ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016
(Main)Information technology — Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces — Guidelines for language bindings
Information technology — Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces — Guidelines for language bindings
ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016 is based on experience gained in the standardization of two major areas in information processing. One area covers programming languages. The other area is composed of the services necessary to an application program to achieve a goal. The services are divided into coherent groups, each referred to as a SYSTEM FACILITY, that are accessed through a FUNCTIONAL INTERFACE. The specification of a system facility, referred to as a FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION, defines a collection of SYSTEM FUNCTIONS, each of which carries out some well-defined service. Since in principle there is no reason why a particular system facility should not be used by a program, regardless of the language in which is written, is the practice of system facility specifiers to define an 'abstract' functional interface that is language independent. In this way, the concepts in a particular system facility may be refined by experts in that area without regard for language peculiarities. An internally coherent view of a particular system facility is defined, relating the system functions to each other in a consistent way and relating the system functions to other layers within the system facility, including protocols for communication with other objects in the total system. However, if these two areas are standardized independently, it is not possible to guarantee that programs from one operating environment can be moved to another, even if the programs are written in a standard programming language and use only standard system facilities. A language binding of a system facility to a programming language provides language syntax that maps the system facility's functional interface. This allows a program written in the language to access the system functions constituting the system facility in a standard way. The purpose of a language binding is to achieve portability of a program that uses particular facilities in a particular language. Examples of system facilities that have had language bindings developed for them are GKS, NDL, and SQL (see Clause 3). It is anticipated that further language binding development will be required. Some system facilities currently being standardized have no language bindings and additional system facilities will be standardized. There is a possibility of n × m language bindings, where n is the number of languages and m the number of system facilities. The scope of this Technical Report is to classify language binding methods, reporting on particular instances in detail, and to produce suggested guidelines for future language binding standards. Note that the language bindings and the abstract facility interfaces must have a compatible run time representation, but the abstract facility does not necessarily have to be written in the host language. For example, if the application program is using a Pascal language binding and the corresponding facility is written in FORTRAN, there must be a compatible run time representation in that operating environment. How this compatibility is achieved is outside the scope of these guidelines. This is generally a property of the operating environment defined by the implementor, and is reviewed briefly in this Technical Report.
Technologies de l'information — Langages de programmation, leurs environnements et interfaces logicielles des systèmes — Techniques d'interface pour les normes de langages de programmation
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
REPORT 10182
First edition
Information technology —
Programming languages, their
environments and system software
interfaces — Guidelines for language
Technologies de l’information — Langages de programmation, leurs
environnements et interfaces logicielles des systèmes — Techniques
d’interface pour les normes de langages de programmation
Reference number
ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016(E)
ISO/IEC 2016
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ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016(E)
© ISO/IEC 2016, Published in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
2.1 Terms . 1
2.2 Abbreviated terms . 3
3 Overview of functional binding methods . 3
3.1 Introduction to Methods . 3
3.2 System Facility Standard Procedural Interface (Method 1) . 4
3.3 User-Defined Procedural Interfaces (Method 2) . 5
3.4 Programming Language Extensions with Native Syntax (Method 3) . 5
3.5 Programming Languages with Embedded Alien Syntax (Method 4) . 6
3.6 Binding Pre-Existing Language Elements (Method 5) . 6
3.7 Conclusions . 6
4 Guidelines . 7
4.1 Organizational Guidelines for Preparation of Language Bindings . 7
4.2 General Technical Guidelines. 9
4.3 Recommendations for Functional Specifications . 9
4.4 Method-Dependent Guidelines for Language Bindings .10
4.4.1 Introduction to Method-Dependent Guidelines .10
4.4.2 Guidelines for Standard Procedural Interfaces .10
4.4.3 Guidelines for User Defined Procedural Interfaces .17
4.4.4 Guidelines for Programming Language Extensions with Native Syntax .18
4.4.5 Uses of Programming Languages with Embedded Alien Syntax .18
5 Future directions .18
Annex A (informative) Graphic Binding Examples.20
Annex B (informative) GKS Bindings Generic Issues .27
Bibliography .40
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ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
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The committee responsible for this Technical Report is ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Sub-
Committee SC 22, Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces.
This first edition of ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016 cancels and replaces the first edition of
ISO/IEC TR 10182:1993, of which it constitutes a minor revision with the following changes:
— the references section has been deleted;
— minor editorial errors have been corrected.
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ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016(E)
This Technical Report is a compilation of the experience and knowledge gained by the members of
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG11 (Techniques for Bindings) from the generation of programmers’ interfaces
to FUNCTIONAL INTERFACE STANDARDS. Although current experience was derived from the fields
of computer graphics and database management, the problems discussed are thought to be generally
applicable for mappings of other functional interface standards to programming languages. This
Technical Report is intended
a) to identify the problems and conflicts which shall be resolved;
b) to suggest guidelines for future use;
c) to provide scope and direction to required additional work, such as common procedural calling
mechanisms and data types; and
d) as a historical record of past experiences and decisions.
This Technical Report is incomplete; the authors have concentrated on those areas where experience
and expertise was readily available. The ideas and issues brought forward here emerged from more
than 10 years of work, and are represented in International Standards.
Clause 3 of this Technical Report contains the results of a survey of current methods used for language
binding development. Characteristics of each method are given, followed by reasons for the selection of
the method.
Application of the methods has suggested some guidelines that are presented in Clause 4. Clauses 3
and 4 contain documentation of the current state of language binding efforts; Clause 5 addresses future
directions for language bindings.
Circulation of this Technical Report is necessary at this stage, as input and discussion from representatives
of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21 (functional specification standards developers), ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24 (computer
graphics standards developers), and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 (language standards developers) is urgently
sought. The Technical Report in its current form may be useful for those about to embark on language
binding developments.
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Information technology — Programming languages,
their environments and system software interfaces —
Guidelines for language bindings
1 Scope
This Technical Report is based on experience gained in the standardization of two major areas in
information processing. One area covers programming languages. The other area is composed of the
services necessary to an application program to achieve its goal. The services are divided into coherent
groups, each referred to as a SYSTEM FACILITY, that are accessed through a FUNCTIONAL INTERFACE.
The specification of a system facility, referred to as a FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION, defines a collection
of SYSTEM FUNCTIONS, each of which carries out some well-defined service.
Since in principle there is no reason why a particular system facility should not be used by a program,
regardless of the language in which it is written, it is the practice of system facility specifiers to define
an ‘abstract’ functional interface that is language independent. In this way, the concepts in a particular
system facility may be refined by experts in that area without regard for language peculiarities. An
internally coherent view of a particular system facility is defined, relating the system functions to each
other in a consistent way and relating the system functions to other layers within the system facility,
including protocols for communication with other objects in the total system.
However, if these two areas are standardized independently, it is not possible to guarantee that
programs from one operating environment can be moved to another, even if the programs are written
in a standard programming language and use only standard system facilities. A language binding of a
system facility to a programming language provides language syntax that maps the system facility’s
functional interface. This allows a program written in the language to access the system functions
constituting the system facility in a standard way. The purpose of a language binding is to achieve
portability of a program that uses particular facilities in a particular language. Examples of system
facilities that have had language bindings developed for them are GKS, NDL, and SQL (see Bibliography).
It is anticipated that further language binding development will be required. Some system facilities
currently being standardized have no language bindings and additional system facilities will be
standardized. There is a possibility of n × m language bindings, where n is the number of languages and
m the number of system facilities.
The scope of this Technical Report is to classify language binding methods, reporting on particular
instances in detail, and to produce suggested guidelines for future language binding standards.
Note that the language bindings and the abstract facility interfaces shall have a compatible run time
representation, but the abstract facility does not necessarily have to be written in the host language.
For example, if the application program is using a Pascal language binding and the corresponding
facility is written in FORTRAN, there shall be a compatible run time representation in that operating
environment. How this compatibility is achieved is outside the scope of these guidelines. This is
generally a property of the operating environment defined by the implementor, and is reviewed briefly
in this Technical Report.
2 Terms and definitions
2.1 Terms
ABSTRACT SERVICE INTERFACE: An interface having an abstract definition that defines the format and
the semantics of the function invoked independently of the concrete syntax (actual representation) of
the values and the invocation mechanism.
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ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016(E)
ALIEN SYNTAX: Syntax of a language other than the host language.
EMBEDDED ALIEN SYNTAX: Statements in a special language for access to a system facility, included in
a source program written in a standard programming language.
EXTERNAL IDENTIFIER: An identifier that is visible outside of a program.
FUNCTIONAL INTERFACE: The abstract definition of the interface to a system facility by which system
functions are provided.
FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION: The specification of a system facility. In the context of this Technical
Report, the functional specification is normally a potential or actual standard. For each system function
the specification defines the parameters for invocation and their effects.
HOST LANGUAGE: The programming language for which a standard language binding is produced; the
language in which a program is written.
IDENTIFIER: Name of an object in an application program that uses a system facility.
IMPLEMENTATION-DEFINED: Possibly differing between different processors for the same language,
but required by the language standard to be defined and documented by the implementor.
IMPLEMENTATION-DEPENDENT: Possibly differing between different processors for the same
language, and not necessarily defined for any particular processor.
IMPLEMENTOR: The individual or organization that realizes a system facility through software,
providing access to the system functions by means of the standard language bindings.
LANGUAGE BINDING OF f TO l or l LANGUAGE BINDING OF f: A specification of the standard interface to
facility f for programs written in language l.
LANGUAGE COMMITTEE: The ISO technical Subcommittee or Working Group responsible for the
definition of a programming language standard.
PROCEDURAL BINDING (system facility standard procedural interface): The definition of the interface
to a system facility available to users of a standard programming language through procedure calls.
PROCEDURAL INTERFACE DEFINITION LANGUAGE: A language for defining specific procedures for
interfacing to a system facility as used, for example, in ISO 8907:1987, Database Language NDL.
PROCEDURE: A general term used in this Technical Report to cover a programming language concept
which has different names in different programming languages — subroutine and function in FORTRAN,
procedure and function in Pascal, etc. A procedure is a programming language dependent method for
accessing one or more system functions from a program. A procedure has a name and a set of formal
parameters with defined data types. Invoking a procedure transfers control to that procedure.
PROCESSOR: A system or mechanism that accepts a program as input, prepares it for execution, and
executes the process so defined with data to produce results.
functionality of the system facilities is incorporated into the host programming language so that
the system functions appear as natural parts of the language. The compiler processes the language
extensions and generates the appropriate calls to the system facility functions.
SYSTEM FACILITY: A coherent collection of services to be made available in some way to an application
program. The system facility may be defined as a set of discrete system functions with an abstract
service interface.
SYSTEM FACILITY COMMITTEE: The ISO technical subcommittee or Working Group responsible for the
development of the functional specification of a system facility.
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ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016(E)
SYSTEM FUNCTION: An individual component of a system facility, which normally has an identifying
title and possibly some parameters. A system function’s actions are defined by its relationships to other
system functions in the same system facility.
2.2 Abbreviated terms
CGI: Computer Graphics Interface standard (ISO DP) — a functional specification of the computer
graphics programming system facility.
GKS: Graphical Kernel System standard (ISO/IEC 7942-1) — a functional specification of the computer
graphics programming system facility.
MDL: Module Definition Language — a language for the specification of an interface to a generic system
facility. The MDL is used to generate a module to support the specific system facility access needs of an
application program.
NDL: Network Database Language — may be used to define the structure of a database using the
network model of data. NDL is defined in ISO 8907:1987 (see Bibliography). The standard also includes
the data manipulation functions and their language bindings.
PHIGS: Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System standard [ISO/IEC 9593 (all parts)], − a
functional specification of the 3-D computer graphics programming system facility.
SQL: Structured Query Language — defines the structure of a database using the relational model of data.
Database Language SQL is defined in ISO/IEC 9075-1, ISO/IEC 9075-2, ISO/IEC 9075-3, ISO/IEC 9075-4
and ISO/IEC 9075-11 (see Bibliography). The standard also includes the data manipulation functions
and their language bindings.
3 Overview of functional binding methods
3.1 Introduction to Methods
This section discusses the binding development problem in general by documenting a number of
different approaches to bindings. Each approach has its own characteristics from the points of view of
the user, the implementor, and the specifiers of standards.
The first task in specifying a binding of a system facility is to determine the usability, stability, and
implementation goals of both the binding and the system facility, and to use these to help select the
best method.
The functional binding methods are:
— Method 1. Provide a completely defined procedural interface (the System Facility Standard
Procedural Interface).
— Method 2. Provide a procedural interface definition language (User-Defined Procedural Interface).
— Method 3. Provide extensions to the programming language, using native syntax.
— Method 4. Allow alien syntax to be embedded in the programming language.
— Method 5. Binding pre-existing language elements.
Before addressing the individual methods, a discussion of a general issue that affects programming
language implementations is indicated. This issue is whether to increase the capability of a given
compiler to encompass the system facility, or to provide a pre-processor. Though this is of no direct
concern to language binding developers, they may wish to consider the feasibility of each option when
choosing a method.
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A pre-processor is necessary for Method 4 above, and optional for Method 3. Method 1 does not require
a pre-processor but it may be useful to provide a utility that checks the syntax of all the procedure calls.
The function of a pre-processor is to scan a program source text, to identify alien syntax or syntax
associated with a given facility, and to replace this text by host language constructs (for example, calls
to system functions) that can be compiled by the standard compiler.
The advantages of a pre-processor are:
— A pre-processor can often carry out semantic checking not provided by the language compilers.
— A pre-processor can be independent of the particular language compiler.
— A pre-processor approach avoids problems that result from tampering with an existing language
standard or with certified compilers.
— If the system facility is enhanced, it is easier to modify a pre-processor than a full compiler.
The disadvantages are:
— A pre-processor requires an extra pass through the source.
— There may be a problem with multiple pre-processors for different system facilities existing in the
same environment.
— A pre-processor may produce code unfamiliar to the programmer and make debugging more
difficult — for example, it may change statement numbers.
— Depending on the language extensions, it may be necessary to analyse the syntax of most of the
language to detect the code to be replaced.
In the following sections, each functional binding method is discussed, circumstances that suggest a
method be used or avoided are given, and relevant advantages and disadvantages are defined.
There is often more than one way to implement a given method. In addition, it may be necessary to
implement more than one method for any given facility.
3.2 System Facility Standard Procedural Interface (Method 1)
With functional binding Method 1, the system facility is designed to support a fixed number of
procedures. Each procedure has formal parameters of defined data types and each procedure invocation
passes actual parameter values which match the data types.
Method 1 is appropriate when the syntax of the interface provided for each system function is fairly
simple and can be fully defined by a few parameters. The method can become unwieldy when the
functions that can be invoked use a large number of data types whose structure may be unknown until
the time of invocation, and require parameters or data types that are unknown in structure until the
time of invocation.
It is often useful to define subsets of the facility to suit different modes of use. For example, where the
functions are largely independent and a program only requires a few of them, it may be possible to
reduce the size of the run-time system by omitting portions of the system facility. These subsets are
reflected by levels of conformance to the functional interface standard.
Use of Method 1 requires that the procedural interface be redefined for each programming language, in
terms of the syntax and data types of that language. Thus, separate language binding standards to the
same functional interface standard are created.
Method 1 has been used by GKS and other graphics draft standards, where the syntax of the parameters
is fairly simple.
It should be noted that, if languages used a common procedure calling mechanism and equivalent sets
of data types (ISO/IEC JTC1 has assigned work items on these topics to SC22/WG 11), then it would be
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possible to derive system facility standard procedural interfaces from the abstract definitions. It would
also be possible to derive system facility standard procedural interfaces from abstract definitions
under other conditions, particularly for languages of sufficient abstraction (like Pascal and Ada).
3.3 User-Defined Procedural Interfaces (Method 2)
With functional binding Method 2, the run-time procedural interface is defined by the user, and the
system functions invoked by the procedures are defined in a language appropriate to the system facility.
This method is appropriate when the interfaces to the system functions provided by the system facility
are too complex to be defined by a few parameters, and when they cannot be easily contained in an
exhaustive list.
Method 2 allows the binding document to be easily adapted to different programming languages, since
the binding only deals with data types. The naming of procedures and parameters is done by the user
and not the binding specifiers. The procedural interface definitions are compiled and the resulting
object module shall be linked both to the application program and to the system facility.
Advantages of Method 2 are:
— It may provide early diagnosis of errors.
— It is processed once and may allow specific optimization (for example, optimization of query
searches) leading to run-time economies.
— Modules may be shared among application programs, since they exist independently.
— The task of creating modules may be specialized and managed outside of the user’s program.
Disadvantages of Method 2 are:
— The definition of modules is an extra design step and risks poor usability when the programmer has
to define his own modules.
— The procedural interface definition language is another language to learn unless the procedural
interface language is part of the host language already.
— There is generally an administrative overhead for managing modules to ensure that they get
recompiled and relinked when necessary.
— Porting an application involves porting the program and all the referenced procedural interface
definition language modules.
— An additional compiler has to be provided for the procedural interface language unless the
procedural interface language is part of the host language already.
Database facilities use this method, where a Procedural Interface Definition Language (in the database
standards this is referred to as a Module Definition Language), containing both declarations and
procedural statements, is provided. A module may declare the data to be accessed as a view of the
database (as it may reference a predefined view) and it defines both the form and the execution of
database procedures.
3.4 Programming Language Extensions with Native Syntax (Method 3)
With functional binding Method 3, the functionality of the system facilities is incorporated into the
host programming language so that the system functions appear as natural parts of the language. The
compiler processes the language extensions and generates the appropriate calls to the system facility
This method is viable only when the system facility is stable and when the application requirements are
well understood, since the cost of changes to programming language standards is high.
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The main advantage is usability. The users of the language have little extra to learn except the new
facilities. It also allows the language developers, when defining new versions of the language, to choose
a conforming subset of the facilities or to change the appearance of existing language facilities if they
believe this is helpful to their users. Another advantage is that new data types appropriate to the system
facility can be constructed.
The disadvantages are that Method 3 ties a compiler to a particular system facility definition. It also
ties the language specification to that of the system facility, making it highly desirable to process
the standardization of both specifications together if enhancements are needed. It may also be more
difficult to use this method in a mixed-language environment, since the same facilities may have
confusingly different appearances in different host languages.
Method 3 has been tried with the COBOL and FORTRAN database facilities (Codasyl and ANSI) and with
the graphics chapter for Basic.
3.5 Programming Languages with Embedded Alien Syntax (Method 4)
With functional binding Method 4, the system facilities are considered to be ‘driven’ by statements
written in a ‘system facility language’ rather than in the host programming language. The embedded
alien syntax shall be clearly distinguishable from the host language so that it can be processed by a pre-
Method 4 is suitable when the system faciliti
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