Telecommunications and exchange between information technology systems — Requirements for local and metropolitan area networks — Part 1AR: Secure device identity

This standard specifies unique per-device identifiers (DevID) and the management and cryptographic binding of a device to its identifiers, the relationship between an initially installed identity and subsequent locally significant identities, and interfaces and methods for use of DevIDs with existing and new provisioning and authentication protocols.

Télécommunications et échange entre systèmes informatiques — Exigences pour les réseaux locaux et métropolitains — Partie 1AR: Identité de dispositif sécurisé

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020 - Telecommunications and exchange between information technology systems -- Requirements for local and metropolitan area networks
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Second edition
Telecommunications and exchange
between information technology
systems — Requirements for local and
metropolitan area networks —
Part 1AR:
Secure device identity
Télécommunications et échange entre systèmes informatiques —
Exigences pour les réseaux locaux et métropolitains —
Partie 1AR: Identité de dispositif sécurisé
Reference number
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
 IEEE 2018

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)

© IEEE 2018
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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
Title pageTitle page
IEEE Std 802.1AR-2018
(Revision of
IEEE Std 802.1AR-2009)
IEEE Standard for
Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—
Secure Device Identity
LAN/MAN Standards Committee
of the
IEEE Computer Society
Approved 14 June 2018
IEEE-SA Standards Board

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
Abstract: A Secure Device Identifier (DevID) is cryptographically bound to a device and supports
authentication of the device’s identity. An Initial Device Identifier (IDevID) provide by the supplier of
a device can be supplemented by Local Device Identifiers (LDevIDs) facilitating enrollment
(provisioning of authentication and authorization credentials) by local network administrators.
Keywords: access control, authentication, authorization, certificate, IEEE 802.1AR, LANs, local
area networks, MAC security, MANs, metropolitan area networks, PKI, port-based network access
control, secure association, Secure Device Identifier, security, X.509
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
Copyright © 2018 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 2 August 2018. Printed in the United States of America.
IEEE and 802 are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.
PDF: ISBN 978-1-5044-5019-5 STD23186
Print: ISBN 978-1-5044-5020-1 STDPD23186
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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
At the time this standard was completed, the IEEE 802.1 working group had the following membership:
Glenn Parsons, Chair
John Messenger, Vice Chair
Mick Seaman, Security Task Group Chair, Editor
SeoYoung Baek Marc Holness Karen Randall
Shenghua Bao Lu Huang Maximilian Riegel
Jens Bierschenk Tony Jeffree Dan Romascanu
Michael Johas Teener
Steinar Bjornstad Jessy V. Rouyer
Christian Boiger Hal Keen Eero Ryytty
Paul Bottorff Stephan Kehrer Soheil Samii
David Chen Philippe Klein Behcet Sarikaya
Feng Chen Jouni Korhonen Frank Schewe
Weiying Cheng Yizhou Li Johannes Specht
Rodney Cummings Christophe Mangin Wilfried Steiner
János Farkas Tom McBeath Patricia Thaler
Norman Finn James McIntosh Paul Unbehagen
Geoffrey Garner Tero Mustala Hao Wang
Eric W. Gray Hiroki Nakano Karl Weber
Bob Noseworthy
Craig Gunther Brian Weis
Marina Gutierrez Donald R. Pannell Jordon Woods
Stephen Haddock Walter Pienciak Nader Zein
Mark Hantel Michael Potts Helge Zinner
Patrick Heffernan Juan Carlos Zuniga
The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
Thomas Alexander Russell Housley James Reilly
Johann Amsenga Noriyuki Ikeuchi Maximilian Riegel
Atsushi Ito
Butch Anton Robert Robinson
Stefan Aust Raj Jain Jessy Rouyer
Christian Boiger SangKwon Jeong Reinhard Schrage
Paul Bottorff Manabu Kagami Mick Seaman
Piotr Karocki Daniel Smith
Nancy Bravin
Vern Brethour Stuart Kerry Dorothy Stanley
Demetrio Jr Bucaneg Yongbum Kim Thomas Starai
William Byrd Jeff Koftinoff Walter Struppler
Hyeong Ho Lee Gerald Stueve
Juan Carreon
Yesenia Cevallos James Lepp Mitsutoshi Sugawara
Keith Chow Jon Lewis Bo Sun
Charles Cook Michael Lynch Patrik Sundstrom
Elvis Maculuba Mark-Rene Uchida
Sourav Dutta
Donald Eastlake, III John Messenger Dmitri Varsanofiev
Janos Farkas Michael Montemurro George Vlantis
Andrew Fieldsend Ronald Murias Khurram Waheed
Satoshi Obara Hao Wang
Yukihiro Fujimoto
David Goodall Thomas Palkert Lisa Ward
Eric W. Gray Bansi Patel Karl Weber
Randall Groves Arumugam Paventhan Brian Weis
Michael Gundlach Clinton Powell Andreas Wolf
Stephen Haddock Karen Randall Chun Yu Charles Wong
Marco Hernandez R. K. Rannow Dayin Xu
Werner Hoelzl Alon Regev Yunsong Yang
Rita Horner Oren Yuen
Copyright © 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 14 June 2018, it had the following
Jean-Philippe Faure, Chair
Gary Hoffman, Vice-Chair
John D. Kulick, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary
Ted Burse
Xiaohui Liu Robby Robson
Guido R. Hiertz Dorothy Stanley
Kevin Lu
Christel Hunter Daleep Mohla Mehmet Ulema
Joseph L. Koepfinger* Andrew Myles Phil Wennblom
Thomas Koshy Paul Nikolich Philip Winston
Hung Ling Ronald C. Petersen Howard Wolfman
Jingyi Zhou
Annette D. Reilly
Dong Liu
*Member Emeritus
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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 802.1AR-2018, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area
Networks—Secure Device Identity.
This standard specifies Secure Device Identifiers (DevIDs) for use with IEEE Std 802.1X [B1] and other
industry standards and protocols that authenticate, provision, and authorize communicating devices.
Each DevID comprises an RFC 5280 conformant X.509 certificate that identifies the subject device and can
include authorization information signed by the certificate’s issuer, a secret private key that corresponds to
the certificate’s subject public key, and any certificate chain required to facilitate the certificate’s use. A
device’s DevID module stores each of its DevID secrets securely and supports signing operations that prove
possession of the secret (and thus that the device is the subject of the associated DevID certificate), while
ensuring that the secret remains confidential so the device cannot be impersonated by others.
An Initial Device Identifier (IDevID) provided by a device’s supplier can be supplemented by one or more
Local Device Identifiers (LDevIDs), each using an existing or a freshly generated secret, facilitating
enrollment (provisioning of authentication and authorization credentials to authenticated devices) by a local
network administrator.
The first edition of IEEE Std 802.1AR was published in 2009. This revision added the ECDSA
P-384/SHA-384 signature suite option; removed the RSA-2048/OPAQUE option (that permitted the use of
an undisclosed hash function); restructured the document to enable future signature suite changes, for clarity
(particularly in conformance statements and the PICS), and revised the MIB. A DevID module can now
implement more than one signature suite (facilitating interoperability and the use of a device in different
authentication environments) and additional service operations (that do not conflict with mandatory
requirements) as long as these are disclosed (facilitating backwards compatibility and support of DevID
functionality by other modules, e.g., TPM).
Numbers in brackets correspond to entries in the Bibliography in Annex C.
Copyright © 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
1. Overview. 13
1.1 Scope. 14
1.2 Purpose. 14
1.3 Relationship to other standards. 14
2. Normative references. 15
3. Definitions . 17
4. Acronyms and abbreviations . 20
5. Conformance. 22
5.1 Requirements terminology. 22
5.2 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement. 22
5.3 Required capabilities. 22
5.4 Optional capabilities . 23
5.5 Supplier information . 23
6. Secure Device Identifiers (DevIDs) and their use . 25
6.1 DevID secrets. 26
6.2 DevID certificates . 26
6.3 DevID certificate chains . 28
6.4 DevID Trust Model. 28
6.5 Privacy considerations . 30
7. DevID Modules. 31
7.1 DevID module functionality .31
7.2 DevID Service Interface . 33
7.3 DevID Management Interface . 37
8. DevID certificate fields and extensions . 38
8.1 version. 39
8.2 serialNumber. 39
8.3 signature. 39
8.4 issuer . 39
8.5 validity . 39
8.6 subject . 40
8.7 subjectPublicKeyInfo. 40
8.8 signatureAlgorithm . 40
8.9 signatureValue . 40
8.10 extensions. 40
9. DevID signature suites. 42
9.1 RSA-2048/SHA-256. 43
9.2 ECDSA P-256/SHA-256 . 44
9.3 ECDSA P-384/SHA-384 . 45
10. DevID MIB . 46
10.1 Internet-Standard Management Framework . 46
10.2 Relationship to other MIB modules. 46
10.3 Structure of the MIB module . 46
10.4 Security considerations . 47
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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2020(E)
10.5 Definitions for Secure Device Identifier MIB . 48
Annex A (normative) PICS proforma. 60
A.1 Introduction. 60
A.2 Abbreviations and special symbols. 60
A.3 Instructions for completing the PICS proforma. 61
A.4 PICS proforma for IEEE 802.1AR .

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