Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Name identification supplementary services

ISO/IEC 13868:2003 specifies the signalling protocol for the support of name identification supplementary services at the Q reference point between Private Integrated services Network eXchanges (PINXs) connected together within a Private Integrated Services Network (PISN). The name identification supplementary services are Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP) and Connected Name Identification Presentation (SS-CONP). Calling Name Identification Presentation (CNIP) is a supplementary service which is offered to the called user and which provides the name of the calling user (calling party name) to the called user. Connected Name Identification Presentation (CONP) is a supplementary service which is offered to the calling user and which provides to the calling user the following: the name of the user who answers the call (connected party name); optionally the name of the alerting user (called party name); optionally the name of the called user who cannot be reached (busy party name). The supplementary service Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction (CNIR) has no impact on the signalling at Q reference point. Provision of a user's name to the PISN is outside the scope of ISO/IEC 13868:2003. The Q reference point is defined in ISO/IEC 11579-1. Service specifications are produced in three stages according to the method specified in ETS 300 387. ISO/IEC 13868:2003 contains the stage 3 specification for the Q reference point and satisfies the requirements identified by the stage 1 and stage 2 specifications in ISO/IEC 13864.

Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications et échange d'information entre systèmes — Réseau privé à intégration de services — Protocole de signalisation d'interéchange — Services supplémentaires d'identification de nom

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ISO/IEC 13868:2003 - Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Private Integrated Services Network -- Inter-exchange signalling protocol -- Name identification supplementary services
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Second edition

Information technology —
Telecommunications and information
exchange between systems — Private
Integrated Services Network —
Inter-exchange signalling protocol —
Name identification supplementary
Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications et échange
d'information entre systèmes — Réseau privé à intégration de
services — Protocole de signalisation d'interéchange — Services
supplémentaires d'identification de nom

Reference number
ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
ISO/IEC 2003

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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
Foreword v
Introduction vi
1 Scope 1
2 Conformance 1
3 Normative references 1
4 Terms and definitions             2
4.1 External definitions 2
4.2 Name 3
5 Acronyms 3
6 SS-CNIP and SS-CONP Coding Requirements 4
6.1 Operations 4
6.2 Information Elements 6
6.3 Messages 6
7 Signalling Protocol for the Support of SS-CNIP 6
7.1 SS-CNIP Description 6
7.2 SS-CNIP Operational Requirements 7
Requirements on the Originating PINX and the Incoming Gateway PINX
7.2.1 7
7.2.2 Requirements on the Terminating PINX and the Outgoing Gateway PINX 7
7.2.3 Requirements on a Transit PINX 7
7.3 SS-CNIP State Definitions 7
7.4 SS-CNIP Signalling Procedures for Invocation and Operation 7
7.4.1 Actions at the Originating PINX 7
7.4.2 Actions at the Terminating PINX 7
7.4.3 Actions at a Transit PINX 8
SS-CNIP Impact of Interworking with Public ISDNs or with Non-ISDNs
7.5 8
7.5.1 Actions at the Incoming Gateway PINX 8
7.5.2 Actions at the Outgoing Gateway PINX 8
7.6 Protocol interactions between SS-CNIP and other supplementary services and ANFs 8
7.6.1 Connected Name Identification Presentation (SS-CONP) 8
7.6.2 Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers (SS-CCBS) 8
7.6.3 Completion of Calls on No Reply (SS-CCNR) 8
7.6.4 Call Transfer (SS-CT) 8
7.6.5 Call Forwarding Unconditional (SS-CFU) 8
7.6.6 Call Forwarding Busy (SS-CFB) 8
7.6.7 Call Forwarding No Reply (SS-CFNR) 8
7.6.8 Call Deflection (SS-CD) 8
7.6.9 Path Replacement (ANF-PR) 9
8 Signalling Protocol for the Support of SS-CONP 9
8.1 SS-CONP General Description 9
8.2 SS-CONP Operational Requirements 9
8.2.1 Requirements on the Terminating PINX and the Outgoing Gateway PINX 9
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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
8.2.2 Requirements on the Originating PINX and the Incoming Gateway PINX 9
8.2.3 Requirements on a Transit PINX 9
8.3 SS-CONP State Definitions 9
8.4 SS-CONP Signalling Procedures for Invocation and Operation 9
8.4.1 Actions at the Terminating PINX 9
8.4.2 Actions at the Originating PINX 10
8.4.3 Actions at a Transit PINX 11
8.5 SS-CONP Impact of Interworking with Public ISDNs or with Non-ISDNs 11
8.5.1 Actions at the Outgoing Gateway PINX 11
8.5.2 Actions at the Incoming Gateway PINX 11
8.6 Protocol Interaction between SS-CONP and other supplementary service and ANFs 11
8.6.1 Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP) 11
Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers (SS-CCBS)
8.6.2 11
8.6.3 Completion of Calls on No Reply (SS-CCNR) 11
8.6.4 Call Transfer (SS-CT) 11
8.6.5 Call Forwarding Unconditional (SS-CFU) 11
8.6.6 Call Forwarding Busy (SS-CFB) 11
8.6.7 Call Forwarding No Reply (SS-CFNR) 12
8.6.8 Call Deflection (SS-CD) 12
8.6.9 Path Replacement (ANF-PR) 12
A - Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma 13
B - Specification and Description Language (SDL) Representation 18
C - ASN.1 definitions according to ITU-T Recs. X.208 / X.209 24
iv © ISO/IEC 2003 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the
specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with
particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In
the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by
the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires
approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and
IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 13868 was prepared by ECMA (as ECMA-164) and was adopted, under a special “fast-track procedure”, by Joint
Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, in parallel with its approval by national bodies of ISO and IEC.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 13868:1995), which has been technically revised.
© ISO/IEC 2003 – All rights reserved v

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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
This International Standard is one of a series of Standards defining services and signalling protocols applicable to Private
Integrated Services Networks (PISNs). The series uses ISDN concepts as developed by ITU-T and conforms to the framework
of International Standards for Open Systems Interconnection as defined by ISO/IEC.
This International Standard specifies the signalling protocol for use at the Q reference point in support of the Calling Name
Identification Presentation (CNIP) and Connected Name Identification Presentation (CONP) supplementary services. The
protocol defined in this International Standard forms part of the PSS1 protocol (informally known as QSIG).
This International Standard is based upon the practical experience of ECMA member companies and the results of their active
and continuous participation in the work of ISO/IEC JTC 1, ITU-T, ETSI and other international and national standardization
bodies. It represents a pragmatic and widely based consensus.
vi © ISO/IEC 2003 – All rights reserved

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Information technology — Telecommunications and information
exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network —
Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Name identification supplementary
This International Standard specifies the signalling protocol for the support of name identification supplementary services at the
Q reference point between Private Integrated services Network eXchanges (PINXs) connected together within a Private
Integrated Services Network (PISN). The name identification supplementary services are Calling Name Identification
Presentation (SS-CNIP) and Connected Name Identification Presentation (SS-CONP).
Calling Name Identification Presentation (CNIP) is a supplementary service which is offered to the called user and which
provides the name of the calling user (calling party name) to the called user.
Connected Name Identification Presentation (CONP) is a supplementary service which is offered to the calling user and which
provides to the calling user the following:
- the name of the user who answers the call (connected party name);
- optionally the name of the alerting user (called party name);
- optionally the name of the called user who cannot be reached (busy party name).
The supplementary service Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction (CNIR) has no impact on the signalling at Q
reference point.
Provision of a user's name to the PISN is outside the scope of this International Standard.
The Q reference point is defined in ISO/IEC 11579-1.
Service specifications are produced in three stages according to the method specified in ETS 300 387. This International
Standard contains the stage 3 specification for the Q reference point and satisfies the requirements identified by the stage 1 and
stage 2 specifications in ISO/IEC 13864.
The signalling protocol for SS-CNIP and SS-CONP operates on top of the signalling protocol for basic circuit switched call
control, as specified in ISO/IEC 11572, and uses certain aspects of the generic procedures for the control of supplementary
services specified in ISO/IEC 11582.
This International Standard also specifies additional signalling protocol requirements for the support of interactions at Q
reference point between name identification supplementary services and other supplementary services and ANFs.
This International Standard is applicable to PINXs which can be interconnected to form a PISN.
2 Conformance
In order to conform to this International Standard, a PINX shall satisfy the requirements identified in the Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma in annex A.
3 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the
edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1
ISO/IEC 8859-2:1999, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 2: Latin alphabet No. 2
ISO/IEC 8859-3:1999, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 3: Latin alphabet No. 3
ISO/IEC 8859-4:1998, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 4: Latin alphabet No. 4
© ISO/IEC 2003 – All rights reserved 1

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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
ISO/IEC 8859-5:1999, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 5: Latin/Cyrillic alphabet
ISO 8859-7:1987, Information processing - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 7: Latin/Greek alphabet
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000, Information technology - Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) - Part 1: Architecture
and Basic Multilingual Plane
ISO/IEC 11572:2000, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private
Integrated Services Network - Circuit mode bearer services - Inter-exchange signalling procedures and protocol
ISO/IEC 11574:2000, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private
Integrated Services Network - Circuit-mode 64 kbit/s bearer services - Service description, functional capabilities and
information flows
ISO/IEC 11579-1:1994, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private
integrated services network - Part 1: Reference configuration for PISN Exchanges (PINX)
ISO/IEC 11582:2002, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private
Integrated Services Network - Generic functional protocol for the support of supplementary services - Inter-exchange
signalling procedures and protocol
ISO/IEC 13864:1995, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private
Integrated Services Network - Specification, functional model and information flows - Name identification supplementary
ISO/IEC 13869:2003, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private
Integrated Services Network - Inter-exchange signalling protocol - Call Transfer supplementary service
ISO/IEC 13873:2003, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private
Integrated Services Network - Inter-exchange signalling protocol - Call Diversion supplementary services
ETS 300 387:1994, Private Telecommunication Network (PTN); Method for the specification of basic and supplementary
ITU-T Rec. I.112:1993, Vocabulary of terms for ISDNs
ITU-T Rec. I.210:1993, Principles of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and the means to describe them
ITU-T Rec. Z.100:1999, Specification and description language (SDL)
ANSI T1.641-1995, American National Standard for Telecommunications - Calling Name Identification Presentation
4 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
4.1 External definitions
This International Standard uses the following terms defined in other documents:
- Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) (ISO/IEC 11582)
- Basic Service (ITU-T Rec. I.210)
- Call, Basic Call (ISO/IEC 11582)
- Coordination Function (ISO/IEC 11582)
- Incoming Gateway PINX (ISO/IEC 11572)
- Integrated Services Digital Network (ITU-T Rec. I.112)
- Originating PINX (ISO/IEC 11572)
- Outgoing Gateway PINX (ISO/IEC 11572)
- Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) (ISO/IEC 11579-1)
- Private Integrated services Network eXchange (PINX) (ISO/IEC 11579-1)
- Signalling (ITU-T Rec. I.112)
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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
- Supplementary Service (ITU-T Rec. I.210)
- Supplementary Service Control Entity (ISO/IEC 11582)
- Terminating PINX (ISO/IEC 11572)
- Transit PINX (ISO/IEC 11572)
- User (ISO/IEC 11574)
4.2 Name
A string of maximum 50 characters which is used for the name identification of the PISN user of a call.
5 Acronyms
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
NFE Network Facility Extension
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PISN Private Integrated Services Network
PINX Private Integrated services Network eXchange
SDL Specification and Description Language
SSCE Supplementary Service Control Entity
SS-CNIP Calling Name Identification Presentation supplementary service
SS-CONP Connected Name Identification Presentation supplementary service
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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
6 SS-CNIP and SS-CONP Coding Requirements

6.1 Operations
The operations defined in Abstract Syntax Notation number 1 (ASN.1) in table 1 shall apply. The notation is in accordance
with ITU-T Rec. X.680 and X.690. The ITU-T Rec. X.208 and X.209 superseded version is in annex C.
Table 1 - Operations in Support of SS-CNIP and SS-CONP
{ iso ( 1) standard ( 0) pss1-name (13868) name-operations-asn1-97( 1) }




OPERATION FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects
 {joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)}

EXTENSION, Extension{} FROM Manufacturer-specific-service-extension-class-asn1-97
{ iso standard pss1-generic-procedures (11582) msi-class-asn1-97 ( 11) };

Name-Operations OPERATION ::= { callingName | calledName | connectedName | busyName }

callingName OPERATION ::= {
 CODE local: 0

calledName OPERATION ::= {
 CODE local: 1

connectedName OPERATION ::= {
 CODE local: 2

busyName OPERATION ::= {
 CODE local: 3

4 © ISO/IEC 2003 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
Table 1 - Operations in Support of SS-CNIP and SS-CONP (continued)
NameArg ::= CHOICE {
 name Name,
 nameSequence SEQUENCE {
 name Name,
 extension NameExtension OPTIONAL

NameExtension ::= CHOICE {
single [5] IMPLICIT Extension{{NameExtensionSet}},
multiple [6] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Extension{{NameExtensionSet}}

NameExtensionSet EXTENSION ::= {.}

Name     ::= CHOICE
{namePresentationAllowed NamePresentationAllowed,
nameNotAvailable NameNotAvailable }

NamePresentationAllowed ::= CHOICE
{ namePresentationAllowedSimple [0] IMPLICIT NameData,
namePresentationAllowedExtended [1] IMPLICIT NameSet }
-- iso8859-1 is implied in namePresentationAllowedSimple.

NamePresentationRestricted ::= CHOICE
{ namePresentationRestrictedSimple [2] IMPLICIT NameData,
namePresentationRestrictedExtended [3] IMPLICIT NameSet,
namePresentationRestrictedNull [7] IMPLICIT NULL}
-- iso8859-1 is implied in namePresentationRestrictedSimple.
-- namePresentationRestrictedNull shall only be used in the
-- case of interworking where the other network provides an
-- indication that the name is restricted without the name itself.

NameNotAvailable ::= [4] IMPLICIT NULL

NameData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1.50))
-- The maximum allowed size of the name field is 50 octets.
-- The minimum required size of the name field is 1 octet.

NameSet ::= SEQUENCE
characterSet CharacterSet OPTIONAL }
-- If characterSet is not included, iso8859-1 is implied.

CharacterSet ::= INTEGER
    { unknown (0),
iso8859-1 (1),
-- The character set "iso8859-1" is specified in International
-- Standard ISO 8859-1
-- The value 2 was assigned for CCITT Rec. T.61
-- which has been withdrawn by ITU-T.
iso8859-2 (3),
-- The character set “iso8859-2” is specified in International
-- Standard ISO 8859-2
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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
Table 1 - Operations in Support of SS-CNIP and SS-CONP (concluded)
iso8859-3 (4),
--The character set “iso8859-3” is specified in International
-- Standard ISO 8859-3
iso8859-4 (5),
--The character set “iso8859-4” is specified in International
-- Standard ISO 8859-4
iso8859-5 (6),
--The character set “iso8859-5” is specified in International
-- Standard ISO 8859-5
iso8859-7 (7),
--The character set “iso8859-7” is specified in International
-- Standard ISO 8859-7
iso10646-BmpString (8),
-- The character set “iso10646-BmpString” is specified in International
-- Standard ISO 10646-1 and in ITU-T Rec. X.680
-- with this character set, each character occupies 2 octets in NameData
iso10646-utf-8String (9)
-- The character set “iso10646-utf-8String” is specified in International
-- Standard ISO 10646-1
-- UTF-8-String is defined in Annex R of ISO 10646-1
-- with this character set, each character occupies a variable
-- number of octets (1…6) in NameData
 } (0.255)
-- Other character sets might be added in further editions of
-- this International Standard

END -- of Name-Operations-asn1-97

6.2 Information Elements
The operations defined in 6.1 for the support of SS-CNIP and SS-CONP shall be coded in the Facility information element in
accordance with ISO/IEC 11582.
When conveying the invoke APDU of the operations defined in 6.1, the destinationEntity data element of the NFE shall contain
value endPINX. The Interpretation APDU in the Facility information element shall be included and shall have the value
"discardAnyUnrecognisedInvokeAPDU (0)".
6.3 Messages
and SETUP shall be used for conveying the Facility information element in support of SS-CNIP and SS-CONP as specified in
ISO/IEC 11582.
7 Signalling Protocol for the Support of SS-CNIP
7.1 SS-CNIP Description
Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP) is a supplementary service which is offered to the called user and which
provides the name of the calling user to the called user.
The PISN provides the calling user's name and delivers the calling user's name to the called user whenever an incoming call is
The presentation of the calling user's name may be restricted as specified in SS-CNIR. Some users may have a service profile
which permits the override of calling name identification restriction.
This supplementary service is applicable to all basic services, defined in ISO/IEC 11574.
6 © ISO/IEC 2003 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
7.2 SS-CNIP Operational Requirements
7.2.1 Requirements on the Originating PINX and the Incoming Gateway PINX
Call establishment procedures, as specified in ISO/IEC 11572, shall apply. Additionally, these PINXs shall be responsible for
obtaining the name information. An Originating PINX may limit, to less than 50, the number of characters that can be
registered against a user.
Generic procedures for the call related control of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for a Source PINX,
shall apply.
7.2.2 Requirements on the Terminating PINX and the Outgoing Gateway PINX
Call establishment procedures, as specified in ISO/IEC 11572, shall apply. Additionally, these PINXs shall be responsible for
delivering the name information to the user or to the other network.
Generic procedures for the call related control of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for a Destination
PINX, shall apply.

7.2.3 Requirements on a Transit PINX
Call establishment procedures, as specified in ISO/IEC 11572, shall apply.
Generic procedures for the call related control of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for a Transit PINX,
shall apply.
7.3 SS-CNIP State Definitions
No specific state definitions are required.
7.4 SS-CNIP Signalling Procedures for Invocation and Operation
7.4.1 Actions at the Originating PINX Normal procedures
If the calling user's name is available and presentation is allowed, the callingName invoke APDU shall be sent in the SETUP
message from the Originating PINX to the Terminating PINX. Within the argument, the NamePresentationAllowed type shall
be chosen for the element of type Name.
If the calling user's name is available and presentation is restricted, the callingName invoke APDU shall also be sent in the
SETUP message from the Originating PINX to the Terminating PINX. Within the argument, the NamePresentationRestricted
type shall be chosen for the element of type Name.
If the calling user's name is not available, the callingName invoke APDU may be sent in the SETUP message from the
Originating PINX to the Terminating PINX. Within the argument, the NameNotAvailable type shall be chosen for the element
of type Name. Exceptional procedures
Not applicable.
7.4.2 Actions at the Terminating PINX Normal procedures
If the callingName invoke APDU has been received with an element of type NamePresentationAllowed in the argument, the
name information including the presentation indicator shall be delivered to the called user if able and authorized to receive the
calling name information
If the callingName invoke APDU has been received with an element of type NamePresentationRestricted in the argument, no
name information other than the presentation indictor shall be delivered to the called user, unless the called user has an override
If either the callingName invoke APDU has not been received or the callingName invoke APDU has been received with an
element of type NameNotAvailable in the argument, no name information other than the presentation indicator "name not
available" shall be delivered to the called user. Exceptional procedures
Not applicable.
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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
7.4.3 Actions at a Transit PINX
No special actions are required in support of SS-CNIP.
7.5 SS-CNIP Impact of Interworking with Public ISDNs or with Non-ISDNs
7.5.1 Actions at the Incoming Gateway PINX
On calls incoming from another network, if the other network provides the calling user's name information, it shall be sent to
the Terminating PINX as specified in 7.4.1 (the Incoming Gateway PINX thereby acting as an Originating PINX). If the other
network does not provide the calling user name, but provide an indication that the calling user name is restricted, the incoming
gateway PINX shall include the callingName invoke APDU in the SETUP message sent to the Terminating PINX. Within the
argument, choice namePresentationRestrictedNull of type NamePresentationRestricted shall be chosen for the element of type
If the number of characters in the calling party name exceeds 50, the PINX shall truncate the excess characters.
A public network may send delayed calling user’s name information (e.g. in a FACILITY message subsequent to sending the
SETUP message when conforming to ANSI T1.641-1995). In this case, the Incoming Gateway PINX may include the name
information in a callingName invoke APDU in a FACILITY message and send it to the Terminating PINX, after the first
backwards end-to-end message (i.e. ALERTING, PROGRESS or CONNECT) has been received. As defined in 6.2, the
Interpretation APDU shall be included in the Facility information element in that FACILITY message and shall have the value
“discardAnyUnrecognisedInvokeAPDU (0)”.
7.5.2 Actions at the Outgoing Gateway PINX
On outgoing calls to another network, the PISN shall deliver the calling user's name information to the other network as
specified in 7.4.2 (the Outgoing Gateway PINX thereby acting as a Terminating PINX), if the other network supports an
equivalent supplementary service.
7.6 Protocol interactions between SS-CNIP and other supplementary services and ANFs
This clause specifies protocol interactions with other supplementary services and ANFs for which stage 3 standards had been
published at the time of publication of this International Standard. For interactions with supplementary services and ANFs for
which stage 3 standards are published subsequent to the publication of this International Standard, see those other stage 3
NOTE 1 - Simultaneous conveyance of APDUs for SS-CNIP and another supplementary service or ANF in the same message, each in
accordance with the requirements of its respective stage 3 standard, does not, on its own, constitute a protocol interaction.
NOTE 2 - Additional interactions that have no impact on the signalling protocol at the Q reference point can be found in the relevant stage 1
7.6.1 Connected Name Identification Presentation (SS-CONP)
No protocol interaction.
7.6.2 Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers (SS-CCBS)
No protocol interaction.
7.6.3 Completion of Calls on No Reply (SS-CCNR)
No protocol interaction.
7.6.4 Call Transfer (SS-CT)
Protocol interactions are specified in ISO/IEC 13869.
7.6.5 Call Forwarding Unconditional (SS-CFU)
Protocol interactions are specified in ISO/IEC 13873.
7.6.6 Call Forwarding Busy (SS-CFB)
Protocol interactions are specified in ISO/IEC 13873.
7.6.7 Call Forwarding No Reply (SS-CFNR)
Protocol interactions are specified in ISO/IEC 13873.
7.6.8 Call Deflection (SS-CD)
The protocol interactions with Call Deflection Immediate shall be as specified in 7.6.5 for interaction with SS-CFU.
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ISO/IEC 13868:2003(E)
The protocol interactions with Call Deflection from Alert shall be as specified in 7.6.7 for interaction with SS-CFNR.
7.6.9 Path Replacement (ANF-PR)
No protocol interaction.
8 Signalling Protocol for the Support of SS-CONP
8.1 SS-CONP General Description
Connected Name identification Presentation (SS-CONP) is a supplementary service which is offered to the calling user and
which provides to the calling user the following:
the name of the user that answers the call;
optionally the name of the alerting user;
optionally the name of the called user that cannot be reached.
The PISN provides the connected user's name and delivers the connected user's name to the calling user whenever an incoming
call is answered by the called user.
Optionally, the PISN provides the name of the busy user and delivers the name to the calling user whenever the called user
cannot be re

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