ISO/IEC 19058:2001
(Main)Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Broadband Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Generic functional protocol
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Broadband Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Generic functional protocol
This International Standard specifies the functional protocol for the support of supplementary services and additional basic call capabilities at the Q-reference point. The Q-reference point exists between Private Integrated services Network eXchanges (PINX) connected together within a Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) and is defined in ISO/IEC 11579-1. The generic functional protocol is part of the B-QSIG signalling system. The procedures specified in this International Standard can be used in association with a bearer connection (bearer-related) or outside the context of any bearer connection (bearer-independent).The application of this International Standard to individual additional basic call capabilities and supplementary services is outside the scope of this International Standard and should be defined in those standards or proprietary specifications that specify the individual capabilities. All conformance to this International Standard is based on the external behaviour at the interface at the Q-reference point, i.e. on the generation of the correct message structure and in the proper sequence as specified in this International Standard. The generic functional protocol is based on ATM Forum specification AF-CS-0102.000, which itself is based on the DSS2 generic functional protocol specified in ITU-T Rec. Q.2932.1 but extended to allow non-local information exchange as well as local information exchange. This International Standard is applicable to PINXs supporting additional basic call capabilities and/or supplementary services requiring the functional protocol for signalling at the Q-reference point.
Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications et échange d'information entre systèmes — Réseau à intégration de services privés à large bande — Protocole de signalisation d'interéchange — Protocole fonctionnel générique
General Information
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Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Information technology —
Telecommunications and information
exchange between systems — Broadband
Private Integrated Services Network —
Inter-exchange signalling protocol —
Generic functional protocol
Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications et échange
d'information entre systèmes — Réseau à intégration de services privés à
large bande — Protocole de signalisation d'interéchange — Protocole
fonctionnel générique
Reference number
ISO/IEC 19058:2001(E)
ISO/IEC 2001
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ISO/IEC 19058:2001(E)
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ISO/IEC 19058:2001(E)
Contents Page
Foreword vi
Introduction vii
1 Scope 1
2 Conformance 1
3 Normative references 1
4 Terms and definitions 2
4.1 Gateway PINX 2
4.2 Inter-PINX link (IPL) 2
4.3 Preceding side 2
4.4 Private Integrated services Network eXchange (PINX) 2
4.5 Succeeding side 2
5 Abbreviations 2
6 Description 2
6.1 Overview 2
6.2 Addressing mechanisms 2
6.2.1 Explicit addressing 2
6.2.2 Functional addressing 3
6.3 Protocol architecture 3
6.4 Services provided by individual protocol entities 3
6.4.1 Services provided by ROSE 3
6.4.2 Services provided by GFT-control 3
6.4.3 Services provided by bearer-related transport 3
6.4.4 Services provided by connectionless bearer-independent transport 3
6.4.5 Services provided by connection-oriented bearer-independent transport 3
7 Operational requirements 3
8 Primitive definitions and state definitions 3
8.1 Primitive definitions 3
8.2 State definitions 3
8.2.1 APDU transport mechanisms 3
8.2.2 GFT-Control 3
9 Coding requirements 3
9.1 Message functional definitions and content 3
9.1.1 Additional messages for bearer-related transactions 4
9.1.2 Messages for connectionless bearer-independent transport 4
9.1.3 Messages for connection-oriented bearer-independent transport 4
9.2 General message format and information element coding 4
9.2.1 Message type 4
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9.2.2 Other information elements 4
9.2.3 Encoding of information described using ASN.1 5
10 Signalling procedures 5
10.1 APDU transport mechanisms 5
10.1.1 Bearer-related transport 5
10.1.2 Bearer-independent transport mechanisms 6
10.1.3 Connection-oriented bearer-independent transport mechanism 6
10.1.4 Connectionless bearer-independent transport mechanism 7
10.2 GFT-Control procedures for APDUs 7
10.2.1 GFT-control procedures for transport of APDUs 7
10.2.2 GFT-Control procedures for CO-BI connection control 7
10.2.3 GFT-Control procedures for CL-BI mode 8
10.3 Remote operations procedures 8
10.3.1 Introduction 8
10.3.2 Procedures for operations 8
10.4 Notification transport mechanisms 8
10.4.1 Sending notification information 8
10.4.2 Receiving notification information 8
10.5 GFT-Control procedures for notifications 9
10.5.1 Actions at a PINX which generates notifications 9
10.5.2 Actions at a receiving PINX 9
11 Interworking with (narrowband) QSIG 9
11.1 Full termination of generic functional protocol 9
11.2 Generic interworking function 9
11.2.1 Architecture 9
11.2.2 Bearer-related transport mechanism 9
11.2.3 Connection-oriented bearer independent transport mechanism 9
11.2.4 Connectionless bearer independent transport mechanism 9
12 Parameter values 9
12.1 Connection-oriented bearer-independent transport 9
13 Dynamic description (SDLs) 9
13.1 Block overview diagram 9
13.2 Component transport mechanisms 9
13.2.1 Bearer-related transport mechanism 9
13.2.2 Connection-oriented bearer-independent transport mechanism 9
13.2.3 Connectionless bearer-independent transport mechanism 10
13.3 GFT-Control 10
14 Manufacturer Specific Information (MSI) 16
14.1 Manufacturer specific operations and errors 16
14.2 Manufacturer specific additions to standardised operations and error 16
14.3 Manufacturer specific notifications 16
A- Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma 17
B- Formal definition of data types using ITU-T Rec. X.208 18
C- Formal definition of data types using ITU-T Rec. X.680 20
D- Information flows 22
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E- Instruction indicators 23
F- Formal definitions of remote operations notation using ITU-T Rec. X.208 24
G- Formal definitions of remote operations notation using ITU-T Rec. X.680 25
H- Examples of the use of Manufacturer Specific Information 26
I- Remote operations protocol 27
J- Problem code definitions 28
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ISO/IEC 19058:2001(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the
specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with
particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft
International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights.
ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO/IEC 19058 was prepared by ECMA (as ECMA-254) and was adopted, under a special “fast-track
procedure”, by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, in parallel with its approval by national
bodies of ISO and IEC.
Annexes A, B and C form a normative part of this International Standard. Annexes D to J are for information only.
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ISO/IEC 19058:2001(E)
This International Standard is one of a series of standards defining services and signalling protocols applicable to Broadband
Private Integrated Services Networks. The series uses the B-ISDN concepts as developed by ITU-T (formerly CCITT) and is
also within the framework of International Standards for open systems interconnection as defined by ISO.
This International Standard is based upon ATM Forum’s specification AF-CS-0102.000 with modification indicated in the text
of this International Standard.
This International Standard specifies the signalling protocol for use at the Q reference point in support of the Generic
Functional Protocol.
The International Standard is based upon the practical experience of ECMA member companies and the results of their active
and continuous participation in the work of ISO/IEC JTC 1, ITU-T, ETSI and other international and national standardisation
bodies. It represents a pragmatic and widely based consensus.
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Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between
systems — Broadband Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange
signalling protocol — Generic functional protocol
This International Standard specifies the functional protocol for the support of supplementary services and additional basic call
capabilities at the Q-reference point. The Q-reference point exists between Private Integrated services Network eXchanges
(PINX) connected together within a Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) and is defined in ISO/IEC 11579-1. The
generic functional protocol is part of the B-QSIG signalling system.
The procedures specified in this International Standard can be used in association with a bearer connection (bearer-related) or
outside the context of any bearer connection (bearer-independent).The application of this International Standard to individual
additional basic call capabilities and supplementary services is outside the scope of this International Standard and should be
defined in those standards or proprietary specifications that specify the individual capabilities.
All conformance to this International Standard is based on the external behaviour at the interface at the Q-reference point, i.e.
on the generation of the correct message structure and in the proper sequence as specified in this International Standard.
The generic functional protocol is based on ATM Forum specification AF-CS-0102.000, which itself is based on the DSS2
generic functional protocol specified in ITU-T Rec. Q.2932.1 but extended to allow non-local information exchange as well as
local information exchange.
This International Standard is applicable to PINXs supporting additional basic call capabilities and/or supplementary services
requiring the functional protocol for signalling at the Q-reference point.
2 Conformance
In order to conform to this International Standard, a PINX shall satisfy the requirements identified in the Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma in section 30 of AF-CS-0102.000.
3 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not
apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of
applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the
normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
AF-CS-0102.000, PNNI Addendum on PNNI/B-QSIG Interworking and Generic Functional Protocol for the Support
of Supplementary Services.
References contained in section 26.2 of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with the following additions:
ISO/IEC 13246:1997, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -
Broadband Private Integrated Services Network - Inter-exchange signalling protocol - Signalling
ATM adaptation layer.
ISO/IEC 13247:1997, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -
Broadband Private Integrated Services Network - Inter-exchange signalling protocol - Basic
call/connection control.
ISO/IEC 11579-1:1994, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -
Private integrated services network - Part 1: Reference configuration for PISN Exchanges (PINX).
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ISO/IEC 19058:2001(E)
4 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the terms and definitions given in section 26.3 of AF-CS-0102.000 and the
following apply.
4.1 Gateway PINX : The definition in ISO/IEC 13247 shall apply. Dependent on the capabilities of the signalling system
being interworked by the gateway PINX, it can act as a Transit or an End PINX in the context of the supplementary services
APDUs. That is, it can either transport the APDUs unchanged to or from the other signalling system, perhaps embedded in
some other protocol unit, or process the APDUs and perform an interworking function of the information flows and encoding
of the Supplementary service concerned.
4.2 Inter-PINX link (IPL) : The definition in ISO/IEC 13247 shall apply.
4.3 Preceding side : In the context of a call/connection or a CO-BI connection using an IPL, the side that initiates
call/connection or CO-BI connection establishment over that IPL (see figure 1 in ISO/IEC 13247).
4.4 Private Integrated services Network eXchange (PINX) : As specified in ISO/IEC 11579-1.
4.5 Succeeding side : In the context of a call/connection or a CO-BI connection using an IPL, the opposite side from the side
that initiates call/connection or CO-BI connection establishment over that IPL (see figure 1 in ISO/IEC 13247).
NOTE - The term ‘node’ in AF-CS-0102.000 is equal to the term ‘PINX’.
The term ‘PNNI’ in AF-CS-0102.000 is equal to the term ‘B-QSIG’.
5 Abbreviations
Abbreviations contained in section 26.4 of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with the following additions:
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
CL-BI Connectionless Bearer Independent
CO-BI Connection Oriented Bearer Independent
IPL Inter-PINX Link
IPVCI Inter-PINX Virtual Channel Identifier
IPVPI Inter-PINX Virtual Path Identifier
PISN Private Integrated Services Network
PINX Private Integrated services Network eXchange
ROSE Remote Operation Service Element
VCI Virtual Channel Identifier
VPI Virtual Path Identifier
6 Description
6.1 Overview
The generic functional protocol provides a means of exchanging ROSE APDUs on behalf of Application Service Control
entities located in different PINXs. These Application Service Control entities may be for the support of supplementary
services or additional basic call capabilities. This exchange may take place either in association with a bearer established using
the procedures of ISO/IEC 13247 or independently of any bearer. Bearer independent transport can either be connection-
oriented or connectionless. In the case of connection-oriented bearer-independent transport, establishment and release of the
connection is specified in this International Standard.
For bearer-related transport and connection-oriented bearer-independent transport, the exchange of ROSE APDUs can be
between any of two PINXs involved in the connection, as determined by addressing information transported with the APDUs
(e.g., between the two End PINXs). For connectionless bearer independent transport, the exchange of ROSE APDUs is
between the source PINX and the destination PINX for the transporting message.
6.2 Addressing mechanisms
Addressing mechanisms described in section 26.5.2 of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
6.2.1 Explicit addressing
Explicit addressing described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
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6.2.2 Functional addressing
Functional addressing described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
6.3 Protocol architecture
Protocol Architecture described in section 26.5.3 of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with following modification:
� Replace all references to PNNI, ITU-T Rec. Q.2931 and Q.2971 with references to ISO/IEC 13247.
6.4 Services provided by individual protocol entities
6.4.1 Services provided by ROSE
Services provided by ROSE described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
6.4.2 Services provided by GFT-control
Services provided by GFT-control described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
6.4.3 Services provided by bearer-related transport
Services provided by bearer-related transport described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with following
� Replace all references to PNNI, ITU-T Rec. Q.2931 and Q.2971 with references to ISO/IEC 13247.
6.4.4 Services provided by connectionless bearer-independent transport
Services provided by connectionless bearer-independent transport described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall
6.4.5 Services provided by connection-oriented bearer-independent transport
Services provided by connection-oriented bearer-independent transport described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall
7 Operational requirements
Operational requirements described in section 26.6 of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
8 Primitive definitions and state definitions
8.1 Primitive definitions
Primitive definitions described in section 26.7.1 of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with following modification:
� Replace all references to PNNI, ITU-T Rec. Q.2931 and Q.2971 with references to ISO/IEC 13247.
8.2 State definitions
8.2.1 APDU transport mechanisms Bearer-related transport mechanism
There are no additional call/connection states over and above those defined in ISO/IEC 13247 clause 6.4. Connectionless bearer-independent transport mechanism
Connectionless bearer-independent transport states described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Connection-oriented bearer-independent transport mechanism
Connection-oriented bearer-independent transport states described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
8.2.2 GFT-Control
The GFT-control state described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
9 Coding requirements
9.1 Message functional definitions and content
This subclause shall be read in conjunction with clause 7 of ISO/IEC 13247. All messages are additional to those defined in
that clause and the following tables should be interpreted according to the introductory material of clause 7 of ISO/IEC 13247.
To determine if an information element specified in this International Standard is allowed to be included in the following
messages, see subclause 9.2.
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Information elements not defined in subclause 9.2 are only allowed to be included in the following messages when explicitly
indicated in the message structure.
9.1.1 Additional messages for bearer-related transactions
Additional messages for bearer-related transactions described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. FACILITY
FACILITY message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
9.1.2 Messages for connectionless bearer-independent transport FACILITY
FACILITY message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with the following modification:
� Broadband repeat indicator is not applicable.
� Designated transit list is not applicable.
� Connection scope selection is not applicable.
9.1.3 Messages for connection-oriented bearer-independent transport CALL PROCEEDING
CALL PROCEEDING message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. CO-BI SETUP
CO-BI SETUP message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with the following modification:
� Broadband repeat indicator is not applicable.
� Designated transit list is not applicable.
� Connection scope selection is not applicable. CONNECT
CONNECT message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. FACILITY
FACILITY message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. NOTIFY
NOTIFY message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. RELEASE
RELEASE message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with the following modification:
� Crankback is not applicable. RELEASE COMPLETE
RELEASE COMPLETE message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with the following
� Crankback is not applicable. STATUS
STATUS message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. STATUS ENQUIRY
STATUS ENQUIRY message described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
9.2 General message format and information element coding
Section 26.8.2 of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
9.2.1 Message type
Message type described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
9.2.2 Other information elements
Other information elements described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
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ISO/IEC 19058:2001(E) Call state
The call state information element is defined as in subclause 8.5.15 of ISO/IEC 13247. However the state value assignments
defined in table 9 / Q.2932.1 exist for the connection-oriented bearer-independent transport mechanism. Facility
Facility information element described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Network Facility Extension (NFE)
Network Facility Extension (NFE) described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Interpretation APDU
Interpretation APDU described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. ROSE APDU
ROSE APDU described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Notification indicator
Notification indicator information element described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Treatment of existing ISO/IEC 13247 information elements as parameters
Supplementary service or additional basic call capability protocol specifications are expected to require new parameters to be
defined and to require existing ISO/IEC 13247 information elements.
New parameters shall be defined using ITU-T Rec. X.209 coding, or ITU-T Rec. X.690 as appropriate, if they do not appear
elsewhere in ISO/IEC 13247 messages.
Supplementary service or additional basic call capability protocol specifications may elect to encapsulate one or more existing
ISO/IEC 13247 information elements within an ITU-T Rec. X.209 data element, or ITU-T Rec. X.690 data element, as
appropriate, thereby retaining the ISO/IEC 13247 coding for these information elements. When this option is chosen, all the
ISO/IEC 13247 information elements should be grouped together as the content following the BqsigInformationElement tag.
This data element may appear by itself or as a member of a sequence or set.
Encapsulation of the Facility information element within Facility information elements shall not be used.
Type BqsigInformationElement is defined in B.2 of annex B using ASN.1 as specified in ITU-T recommendation X.208 and in
C.2 of annex C using ASN.1 as specified in ITU-T recommendation X.680.
9.2.3 Encoding of information described using ASN.1
Encoding of information described using ASN.1 described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
10 Signalling procedures
10.1 APDU transport mechanisms
APDU transport mechanisms described in section 26.9.1 of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply.
10.1.1 Bearer-related transport
Bearer-related transport described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Normal operation
Normal operation described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Exceptional procedures
If a receiving entity recognises a supplementary service or additional basic call capability request in a received SETUP
message but is not able to process the request, then the following options shall apply:
� the receiving entity may clear the call/connection request and reject the supplementary service or additional basic call
capability invocation by means of an appropriate call-clearing message which contains the Cause information element and
a return error APDU with the appropriate parameters in the Facility information element;
� the receiving entity may continue to process the call/connection request according to the call/connection control
procedures of ISO/IEC 13247, and reject the supplementary service or additional basic call capability invocation by
including a return error APDU with the appropriate parameters in the Facility information element in a FACILITY
message or in an appropriate call/connection control message or party control message;
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The option to be used depends on the individual supplementary service or additional basic call capability procedures, which are
the subject of other standards.
In addition, when the receiving entity identifies an error in the received APDU, the receiving entity may continue to process
the call/connection request according to the call/connection control procedures of ISO/IEC 13247, and ignore the
supplementary service or additional basic call capability invocation, in which case a reject component shall be generated.
No response message shall be sent after the call reference value has been released.
The procedures of subclause 10.1.1 are an extension to the procedures of ISO/IEC 13247. As such the general error handling
procedures as defined in subclause 9.6 of ISO/IEC 13247 apply. However, the handling of errors in octets 5 onwards of the
Facility information element is specified in subclause 10.2.1. The handling of errors in APDUs is specified in subclause 10.3.
If the connection is being cleared, the treatment of outstanding supplementary service or additional basic call capability
requests is subject to the standards for the individual supplementary services or additional basic call capabilities.
10.1.2 Bearer-independent transport mechanisms
Bearer-independent transport mechanisms described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with following
� B-QSIG utilises the signalling AAL connection defined in ISO/IEC 13246 instead of ITU-T Rec. Q.2130.
10.1.3 Connection-oriented bearer-independent transport mechanism
Connection-oriented bearer-independent transport mechanism described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Actions in the Null state
Actions in the null state described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with following modification:
� Replace all references to ITU-T Rec. Q.2931 with references to ISO/IEC 13247.
� B-QSIG utilises the signalling AAL connection defined in ISO/IEC 13246 instead of ITU-T Rec. Q.2130.
� When entering the call present state, a CALL PROCEEDING message shall be sent.
� Designated transit list is not applicable.
� The preceding side shall include the Called party number and the Calling party number information elements identifying
the destination and the source respectively of the bearer independent signalling connection. Actions in the Call Present state
Actions in the Call Present state described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Actions in the Call Initiated state
Actions in the Call Initiated state described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Actions in the Incoming Call Proceeding state
Actions in the Incoming Call Proceeding state described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Actions in the Outgoing Call Proceeding state
Actions in the Outgoing Call Proceeding state described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Actions in the Active state
Actions in the Active state described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Connection release
Actions in the Connection Release state described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Actions in the Release Request state
Actions in the Release Request state described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Transport of APDUs associated with a connection-oriented bearer-independent signalling connection
Transport of APDUs associated with a connection-oriented bearer-independent signalling connection described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Protocol error handling
Protocol error handling described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with following modification:
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� Replace “- Actions regarding the handling of VCIs and VPCIs are not applicable;” with “- Actions regarding the handling
of IPVCIs and IPVPIs are not applicable”.
� Replace all references to ITU-T Rec. Q.2931 with references to ISO/IEC 13247.
10.1.4 Connectionless bearer-independent transport mechanism
Connectionless bearer-independent transport mechanism described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply. Normal operation
Normal operation described in section of AF-CS-0102.000 shall apply with the following modification:
� Designated Transit List is not applicable. Exceptional p
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