ISO/IEC 6937:2001
(Main)Information technology — Coded graphic character set for text communication — Latin alphabet
Information technology — Coded graphic character set for text communication — Latin alphabet
This International Standard a) specifies the coded representation of the characters; b) specifies a repertoire of the Latin alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters for the communication of text in many European languages using the Latin script; c) specifies rules for the definitions and use of graphic character subrepertoires, i.e. subsets of the specified character repertoire.
Technologies de l'information — Jeu de caractères graphiques codés pour la transmission de texte — Alphabet latin
Informacijska tehnologija - Nabor grafičnih znakov za komunikacijo z besedili - Latinična abeceda
Ta mednarodni standard a) določa grafično prestavitev znakov; b) določa imenik latinskih abecednih in neabecednih znakov za komunikacijo z besedilom v številnih evropskih jezikih, ki uporabljajo latinico; c) določa pravila za definicije in uporabo podimenikov grafičnih znakov, t.i. podmnožic določenega znakovnega imenika.
General Information
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Third edition
Information technology — Coded graphic
character set for text communication —
Latin alphabet
Technologies de l'information — Jeu de caractères graphiques codés pour
la transmission de texte — Alphabet latin
Reference number
ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
ISO/IEC 2001
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
Contents Page
Foreword iv
Introduction v
1 Scope 1
2 Conformance and implementation 1
2.1 Conformance 1
2.2 Implementation 2
3 Normative references 2
4 Terms and definitions 3
5 Notation, code table and names 5
5.1 Notation 5
5.2 Code table 5
5.3 Names 5
6 Specifications of SPACE, NO-BREAK SPACE and SOFT HYPHEN 6
7 Composition of the character repertoire 6
8 Specification of the coded character set 6
8.1 Character sets 6
8.2 Explanations concerning the code table 7
8.3 Coded representations of the graphic characters of the repertoire 7
9 Graphic character subrepertoires 8
10 Identification of options 9
10.1 Purpose and context of identification 9
10.2 Identification of coding method 9
10.3 Identification of primary and supplementary sets 9
10.4 Identification of subrepertoire 9
Annex A (normative) 7-bit code 20
Annex B (informative) Method of definition of short identifiers of this International Standard 23
Annex C (informative) Use of non-spacing diacritical marks 33
Annex D (informative) Use of Latin alphabetic characters in various languages 34
Annex E (informative) Alternative coded representation of the repertoire
with no non-spacing diacritical marks 38
Annex F (informative) Main differences between the 1994 (second) edition of ISO/IEC 6937
and the present (third) edition of this International Standard 39
Bibliography 40
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)
form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees
collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO/IEC 6937 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information
technology, Subcommittee SC 2, Coded character sets.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO/IEC 6937:1994), which has been technically
Annex A forms a normative part of this International Standard. Annexes B, C, D, E and F are for information only.
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
This International Standard specifies a repertoire of graphic characters and their coded representations, for use
in text communication.
Although, in general, text (see 4.16) consists of characters and pictures, this International Standard applies only
to text made up of characters.
The specifications are based on 8-bit coding; Annex A specifies the 7-bit code for the character set of this
International Standard.
Other annexes include:
a) a description of the method used to define a short identifier for each character specified in this International
Standard (Annex B);
b) a summary of the use of non-spacing diacritical marks in combination with letters of the basic Latin alphabetic
characters (Annex C);
c) a summary of the use of Latin alphabetic characters in various languages (Annex D);
d) an alternative coded representation of the repertoire with no non-spacing diacritical marks (Annex E);
e) a summary of differences between the 1994 (second) edition of ISO/IEC 6937, and the present (third) edition
of this International Standard (Annex F);
f) a bibliography.
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Information technology — Coded graphic character set for text
communication — Latin alphabet
1 Scope
This International Standard
a) specifies the coded representation of the characters;
b) specifies a repertoire of the Latin alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters for the communication of text in
many European languages using the Latin script;
c) specifies rules for the definitions and use of graphic character subrepertoires, i.e. subsets of the specified
character repertoire.
2 Conformance and implementation
2.1 Conformance
2.1.1 Conformance of information interchange
A coded-character-data-element (CC-data-element) within coded information for interchange is in conformance with
this International Standard if all coded representations of characters within that CC-data-element conform to the
mandatory requirements of this International Standard.
A claim of conformance shall identify:
- the subrepertoire in accordance with clause 9, if one has been adopted,
- the 7-bit coding in accordance with Annex A, if it has been adopted.
2.1.2 Conformance of devices
A device is in conformance with this International Standard if it conforms to the requirements of and either
or both and below. Device description
A device that conforms to this International Standard shall be the subject of a description that identifies the means
by which the user may supply characters to the device, or may recognize them when they are made available to
the user, as specified respectively in and below. Originating devices
An originating device shall allow its user to supply any sequence of characters of the character repertoire, and shall
be capable of transmitting their coded representations within a CC-data-element. Receiving devices
A receiving device shall be capable of receiving and interpreting any coded representation of characters that are
within a CC-data-element, and that conform to 2.1.1 of this International Standard, and shall make the
corresponding characters available to its user in such a way that the user can identify them among those of the
repertoire, and can distinguish them from each other.
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
2.2 Implementation
The use of this character set requires definitions of its implementation in various media. For example, these could
include magnetic and optical interchangeable media and transmission channels, thus permitting interchange of data
to take place either indirectly by means of an intermediate recording on a physical medium, or by local connection
of various units (such as input and output devices and computers) or by means of data transmission equipment.
The implementation of this coded character set in physical media and for transmission, taking into account the need
for error checking, may be the subject of other International Standards.
3 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO/IEC 2022:1994, Information technology - Character code structure and extension techniques
ISO 2375:1985, Data processing - Procedure for registration of escape sequences
ISO/IEC 7350:1991, Information technology - Registration of repertoires of graphic characters from
ISO/IEC 10367
ISO/IEC 10367:1991, Information technology - Standardized coded graphic character sets for use in 8-bit
ISO/IEC 10538:1991, Information technology - Control functions for text communication
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000, Information technology - Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) - Part 1:
Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
4 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply:
active position
the character position which is to image the graphic symbol representing the next graphic character or relative
to which the next control function is to be executed
bit combination
an ordered set of bits used for the representation of characters
a member of a set of elements used for the organization, control or representation of data
character position
the portion of a display that is imaging or is capable of imaging a graphic symbol
coded-character-data-element (CC-data-element)
an element of interchanged information that is specified to consist of a sequence of coded representations of
characters, in accordance with one or more identified standards for coded character sets
NOTE 1: In a communication environment in accordance with the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection of ISO 7498, a
CC-data-element will form all or part of the information that corresponds to the Presentation-Protocol-Data-Unit (PPDU) defined in that
International Standard.
NOTE 2: When information interchange is accomplished by means of interchangeable media, a CC-data-element will form all or part of the
information that corresponds to the user data, and not that recorded during formatting and initialization.
coded character set; code
a set of unambiguous rules that establishes a character set and the one-to-one relationship between the characters
of the set and their bit combinations
code extension
the techniques for the encoding of characters that are not included in the character set of a given code
code table
a table showing the characters allocated to each bit combination in a code
control character
a control function the coded representation of which consists of a single bit combination
control function
an element of a character set that affects the recording, processing, transmission or interpretation of data, and that
has a coded representation consisting of one or more bit combinations
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
4.11 device: A component of information processing equipment which can transmit, and/or receive, coded
information within CC-data-elements
NOTE: It may be an input/output device in the conventional sense, or a process such as an application program or gateway function.
escape sequence
a string of bit combinations that are used for control purposes in code extension procedures. The first of these bit
combinations represents the control function ESCAPE
NOTE: Formats and rules regarding the use of escape sequences are specified in ISO/IEC 2022.
graphic character
a character, other than a control function, that has a visual representation normally handwritten, printed or
displayed, and that has a coded representation consisting of one or more bit combinations
graphic symbol
a visual representation of a graphic character or of a control function
a specified set of characters that are represented by one or more bit combinations of a coded character set
a representation of information for human comprehension that is intended for presentation in a two-dimensional
form, for example printed on paper or displayed on a screen.
Text consists of symbols, phrases or sentences in natural or artificial languages, pictures, diagrams and tables
NOTE: This International Standard applies only to text made up of characters.
text communication; communication of text
the transfer of text by means of telecommunications
NOTE: In the context of this International Standard, text communication is by means of binary-coded representations of characters.
a person or other entity that invokes the services provided by a device
NOTE 1: This entity may be a process such as an application program if the "device" is a code convertor or a gateway function, for example.
NOTE 2: The characters, as supplied by the user or made available to the user, may be in the form of codes local to the device, or of
non-conventional visible representations, provided that 2.1.2 above is satisfied.
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
5 Notation, code table and names
5.1 Notation
The bits of the bit combinations of the 8-bit code are identified by b , b , b , b , b , b , b and b , where b is
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8
the highest-order, or most significant bit and b is the lowest-order, or least significant bit.
The bit combinations may be interpreted to represent numbers in the range 0 to 255 in binary notation by attributing
the following weights to the individual bits:
Bit b b b b b b b b
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
In this International Standard, the bit combinations are identified by notations of the form xx/yy, where xx and yy
are numbers in the range 00 to 15. The correspondence between the notations of the form xx/yy and the bit
combinations consisting of the bits b to b , is as follows:
8 1
- xx is the number represented by b , b , b and b where these bits are given the weights 8, 4, 2 and 1,
8 7 6 5
- yy is the number represented by b , b , b and b where these bits are given the weights 8, 4, 2 and 1,
4 3 2 1
The notations of the form xx/yy are the same as the ones used to identify code table positions, where xx is the
column number and yy is the row number (see 5.2).
5.2 Code table
An 8-bit code table consists of 256 positions arranged in 16 columns and 16 rows. The columns and rows are
numbered 00 to 15.
The code table positions are identified by notations of the form xx/yy, where xx is the column number and yy is the
row number.
The positions of the code table are in one-to-one correspondence with the bit combinations of the code. The
notation of a code table position, of the form xx/yy, is the same as that of the corresponding bit combination.
5.3 Names
This International Standard assigns one name to each character. In addition, it specifies an acronym for the three
characters SPACE, NO-BREAK SPACE and SOFT HYPHEN and a graphic symbol for the other graphic characters.
By convention, only capital letters, space and hyphen are used for writing the names of characters. It is intended
that the acronym and this convention be retained in all translations of the text of this International Standard.
The names chosen to denote graphic characters are intended to reflect their customary meaning. However, this
International Standard does not define and does not restrict the meanings of graphic characters. Neither does it
specify a particular style or font design for imaging the graphic characters.
The character names are aligned with those of ISO/IEC 10646-1.
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
6 Specifications of SPACE, NO-BREAK SPACE and SOFT HYPHEN
6.1 SPACE (SP): A graphic character that has a visual representation consisting of the absence of a graphic
symbol. Its coded representation is 02/00.
6.2 NO-BREAK SPACE (NBSP): A graphic character, the visual representation of which consists of the absence
of a graphic symbol, for use when a line break is to be prevented in the text as presented.
6.3 SOFT HYPHEN (SHY): A graphic character that is imaged by a graphic symbol identical with, or similar to,
that representing HYPHEN-MINUS, for use when a line break has been established within a word.
7 Composition of the character repertoire
The repertoire of the graphic characters defined in this International Standard consists of
and of 332 characters as follows
b) Latin alphabetic characters comprising
1) the 52 capital and small letters of the basic Latin alphabet,
2) accented letters, the graphic representations of which consist of combinations of basic Latin letters
with diacritical marks,
3) special alphabetic characters which are neither basic Latin letters nor combinations of basic Latin
letters with diacritical marks;
c) non-alphabetic characters, such as digits, fractions, punctuation and diacritical marks, monetary symbols etc.
The repertoire, excluding SPACE, is specified in Table 4. In each table entry, the first column specifies the name
of the character. The second column specifies its coded representation (see 8.3).
NOTE 1: A survey of the use of Latin characters in various languages is included in Annex D.
LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE, is deprecated, and they should better be encoded as ’l’ / ’L’ followed by MIDDLE
DOT, and APOSTROPHE followed by ’n’, respectively.
8 Specification of the coded character set
8.1 Character sets
The coded representations of the graphic characters of the repertoire defined in this International Standard make
use of the character SPACE and of two character sets, that is "a primary set" and a "supplementary set".
The primary set shall consist of the graphic characters of the basic G0 set identified by international registration
number 6, represented by bit combinations 02/01 to 07/14. The characters of the primary set shall not be used in
combination with each other to generate graphic characters of the repertoire defined in this International Standard.
The primary set contains the letters of the basic Latin alphabet, some spacing diacritical marks and a number of
non-alphabetic characters.
The supplementary set contains the graphic characters of the G1 set identified by international register number 156,
represented by bit combinations 10/00 to 11/15 and 13/00 to 15/15, and non-spacing diacritical marks, represented
by bit combinations 12/00 to 12/15. The graphic characters consist of a number of characters used in addition to
those in the primary set.
A non-spacing diacritical mark shall be used only in combination with certain basic Latin letters, or with SPACE.
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The allowed combinations of non-spacing diacritical marks and letters are the ones needed to represent the
accented letters included in Table 4. This set of combinations is summarized in Annex C.
The code table for the primary and the supplementary sets of graphic characters is given in Table 1. Shaded
positions denote bit combinations which are reserved as specified in 8.2.
The names of the characters in the primary set are specified in Table 2.
The names of the characters and non-spacing diacritical marks of the supplementary set are specified in Table 3.
In order to stress that non-spacing diacritical marks are not characters, the names given to them are printed in
lower case italics.
NOTE: The shaded positions 00/00 to 01/15 and 07/15 to 09/15 are outside the scope of this International Standard.
8.2 Explanations concerning the code table
8.2.1 Bit combinations 10/04 and 10/06 are reserved for future standardization, and shall not be used.
8.2.2 The non-spacing diacritical marks of column 12 are used only in combination with certain basic Latin letters,
or with SPACE (see Annex C). The graphic symbols shown in coloumn 12 represent diacritical marks as separate
graphic characters.
8.2.3 Bit combinations 12/00, 12/09 and 12/12 are reserved for possible allocation of additional diacritical marks,
and shall not be used.
8.2.4 Bit combinations 13/08 to 13/11 and 14/05 are reserved for future standardization, and shall not be used.
8.3 Coded representations of the graphic characters of the repertoire
The coded representations of the graphic characters of the repertoire defined in this International Standard are
specified in Table 4. The formats of the coded representations are as follows:
a) Accented letters
Each accented letter is represented by a sequence of bit combinations consisting of the coded
representation of the relevant non-spacing diacritical mark (an element of the supplementary set),
followed by the coded representation of the relevant basic Latin letter (an element of the primary
b) Diacritical marks as separate graphic characters
The diacritical marks that are elements of the primary set (GRAVE ACCENT, CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT and
TILDE) are represented as separate graphic characters by the corresponding single bit combination in the
range 02/01 to 07/14.
The other ten of the diacritical marks of column 12 are represented as separate graphic characters by a
sequence of bit combinations consisting of the coded representation of the relevant non-spacing diacritical
mark (an element of the supplementary set), followed by the coded representation of the character SPACE,
i.e. the bit combination 02/00.
c) All other graphic characters of the repertoire
Any graphic character of the repertoire, other than an accented letter or a diacritical mark as a
separate graphic character that is not an element of the primary set, is an element of either the
primary set or the supplementary set and is represented by the corresponding single bit
combination in the range 02/01 to 07/14 or 10/00 to 15/15.
Depending of the code extension techniques used, a bit combination, representing an element of either the primary
or the supplementary set may have to be preceded by a code extension function invoking the character set
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NOTES Explanations concerning certain letters:
NOTE 1: Accented letter LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA was named "small g with acute accent" in the 1983 edition of this
International Standard. For compatibility purposes, the coded representation has been kept unchanged. The name has been aligned with that
in ISO/IEC 10646-1. The cedilla, upturned, is placed above "g" for presentation purposes. The letter is intended for use in the Latvian language
and corresponds to the character LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA.
NOTE 2: There is no LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH in this International Standard. There is a letter named LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH
STROKE which will also serve as the capital form of Icelandic Eth, where this International Standard is used. It should be noted that ISO/IEC
10646, ISO/IEC 8859-1 and ISO/IEC 10367 provide for a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH as well as a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH
9 Graphic character subrepertoires
The purpose of defining character subrepertoires is to facilitate communication with equipment capable of
presenting text using a limited set of graphic characters at one time. An example of equipment that might make
use of subrepertoires is a text communication terminal containing an output device that has a changeable printing
element (physical or other). However, in order to comply with the requirements of this International Standard, such
a text communication terminal has to be capable of receiving and presenting all graphic characters of the repertoire
in some manner, possibly using one or more alternative printing elements.
Subrepertoires are defined in accordance with the following rules:
a) A subrepertoire shall include the character SPACE, the 26 Latin unaccented small letters and the 26 Latin
unaccented capital letters.
b) A subrepertoire shall include the 10 digits.
c) A subrepertoire shall include the following characters:
Graphic symbol Name
d) A subrepertoire may include any other graphic characters of the repertoire defined in this International Standard.
e) A subrepertoire shall not include any character not defined in this International Standard.
f) Two or more graphic characters of the repertoire shall not be included as a single character in the subrepertoire.
The procedure for registration of subrepertoires is specified in ISO/IEC 7350.
The identifier assigned to a registered subrepertoire is intended to be used as a parameter value of the control
function IDENTIFY GRAPHIC SUBREPERTOIRE (IGS) which is defined in ISO/IEC 10538.
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10 Identification of options
10.1 Purpose and context of identification
CC-data-elements conforming to an option of this International Standard are intended to form all or part of a
composite unit of coded information that is interchanged between a sender and a recipient. The identification of
the options of this International Standard that have been adopted by the originator shall also be available to the
recipient. The route by which such identification is communicated to the recipient is outside the scope of this
International Standard.
However, some standards for interchange of coded information may permit, or require, that the coded
representation of the identification applicable to the CC-data-elements forms part of the interchanged information.
This clause specifies a coded representation for the identification of options of this International Standard. Such
coded representations form all or part of an identifying data element, which may be included in information
interchange in accordance with the relevant standard.
10.2 Identification of coding method
The coding method adopted shall be identified by means of one of the following announcer sequences:
ESC 02/00 04/10 shall identify 7-bit coding (as in Annex A);
ESC 02/00 04/11 shall identify 8-bit coding.
10.3 Identification of primary and supplementary sets
The escape sequences used to designate the primary and the supplementary sets are:
ESC 02/08 04/02 : to designate the primary set of the present edition of this
International Standard (ISO-IR 6) as the G0 set;
ESC 02/13 05/02 : to designate the supplementary set of the present edition of
this International Standard (ISO-IR 156) as the G1 set;
ESC 02/14 05/02 : to designate the supplementary set of the present edition of
this International Standard as the G2 set;
ESC 02/15 05/02 : to designate the supplementary set of the present edition of
this International Standard as the G3 set.
NOTE: The escape sequences used to designate the primary and the supplementary sets of ISO 6937/2:1983 are:
ESC 02/08 04/00 : to designate the primary set (ISO-IR 2) as the G0 set;
ESC 02/09 06/12 : to designate the supplementary set (ISO-IR 90) as the G1
ESC 02/10 06/12 : to designate the supplementary set as the G2 set;
ESC 02/11 06/12 : to designate the supplementary set as the G3 set.
SIST ISO/IEC 6937:2010
SIST ISO/IEC 6937:1995
Information technology - Coded graphic character set for text communication - Latin
Technologies de l'information - Jeu de caractères graphiques codés pour la transmission
de texte - Alphabet latin
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/IEC 6937:2001
35.040 Nabori znakov in kodiranje Character sets and
informacij information coding
SIST ISO/IEC 6937:2010 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO/IEC 6937:2010
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SIST ISO/IEC 6937:2010
Third edition
Information technology — Coded graphic
character set for text communication —
Latin alphabet
Technologies de l'information — Jeu de caractères graphiques codés pour
la transmission de texte — Alphabet latin
Reference number
ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
ISO/IEC 2001
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SIST ISO/IEC 6937:2010
ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
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ISO/IEC 6937:2001(E)
Contents Page
Foreword iv
Introduction v
1 Scope 1
2 Conformance and implementation 1
2.1 Conformance 1
2.2 Implementation 2
3 Normative references 2
4 Terms and definitions 3
5 Notation, code table and names 5
5.1 Notation 5
5.2 Code table 5
5.3 Names 5
6 Specifications of SPACE, NO-BREAK SPACE and SOFT HYPHEN 6
7 Composition of the character repertoire 6
8 Specification of the coded character set 6
8.1 Character sets 6
8.2 Explanations concerning the code table 7
8.3 Coded representations of the graphic characters of the repertoire 7
9 Graphic character subrepertoires 8
10 Identification of options 9
10.1 Purpose and context of identification 9
10.2 Identification of coding method 9
10.3 Identification of primary and supplementary sets 9
10.4 Identification of subrepertoire 9
Annex A (normative) 7-bit code 20
Annex B (informative) Method of definition of short identifiers of this International Standard 23
Annex C (informative) Use of non-spacing diacritical marks 33
Annex D (informative) Use of Latin alphabetic characters in various languages 34
Annex E (informative) Alternative coded representation of the repertoire
with no non-spacing diacritical marks 38
Annex F (informative) Main differences between the 1994 (second) edition of ISO/IEC 6937
and the present (third) edition of this International Standard 39
Bibliography 40
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)
form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees
collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO/IEC 6937 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information
technology, Subcommittee SC 2, Coded character sets.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO/IEC 6937:1994), which has been technically
Annex A forms a normative part of this International Standard. Annexes B, C, D, E and F are for information only.
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This International Standard specifies a repertoire of graphic characters and their coded representations, for use
in text communication.
Although, in general, text (see 4.16) consists of characters and pictures, this International Standard applies only
to text made up of characters.
The specifications are based on 8-bit coding; Annex A specifies the 7-bit code for the character set of this
International Standard.
Other annexes include:
a) a description of the method used to define a short identifier for each character specified in this International
Standard (Annex B);
b) a summary of the use of non-spacing diacritical marks in combination with letters of the basic Latin alphabetic
characters (Annex C);
c) a summary of the use of Latin alphabetic characters in various languages (Annex D);
d) an alternative coded representation of the repertoire with no non-spacing diacritical marks (Annex E);
e) a summary of differences between the 1994 (second) edition of ISO/IEC 6937, and the present (third) edition
of this International Standard (Annex F);
f) a bibliography.
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Information technology — Coded graphic character set for text
communication — Latin alphabet
1 Scope
This International Standard
a) specifies the coded representation of the characters;
b) specifies a repertoire of the Latin alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters for the communication of text in
many European languages using the Latin script;
c) specifies rules for the definitions and use of graphic character subrepertoires, i.e. subsets of the specified
character repertoire.
2 Conformance and implementation
2.1 Conformance
2.1.1 Conformance of information interchange
A coded-character-data-element (CC-data-element) within coded information for interchange is in conformance with
this International Standard if all coded representations of characters within that CC-data-element conform to the
mandatory requirements of this International Standard.
A claim of conformance shall identify:
- the subrepertoire in accordance with clause 9, if one has been adopted,
- the 7-bit coding in accordance with Annex A, if it has been adopted.
2.1.2 Conformance of devices
A device is in conformance with this International Standard if it conforms to the requirements of and either
or both and below. Device description
A device that conforms to this International Standard shall be the subject of a description that identifies the means
by which the user may supply characters to the device, or may recognize them when they are made available to
the user, as specified respectively in and below. Originating devices
An originating device shall allow its user to supply any sequence of characters of the character repertoire, and shall
be capable of transmitting their coded representations within a CC-data-element. Receiving devices
A receiving device shall be capable of receiving and interpreting any coded representation of characters that are
within a CC-data-element, and that conform to 2.1.1 of this International Standard, and shall make the
corresponding characters available to its user in such a way that the user can identify them among those of the
repertoire, and can distinguish them from each other.
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2.2 Implementation
The use of this character set requires definitions of its implementation in various media. For example, these could
include magnetic and optical interchangeable media and transmission channels, thus permitting interchange of data
to take place either indirectly by means of an intermediate recording on a physical medium, or by local connection
of various units (such as input and output devices and computers) or by means of data transmission equipment.
The implementation of this coded character set in physical media and for transmission, taking into account the need
for error checking, may be the subject of other International Standards.
3 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO/IEC 2022:1994, Information technology - Character code structure and extension techniques
ISO 2375:1985, Data processing - Procedure for registration of escape sequences
ISO/IEC 7350:1991, Information technology - Registration of repertoires of graphic characters from
ISO/IEC 10367
ISO/IEC 10367:1991, Information technology - Standardized coded graphic character sets for use in 8-bit
ISO/IEC 10538:1991, Information technology - Control functions for text communication
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000, Information technology - Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) - Part 1:
Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane
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4 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply:
active position
the character position which is to image the graphic symbol representing the next graphic character or relative
to which the next control function is to be executed
bit combination
an ordered set of bits used for the representation of characters
a member of a set of elements used for the organization, control or representation of data
character position
the portion of a display that is imaging or is capable of imaging a graphic symbol
coded-character-data-element (CC-data-element)
an element of interchanged information that is specified to consist of a sequence of coded representations of
characters, in accordance with one or more identified standards for coded character sets
NOTE 1: In a communication environment in accordance with the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection of ISO 7498, a
CC-data-element will form all or part of the information that corresponds to the Presentation-Protocol-Data-Unit (PPDU) defined in that
International Standard.
NOTE 2: When information interchange is accomplished by means of interchangeable media, a CC-data-element will form all or part of the
information that corresponds to the user data, and not that recorded during formatting and initialization.
coded character set; code
a set of unambiguous rules that establishes a character set and the one-to-one relationship between the characters
of the set and their bit combinations
code extension
the techniques for the encoding of characters that are not included in the character set of a given code
code table
a table showing the characters allocated to each bit combination in a code
control character
a control function the coded representation of which consists of a single bit combination
control function
an element of a character set that affects the recording, processing, transmission or interpretation of data, and that
has a coded representation consisting of one or more bit combinations
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4.11 device: A component of information processing equipment which can transmit, and/or receive, coded
information within CC-data-elements
NOTE: It may be an input/output device in the conventional sense, or a process such as an application program or gateway function.
escape sequence
a string of bit combinations that are used for control purposes in code extension procedures. The first of these bit
combinations represents the control function ESCAPE
NOTE: Formats and rules regarding the use of escape sequences are specified in ISO/IEC 2022.
graphic character
a character, other than a control function, that has a visual representation normally handwritten, printed or
displayed, and that has a coded representation consisting of one or more bit combinations
graphic symbol
a visual representation of a graphic character or of a control function
a specified set of characters that are represented by one or more bit combinations of a coded character set
a representation of information for human comprehension that is intended for presentation in a two-dimensional
form, for example printed on paper or displayed on a screen.
Text consists of symbols, phrases or sentences in natural or artificial languages, pictures, diagrams and tables
NOTE: This International Standard applies only to text made up of characters.
text communication; communication of text
the transfer of text by means of telecommunications
NOTE: In the context of this International Standard, text communication is by means of binary-coded representations of characters.
a person or other entity that invokes the services provided by a device
NOTE 1: This entity may be a process such as an application program if the "device" is a code convertor or a gateway function, for example.
NOTE 2: The characters, as supplied by the user or made available to the user, may be in the form of codes local to the device, or of
non-conventional visible representations, provided that 2.1.2 above is satisfied.
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5 Notation, code table and names
5.1 Notation
The bits of the bit combinations of the 8-bit code are identified by b , b , b , b , b , b , b and b , where b is
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8
the highest-order, or most significant bit and b is the lowest-order, or least significant bit.
The bit combinations may be interpreted to represent numbers in the range 0 to 255 in binary notation by attributing
the following weights to the individual bits:
Bit b b b b b b b b
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
In this International Standard, the bit combinations are identified by notations of the form xx/yy, where xx and yy
are numbers in the range 00 to 15. The correspondence between the notations of the form xx/yy and the bit
combinations consisting of the bits b to b , is as follows:
8 1
- xx is the number represented by b , b , b and b where these bits are given the weights 8, 4, 2 and 1,
8 7 6 5
- yy is the number represented by b , b , b and b where these bits are given the weights 8, 4, 2 and 1,
4 3 2 1
The notations of the form xx/yy are the same as the ones used to identify code table positions, where xx is the
column number and yy is the row number (see 5.2).
5.2 Code table
An 8-bit code table consists of 256 positions arranged in 16 columns and 16 rows. The columns and rows are
numbered 00 to 15.
The code table positions are identified by notations of the form xx/yy, where xx is the column number and yy is the
row number.
The positions of the code table are in one-to-one correspondence with the bit combinations of the code. The
notation of a code table position, of the form xx/yy, is the same as that of the corresponding bit combination.
5.3 Names
This International Standard assigns one name to each character. In addition, it specifies an acronym for the three
characters SPACE, NO-BREAK SPACE and SOFT HYPHEN and a graphic symbol for the other graphic characters.
By convention, only capital letters, space and hyphen are used for writing the names of characters. It is intended
that the acronym and this convention be retained in all translations of the text of this International Standard.
The names chosen to denote graphic characters are intended to reflect their customary meaning. However, this
International Standard does not define and does not restrict the meanings of graphic characters. Neither does it
specify a particular style or font design for imaging the graphic characters.
The character names are aligned with those of ISO/IEC 10646-1.
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6 Specifications of SPACE, NO-BREAK SPACE and SOFT HYPHEN
6.1 SPACE (SP): A graphic character that has a visual representation consisting of the absence of a graphic
symbol. Its coded representation is 02/00.
6.2 NO-BREAK SPACE (NBSP): A graphic character, the visual representation of which consists of the absence
of a graphic symbol, for use when a line break is to be prevented in the text as presented.
6.3 SOFT HYPHEN (SHY): A graphic character that is imaged by a graphic symbol identical with, or similar to,
that representing HYPHEN-MINUS, for use when a line break has been established within a word.
7 Composition of the character repertoire
The repertoire of the graphic characters defined in this International Standard consists of
and of 332 characters as follows
b) Latin alphabetic characters comprising
1) the 52 capital and small letters of the basic Latin alphabet,
2) accented letters, the graphic representations of which consist of combinations of basic Latin letters
with diacritical marks,
3) special alphabetic characters which are neither basic Latin letters nor combinations of basic Latin
letters with diacritical marks;
c) non-alphabetic characters, such as digits, fractions, punctuation and diacritical marks, monetary symbols etc.
The repertoire, excluding SPACE, is specified in Table 4. In each table entry, the first column specifies the name
of the character. The second column specifies its coded representation (see 8.3).
NOTE 1: A survey of the use of Latin characters in various languages is included in Annex D.
LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE, is deprecated, and they should better be encoded as ’l’ / ’L’ followed by MIDDLE
DOT, and APOSTROPHE followed by ’n’, respectively.
8 Specification of the coded character set
8.1 Character sets
The coded representations of the graphic characters of the repertoire defined in this International Standard make
use of the character SPACE and of two character sets, that is "a primary set" and a "supplementary set".
The primary set shall consist of the graphic characters of the basic G0 set identified by international registration
number 6, represented by bit combinations 02/01 to 07/14. The characters of the primary set shall not be used in
combination with each other to generate graphic characters of the repertoire defined in this International Standard.
The primary set contains the letters of the basic Latin alphabet, some spacing diacritical marks and a number of
non-alphabetic characters.
The supplementary set contains the graphic characters of the G1 set identified by international register number 156,
represented by bit combinations 10/00 to 11/15 and 13/00 to 15/15, and non-spacing diacritical marks, represented
by bit combinations 12/00 to 12/15. The graphic characters consist of a number of characters used in addition to
those in the primary set.
A non-spacing diacritical mark shall be used only in combination with certain basic Latin letters, or with SPACE.
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The allowed combinations of non-spacing diacritical marks and letters are the ones needed to represent the
accented letters included in Table 4. This set of combinations is summarized in Annex C.
The code table for the primary and the supplementary sets of graphic characters is given in Table 1. Shaded
positions denote bit combinations which are reserved as specified in 8.2.
The names of the characters in the primary set are specified in Table 2.
The names of the characters and non-spacing diacritical marks of the supplementary set are specified in Table 3.
In order to stress that non-spacing diacritical marks are not characters, the names given to them are printed in
lower case italics.
NOTE: The shaded positions 00/00 to 01/15 and 07/15 to 09/15 are outside the scope of this International Standard.
8.2 Explanations concerning the code table
8.2.1 Bit combinations 10/04 and 10/06 are reserved for future standardization, and shall not be used.
8.2.2 The non-spacing diacritical marks of column 12 are used only in combination with certain basic Latin letters,
or with SPACE (see Annex C). The graphic symbols shown in coloumn 12 represent diacritical marks as separate
graphic characters.
8.2.3 Bit combinations 12/00, 12/09 and 12/12 are reserved for possible allocation of additional diacritical marks,
and shall not be used.
8.2.4 Bit combinations 13/08 to 13/11 and 14/05 are reserved for future standardization, and shall not be used.
8.3 Coded representations of the graphic characters of the repertoire
The coded representations of the graphic characters of the repertoire defined in this International Standard are
specified in Table 4. The formats of the coded representations are as follows:
a) Accented letters
Each accented letter is represented by a sequence of bit combinations consisting of the coded
representation of the relevant non-spacing diacritical mark (an element of the supplementary set),
followed by the coded representation of the relevant basic Latin letter (an element of the primary
b) Diacritical marks as separate graphic characters
The diacritical marks that are elements of the primary set (GRAVE ACCENT, CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT and
TILDE) are represented as separate graphic characters by the corresponding single bit combination in the
range 02/01 to 07/14.
The other ten of the diacritical marks of column 12 are represented as separate graphic characters by a
sequence of bit combinations consisting of the coded representation of the relevant non-spacing diacritical
mark (an element of the supplementary set), followed by the coded representation of the character SPACE,
i.e. the bit combination 02/00.
c) All other graphic characters of the repertoire
Any graphic character of the repertoire, other than an accented letter or a diacritical mark as a
separate graphic character that is not an element of the primary set, is an element of either the
primary set or the supplementary set and is represented by the corresponding single bit
combination in the range 02/01 to 07/14 or 10/00 to 15/15.
Depending of the code extension techniques used, a bit combination, representing an element of either the primary
or the supplementary set may have to be preceded by a code extension function invoking the character set
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NOTES Explanations concerning certain letters:
NOTE 1: Accented letter LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA was named "small g with acute accent" in the 1983 edition of this
International Standard. For compatibility purposes, the coded representation has been kept unchanged. The name has been aligned with that
in ISO/IEC 10646-1. The cedilla, upturned, is placed above "g" for presentation purposes. The letter is intended for use in the Latvian language
and corresponds to the character LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA.
NOTE 2: There is no LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH in this International Standard. There is a letter named LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH
STROKE which will also serve as the capital form of Icelandic Eth, where this International Standard is used. It should be noted that ISO/IEC
10646, ISO/IEC 8859-1 and ISO/IEC 10367 provide for a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH as well as a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH
9 Graphic character subrepertoires
The purpose of defining character subrepertoires is to facilitate communication with equipment capable of
presenting text using a limited set of graphic characters at one time. An example of equipment that might make
use of subrepertoires is a text communication terminal containing an output device that has a changeable printing
element (physical or other). However, in order to comply with the requirements of this International Standard, such
a text communication terminal has to be capable of receiving and presenting all graphic characters of the repertoire
in some manner, possibly using one or more alternative printing elements.
Subrepertoires are defined in accordance with the following rules:
a) A subrepertoire shall include the character SPACE, the 26 Latin unaccented small letters and the 26 Latin
unaccented capital letters.
b) A subrepertoire shall include the 10 digits.
c) A subrepertoire shall include the following characters:
Graphic symbol Name
d) A subrepertoire may include any other graphic characters of the repertoire defined in this International Standard.
e) A subrepertoire shall not include any character not defined in this International Standard.
f) Two or more graphic characters of the repertoire shall not be included as a single character in the subrepertoire.
The procedure for registration of subrepertoires is specified in ISO/IEC 7350.
The identifier assigned to a registered subrepertoire is intended to be used as a parameter value of the control
function IDENTIFY GRAPHIC SUBREPERTOIRE (IGS) which is defined in ISO/IEC 10538.
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10 Identification of options
10.1 Purpose and context of identification
CC-data-elements conforming to an option of this International Standard are intended to form all or part of a
composite unit of coded information that is interchanged between a sender and a recipient. The identification of
the options of this International Standard that have been adopted by the originator shall also be available to the
recipient. The route by which such identification is communicated to the recipient is outside the scope of this
International Standard.
However, some standards for interchange of coded information may permit, or require, that the coded
representation of the identification applicable to the CC-data-elements forms part of the interchanged information.
This clause specifies a coded representation for the identification of options of this International Standard. Such
coded representations form all or part of an identifying data element, which may be included in information
interchange in accordance with the relevant standard.
10.2 Identification of
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