ISO/TS 6818:2024
(Main)Traditional Chinese medicine — Test method for moxa floss quality — Concentration of waste particles
Traditional Chinese medicine — Test method for moxa floss quality — Concentration of waste particles
This document specifies test methods for the quality assessment of moxa floss. It covers sample preparation, measurement and calculation of the concentration of waste particle, and delivery of moxa floss quality information. This document is applicable to any moxa floss products and moxa floss used in the moxibustion devices. It is not applicable to the moxa floss which is hardened with chemical ingredients or high pressure, or both, and carbonized moxa floss which is used for smokeless moxibustion devices. Classification of quality grade of moxa floss is not specified in this document.
Médecine traditionnelle chinoise — Méthode d'essai pour l'évaluation de la qualité des moxas — Concentration de particules de déchets
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/TS 6818
First edition
Traditional Chinese medicine —
Test method for moxa floss quality
— Concentration of waste particles
Médecine traditionnelle chinoise — Méthode d'essai pour
l'évaluation de la qualité des moxas — Concentration de
particules de déchets
Reference number
© ISO 2024
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Sampling . 3
4.1 General .3
4.2 Sampling methods .3
4.2.1 Moxa floss products .3
4.2.2 Moxa floss in the moxibustion devices .3
4.3 Sample storage .3
5 Measurement of concentration of waste particle . 3
5.1 General .3
5.2 Test instruments .4
5.2.1 General .4
5.2.2 Test sieves .4
5.2.3 Sieving machine .4
5.2.4 Test instruments organization .4
5.3 Test procedure .4
5.3.1 General .4
5.3.2 Sieving . .4
5.3.3 Weighing .4
6 Calculation of concentration of waste particle . 5
6.1 Total mass of specimen .5
6.2 Waste particle rate.5
6.3 Unseparation rate .6
7 Delivery of the moxa floss quality information . 6
7.1 General .6
7.2 Indication.6
Annex A (informative) Example of test instruments . 7
Annex B (informative) Test result of concentration of waste particle in moxa floss . 9
Bibliography .10
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 249, Traditional Chinese medicine.
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Moxa floss is a main combustion material of the moxibustion devices. The manufacturing process of moxa
floss involves the repeated pounding of dried mugwort in a mortar and sifting ground mugwort in a fine
sieve. Based on the products traditionally selected from the manufacturing process, the green part (waste
particle) should be sifted out and the white or light-yellow part should be used.
Traditionally, the quality assessment of the moxa floss has depended on the human sensory evaluation,
however, the global market requires the quantitative measurement of the quality of moxa floss for fair trade.
Technical Specification ISO/TS 6818:2024(en)
Traditional Chinese medicine — Test method for moxa floss
quality — Concentration of waste particles
1 Scope
This document specifies test methods for the quality assessment of moxa floss. It covers sample preparation,
measurement and calculation of the concentration of waste particle, and delivery of moxa floss quality
This document is applicable to any moxa floss products and moxa floss used in the moxibustion devices. It is
not applicable to the moxa floss which is hardened with chemical ingredients or high pressure, or both, and
carbonized moxa floss which is used for smokeless moxibustion devices.
Classification of quality grade of moxa floss is not specified in this document.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3310-1, Test sieves — Technical requirements and testing — Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth
ISO 9284, Abrasive grains — Test-sieving machines
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
moxa floss
cotton-like material for moxibustion made from mugwort leaves
[SOURCE: ISO 18666:2021, 3.5]
waste particle
impurity, other than the fibres in the moxa floss (3.1), that is generated following the moxa floss
manufacturing process of grinding and mostly removed in the manufacturing process of sieving (3.6)
Note 1 to entry: The waste particles include broken branch of mugwort and green crystal formed materials which are
generated during the manufacturing process of the moxa floss.
Note 2 to entry: Traditionally and commonly, lower waste particles are considered as higher quality. Thus, reduction
of waste particle is required during the manufacturing process of the moxa floss.
Note 3 to entry: A high concentration of waste particle (3.4) decreases the structural strength of moxa floss.
moxibustion device
apparatus that uses moxa floss (3.1) as the main combustion material and is intended for single or repeated usage
[SOURCE: ISO 18666:2021, 3.1, modified — EXAMPLE and note 1 to entry have been removed.]
concentration of waste particle
quality parameter of moxa floss (3.1) which shows how much the moxa floss contains waste particle (3.2),
and indicated by both of waste particle rate (3.9) and unseparation rate (3.10)
test sieve
sieve, satisfying the requirements of ISO 3310-1 (metal wire cloth) or ISO 3310-2 (perforated metal plate),
used for screening tests of powdery or granular matter
[SOURCE: ISO 11323:2010, 6.11]
process of separating a mixture of particles according to their sizes by one or more sieves
[SOURCE: ISO 8157:2022, 3.3.5]
test sieving
sieving (3.6) with one or more test sieves (3.5)
[SOURCE: ISO 8157:2022,]
sieving machine
machine designed to simulate the hand shaking procedure specified in the method for carrying out a size
[SOURCE: ISO 1213-2:2024, 3.203, modified — The term has been changed from "sieving test machine" to
"sieving machine".]
waste particle rate
ratio of residues remaining in the
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