ISO/IEC 15507:1997
(Main)Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — PINX clock synchronization
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — PINX clock synchronization
This International Standard specifies the signalling protocol for the support of clock synchronization (SYNC-SIG) between Private Integrated Services Network Exchanges (PINXs) connected together within a Private Integrated Services Network (PISN). This protocol supports the synchronization of a PISN using the different sources of clocks available to each PINX. The protocol is based on the method of synchronization described in annex F of the International Standard ISO/IEC 11573. This International Standard is applicable to PINXs which tan be interconnected to form a PISN.
Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications et échange d'information entre systèmes — Réseau privé à intégration de services — Protocole de signalisation d'interéchange — Synchronisation d'horloge PINX
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Information technology -
Telecommunications and information
exchange between Systems - Private
Integrated Services Network -
Inter-exchange signalling protocol - PINX
clock synchronization
Technologies de I’informa tion - T&communica tions et kchange
d ’information entre systkmes - ßkseau priv6 2 intbgration de Services -
Pro tocole de signalisa tion d ’interbchange - Synchronisation d ’horloge
Reference number
ISO/1 EC 15507: 1997(E)
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ISO/IEC 15507: 1997 (E)
. . .
1 Scope
2 Conformance
3 Normative references
4 Definitions
4.1 External definitions
4.2 Other definitions
5 List of acronyms
6 Signalling protocol for the support of the protocol
6.1 Description
6.2 Operational requirements
6.3 Coding requirements
6.3.1 Operations
6.3.2 Information elements
6.3.3 Messages
6.4 State definitions
6.4.1 States at the Requesting PINX
6.4.2 States at the Destination PINX
6.5 Signalling procedures
6.5.1 Actions at the Requesting PINX
6.5.2 Actions at the Destination PINX
6.6 Impact of interworking with public ISDNs
6.7 Impact of interworking with
6.8 Protocol interactions between Synchronization and supplementary Services and ANFs
6.9 Parameter values (timers)
6.9.1 Timer Tl
Annex A - Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma
Annex B - Examples of Message Sequences
Annex C - Specification and Description Language (SDL) Representation of Procedures
0 iSO/IEC 1997
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OISO/IEC ISO/IEC 15507: 1997 (E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the
specialized System for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with
particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and non-govemmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft
International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 15507 was prepared by ECMA (as ECMA-245) and was adopted, under a special “fast-track
procedure ”, by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Infownation technology, in parallel with its approval by national
bodies of ISO and IEC.
Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard. Annexes BandCarefor information only.
. . .
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ISO/IEC 15507: 1997 (E)
This International Standard is one of a series of Standards defining Services and signalling protocols applicable to Private
Integrated Services Networks. The series uses the ISDN concepts as developed by ITU-T and is also within the framework of
Standards for open Systems interconnection as defined by ISO.
This International Standard specifies the signalling protocol for the support of PINX clock synchronization.
This International Standard is based upon the practical experience of ECMA member companies and the results of their active
and continuous participation in the work of ISO/IEC JTC 1, ITU-T, ETSI and other international and national standardization
bodies. It represents a pragmatic and widely based consensus.
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Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between
Systems - Private Integrated Services Network - Inter-exchange signalling
protocol - PINX clock synchronization
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the signalling protocol for the support of clock synchronization (SYNC-SIG) between
Private Integrated Services Network Exchanges (PINXs) connected together within a Private Integrated Services Network
This protocol supports the synchronization of a PISN using the different sources of clocks available to each PINX. The
protocol is based on the method of synchronization described in annex F of the International Standard ISO/IEC 11573.
This International Standard is applicable to PINXs which tan be interconnected to form a PISN.
2 Conformance
In Order to conform to this International Standard, a PINX shall satisfy the requirements identified in the Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma in annex A.
3 Normative references
The following Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International
Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards are subject to revision, and Parties to
agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
editions of the Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International
ISO/IEC 11573: 1994, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between Systems -
Synchronization methods and technical requirements for Private Integrated Services Networks.
ISOIIEC 11579- 1: 1994, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between Systems -
Private Integrated Services Network - Part 1: Reference configuration for PISN Exchanges
ISO/IEC 11582:1995, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between Systems -
Private Integrated Services Network - Generic functional protocol for the support of
supplementary Services - Inter-exchange signalling procedures and protocol.
ITU-T Rec. 1.112: 1993, Vocabulary of terms for ISDNs.
ITU-T Rec. 2.100: 1993, Specification and description language.
4 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply.
4.1 External definitions
This International Standard uses the following terms defined in other documents:
- Application Protocol Data Unit (ISOIIEC 11582)
- End PINX (ISO/IEC 11582)
- Interpretation APDU (ISOIIEC 11582)
- Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) (ISO/IEC 11579- 1)
- Private Integrated Services Network Exchange (PINX) (ISO/IEC 11579-1)
- Signalling (ITU-T Rec. I. 112)
- Originating PINX (ISO/IEC 11582)
- Terminating PINX (ISOfIEC 11582)
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ISO/IEC 15507: 1997 (E) &SO/IEC
4.2 Other definitions
4.2.1 Adjacent PINX : One of two PIN& that are directly connected by means of an inter-PINX link.
4.2.2 Requesting PINX : PINX that initiates a confirmed or unconfirmed transaction.
4.2.3 Destination PINX : PINX which is the target of a confirmed or unconfirmed transaction.
4.2.4 Synchronization Entity : Entity which is in Charge of the synchronization in a PINX.
Note - The functions of the Synchronization Entity arc described in ISOAEC 11573.
5 List of acronyms
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
ASN. 1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
NFE Network Facility Extension
Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PINX Private Integrated Network Exchange
PISN Private Integrated Service Network
SDL Specification and Description Language
6 Signalling protocol for the support of the protocol
6.1 Description
When two or more PINXs are connected to each other, it is required by ISO/IEC 11573 that these PINXs shall work for
Without such synchronization, Information
transmission with the Same clock value: in that case PINXs are “synchronized ”.
tan be lost from one PINX to another.
ISO/IEC 11573 describes the “clock synchronization” in detail and defines a method to use for a network synchronization. The
signalling protocol for this method is defined in this International Standard. The protocol involves the exchange of APDUs
between adjacent PINXs using the call-independent signalling connection (connection-oriented) transport mechanism specified
in ISO/IEC 11582.
6.2 Operational requirements
Generic procedures for the call-independent control (connection-oriented), as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for an Originating
PINX and Terminating PINX, shall apply.
A Synchronization Entity which tan be called by a predetermined called Party number shall exist in each PINX.
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OISO/IEC ISO/IEC 15507: 1997 (E)
6.3 Coding requirements
6.3.1 Operations
To convey information defined by the method of synchronization in messages, the operations defined in Abstract Syntax
Notation number 1 (ASN.1) in table 1 shall apply.
Table 1 - Operations in support of clock synchronization
{ iso (1) Standard (0) pinx-clock-synchronization (15507)
synchronization-operations (0) }
l m-
MPORTS OPERATION, ERROR FROM Remote-Operation-Notation
{ joint-iso-ccitt (2) remote-operations (4) notation (0) }
Extension FROM Manufacturer-specific-service-extension-definition
{iso (1) Standard (0)
pssl -generic-procedures (11582) msi-definition (0));
.- The following two operations shall apply to SYNC-SIG
l .-
3ynchronizationRequest . .- OPERATION
ARGUMENT SynchronizationReqArg
RESULT SynchronizationReqRes
ERRORS {unspecified}
l ‘-
Synchronizationlnfo .- OPERATION
ARGUMENT SynchronizationInfoArg
. ‘-
SynchronizationReqArg . .- SEQUENCE {
action Action,
argExtension ArgExtension OPTIONAL}
l --
SynchronizationReqRes .- SEQUENCE {
action Action,
response BOOLEAN, -- TRUE = yes, FALSE = no
argExtension ArgExtension OPTIONAL}
SynchronizationInfoArg .- SEQUENCE {
stateinfo INTEGER { freerunning (0), idle (l)},
argExtension ArgExtension OPTIONAL}
Action ::= INTEGER { enslavement (0), holdon (1))
ArgExtension ::= CHOICE { extension [1] IMPLICIT Extension,
sequOfExtn [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Extension }
synchronizationRequest SynchronizationRequest ::= 78
Synchronizationlnfo ::= 79
unspecified Unspecified ::= 1008
l .-
Unspecified ERROR PARAMETER Extension
END -- of Synchronkation-Operations
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ISO/IECl5507:1997 (E) OISO/IEC
6.3.2 Information elements Facility information element
The operations defined in 6.3.1 shall be coded in the Facility information element in accordance with ISO/IEC 11582.
When conveying the invoke APDU of the operations defined in 6.3.1, the destinationEntity data element of the NFE shall
APDU shall either be omitted or be included with the value
contain value endPINX and the interpretation
rejectAnyUnrecognisedInvokePdu. Other information elements
Any other information element (e.g. Called party number) shall be coded in accordance with ISO/IEC 11582.
6.3.3 Messages
The transport mechanism is based on call-independent signalling connection (connection-oriented).The Facility information
element shall be conveyed in the FACILITY message as specified in clause 10 of ISO/IEC 11582.
6.4 State definitions
The procedures for each PINX in the network are written in terms of the following conceptual states existing within the SYNC-
SIG control entity in that PINX.
6.4.1 States at the Requesting PINX SYNC-Idle
This state exists when the connection for synchronization is not established (exchange of information is not possible). SYNC-Active
This state exists when the connection for synchronization is established (exchange of information is possible). SYNC-Wait
This state exists when the connection is established and a synchronizationRequest invoke APDU is sent to the Destination
PINX and the response is not yet received.
6.4.2 States at the Destination PINX SYNC-Idle
This state exists when the connection for synchronization is not established (exchange of information is not possible). SYNC-Active
This state exists when the connection for synchronization is established (exchange of information is possible).
SignaIling procedures
Annex B contains examples of message sequences of the signalling procedures.
6.5.1 Actions at the Requesting PINX
The SDL representation of procedures of the Requesting PINX is shown in C.l of annex C.
information to request by the receipt or absence of response from the
Note - Choice of Requesting PINX and actions in the Synchronization Entity on
Destination PINX arc to be made in confxrnance with ISO/IEC 11573 and arc outside the scope of this International Standard. Normal procedures
In state SYNC-Idle, on request of the Synchronization Entity the SYNC-SIG Control entity shall invoke SYNC-SIG towards an
adjacent PINX. The Requesting PINX shall act as an Originating PINX and establish a call-independent signalling connection
(connection-oriented) towards the Termirrating PINX using the specific called party number given by the Synchronization
entity. The SYNC-SIG Control entity shall inform the Synchronization Entity when the connection is established and enter state
SYNC-Active. Only the cal1 reference of this call-independent signalling connection shall be used to transport SYNC-SIG
operations. On request of the Synchronization Entity, the SYNC-SIG Control entity releases the connection towards the
adjacent PINX and SYNC-SIG enters state SYNC-Idle.
In states SYNC-Wait and SYNC-Idle, requests Flom the Synchronization Entity for sending information to the adjacent PINX
are ignored. In SYNC-Active state, if the Synchronization Entity requests for sending information not requiring a response
(free-running, idle), the Requesting PINX shall send a synchronizationInfo invoke APDU, and remain in state SYNC-Active.
In state SYNC-Active, if the Synchronization Entity requests for sending information requiring a response from the Destination
PINX (enslavement or holdon request), the Requesting PINX shall send a synchronizationRequest invoke APDU, Start timer
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ISOkIEC 15507: 1997 (E)
Tl, and enter state SYNC-Wait. In state SYNC-Wait, on receipt of the synchronizationRequest retum result APDU from the
Destination PINX, the Requesting PINX shall convey the result to the Synchronization Entity, stop timer Tl, and enter state
In state SYNC-Wait, if the connection is released, the Requesting PINX shall inform its Synchronization Entity, stop timer Tl,
and enter state SYNC-Idle. In state SYNC-Active, if the connection is released by the adjacent PINX, the Requesting PINX
shall inform Synchronization Entity and enter state SYNC-Idle. Exceptional procedures
In state SYNC-Wait, on receipt of the synchronizationRequest retum error or reject APDU from the Destination PINX, the
Requesting PINX shall inform the Synchronization Entity, stop timer Tl, and enter state SYNC-Active. If timer Tl expires in
state SYNC-Wait, the Requesting PINX shall inform the Synchronization Entity, and enter state SYNC-Active.
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