ISO/IEC 19795-4:2008
(Main)Information technology — Biometric performance testing and reporting — Part 4: Interoperability performance testing
Information technology — Biometric performance testing and reporting — Part 4: Interoperability performance testing
ISO/IEC 19795-4:2008 prescribes methods for technology and scenario evaluations of multi-supplier biometric systems that use biometric data conforming to biometric data interchange format standards. It specifies requirements needed to assess performance available from samples formatted according to a standard interchange format (SIF), performance available when samples formatted according to a SIF are exchanged, performance available from samples formatted according to a SIF, relative to proprietary data formats, SIF interoperability by quantifying cross-product performance relative to single-product performance, performance available from multi-sample and multimodal data formatted according to one or more SIFs, and performance interoperability of biometric capture devices. In addition, ISO/IEC 19795-4:2008 includes procedures for establishing an interoperable set of implementations, defines procedures for testing interoperability with previously established sets of implementations, and gives testing procedures for the measurement of interoperable performance. It does not establish a conformance test for biometric data interchange formats, or provide test procedures for online data collection.
Technologies de l'information — Essais et rapports de performances biométriques — Partie 4: Essais de performances d'interopérabilité
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 19795-4
First edition
Information technology — Biometric
performance testing and reporting —
Part 4:
Interoperability performance testing
Technologies de l'information — Essais et rapports de performances
biométriques —
Partie 4: Essais de performances d'interopérabilité
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2008
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ii © ISO/IEC 2008 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .vi
1 Scope.1
2 Conformance .1
3 Normative references.2
4 Terms and definitions .2
5 Abbreviated terms .4
6 Goals.5
6.1 Coverage .5
6.2 Target application.8
6.2.1 Biometric application.8
6.2.2 Interoperable application.9
6.3 Purpose .10
6.3.1 Interoperability testing.10
6.3.2 Sufficiency testing.11
7 Metrics .12
7.1 General .12
7.2 Figures of merit .12
7.2.1 Recognition performance figure of merit.12
7.2.2 Measuring component failure .13
7.3 Interoperability matrices.14
7.3.1 General .14
7.3.2 Interoperability with sBDB generators.14
7.3.3 Interoperability with sBDB generators.15
7.3.4 Fixed operating point interoperability.16
7.3.5 Reporting failure of sBDB generators.16
7.4 Proprietary performance.16
8 Conducting a test .17
8.1 Structure of test.17
8.2 Sample data .17
8.2.1 Acquisition .17
8.2.2 Representative data .18
8.2.3 Collection of ancillary data.18
8.2.4 Corpus size .18
8.2.5 Removal of subject-specific metadata .18
8.2.6 Removal of unrepresentative metadata .18
8.2.7 Origin of samples .19
8.2.8 Untainted samples.19
8.2.9 Sequestered data.19
8.3 Conformance testing.19
8.3.1 Conformance .19
8.3.2 Executing conformance tests .19
8.3.3 Reporting.20
8.4 Constraints on the sBDBs.20
8.4.1 Optional encodings .20
8.4.2 Optional encodings from profile standards.20
8.4.3 Deviation from the base standard .20
8.4.4 Data encapsulation.20
© ISO/IEC 2008 – All rights reserved iii
8.5 Components.21
8.5.1 Components for sufficiency testing .21
8.5.2 Establishing modularity requirements .21
8.5.3 Components for interoperability testing .21
8.5.4 Underlying algorithms.21
8.5.5 Capture device user interfaces .21
8.5.6 Multimodal components .22
8.5.7 Component variability .22
8.5.8 Component reporting requirements .22
8.6 Planning decisions .22
8.6.1 Computational intensity.22
8.6.2 Supplier recruitment.23
8.6.3 Provision of samples to suppliers .23
8.6.4 Equivalency of generator resources.23
8.6.5 Handling violations of test requirements.24
8.6.6 Comparison subsystem output data encapsulation.24
8.6.7 Fundamental generator requirement.24
8.6.8 Fundamental comparison subsystem requirement .25
8.6.9 General requirements on software implementations.25
8.7 Prevention and detection of gaming.26
8.7.1 General aspects .26
8.7.2 Modes of gaming .26
8.7.3 Prevention and detection of gaming.28
8.8 Test procedure.29
8.8.1 Primary test .29
8.8.2 Uncertainty measurement.30
8.8.3 Variance estimation.30
8.8.4 Remedial testing .30
8.8.5 Survey of configurable parameters .30
9 Interpretation of the interoperability matrix.30
9.1 Determination of interoperable subsystems .30
9.1.1 General.30
9.1.2 Identifying interoperable combinations of subsystems.31
9.1.3 Acceptable numbers of interoperable subsystems .33
9.1.4 Combinatorial search for maximum interoperability-classes.33
9.1.5 Multiple interoperable subgroups.34
9.1.6 Statistical stability of the test result .34
9.2 Interoperability with previously certified products.
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