommendations are those made in the following publication (reproduced on the following
pages), which is adopted as a Technical Report:
Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems, Alan Burns, Brian Dobbing, and
Tullio Vardanega, University of York Technical Report YCS-2003-348, January 2003.
For the purposes of international standardization, the modifications outlined below shall apply to the specific
clause and paragraphs of the University of York publication.
Page i to ii (of the University of York publication)
This is information relevant to the University of York publication only.
Page 73
Clause 9
Substitute the following for the corresponding reference
[GA] ISO/IEC TR 15942:2000, Information technology — Programming languages — Guide for the use of
the Ada programming language in high integrity systems
[RM] ISO/IEC 8652, Information technology — Programming languages — Ada
3 Revision of the University of York publication
It has been agreed with the University of York that ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 will be consulted in the event of any
revision or amendment of this University of York publication. To this end, the British Standards Institution (BSI)
will act as a liaison body between the University of York and ISO/IEC.

© ISO/IEC 2005 – All rights reserved v

Guide for the use of the
Ada Ravenscar Profile in
high integrity systems
Alan Burns, Brian Dobbing and Tullio Vardanega
University of York Technical Report YCS-2003-348
January 2003
 2003 by the authors
vi © ISO/IEC 2005 – All rights reserved

YCS-2003-348 Burns, Dobbing and Vardanega
Blank page
Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems
© ISO/IEC 2005 – All rights reserved vii

Burns, Dobbing and Vardanega YCS-2003-348
1 Introduction.1
Structure of the Guide. 2
Readership . 2
Conventions. 2
2 Motivation for the Ravenscar Profile .3
2.1 Scheduling Theory.3
2.1.1 Tasks Characteristics .3
2.1.2 Scheduling Model.4
2.2 Mapping Ada to the Scheduling Model.5
2.3 Non-Preemptive Scheduling and Ravenscar.6
2.4 Other Program Verification Techniques.7
2.4.1 Static Analysis .7
Control Flow. 7
Data Flow . 7
Information Flow. 8
Symbolic Execution. 8
Formal Code Verification . 8
2.4.2 Formal Analysis.8
2.4.3 Formal Certification.9
3 The Ravenscar Profile Definition .11
3.1 Development History.11
3.2 Definition.11
3.2.1 Ravenscar Features .12
3.3 Summary of Implications of pragma Profile(Ravenscar).12
4 Rationale.15
4.1 Ravenscar Profile Restrictions.15
4.1.1 Static Existence Model .15
4.1.2 Static Synchronization and Communication Model .16
4.1.3 Deterministic Memory Usage.17
4.1.4 Deterministic Execution Model.17
4.1.5 Implicit Restrictions.19
4.2 Ravenscar Profile Dynamic Semantics.19
4.2.1 Task Dispatching Policy.19
4.2.2 Locking Policy.19
4.2.3 Queuing Policy .19
4.2.4 Additional Run Time Errors Defined by the Ravenscar Profile.19
4.2.5 Potentially-Blocking Operations in Protected Actions.20
4.2.6 Exceptions and the No_Exceptions Restriction.20
4.2.7 Access to Shared Variables .21
4.3 Elaboration Control .22
5 Examples of Use.

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